This dance~ ( A Riley Mcdonou...

By Mikayluhhh

5.2K 106 18

A girl who has family problems meets a guy in her dance class named Riley Mcdonough. She had a huge fight wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

292 9 0
By Mikayluhhh

"What did you and your mother fight about again that it already made you run away?"

"Something that makes me happy again... *sighs* It's about dancing. she wants me to stop dancing."

"YOU. stop dancing? HA! imposible amiga! Dancing is your life. Even then you were a baby, you were already wobble dancing. If it even does count as dancing." She stated, laughing.

"Yeah. you're right. It's just a shame that I wouldn't be able to take those dance classes ever again."

"You know you could dance for the Owners of that dance school and get yourself a scholarship for the rest of the upcoming years."

"You know what, I didn't think of that. Maybe I will. but I'll think about it."

"C'mon let's go to your room and unload your stuff."


So we went up stairs and unload all my stuff inside my room which is across from Amy's. The room was purple and black, It had a walk in closet, A laptop and a bathroom. It was complete. It was great. Amy's dad was like a second dad to me. He's the best.


After we unload, we went downstairs to order McDonalds for dinner.

*After 45 minutes*

"Amy, Kayla! Dinner has arrived. come down here and eat your dinner!" Mr. Stewart.

"we'll be down in a minute,dad!" Amy yelled.

She tugged on my shirt and dragged down stairs to the living room and we ate our dinner while we watched our fave movie which was "21 Jump street".

Whule we were watching And having a food marathon with Amy, Mr. Stewart suddenly entered the room.

"What exactly happened with you and your mother, Mikayla?"

"She's being unbelievable as usual, Mr. Stewart."

"I'm sure whatever it is, you'll both work it out soon."

"I hope so, Mr. Stewart."

With that he left Amy and I and entered his bedroom.

"Anything interesting happened in your last dance class awhile ago?" Amy asked.

"Nothing really. the dance teacher just made us dance again but this time we were assigned with partners."

"Really? who were you assigned with?"

"Umm.. This Riley Mcdonough guy."

"Is he cute?"


"what'd I do?" She said trying to act all innocent.

"Nevermind. Let's just prepare for bed. I'm tired."

"Fine. you whiny baby." She said and threw a pillow at me.

I ignored that and we went to our separate rooms. I picked out a tank top and some shorts and then ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then went to sleep.


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I heard someoen yell while they jump on my bed.

I squinted my eyes and saw Amy already showered and dressed for the day. It was summer and she's already up? sheesh. My bestie is ridicoulous.

"I'm up! Now get off!" Then pushed her sending her to fall over on the carpet.

I stood and helped her up.

"Why are you waking me up? It's only 9am in morning." I said groaning.

"Dad said we could go shopping and he gave me 2 of his cards to spend!" She squealed.

"That sounds awesome. I'll just go and take a shower. Just go away and wait for me downstairs."

"Woah. Someone's not a morning person."

"Yeah now shoo!" Then pushed her out the door.

I quickly grabbed my towel and took a quick hot shower.

After, I went to my closet and grabbed A sea green sweater, black leggings and sea green Vans to match my sweater. After I dressed I grabbed my hair dryer and dried it less that 15 minutes and then curled my hair. After that, I grabbed my black bench bag and ran downstairs to see Amy walking back and forth impatiently waiting for me.

"What took you so long?!" She whined and dragged me to the car.

"It's like you're not used to me. You perfectly know how long I take to prepare for something."

"Next time, I'll wake you up first and then prepare myself, so we'd both be preparing instead of me waiting sor what seemed like an hour." She said and ran to the driver's seat.

It was silent during the car ride and we're 30 minutes away from the mall.

"So do you like this Riley guy?" Amy asked with a smug on her face.

"Dude, I just met the guy yesterday. What do you think?!" I said defending.

"I'll take that as a NO." She said giggling.

"You're such a weirdo."

"You love me so shut up." She said with a poker face on.

I wanted to laugh at her but I know it will only make things much worse than it is. I just can't wait to get to the mall and go shopping and get off this stupid topic about Riley.


"Have you found a dress yet?" I asked Amy as she rummaged through all the clothes.

"No not yet. I'm holding on to this Navy blue one but I'm still trying to find something is something better comes along. How bout you? Did you buy anything yet?" 

" Yeah. a pair of purple Vans."

"And?" She asked.

"Nope umm.. that's it."

"Then go find more stuff to buy!" She said and kicks my bum.

"Fine fine." I said laughing at her and trying to find more things to buy.


Did you guys like it? please. I need feed back and suggestions. :)

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