Two of a kind (phan and kickt...

Bởi phanallamallama

2.1M 71.2K 148K

Phil doesn't have a best friend in his life. That is, until Dan turns up at his school. They become close and... Xem Thêm

Two of a kind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chappy 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chayptery 9
Chapter 10
Chappity 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapipter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chaptet 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
A bit about me
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chaperity 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapopter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chipter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapyter 3

71.6K 2.5K 10.2K
Bởi phanallamallama

La la la la laaaaa let's develop some relationships yeah!

He waited, leaning outside the door, hoping Dan would appear soon. He looked at his watch and decided to peer his head around the door. Dan was surrounded by the popular kids, looking almost like he belonged there and Phil sighed. He had lost him already. He turned to go but heard Dan say something behind him.

"Sorry guys I have to dash my friend is waiting," he said and Dan was quickly at his side. "You were going?" He asked worriedly.

"I thought you were happy with them," Phil said a little sadly.

"Phil I said I didn't want to be friends with them, they just kinda jumped on me. I'm truly glad you saved me," he explained, grinning as Phil's smile came back.

"You ready for lunch? I have already stopped by the lockers, you don't need to right?" Phil checked. He kept almost forgetting Dan was new.

"No I'm good. Which way to the canteen? I'm starving," Dan asked, rubbing his flat stomach.

"It's down a few corridors. And you're gonna meet Chris and Pj. They are a bit full on at first and Chris's humour is a little weird but you will like them I'm sure," Phil told him as he opened the big double doors exiting the maths department.

"I'll be fine. They sound a lot like you so I'm sure they will be lovely," Dan said and Phil's cheeks went pink.

"Thanks." Phil said as they approached the blue doors to the canteen. They stepped inside and joined the queue, ignoring the cat calls aimed at Dan who mock shuddered in horror at Phil. He hoped Dan wouldn't get taken away from him, he really liked him. Liked him liked him.

But already? Phil, you need to sort your shit out, you barely know him. Yet.

"So Phil, what's good to eat?" Dan asked him.

"Whatever you want. I think today is pizza so I know what I'm having," Phil said.

"Ew pizza. I'm just gonna have a salad," Dan said seriously.

"You don't like pizza?" Phil asked, a little shocked. That wasn't right. Maybe Dan just didn't eat much, or couldn't have fatty foods. Maybe he was dieting? No, this boy was perfect, he didn't need to lose weight at all! Dan's face grew into a grin as he watched Phil's reaction.

"Kidding Phil. I love pizza, how could i not? I don't think I have had a salad ever in my life," Dan told him.

"Oh thank god," Phil said clutching his heart. "I thought we wouldn't be able to be friends," he joked, sticking his tongue out at Dan.

"That's a bit extreme,"

"Pizza is a serious topic,"

"That is incredibly true," Dan said as they reached the serving dishes. He picked up a pair of tongues and put a slice of pizza on his plate, then Phil's. He added chips to his own then handed the spoon to Phil.

"Thanks," Phil said as he put a generous amount on his own plate. He walked over and swiped his card, telling the dinner lady Dan was new and she swiped it again.

Phil led the way to a table in the corner holding two boys, both laughing and punching each others arms.

"Chris, Pj, stop flirting and meet Dan. Dan, this is Chris and Pj," Phil said, first pointing to a sandy haired boy with a cheeky grin and then to a boy with dark curls and bright green eyes.

"Yeah, Chris wishes we were flirting," Pj said, and Chris shot Phil a small sad look before placing his grin back on his face. He stood up and circled Dan, making a few approving and disapproving noises as he went.

"Well he looks like he should be a poplar kid, but I think he has potential. Quick lad, what's your favourite Pokemon?" Chris barked randomly.

"Gengar," Dan answered without hesitation.

"Initiation complete, welcome to camp mad," Chris said, holding out his hand for Dan to shake. Dan balanced his tray in one hand and shook back. Phil had out his tray down opposite Pj and Dan sat next to him, opposite where Chris was now sitting again.

"So Dan, how are you liking Stonewall?" Pj asked.

"It's alright. The popular kids are trying to eat me though, Phil has already saved me twice," Dan said, making Pj and Chris to laugh and Phil to blush a little. Chris raised his eyebrows at Phil and winked before returning to the conversation.

"Well if they bite you, bite them back. But only if you like the taste of fake tan," Chris told him.

"And desperation," Phil added.

"Aren't we a nice bunch of people?" Dan said happily, then took a big bite out of his pizza. He forgot how hungry he was.

"So Chris, Pj, Phil, how are all you guys friends?" Dan asked, intrigued.

"Well me and Peej have been friends since we were wee babies but we only met Phil here a couple of years ago. He sat on our table in science and boom! Friendship happened, and maybe even an orgy," Chris added, winking.

"You wish," Phil said and Pj hit him.

"Ouch! I am being abused," Chris cried, shielding himself from Pj.

"You're an idiot,"

"And you want me,"

"In your dreams Christy,"

"In real life Peejy,"

"Eugh. You infuriate me,"

"Eugh, I know and you love it,"

"Anyway," Phil chimed in. "If you two stop exchanging vows for a minute maybe normality can be restored. Well, sort of normality," Phil said when Pj and Chris started play shoving again.

"They aren't together are they?" Dan asked in Phil's ear while the others were busy.

"No, but maybe one day. Will explain another time," Phil whispered back.

"You too," Pj quipped back, making Phil go bright red and dip his fringe over his face more.

"Anyway," Chris said, saving the situation. "Dan I hope my gaydar isn't broken, am I right you are gay?" Chris asked, making Dan go a little red too.

"Only half right. Bi," Dan confirmed.

"So it's only Pj we have to turn," Chris said, winking at Pj who rolled his eyes to Phil.

"You guys really are weird. I like you!" Dan said happily.

The rest of lunch was spent like that. It was great having Dan with them as he made Phil just more at ease, happier, and learning how to successfully hide a blush. He couldn't help it when the boy was around, he was just too special. When the bell rang they dumped their trays and went straight to their lockers. Chris and Pj's were next to each others but down the hall from Dan and Phil's but they all had P.E next so they would just meet in a minute or so to get going to the gym.

"What do I do about a gym kit?" Dan asked worriedly as Phil got his our of his locker.

"School will make you borrow some but it's not too bad. You can at least wear your trainers," Phil told him.

"Okay that's alright I guess," Dan said and Chris and Pj appeared next to him again.

"Good to go?" Pj asked.

"Yeah. Let's go to hell," Phil said.

"So you guys aren't sporty?" Dan asked. "Thank god, me neither," he said, sounding relieved.

"Yeah because we look like the type of people who run places to be healthy," Chris said sarcastically.

"That is very true," Dan said and they walked outside heading over to the huge gym at the other end of the school, Chris stopping to peer at Dan.

"Does that mean you think we're not hot?" Chris called after him and Dan turned and winked before carrying on.

They stood against the wall lazily, bright red shorts and white polo's making them look even more awkward.

"I'm surprised you have legs Pj, I thought you might just have poles underneath your skinny jeans," Dan joked.

"I don't think I have ever seen Pj in anything but skinny jeans apart from for P.E," Phil said truthfully.

"I have, but he wasn't really wearing anything else at all..." Chris said cheekily, earning a slap around the head from Pj.

"It's not my fault my towel got caught in the door and you know it," Pj said, his cheeks colouring a little bit.

"It's not like I haven't seen it all before," Chris said.

"When we were younger. That was different," Pj said awkwardly.

"I know dear," Chris told him, patting his head.

Phil subtly patted Chris's back, knowing how he must be feeling. To see the boy you were in love with naked and not be able to have him even then. Phil caught Dan looking at Phil and Chris weirdly and Phil just gave him back a small smile.

"Right class today we are gonna do some boxercise. Pair up and each get a pair of gloves and pads please," their teacher said. Chris and Pj would already be together and Dan and Phil exchanged glances. They were together.

"Pads or gloves?" Phil asked Dan.

"Gloves please," he said and they walked over, pulling on the equipment and standing next to the ready Chris and Pj.

"Now everyone face their partners and start off by alternately jabbing, okay? Good," she said and flicked a switch on a CD player, filling the hall with loud music. Phil held up his hands and Dan started punching his palms. He looked like he had done this before. Phil looked over and started laughing as Pj and Chris were on the floor wrestling, and miss hadn't even noticed. Phil turned his attention back to Dan and watching him smiling as a sweat worked across his face, making his hair damp and slightly wavy.

"Have you done this before?" Phil asked him.

"I have a punch bag at home," Dan explained and kept going, losing some speed and power as he kept it up.

"I wish we didn't have to listen to this pop crap, I hate it," Phil moaned as Dan stopped for a minute to catch his breath.

"I know, it all sounds the same," he said, wiping his brow. His hair had started to curl slightly at the ends. Phil thought it looked gorgeous.

"Hobbit hair," Phil said quietly.

"Oh no, not already," Dan said, agitated, trying to fix his hair but the gloves getting in the way.

"Don't, I think it looks nice," Phil commented, blushing a little at the compliment.


"What are you boys doing?" A yell came from the other side of the gym. Their teacher stormed over to wear Chris and Pj were rolling around and yanked them up by their shirts.

"Miss I lost my balance and accidentally fell on Pj," Chris lied expertly. She looked over at Pj who nodded in agreement.

"Fine, just don't be so clumsy Kendall," she said and went to sit back down.

"Almost busted," Dan said to them and Chris just smirked.

"Getting out of trouble is what I'm best at, it's fine," he said casually and Pj laughed.

"That and getting in trouble in the first place," Pj said.

"You started it,"

"You finished it,"

"Don't start again," Phil said quickly, grinning at them.

"Yes mum." they said at the same time, then broke into loud laughter.

Once the lesson ended they were getting changed in the changing rooms and chatting casually. Chris was walking around with no shirt like usual but Pj and Phil had already covered up. Phil was tying his shoes and looked up to say something to Dan but froze when he saw he was shirtless, so completely fine with his body on display. Phil almost started drooling. Soft tanned skin, perfect flat stomach and wide shoulders. He could have fainted. But Dan pulled his top back on again saving Phil from unconsciousness. Phil went red and continued tying his shoelaces/

He definitely had a crush on Dan.

OOOOH Phil is feeling attracted ooooh hot dayum he would so tap that Howell magnet.

I need to sleep.

Stay igneous my iguanas!

Anni out!

>^-^< Meow!

*segway solo!*

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