There's The Cat and Then Ther...

By Raurzxoetc

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[WARNING: Graphic Sexual Scenes] Welcome to Andrew James Johanessy's life and mind. Seventeen years old and h... More

There's The Cat and Then There's Me
Chapter One: Parentals
Chapter Two: Not So Late Night Shopping
Chapter Three: His Thrill
Chapter Four: Uncomfortable
Chapter Five: Dangerous Eyes
Chapter Six: Never Will I Need You
Chapter Seven: Falling, Falling, Falling
Chapter Eight: Alive In a Nightmare
Chapter Nine: Understanding Is Impossible
Chapter Ten: Confusion
Chapter Eleven: The Truth About Accel
Chapter Twelve: When It All Fell In Place
Chapter Thirteen: Wars Never Favour The Brave
Chapter Fourteen: Surprise Encounter
Chapter Fifteen: Loved
Chapter Sixteen: I Just Can't
Chapter Seventeen: The Text
Chapter Eighteen: Shame and Consequence
Chapter Nineteen: If I Just Close My Eyes
Chapter Twenty: Beyond All Reason
Chapter Twenty-One: Once Upon A Fateful Day
Chapter Twenty-Two: Heaven In Jade
Chapter Twenty-Three: When The World Faded To Black
Chapter Twenty-Four: High On Whatever I Just Took
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Best Part Of Waking Up
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Little Things
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pieces Of Honesty
Chapter Twenty-Nine: What's So Good About Picking Up The Pieces?
Chapter Thirty: Never Forget This
Chapter Thirty-One: Nothing Lasts
Chapter Thirty-Three: Time Itself

Chapter Twenty-Five: In These Tender Moments

2K 41 4
By Raurzxoetc


Ace tugged the thin t-shirt over my head, pulling my hoodie off in the same fluid movement.  I helped him, shoving desperately at the cotton. Lips were on mine almost instantly, stroking and teasing, tendrils of dull fire coursing through my veins. Between my fisted hands his hair was soft and silky, the black a stark contrast to the naked paleness of my own skin. Warmth surrounded me as I held him tightly, pulling at his head to bring his lips closer to my own. Only Ace could ever do this to me... Will be the only one who could ever do this to me. Need chased through my body, pursuing some elusive goal, so white hot it blinded me to my surroundings. Ace was the only thing that mattered, his lips, his hands, his body. Us, together in this moment.

With a restless sigh I wrenched my lips from his, arching my body as his lips sucked and teased at my neck, the tiny spot almost ridding my mind of all senses. How is he- Oh that is nice… I thought, clinging to him tightly in the dark room. His skin was so hot against mine, the warmth burning through to my bones. His teeth scraped at the sensitive spot, the feeling causing me to gasp and flinch. I could feel his smile against my skin, the plastic stud pressing down lightly.

“Andrew…” I heard him whisper in the shadows, every breath of air passing over my skin sending teasing little thrills down my spine. “You’re sure?” His body was still, clutching my thinner frame in a firm and enveloping hug, face buried in my shoulder as if he couldn’t bear to stop. Our chests heaved against each other, breathless from the lust that was surging through us both.

Was I sure? I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life… except maybe about killing the cat. I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty sure I want to pretty much kill that creature. So yup, I am SURE as sure can surely be.

“Yup,” I giggled, teasing his strands of hair between my fingers. I attempted to move, to try and soothe the heat that was coursing through my veins. I wanted him this much but he wasn’t doing anything!

“Ace! Please,” I whispered softly in his hair, closing my eyes as his scent swirled thickly through the air, “I’m begging? Don’t you like it when I beg?” I heard him groan in frustration. Grinning slyly in the dark, I hooked my arm around his back and rolled us over.

Now who’s on top mofo, I smiled.

Straddling his body I leant over him, the air between us burning with need. Almost feverishly I kissed him, trying to seduce him, luring him to make his move. Why wasn’t he touching me? Why aren’t you, you stupid oaf? You’re perfectly happy to every other second of the day and now, when I want it, all of a sudden you’re like, oh no, we can’t have that. I sucked at his lip, teasing and nibbling until he let me in and I wanted to almost cry with joy. My hands buried themselves deep in the soft strands of his hair, clutching his head to my own as I curled over his body. Painfully slowly he kissed me back, mouth finally fusing with my own and his tongue sparking shivers of need. Under the fiery caress I melted, my hands finding a mind of their own and falling from his head to his chest, shoving his jacket roughly from his shoulders and wrenching his shirt upwards hurriedly and over his head. Why is this so different? I want you like I’ve always wanted you, but this time it’s worse, it’s almost as if I’m going to die if I can’t have you completely. Corny as it sounds. Oh my God… why are you so fucking HOT!

With a loud groan Ace wrenched his head backwards and scooped me easily in his arms, flipping us over until I was pinned against the bed, his body looming dangerously sexily over my own. I smiled up at him through my swollen lips, noting his flustered and flushed face. Amazingly… just… he’s so perfect…Usually immaculate raven hair was skewered at odd angles to his head, clashing with his burning jade eyes in an intense collision of lust and passion. His perfect lips lay open, slightly swollen and wet from making out and dragging in heavy breaths of air as he simply sat there, staring at his prey which was- coincidentally- me. Swallowing heavily, I arched my hips under his, my eyes fluttering as a wave of pleasure wracked my body. Even through my jeans the pressure of his body on my aching erection was pure bliss, but still not enough to satisfy. Oh God, why does he have to torture me!!

“Ace!” I almost yelled at him when he simply placed his hands on my bare shoulders, shocks of God-knows-what shooting across my skin at his touch. “Please just DO something!” Instead he remained silent, almost devouring me with his hungry gaze. I needed him to touch me, craved his touch so much that it felt as if an invisible force was pushing my sanity over a cliff. He merely hung there and I resisted the urge to just slap him. I would, if I had the capability of even moving under the striking green chasing every possible thought from my mind.

“You have no idea how perfect you look right now,” he breathed huskily in the darkness. Broad shoulders filled my vision, the planes of a smooth chest and the barely visible definition of abs almost taking my breath away. How could you ever say no to this you idiot? Gasping, my eyes raked over his stunning figure, a hand reaching out and tracing the warm, firm contours of his body, stroking downwards until they reached the waistband of my black skinny jeans. But they look so much better on him don’t you think?

They’d look much better off.

For once, I actually agree with you.

Slipping my hand underneath the material I tugged forwards, a sharp breath catching in my lungs as I felt the intense heat radiating from his crotch. My gaze collided with his in the shadows as he slowly leaned over me, closer and closer until I was almost keening with desperation for his lips to touch mine once again, for the familiarity of his sensual taste to wipe every other thought from my mind. As if on command, Ace consumed me in a whirlwind of feverish desire. His hands finally left my shoulders, trailing a path of fire over my skin perfectly in sync with the deep stroke of his lips and tongue. Inhaling sharply when his slender fingers teased the over sensitive nipples on my chest, I almost cried out. Fuck! His lips leaving mine once again, he briefly planted them on the corner of my mouth. Grinning darkly, he began making his torturous way down my neck, continuously teasing and playing against my skin with his perfect lips and teeth. Even the goddamn tiny stud sent spikes of arousal shooting towards my groin. I’m going to die, I’m going to die right now. Whimpering, I tugged at his hair, trying to get him to increase his pace or kiss me again; to do something else with his hands other than achingly slowly remove my pants. Under my touch his skin was so hot, sending tendrils of pleasure curling over my body. It was like a dull fire burned deep in my stomach, a poker shoving in and sparking the hot coals every few seconds. Infuriatingly hot.

Snapping my eyes wide, I moaned in pure ecstasy when Ace’s lips met my sensitive nipple. The electric shock that vibrated straight to my aching member was so strong I almost threw Ace off my body when my hips jerked violently. Jesus Christ! Ohh… my … God...Playfully he nipped at the over sensitive disc and I clutched desperately at his sides, my hands running feverishly up and down his smooth muscles as he sucked it teasingly, listening to my heavy moans and incoherent mumblings.

“Accel…” I sighed desperately, finally pulling him up. Fumbling wildly, I could see him attacking my jeans in the darkness, violently ripping open the fly and shoving them furiously down my legs. No sooner than they were free from my body then he was on me again, his lips and tongue plundering my own, far more furiously than before. Ohh... I moaned, under his onslaught, my eyes rolling to the back of my head when his hand firmly massaged the bulging front of my briefs.

“God AJ,” he hissed through clenched teeth, smouldering green eyes holding my gaze as his hands tugged the briefs from my hips, down my body, tossing them casually to the floor so I was naked beneath him. Sitting back on his heels, Ace stared down at me, spread out beneath him. I swear his breath hitched in his throat.

“Holy shit…” he whispered.

For the first time in my life I was completely bare in front of someone I loved.

Don’t you dare blush. Don’t you fucking- against my will I felt a burning heat completely different from the one raging inside me flushing my cheeks- blush.

“Shit… I- um… God…” I tried timidly, going to roll over and away from him. I felt so cornered and exposed it was ridiculous. This is such a turn on granted, but… oh my fucking God… he probably thinks I’m hideous. I would think I was hideous… Oh my God, look at his face… he HATES IT!!!! SHIT.

“Princess… I-” Accel murmured, his hand stilling my attempt to roll away. It traced over my body, delicately sending little tingles of electricity dancing over my skin. White heat trailed over my collarbone, my chest, my nipples, tracing the ridge of every rib, gently rubbing the skin on my stomach and dipping into my belly button, until finally it paused between my hips, his thumb resting at the base of my raging erection. Swallowing nervously I glanced at his face with wide eyes, shaking my hair slightly so it covered my face. A tight breath released from my lungs when I saw his eyes filled with an emotion so strong yet so gentle it jolted straight to my heart.

“You’re so beautiful Andrew,” he whispered, shallow breaths shaking his words.

Beautiful? Yeah right. That’s some weird perception right there.

“No I’m no-”

With a low growl, Ace yanked me up off the sheets and into his arms, crushing my lips to his until I almost passed out in pleasure. “Yes you fucking are,” Ace whispered harshly in my ear. Before I knew what was going on, I found myself thrown back in the bed, Ace planting open mouthed kisses down my chest and stomach, sucking at the hot skin. His hands clutched at my skinny hips, thumbs performing some kind of massage that left me trying to thrust them upwards into his face. Ignoring my desperation, he continued travelling lower and lower. Hot breathe curled around the base of my cock, lips pressing gently against the soft skin. Glancing down, I gave him the most fearful look. He grinned slyly back, one hand caressing my side reassuringly and pushing me back down. “Don’t worry princess,” I faintly heard his voice, every word sending small breathes of air to caress my burning arousal, “You’ll like this.”

Wait… he’s not really going to-

Oh sweet merciful JESUS.

My hands fisted incredibly tightly in the sheets surrounding my body, my eyes snapping open and my breath ripping out of my body so fast the pain from my wound returned for a split second. Overwhelming pleasure speared through my entire body so fast I felt dizzy, sparking every nerve in my body and throwing it into my voice in the form of a long, shuddering moan. Ace’s soft lips closed around the head of my cock, his tongue swirling around the red tip, sucking with such a gentle motion that I was writhing and gasping on the bed within seconds, desperate for more.  High pitched moans passed my lips as his head dipped lower, the delicious wet and tight heat enveloping my cock almost entirely. Every muscle in my body screamed with need; I never wanted this to stop, it felt so fucking good! My hips thrusted helplessly against his arm which pinned them down, his fingers still massaging the skin. Black strands caught between my fingers as I buried my hands in his hair in an attempt to increase his torturous pace. His tongue flicked teasingly over the tip once again and I nearly bucked him off the bed.

“Accel-“ I gasped, my lip catching between my teeth as I bit back a loud groan when he dipped his head until I could feel his fringe tickling my stomach,”-you really need to… uhhh… Ace, I- oh my go… ooh…Ace-“

I tugged frantically at his hair and he finally pulled away from my cock, leaning back and staring at me with amusement and burning lust.

“Yes princess?” he questioned huskily, his voice sending invisible tendrils to curl around my nerves. Hypnotising eyes, smooth ivory skin, pitch black hair, glistening lips and perfection kneeled above me and I nearly passed out at the wave of heat that flooded through me.

I don’t know whether God hates me or loves me but, fucking hell I hope he loves me.

“I want to… I want-“ I spoke hesitatingly. Are you sure? How do you know Andrew? Huh. You may love him but how do you know that after you say those words that he isn’t going to just cast you onto the street? How can you be certain?

Because he said he loves me.

Do words really mean anything? In the end… They’re only words.

“You want to what?” Accel asked, leaning over and hovering over my lips. His hands stroked stray strands of hair away from my face, the gentle caress soothing my nerves.

That’s why.

“I want to… you know… us… to… well, it’s hard to-“

“You want to have sex Andrew?” Ace whispered, his teeth softly biting my earlobe. I closed my eyes as he played with the sensitive skin, tiny shivers of pleasure crawling over my skin.

“Yeah,” I whispered shakily, slowly cracking open my eyes to see his reaction. What have you done?

With a small smile plastered on his face, Ace sat back on his heels, gazing over me. Even in the dodgy half light he still looked absolutely incredible, as if all my desperate thrusting and hair clutching hadn’t fazed him one bit. Like it would have anyway. I knew I looked flustered and my hair was terrible but I couldn’t help it. I laughed.

Stop laughing. It’s not funny. What are you even laughing AT you moron? STOP LAUGHING.

Ace frowned at me, the grin on his face splitting wider and wider until an uneasy laugh forced through his lips. “What?” he questioned, looking at me strangely. Unable to stop, I continued, shaking my head and clutching my sides, the noises emitting from my mouth sounding weird and animalistic. You are a fucking retard. Rolling his shoulders slightly, Ace pecked me on the lips and the sound instantly stopped. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I nearly choked out, my throat closing off as nerves swept over my body. We’re really going to do this… oh my god.

Accel placed his hand on my stomach, softly touching the warm skin and rubbing it teasingly. Leaning over he placed a heavy kiss on my navel, his spare hand clutching my engorged member. A soft sigh escaped as heat flooded through me again, his hand beginning to stroke steadily, pumping up and down in time to my slightly rolling hips. Fuck… how can he do this to me?

Groaning loudly I scrunched my eyes closed and forced myself to sit upright, firmly placing my hands on Ace’s shoulders and shoving him backwards until he hit the charcoal sheets. Fumbling with his belt, I huffed in frustration, tugging at it slightly until a hand laid over mine, pushing me out of the way and swiftly undoing the metal. Breathing in shallowly, I swallowed, my fingers reaching out to rest over the fly of Ace’s jeans. I should… I should just do it… I want him so much, he’s so perfect… I’m scared…

DO IT! With a quick exhale I ripped open the jeans, all breath leaving my body as Ace’s erection laid before me, practically right in front of my face. I stared at it nervously, completely unsure of what to do.

Uh… The same thing he did to me I suppose…

Wetting my lips I leant forwards, glancing worriedly up at Ace’s face and clutching his hips while I tugged the denim over his thighs. He smiled comfortingly, stroking a hand through my hair. Slowly, I leaned forwards and took his hot cock between my lips. Sucking gently, I imitated what Ace had done, bobbing my head and letting him slide deeper and deeper, listening to his breaths catch and feeling his hands clench gently against my head. I’m doing that to him…

It’s kinda hot.

Faster and faster I let his burning erection slide between my lips, my hands still nervously clenched by his sides. Green eyes clashed heavily with my own when I looked upwards, and I felt a shudder pass through his body before I suddenly found myself shoved to the end of the bed and crushed by his body, lips devouring my own, sweeping heavy, crashing waves of desire over my thoughts. Our naked bodies tangled together on the bed and I found myself completely and utterly enveloped in Accel, his hands playing with my skin, fingers teasing the sensitive nubs on my chest. Mmm… Gasping against his lips, I felt Ace smile as one of his hands dropped low between my legs, his thumb rubbing my balls slightly before travelling further. Gently, he pushed my thighs apart and I gazed helplessly into his eyes, watching as he wet two of his fingers. Unable to glance away, I jerked violently when I felt a slender finger brush over nerves that I hadn’t even known existed, my eyes widening and breath wrenching from my lungs.  Wha- Oh my fucking… shiii… uh…Arching my back, my hands clutched desperately at his forearms as his finger pushed in my ass, slowly rubbing back and forth, sending strange coils of pleasure to ball heatedly in my gut. Lips met my own again, but I had no strength to kiss back; my entire focus was on the slow, hot stroking inside my body.

Oh my God that feels so… God… oh… please…

Suddenly, a lightning bolt of pleasure speared through my entire body as he hit my prostate, a small cry breaking the heavy breathing that filled the room. My eyes snapped open, my body almost lifting off the bed. I clutched at his shoulders heavily, groaning as I tried to move against him, wanting him to touch me there again, desperate for some form of release from the tension coiling inside of me.

“Gotcha,” I heard Ace whisper against my lips. Moaning, I rocked against his fingers, feeling them slide in and out of my body and craving more. Anything more! Just something that would get rid of the hunger burning inside my body. My cock was fire, the aching erection desperate to release its load.

Ooohhh Ace please…

“Please,” I whispered weakly, barely able to get the word out. The pressure in my ass was suddenly increased as Ace slid another slender digit inside, stroking over that one spot repeatedly and sending me into spasms of pleasure; each tiny stroke had me crying out desperately and raking my fingers over his body. What is he doing to me-e-e! Placing the lightest of kisses on my lips, his stunning eyes latched with mine and refused to break away. Ace… I wanted to say, but I couldn’t force any sounds other than pathetic whimpers of need past my lips. My breath hitched as he slowly eased another finger in and I flinched slightly in discomfort. Ow… I thought briefly, but jerked my head back onto the sheets as soon as he hit that spot again. Fuuuckk, I felt like moaning.

In the distance somewhere I heard the snap of a plastic bottle being opened and suddenly Ace’s fingers were gone, returning within almost an instant but cold and wet. What the hell is tha- The emptiness that had slammed into me as soon as he had pulled away disappeared almost as soon as he smiled and massaged the small ring of nerves. I almost cried with pleasure. God just… PLEASE! A high pitched keening sound worked its way from my lungs as I attempted to push back on his fingers teasing my entrance. FUCK ACE! JUST  DO IT!

“Ace,” I groaned loudly. Almost as soon as the sound left my mouth he slipped the fingers in so easily it took my breath away. Unable to breath for a moment, I waited for the wave of sensation to pass before another took its place.

“Baby,” I heard Ace whisper huskily in the dark, his own voice speared with longing. “”Are you ready? It might hurt a little and I’m sorry… but I promise it’ll feel good later okay? You look so perfect right now.” Moaning heavily and rocking my hips I merely nodded, unable to find the strength for words. A light kiss was placed on my lips, Accel’s taste swirling heavily through my already drugged senses and his fingers pulled away. I lay boneless on the bed, the feel of the sheets against my skin sending restless shivers over my skin. God it’s so cruel that he keeps me waiting! I opened my eyes, taking in Ace’s naked form in the shadows, unable to breath in complete awe.







He stared hungrily down at me as his heavy erection pressed against my ass. Oh my God… Oh my God… Bracing himself over me and holding my gaze, he gripped his engorged shaft in one hand and slowly but surely pushed in. Jesus! A million different sensations crashed over me as I helplessly fell back against the bed. Pain, pleasure, fear and happiness swamped me like a tidal wave. Releasing his cock, Ace brought his hand up, stroking my face and whispering sweet words of encouragement in the darkness.

“Its okay baby, I’m sorry,” he murmured, his lips pressing against the top of my head as his hips edged further forwards. “Fuck you’re so tight. God AJ…” Groaning and biting down on his lip stud he took me with a final thrust. Intense pain speared through my body so quickly, I cried out and buried my head in Ace’s shoulder, my eyes watering slightly. Ow… Okay, just breathe… breathe… ow…

“Fuck!” I heard him spit. “”Andrew I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Shit. I thought that… Princess? Hey baby?” I could feel his body shaking with the strain of keeping himself still and I waited for a few moments, the strangest feeling of ‘fullness’ enveloping my body. It’s not so bad now…

It felt good. Strangely good… like he really needs to move soon good…

Gently, I pulled my head out of the crook of his shoulder, moving my lips to his and whispering against them. “It feels so good Ace.”

I grinned when I felt him stiffen, a groan ripping from his throat. “Fuck,” he muttered. His hips shifted, pressing against mine, his cock embedded deep inside me rubbing against muscles that gripped him tightly. Gasping simultaneously, we both stopped moving, our gazes connecting so intimately it felt as if I could see into his very soul. In that moment, every emotion I had ever felt towards or about Ace came flooding back, pouring into the atmosphere around us and fuelling our need for each other.  I need you, I yelled silently. We began to move, his hips thrusting with increasing speed, faster and faster, every deep plunge of his cock inside me shooting hot shudders of desire deep into my body. I love you Ace… my mind screamed as our bodies moved as one, igniting a lust so deep it smashed through every boundary I had ever set myself. I needed him so much in this moment, wanted him so absolutely that no force of doubt could ever break my will to be with him. I loved him. I loved Accel. His cock drove deeper and deeper into my body, his groans and muttered words of need mixing with my desperate whimpers and moans in the air surrounding us.

Almost as suddenly as it began, the ball of lust that had been residing so deeply in my gut began to unfold. As Ace’s hips slammed into my body, it curled through my body, spreading to every nerve and rooting itself in every muscle. Crying out, my fingers scraped over Ace’s back, seeking some kind of hold as enormous waves of pleasure rocked my body. Oh GOD… FUCK… OH… Ace!!!!

Ace! I’m going to-“ I whimpered, falling silent as my entire body stiffened and clenched down around Ace’s cock as he continued to drive deep into my body. My balls drew upwards towards my body, a tightness overwhelming my mind until, with one last thrust, Ace drove so deep it shattered the hold I had on the world around me. Sensation exploded over my body as I shuddered heavily, my faint cry withering away in the distance as I came,  warm drops landing on my stomach and chest as I lay there. Ace stiffened as I watched him, his face scrunched in a beautiful picture of pleasure, emptying himself in my body.

After a few moments he slumped onto my body, our ragged breathing and heaving chests crushing together as he slowly rolled off me, his shaft slipping from my body and I shuddered at the feeling. I could barely breathe as one of his arms tugged me towards him. He kissed me so deeply and tenderly, a dark sensual chocolate taste sweeping through my senses. I clung to him, knowing that I never wanted to let go again… this is what I wanted. Nothing else.

Slowly he pulled away, keeping his forehead resting on my own, our hair tangling together as easily as our gazes locked.

“I love you,” he whispered so softly I barely heard him.

“I know,” I murmured back, closing my eyes and moving my head to rest on his shoulder.


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