The Wolf Is My Killer (A Naru...

By kibalicious

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Aisha Inumaki was found by leaf ninja running away from Orochimaru, late at night. The Hokage allows her to s... More

Chapter 1: I Made A Deal With The Pervy Hokage
Chapter 2: Excuse Me Bitch-cakes?
Chapter 3: He Calls Me Cutie
Chapter 4: Zabuza Momochi Is My Buddy
Chapter 5: Kakashi Is A stupid, Old, Asshole
Chapter 6: I Hate Everyone With A Fiery Passion
Chapter 7: Awe! What A Cute SasuNaru Moment
Chapter 8: I'm A Food Ninja, Beware!
Chapter 9: Why Don't You Have Eyebrows?
Chapter 11: Well Fuck Me Sideways With A Lunchbox, We're Screwed!
Chapter 12: Dont. Ever. Call. Me. Short.
Chapter 13: Team 7 VS The Creepy-Ass Pedophile
Chapter 14: Someone Give The Boy A Gold Star
Chapter 15: Let Me At The Little Shit-Fuck!
Chapter 16: I'm A Fucking Rainbow Sent By The Gods
Chapter 17: Mr. Grouchy Pants And The Cunterpillar
Chapter 18: Chatting With Captain Obvious And The Hormonal Emo
Chapter 19: Mrs Inuzuka Doesnt Want Grandchildren...Yet
Chapter 20: The Hoe-Kage
Chapter 21: Tanaka Returns (You're Welcome Fangirls)
Chapter 22: Hey Lovebirds, I've Been Abducted By Aliens!
Chapter 23: Hide And Seek; Ready Or Not, Here I Come Uchiha!!
Chapter 24: Today Seriously Sucks
An Update (a/n)

Chapter 10: You Weird-Ass Little Fuckwad!

785 30 2
By kibalicious

  Third person's POV

  Haruzen Saratobi was enjoying his lovely afternoon when suddenly a flash of silver crashed through his roof and laid sprawled out on the floor. The Hokage stood up from his chair in alarm. "What is the meaning of this Kakashi!" He says slightly irritated. His roof now had a man sized hole and it made a mess.

  "...Uh...hello lord third.... Sorry to barge in like this...I was have some..complications with one of my students and I am now." The silver haired nin smiles shyly then gets up rubbing his sore back.

  "Oh? An who might be strong enough to send a supposivly skilled and elite jonin spiralling across my village?" Haruzen says in a mock tone.

  Kakashi blushes and rubs the back of his neck, "Aisha Inumaki actually..."

  The third hums in response then walks towards the window and looks out over the Hokage mountain. "Actually I've been meaning to speak to you about her. It's about the way she passed the test we gave her to see if she was ready for the chunin exams."

  Kakashi drops his hand and leans forward interested.

The Hokage turns around, "Bring him in," he calls out. The doors opened and two anbu black ops were dragging a chunin across the floor by his arms, while another chunin watched the one being dragged.

"Thank you, you may leave now. You too Izumo." They drop the ninja on the floor who Kakashi recognizes as Kotetsu Hagane. He looked bad. His hair was singed at the tips and he was covered in scratches. He was wide eyed and shaking.

"What happened?"

The third looked at the frightened chunin. They had already healed the powerful lighting burns and now he was just in shock because of what he had seen. He explained this to Kakashi. "And what did he see?"

Kotetsu stutters and speaks slowly, "...Her....right eye....silver...and had t-the...."

"Spit it out already!" Kakashi says eerily.

"She had the Sharingan!!"

  Aisha's POV

  "Achoo!" I sneezed. Then continued to lean against the stone wall beside me. We were waiting for Sakura before entering the academy.

  "Hey ya know what they say when you sneeze?! It means someone was talking about you, Aisha!" Naruto says.

  I merely glance at him then look away and shuffle my cards in my gloved hands. "Lucky me.." I mutter.

  I see Sakura walk towards us, finally here now. I find it odd that she was a little late. Maybe she's nervous about the chunin exa—wait, and I care why exactly? I think to myself. She looks at me and gives me a small smile before turning to Sasuke and Naruto. How dare she smile at me like I'm her friend or something. I seriously don't understand these genin sometimes.

  "Morning Sasuke!" She says in a strange tone. What's up with her? He grunts back a 'Hi' then walks forwards to the building in front of us.

  I am told it's the academy where the genin trained before they became official ninja and had school. It's a fairly big building and since I've never been here before and don't know where I'm going, so I have to follow behind my teammates.

  I cast Sakura a glance at the funny look she has on her face. Her brows were knit firmly together and she seemed lost in thought. She catches my eye then weakly smiles before moving ahead of me, through the doors.

  "Please let us through!" I hear a girl say up ahead. A small crowd has gathered around the scene and a door. I can't see over the people do to my rather short height. I push through the crowd until I'm at the front of it.

  A girl close to my age crouches on the floor. Her brown hair was tied in two knots and she wore a leaf headband on her forehead. Beside her was the ugliest green thing I've ever seen. With a bowl cut and intense eyebrows and eyeliner he looked like a goth coconut! Coconut boy wore a green suit with fuzzy orange leg warmers and bandages around his wrists. A red headband was tied around his waist.

  "We're supposed to go in there." The girl stands up referring to the door supposivly marked '301'. Two kids that looked a bit older than us blocked the way. The ones spiky brown hair looked kinda familiar.

  A smack was heard and the girl was sent staggering backwards. Whispers in the crowd spreads among the ninja. One of them mutters something. The boy with wild, spiky hair speaks up, "Did you say harsh? I'm doing you a favour and being nice to you so you don't have to go to the exams. This'll look like a picnic compared to them."

  The boy beside him with a blue cap says, "Some of you won't survive and others will be wrecked for life. For chunin it's always life or death!"

  Beside me I sense Sasuke's presence followed by the others. "Delicate little girls don't below here! Go home and play with your dolls!" Oh ya? Fight me boy, I dare you! I'll wipe the floor with your lifeless bodie aft—

  "Real nice speech," Sasuke walks up to them boredly, "Now both of you step away from the door. And while your at it, reverse the genjutsu. We can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor."

  Confused whispers float around and I simply smirk. Show off.

  "Well, well, so ya noticed the genjutsu eh? One of the idiots blocking the door says.

  "Tell them Sakura, you saw it before anyone else did." What's this? Is Sasuke actually acknowledging his die-hard Fangirl?!! I don't believe it! Ladies and gentlemen this is shocking news!

  "Huh?" Sakura says still a little spacey. "Oh right, I spotted this a mile away. This is only the second floor." As she says that the genjutsu is released and says '201' instead.

  "Well aren't you the smart ones. Now let's see you deal with this!" Spiky head launches himself at us. Sasuke quickly blocks the attack. But before ether could make contact with each other a green flash stops them.

  Coconut boy was holding both boys legs effortlessly, a determined look on his face. He lets go and they back away. Huh, guess he's not a weakling after all. The girl from before along with a boy with long brown hair and pale eyes walk up to him. "Hey, what happened to the plan? I though we were going to keep a low profile so no one sees our skills?" The boy says irritated. I look closer at his eyes then determine him from the Huga clan. His chakra is also pretty large.

  "Nevermind, the jigs up now." The girl says shaking her head. The strange coconut boy walks up to Sakura and I. This won't end well...."My name is Rock Lee, you are Sakura right? And who are you?"

  I scowl at him and don't give him a reply though he seems unfazed by my icy glare. Sakura raises a brow but nods reluctantly. I take this moment to summon a water bottle from one of my scrolls and start drinking it.

  He winks at us and grins while holding up a thumb,"One of you please be my girlfriend! I vow to protect you with my life!"

  I spit out the water in my mouth, making it go all over Lee's face, then continue to choke. I look at Sakura to see she wasn't to happy about this ether.

  I hear Naruto going ballistic along with a few other people and Sasuke at my reaction. Lee looks wide eyed before wiping away the water on his face, "......that was.....SO GRACEFUL!!! YOUR LIKE A BEAUTIFUL BLOOMING LOTUS FLOWER! PLEASE WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND RATHER THAN SAKURA AND HER BIG FOREHEA—"

  We punched him...hard. Naruto was on the floor dying of laughter and Sasuke's face was turning blue from trying to keep it in. "Definitely not!" We say in unison. "I have standards ya know!"

  He looked so heartbroken it was funny, "But.....why?"

  "Because your a weirdo." We once again say together. Sakura punches him again for making fun of her forehead.

  Sakura beats him up more while I can't be bothered so I just deadpan and watch the scene unfold.

  "Hey you! What's your name?" The Huga asks approaching us. Sasuke smirks, "It's common curtsy to give your own name before asking someone else."

  Score 1 for the sassy Uchiha, 0 for the pissy Huga.

  The Huga irritated, ignores Sasuke and looks at me, "And you?"

  I smile at him, "My names Noneofya..." He raises a brow, "Nonofya what?"

  "NoneOfYaBusiness." To easy. He deadpans and loses all faith in humanity.

  "Hey come on let's go!" Sakura pipes. I look over to the new ninja then I catch the two boys from earlier poof into adults. The one with spiky hair turns into Kotetsu, the man who tested me before. I smirk wolfishly as he catches my eye and he sinks back in terror. Yeah that's what I thought.

  "Hey you with the attitude, hold on!" I turn around to none other than the coconu— Lee. "Yes?"

  "No not you, my love, the Uchiha." I anime fall. My love? Geez this guy needs a hobby....

  "I want to fight you! Right now!" Sasuke raises a brow, amused. "Everyone is talking about the great Uchiha clan. I want to test just how great they really are!" Sasuke's face hardens. "And also," he turns to me blushing, "Oh Aisha, I love you!"

  ....Silence....... I flash over to him and put my foot on his back and grab his arms and pull. "How the hell do you know my name, you weird-ass little fuckwad?!?!"

  Grunting and surprised by my quick movements, he replies, "I do my research." I grow an anime vein. I give him a good non-chakra filled punch that sends him spiralling off the railing he was on. I flash over to my team.

  Naruto snickers beside me. I punch him in the side of his face without looking.

  "You've heard of the Uchiha clan yet you challenge me?" I zone out and drag Naruto and Sakura up to the floor with the railing to watch. The two exchanged a conversation and Naruto intervenes wanting to fight too. He fails miserably. Then the real fight begins. I don't pay attention to it ether seeing as Sasuke also loses. I smirk at that. But I was watching how Lee fought and I discovered his fingers weren't flexible so he probably doesn't use any jutsus. I was right that he is a taijutsu only ninja. And that he's a pretty decent fighter. Then I became scarred for life when I saw his sensei. His name is Gai and he looks exactly like Lee. Least to say it was absolutely terrifying when they started crying and passionately hugging each other.

  Now we stand before Kakashi. He's telling us something about how if one of us didn't enter the whole team wouldn't be allowed to participate or something like that. "Your all here and for the right reasons, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Ais—hey pay attention! You know what, never mind..." I snap out of my thoughts and give him a cheeky smile. He looks at me suspiciously. What's his problem?

  "Anyways, I'm proud of you all. Good luck!" He steps to the side and let's us enter through the door. I give him a lazy salute then follow behind the rest of my team as usual. Kakashi grabs onto my arm and holds me back. I give him a strange look.

  "Remember that it's not just you out there and this is a team effort. You should think of them as one now." He gives me a stern look. I simply nod even though I literally couldn't care less.

  "Good. Now go." I deadpan as he shoves me through the door making me stumble and trip over my feet. As he closes the door I think I hear him say to keep my eye hidden or something. But he can't possibly know about that....

  I'm ripped out of my suspicions when I crash into a hard wall (most are but you get the picture.) "..ow..."

  "Hey cutie, I know you like me and all but dontcha think we should take this slow? Not that I mind or anything." I can practically see the smug smirk on his face. I huff out a, "Not you again," and let go of his torso.

  I was right. The mutt was smirking.

  Looking past the annoying boy, I see other leaf ninjas around us and behind them a crowd of lots of different ninjas from different lands sitting down. One particular grass ninja stares at me creepily giving me a strange feeling about her and her pasty skin.

  There was a blonde bimbo attacking Sasuke and trying to get his attention. Sakura was yelling at her and calling her a pig or something. Sasuke looks at me and mouths 'Help' I just smirk at his uncomfortableness.

  Next to Kiba was a shy timid looking girl with dark hair and pale Huga eyes. She was quiet and better than anyone else here for that very reason. Then there was a tall boy with dark glasses and a high collar covering his face. He too was quiet but in a creepy way.

  A fat kid next to me was munching away on a bag of chips and his headband looked like underwear on his head. Pink swirling designs were on his chubby cheeks. Next to him was boy with charcoal hair and caramel eyes. He had a bored look plastered on his face and his headband was tied around his left arm.

  Soon, everyone notices my presence and starts bombing me with questions. "Who are you?"

  "W-what's your n-name?"

  "Great another girl, what a drag."

  "Do you have any food?"

  "Who do you like? *looks at sasuke*"

  "Obviously Aisha likes me—ow!"

  I think you know who said what. Naruto gets next to me and starts explaining who everyone is. "That's Shikamaru Nara, the laziest kid ever. That's Choji Akamichi, more like Aka-munchie. Just don't call him fat or he goes crazy. That's Ino Yamanaka, annoying Sasuke Fangirl. Hinata Huga, she's okay but I dunno why she gets so shy when she looks at me. That's Shino Aburame, he's kinda weird....Kiba Inuzuka and his dog Akamaru, forget what I said about Ino, this guys the most annoying of all."

  "I second that."

  "Hey!" I smirk.

  "I guess all ten rookies are here, what a drag." Shikamaru sighs. He seems alright and not to annoying. Same with Choji, Hinata, and that Shino guy.

  "This'll be least, those of us who are able to make the cut. Right Sasuke?" Kiba says cockily.

  "Careful you don't get over confident, Inuzuka."

  I zone out of their conversation as I feel two familiar chakras. I just can't figure if who's. I figure out one of them as his all to familiar voice stops me dead in my tracks, "Hey, you guys. You might want to try keeping it down a little. I mean, no offence, your the ten rookies. This isn't a class field trip."

  Oh how I wanted to disappear.

  "Well who asked you?!" Ino yells in a high pitched voice. I've turned around and hid behind the closest person, which unfortunately, happened to be the mutt. "Hmm? You okay cutie?"

  I don't give him a reply as I conceal my chakra and look down. I feel a stare burning in my back. I turn and see the strange grass woman starring at me. She licks her lips with her freakishly large tongue. I recognize it no no. No! It can't be him! It can't!

  Anxiety builds up in my chest and I can't breathe. It takes me a moment to calm down. I look around and see that no one but Kiba (and the 'grass ninja') is looking at me. Concern uncharacteristicly plastered on his face. "Are you okay cutie?"

  I swallow, "Just dandy," sarcasm lacing through my low voice. I ignore the mutt and force myself to act natural and face Kabuto. He introduced himself and gestured over to the other ninjas. They were all starring at us in annoyance.

  Kabuto motions a little ways behind me to some ninja giving us some mean glares. I turn around to look at them along with everyone else.  "Those guys are from the rain village, very touchy. Do not mess with them. This exam makes everyone tense. You don't want to rub them the wrong way now." I turn around to soon and lock eyes with Kabuto. Shit. His eyes are wide and he almost says my name but I cut him off with a sharp glare. He shakes his head and continues to woo over the rookie nine, but not before stealing another glance. I won't be so easily fooled. Especially knowing what it is that he is capable of.

  He takes out some of his cards. His cards are nothing like mine for they come from a sick bastard, mine were a gift. Plus I use mine as weapons and he uses his as info cards. They're orange and infused with his chakra. He puts information on them and they appear blank. But by infusing chakra into them they revel information. He explains this to the rookies.

  I zone out of his bullshit for a while and focus on how I can alert the Hokage that he is here. I come up with none that don't include creating a scene.

  At one point a sound ninja attacks Kabuto. I almost cheer him on. Without actually touching Kabuto he manages to make the glass of his stupid glasses brake using sound waves. He ends up coughing up blood due to internal damage. Naruto also makes a dramatic outburst challenging everyone in the room. I see the sand siblings and Team Gai in the room as well.

  A large puff of smoke appears in the front if the large room, "Alright you baby faced maggots! Listen up! It's time to begin. I'm Ibikki Morino, and from this moment on, your worst enemy!"

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