New World, New Reality

By Yel_lue04

9.8K 225 32

I woke up and find myself in a world that I was addicted in. I find myself enjoying the view and enjoying the... More

#1: Drifted
#2: Mirror
#3: Shiro, The Black Villain
#Character Introduction1
#5: Aika's Special Spell
#6: Building Bridges
#7:Karneval's Quest
#8: The Invitation
#9: Fixing the Karneval
#10: HOME
#11: Orphanage House
#12: Mahogany Tree
#13: As Long As I Meet Her
#15: Finally
#16: Choices
#17: Guild Master
18: Shirayuki Sai
#19: Scare Crow
#20:Poison called Fear
#21: Joint Forces
#22: Autumn
#23: The Emperor
#24: Graveyards
#25: What death feels?
#26: What death feels like II?
#27: How Goodbyes are Said.
#28: Memories
#29: I Knew It
#30: Happy Birthday
#31: A New Council Commander
#32: The Only Ones Left
#33:Another Part of The Story
#34: Rescue Will Come
#35: Hide And Seek
#36: The Final Stage
#37: Towards A New Beginning
#38: We Can All Move On
#39: The Burden We All Have
#40: Free

#14: Map Making

59 3 0
By Yel_lue04

Shigure Zen's POV
Although the council was found, another kingdom rose. The leadership is still unknown so we tried to invade the place. The castle has high security system so it took me and Rin two days to break the code. I'm suprise with his abilities of manipulating datas .

Tent Area.

Naru already became a part of the team. His speciality is hunting for the guild's food. "Meat!!!", Akame exclaimed while watching Fye cook curry. "Have you seen Shiro and Rin?", Aris asked Shira. "They're near the castle's gate. Breaking the code", Shira answered. "What's with the long face?", Aris asked. "Saruhiko, the only guild member I had...disappeared from my list", Shira answered. Aris didnt say anything but just nodded. "In any case that Saruhiko-guy is still alive. Will you join him?", Aris straightly asked. Shira's eyes widened. "Originally, that was my deal with Shiro. I'll be a part of the guild then he'll help me look for Saruhiko", Shira answered. "I was asking for a yes or no question", Aris sighed. Shira stood up and left the area.

The next day,

They were able to enter and blend with the people. There are approximately 2600 players in that area. "This place is called Arincrad. It is in the middle of a quest zone but still can hide itself from monsters. The only person who can do it is a person with great level of craftiness. Basically, players inside this place are his guild members. Rin did his best in hiding our identity. Be careful not to get caught", Shiro warned them.

Guild guards surrounded them. Shiro enveloped them in a invisible barrier. They titled their head and left. Shiro sighed as they took refuge at the tavern. Fye smiled at the waiter. "I wasnt informed that there are new members of the family", the waitress smiled back. "You're right", Shiro smiled and got the attention of the girls. "Your getting too much attention", Shira humphed him. Akame glared at them. "How do we lure our target?", Naru asked. Shiro smirked and look at Akame, Aika, and Shira. "You're going to sell us?", Shira glared at Shiro. "Not really, we'll be holding a show", Shiro informed. "Wah!!! Shows!!! I'm excited to see that", Aika's eyes brightened. "Aika, we are the ones handling the show", Shiro explained. "Rin, Aris, and Shira will handle the Music. Akame, Naru, and Aika will be in the fashion show. We'll be posting the concert tomorrow night", Shiro added. Shira spurted her drinks to Aris' face. "Second time". Akame commented. "Why? Me?!", Shira asked. "Because you're the only person who can sing well and you have the charisma", Shiro gave a thumbs up. Shira flushed and left the tavern. She bumped on a little girl.

Name: Fumi
Age: 10
Race: Elf

"Sorry, I wasnt looking at my direction", Fumi apologized. "Uhm. It was also my fault. I'm actually looking for some places since I'm new in this place", Shira smiled. "What would that place be?", Fumi asked. "The Blacksmith" Shira answered. 'I'll be leading you to that place", Fumi started walking. "Uhm...what's your name?", Fumi asked. "Shi... Shana", Shira lied. "Shana. What a pretty name. You're also pretty", Fumi praised. Shira just sighed and followed the little girl. They ended up in the blacksmith. "Welcome", the blacksmith greeted. He had a huge body and muscles. Fumi hud behind Shira. "I'm here to buy a guitar", Shira ordered. The store owner laughed. "You should have bought in a accessory store", he laughed. "If you're not going to give me one. I'll make one", Shira glared at him. "Okay, I will try. Come back this night", the store manager bowed in apology.

Fumi and Shira went out. Fumi held unto Shira's sleeves. "You look like my mother. She's strong and firm", Fumi trembled. "This place was created for weak leveled players like me. Although we have a lot of strong players like you", Fumi smiled. "You're not weak. Being in this game and being alive for this long makes you strong. Your smiles are indication that you havent yet given up", Shira gave her a hug. "Come at the town's center 6:30 in the evening", Shira invited her.

The Next Day
Town's Circle

There were around 1500 gathered. "Good Evening. Hosting you tonight is Fye. We are holding this concert not for our own sake but for the family. Let us enjoy the night. Welcome the band.", Fye clapped and the curtains went up. Aris is on the drums, Shira holds an acoustic guitar, Aika is on the keyboard, Rin will be playing the violin. The band played. Shiro is lipsyncing Aris. "Why didnt he join?", Akame asked. "He'll attract a lot of players", Fye answered. The crowds are shouting for cheer.

The fashion show started.

Naru made the players set their eyes on the fashion show. They were all amazed by his presence.

Fye made the girls melt with his angelung appearance. While walking on the stage, Shiro created a water nymph dance with him. In the end, causing Fye to get wet.

Akame still wore a strong personality but a lot of boys were amazed.

Everyone's was shocked by Aika's mature image. Boyd cheered and Aika smiled at them. "For Fye", Aika mumbled.

Girl's squeaked with Rin's school boy looks. Shira also cheered. "Does she like Rin that much?", Shiro pouted.

Everyone became quiet. Shiro panicked and went out. Shiro was also stunned. Shira changed her eye color and wore a white knee-high dress. Fye chuckled. "Make sure to be her body guard. She might not be able to leave this place", Fye teased. Everyone cheered afterwards.

Every girls unstoppable squealed with Shiro's bad boy feature. He removed his glasses. His emerald eyes are looking into each and every players. There are no high ranker within them. "Time to come out",he thought.

The show ended. A lot of players went close to talk with them. "Shiro, we're tired", Fye opened. "Sorry, we'll have to go and sleep", Shiro explained to the players.

Hello Good eve.

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