I Needed to, I Had to

By Sehanna_trbl

56.9K 1.9K 788

You know those K-Drama things about the average woman with the sexy rich man? Well, let's talk about... More

Come Back To Korea
I'm Leaving! [M]
Slutty Secretary
Bitter and Sweet time~
The Contract
Fight for you
Morning Argument
Let It out [M]
A Good Talk
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 1)
Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (Part 2)
As if I never have left [M]
Let's Talk
Baby~ [M]
Meeting at the Market
Scary Kim-ssi
Party part 1
Party part 2
Submissive or not? [M]
I'm Out!
Above The CEO
Hit on Her
Fun Fair
Soju confessions
treating some wounds [M]
Can I tell you a secret?
This "empty" Day
Little Sister [M]
What's wrong?
Anger Vs Guilt
I'm his father after all [M]
Spoiled Brat
A Glance On The Past
The File
A Really Bad Day
Why couldn't it be me?
Bloody Misunderstanding
Two weeks in Hell
Too Late
Criminal Case? [M]
Heaven In Hell
Needing Help
My Own Son
Father and Son Moments
Trauma [T&M]
"Kim JongIn's Son"
A chance to get her back
Kevin's Past [M&T]
Betrayal [T]
Sarang [T&M]
Shower Talk [M]
Back At The Office
"511" (Part 1)
"511" (Part 2) [M]
Zero Compromise [M&T]
You're safe
Happy Birthday
His Cry Baby
Slow Recovery Part 1
Slow Recovery Part 2
The Mistress
Insecure [M]
The Prisoner's wish
Murderous Craving [M&T]
Confrontation [T]
The Sister (Part 1) [T]
The Sister (Part 2)
Lyndia's Dilemma
First Day [M]
Get Out
Mommy bird
A Sign
Mr. Straing
Maria & Diego
Panic Attack [M&T]
The Same Sister
Don't Apologize

A Step Back

280 11 9
By Sehanna_trbl

"Tiana, you're joking, right?"  I lowered my head and shook it. Suddenly I felt Lyndia jump on me. I almost fell from her sofa.

"It's a super new! Everything is going good between you two, right?

-Yes, but....Do you think it's the best moment for that?

-Why wouldn't it be good? Isn't it what you always wanted?

-Yes...but...I feel like it's too soon...

-Listen! It's not too soon Tiana. You just have to prepare a really big thing to tell the new to your husband!"  I felt myself blushing.

"He is not my husband!

-Not yet!"  We both laughed and I felt a little relieved.

"Well, I wish you all happiness!

-Thank you. I think I will follow your advice.

-Which one? Leaving This man to marry me?"  I playfully hit her shoulder and she faked being hurt.

"Not that one dumb ass! I really have to prepare something big for him. Something like a dinner or...I don't know. It's been so long the last time that I really prepared a surprise to him!"  Then I saw a malicious smile on Lyndia's face and I understand she would tell me something strange.

"Girl, don't make dinner...BE the dinner!"  I felt my cheeks heating and I looked at the wall.

"Hum...I can't...because I kind of....already have done it once..." There was a silence and when I looked back at her she was giving the "Well, well, well!" stare.

"My girl is a freak! This is how it happened! I see now!

-Oh God!

-Give me some details!

-No~! What the hell?! It's something private between JongIn and me!" She was even more smirking.

"What? Don't tell me with the strawberry sauce and whipped cream?!

-It was actually chocolate sauce."  She laughed more and it was hard to hold mine. She fell from her chair and started rolling on the floor.

"Stop laughing!

-I can't! I always know that you were a freak and Giovanny was always telling me "No~ Tiana is more the shy and submissive kind!" I can't stop laughing!

-Why are you talking about me like that?!

-It just came while we were talking one day! Anyway, you better hurry home and start preparing everything because you sure have a lot to tell him!

-You're right and I still have to take care of Jason. I think I will ask for some help to Taemin.

-Taemin? Your friend who kind of introduced to JongIn?

-Yes, I'm not feeling too well so taking care of Jason and preparing a surprise at the same time is not easy and...." I couldn't talk about Kevin to her. She would tell it to Gio and he will try to drag me back to USA.


-No never mind. I have to go! Thank you for your advice." I said as I got up and went toward the door.

"No problem babe! If this man is not on cloud nine with that, you can always come and do the chocolate and whipped cream trick to me!

-SHUT UP!"  I heard her laughing as I slammed the door. I ran out of the restaurant and drive to Taemin's house. I know he always work at home.

          I knock on his door and he came to open the door. He looked sleepy but when he saw me he opened his wide and narrow them again.

"What has he done this time?!


-Are you sure? because you only came without calling when it's urgent!

-Well, I just couldn't wait. Can I enter?

-Hum...yeah."  He let me in and we both went to sit in the living room.

          He put a bottle of soju out but I refused. He looked at as if I was someone else and just took a bottle of orange juice and two glasses. I gladly took the glass and let him pour some juice for me. When he was finished he sat and looked at me seriously.

"No, really? What has he done?

-Nothing Taemin!

-So why did you come without calling?

-Well, I heard a new, that I can't really tell you for now and I wanted to ask you a service.

-What is it?"  I was looking at him hesitatingly. Maybe I was asking too much ...

"Well, I want to prepare a surprise for JongIn. I decided to tell him the truth and I need to make something special but...I'm kind of sick these days so...

-You're sick?! Have you  already gone to check what it is?

-Yes! Don't worry. It's just that it's hard to prepare surprise and take care of Jason while being sick when JongIn is on a business trip!"  Taemin narrowed his eyes once again and I knew he would nag.

"He left even knowing that you were sick?!

-Calm down, Taemin! It's is father who told him to and when I told him I wasn't feeling well he was already ready to take a ticket back but I told him to stay where he was.

-Ok, but I still don't like the fact that he is away.

-I know but would you help me organize a surprise to him? I need to visit a few places but I don't wanna do it alone. Can you come with me and advice me?

-Tiana...I'm busy these days...

-Ah....I see...but what about you come sleep at my apartment so I can help you on your work and you will help me on the surprise?"  He looked at me hesitatingly and then finally sighed and got up. My eyes followed his figure leaving the room and I heard a him shout at the other side of his bedroom door.

"YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND!"  It made me laughed and I just finished my glass of Juice.

           I went back home with Taemin and we picked Jason at JinYi's on our way. He was really happy to know that his hyung was having a sleepover at home. We actually spent a good time all the night. I cooked like always and we watched a movie just so Jason would fell asleep. After I put him in my bed, Taemin and I started to work on his paper. He was like JongIn, a CEO, so I was quite used to his work. I help him looking for disadvantageous things in different contracts and in less than an hour the first pile of paper was already corrected and signed. Taemin was kind of impressed by my quickness and I was proud that I could show him that I wasn't just a weak and useless woman as I was before!

"Tiana, you're really the best! I can't believe how good you are at it!

-It's been more than 2 years that I'm doing that everyday. I have grown up since our meeting. Now I'm a professional woman, who can speak 4 languages almost fluently and who could sell you the same thing twice in at different price!" I said shrugging my shoulder and playing not showing off. He laughed at my statement and stroked my hair.

"You sure have grown. I'm happy that you're back, for good this time!

-I will probably have to go back in USA for a few time before being back for good..."  he narrowed his eyes and stopped stroking my hair.

"I planning on dragging JongIn with me. I will probably need him more than ever, and after I will be able to start everything from scratch. This time I won't run away and I will fight JongIn's father. He won't separate us twice!

-I'm happy that you're finally getting along with our little Kai!

-He has made big efforts for that so I really want to give him another chance. I wasn't planning on giving him a real second chance at first but things change, I don't really know when, but I started telling myself things as "it will be funny when we'll hang out in family!" or "What can I cook for my two boys?".

-I'm truly happy for you and I'm still sorry for not telling you back then that JongIn wasn't telling you the truth.

- It's ok, I already forgave you years ago.

-I know but I want to tell you that it's not because I was finding it funny or anything like that. It's just because JongIn wasn't stable back then, he was feeling like every girls who were surrounding him was there for his money. So when he found you, a woman who was only interested by him, he didn't want to spoil it with money and it got even worst when you said that you hate rich people who are taking advantages of his money because this is how his father is."

     I felt kind of guilty because I never tried to understand why he had lied to me. I asked him and he just told me he wasn't planning on lying to me and after all these lies it just seemed like another one. I never tried to think further because I was too angry at him for lying to me for such a long time. Can you imagine if we had got married back then without me knowing?

"Aren't you tired? I already have prepared the bed for you sooner.

-Thank you, Tiana!

-No problem. Good night!" I got up to leave to my room but Taemin stopped me.

"Tiana, I..."  He stopped before finishing his sentence. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"Never mind! Good night."  He winked at me and I just shook my head while giggling.

*Kai's POV*

            It only had been three days, I was already fucked up like that. My father was giving me the cold shoulders and Tiana state wasn't getting better. She said the opposite but last night I heard her vomit. I did as if I wasn't aware of it but I so wanted to go back and help her. I was so tired too, I could only barely sleep every night. After a small talk with Tiana over the phone I was just thinking about a way to make my father accept Tiana and Jason. It's not that I needed his agreement to get married but I wanted him to be like the father Tiana never had. I would be so happy if she could call him Abeonim or even Appa with a sincere smile on and not an hurtful stare and sad smile. I want Jason to have a grandpa even if he won't be all affectionate to him at first his heart will melt. Who can resist the cute smile of my son. My son...Well, he is. He is my son because Tiana choose me and he seemed to have chosen me too. Even if I'm not his true father for the first time since I know him, I have the confidence to say "That's my son! Tiana is my wife-to-be! Nobody has a word to say about that!" 

              I was still thinking about good way to maybe make them meet when someone actually knock on my door. I stood up from the bed and went to open it but there was nobody. I just shrugged it off as some kids playing but when I was about to closed it back, I saw an envelop on the floor. I bent down to took it and entered back in the room, closing the door behind me. It was written "For Kai" on it. I sat on my bed and opened the envelop curious. I put my hand in it to took its contents out and when I saw what it was, my eyes opened wide. It was photo of Tiana and Taemin hugging, drinking and laughing together. I started to analyze the decor of the photos and it looked like Taemin's apartment and then ours. Some other were of them going to restaurants and a lot of different places.

         I looked at two other photos and it was photos of polaroid on which we could see someone's body. At first I didn't recognize it but then when I looked closer at it I recognize the curves of this body and I was just shocked. It was photos of Tiana naked hugging the sheets of a bed. She was probably sleeping but I couldn't be sure of that.

           Just when a lot of scenario were playing in my mind of why Tiana was having so much fun with Taemin and who could be the person who sent all these photos to me, my phone went off. I pick it up still kind of absent-minded.




-Wow...are you already tired of me?

-Hu?"  It took me a few seconds to realize it was Tiana on the other side.

"I asked if you were already tired of me.

-No! Why would you said that?

-I don't know... You were all cold and you almost sounded annoyed by my call so..."  She was telling it on the joking tone but I could sense a small bit true insecurity in it.

"No~ I was just..."  I looked at the photos, hesitating on if I should or shouldn't tell her.


-Just working on a paper! I picked up without seeing it was you. If I had known I would have shown more excitement.

-Ah...Ok."  I know that she wasn't believing me. She probably preferred to ignore it just to not start an argument on phone.

"What's up?

-Nothing, I was just chilling all day long just as you ordered me.

-Did you...see Taemin these last days?"  She took a few seconds to answer.

"Yes, I asked him to keep my company since Lyndia is busy and I'm feeling alone at home.

-What did you two do?

-Nothing big, just going out to eat...Why?

-You could have called Yumi if you were felling lonely!"  There was a minute of silent and I realized that my tone came out more harsh than I meant it.

"JongIn...Is something wrong?" I could feel the worry in her voice.

"No...I'm just really tired. This trip was exhausted. I'm so happy that I'm coming back in three days!

-Yes, I'm so happy too! I missed working with you.

-Only working?

-...No...I...I simply miss you!"  Her hesitation made me laughed. I could imagine her being kind of shy on the other side

"I talk about you to my father."  I heard her hold her breath.

"He still don't want to accept you...

-I already know that. He won't accept me, why are you still trying?

-Because I want us to be happy. I don't want you to feel stressed each time I will mention him or if we are going to the main mansion." She sighed and I realize that she really have given up the idea of being appreciate by my father.

"Thank you.

-For what?

-Caring about my happiness!"  I could hear her snort.

"Are you crying?

-No...It's just...It's because I'm sick."  I knew she was lying but I knew she won't be telling me or she would have already.



-I love you, you know that, right?"  She didn't answer once again.


-JongIn, what's wrong with you?

-What do you mean?

-You're acting strange tonight! Snapping at me and telling you love me with not much confidence, it doesn't look like  you. Did...did your father told you something?"  I would hear the fear in Tiana's voice.

"Do you want to stop?

-Stop what?


-NO! Never! I'm just tired. I'm sorry Tiana. I wish I could hug you and erase all your doubts.

-It's ok. I...I think it's better if you sleep since you're that tired.


-Good night, JongIn.

-Tiana?...Tiana!" Just like this she hung up. I was so angry at myself. Just some photos and I was already doing a step back. Stupid me! Was I still the selfish asshole from weeks ago?! I thought that these two weeks of seeing her having nightmare but still giving me the cold shoulders had taught me a lesson but looks like it's not really the case.

       I throw my phone on the bed and just pulled my hair in frustration. Why couldn't I believe in her? I know she won't cheat on me so why am I even doubting?! Taemin is our Best friend, he won't do that to me! Why can't I stop doubting him too?! 

         I looked at my phone and took it back in my hand. I look through my recording until i found "Be without you lullaby". I pressed started and put the hone next to my ear, letting Tiana's voice invade my mind. Her beautiful voice clamming that she loved me and that she missed me so much that she couldn't sleep without me.


Well, well, WELL! Look like things are not going good between our lovers.

Will it keep on like that? Or will JongIn find a way to erase his mistake?

Will the Tiana be able to surprise him the way she wants to?

I let you tell me what you think about it in the comments! KISSES ON YOUR BOTTOM CHEEKS!

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