My Brother's Best Friend (A H...

By illusionharryy

380K 7.2K 1K

"Leave me alone! Just stop!" I tried to push Harry away but he stood still. "Why do you hate me?" He asked, s... More

My Brother's Best Friend (A Harry Styles Fanfic)
Encounters With The Lads
You Son Of A -
The Favour
I Can't Believe I Have To Do This
The Beginning Of A War
Do I Look Scared?
A Game
Awake Past Twelve
You Owe Me An Apology
Guitar Strings
Ouch, Right in The Sac
Excuse Me, Don't You Have Any Respect For Me?
Calm Your Titties!
Looking Like A Hobo
Keep It Rated G
Bugs, Ew Bugs!
A Weird Surprise
Let Me Speak
No I'm Not Drowning
About the next chapter..
Mmmm, S'mores!
Drunk In The Forest
A Girl Fight
Home Sweet Home.

Meeting The Others

9.9K 219 25
By illusionharryy

Lauren's P.O.V.

"Hmmm." I did 180 twists in front of the mirror, checking myself out. "Does this outfit look okay, Syanne?" I asked, turning around. She looked at me from her iPhone screen, flashing a thumbs up.


"I'm so nervous." I muttered.

Dan has called me in to meet with the other members of the cast, for Victorious.

"Don't be nervous."

"How?! I can't do this!" I exclaimed, running my fingers through my red hair. "What if the cast doesn't like me?"

"Why do you think that?" She asked, curious.

"Because I'm... Me."

"Yeah, and your perfect. Listen, Lauren. They'll love you. Everyone loves you, okay?"

"Except for Harry." I muttered.

"He's a different story." She laughed. "Your beautiful Lauren." Funny, charming and an amazing actress. Remember that time in Year 5 when we tried out for the school play and you got the main role and I didn't?"

"Uh huh?" Where is this going now.

"I was jealous of you. Jealous of the fact that you had all the guys falling head over heels for you. I wanted to be you." She poked my stomach.

"Why didn't I know this before, Syanne? You have nothing to be jealous of. Your beautiful, smart and have a great sense of humour."

"Well, I never had the right chance to tell you." She shrugged her shoulders. "And now I did."

Our little bonding moment was cut off when Harry walked in. "Niall's wondering if your ready-" He paused, eyeing my outfit. "Your dressed like a slut."

"Shut up Harry." Syanne rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure all the guys will be staring at your ugly body, Lauren. Cover up." He chuckled to himself, ignoring Syanne.

"Get out, you arse. Your jealous other guys will be looking at my toned body."

"T-toned?" He scoffed. "Why would I be jealous when I have my guns?" He smirked, flexing his arms.

"Get out, arsehole."

Harry continued to ramble on, ignoring what I'd just said.

"I said get out!"

He froze, shocked. His mouth was agape, arms going up, surrendering. "Calm down. I'm going." He rolled his eyes and walked out.

I just received my daily dose of 'Fight With Harry.'


Harry's P.O.V.

Huh. Feisty girl.


Lauren's P.O.V.

"Zayn, so you know where Niall went?" I asked, slipping on my shoes.

"He's out back, waiting for you in the car." He replied.

"Okay. Thanks."

I unlocked the door, stepping out. "Good luck! Have fun!" I heard Louis shout from the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I called back, heading towards the door. I opened the door, sitting down inside.

"What took you so long?" Niall questioned, starting up the car.

I pursed my lips, turning the radio to my favourite station. "Oh nothing. Just a little quarrel with Harold."

"Lauren." Niall muttered, rubbing his temples. "I just told you to try and get along with Harry."

"He's the one who walked into my room, and criticized my attire!" I spat back.

Niall eyed my outfit. "I have to agree with him on this. You should have worn a different outfit. I don't like it."

"Oh, so now your going to agree with him on this?" My voice began to rise. "How wonderful."

"I'm just saying, Lauren." Niall spoke nonchalantly. He stopped at a red light.

I folded my arms, looking out the window.

I can't even get my own brother on my side.


"I'll let you know when to pick me up." I mumbled, shutting the door. Niall then drove away, the car completely out of sight.

I made my way towards the familiar building, the atmosphere feeling the same. The strong sent of vanilla air freshener hit me.

I sighed, smiling to myself. A place where I can be happy.

I saw a group of actors and actresses stand in front of Dan. He was in the middle of talking to them, then he looked up at me. "Lauren! Your here! Come join us."

The rest of the cast turned their head towards me. I walked over to them, and went to stand beside the brunette girl. "Hi, I'm Victoria Justice." She smiled, shaking hands with me.

"Lauren Horan, pleasure to meet you."

Then, I shook hand with another girl. "Hi, I'm Liz Gillies."

"Nice to meet you." I introduced myself. They seem like nice people.

"Alright, let's get started." Dan clapped.


"Lauren, can you sing this note for me?" A lady asked, pressing a key on the piano. I went on and sang it.

"Amazing job! You have a beautiful voice!"

"Thank you!" I grinned. I walked over to the sofa, and sat down beside Matt, who will be playing a boy named "Robbie."

"You have a nice voice." He smiled.

"You are an amazing actor." I countered back. I had to practice a scene from the first episode with him.


"What are guys up to?" Avan, another actor asked, who will be playing a guy named "Beck."

"Just chilling." I answered, leaning back.

"Sounds fun." He laughed. I shrugged my shoulders, grinning at him.

Dan walked over to all of us. "We have settled the date for the day of the shoot for the first eposode..." He went on. I listened attentively to his orders.

I can't wait to begin.


Comments? Fav part? Any predictions?

Hope you liked this chapter!!

Update coming soon! I will inbox everyone when I have updated x

See ya, my cupcakes :) :) :) xxx

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