New World, New Reality

By Yel_lue04

9.8K 225 32

I woke up and find myself in a world that I was addicted in. I find myself enjoying the view and enjoying the... More

#2: Mirror
#3: Shiro, The Black Villain
#Character Introduction1
#5: Aika's Special Spell
#6: Building Bridges
#7:Karneval's Quest
#8: The Invitation
#9: Fixing the Karneval
#10: HOME
#11: Orphanage House
#12: Mahogany Tree
#13: As Long As I Meet Her
#14: Map Making
#15: Finally
#16: Choices
#17: Guild Master
18: Shirayuki Sai
#19: Scare Crow
#20:Poison called Fear
#21: Joint Forces
#22: Autumn
#23: The Emperor
#24: Graveyards
#25: What death feels?
#26: What death feels like II?
#27: How Goodbyes are Said.
#28: Memories
#29: I Knew It
#30: Happy Birthday
#31: A New Council Commander
#32: The Only Ones Left
#33:Another Part of The Story
#34: Rescue Will Come
#35: Hide And Seek
#36: The Final Stage
#37: Towards A New Beginning
#38: We Can All Move On
#39: The Burden We All Have
#40: Free

#1: Drifted

3.5K 50 6
By Yel_lue04

Shirayuki Sai POV
If I recall, it was already 5 months since I was fixated with a game called Log Online. This game requires a nerve gear which you wear on your head  covering the eyes. This game brings you to a virtual world. In this game, I chose to be a dual-wielder where I use two swords in each hand. There are also different types like mage, shrine priest, assasin, knight, bard and many more. The central place is called Home and it sounds comfy. It is where we buy weapons and also there is a large cathedral where players respawn.

By the way, I'm Shirayuki Sai but my current name in this game is Shira. Unlike the other players, I didnt start right. My starting level was already in 21 which made me seems like a cheater. I asked it to the GM and he messaged me that it was overlooked by one of the game staffs. I was actually thankful I dont have to go through a lot of tutorials and killing of slimes in the mountains. I am currently in level 85. It became a  hard time to level up these past days since a solo-player like me is not allowed to enter dungeon with levels 54 alone. I tried to look for parties who are opening for raids but the requirements are quiet high. I think I should really look for a party to join.

That is when I found Saruhiko in the woods hunting for a ragout rabbit. He's a quiet type person and his avatar is really handsome. I wonder if he is also. It was just a few adventures inside the dungeons until one day....

Real World
"Sai, time to eat!", Sai's mother shouted. Sai removed her nerve gear and went downstairs. She went straight to the kitchen and saw that everything is already prepared. "You could have asked me to assist in preparing", Sai pouted. "You are busy with your beloved game. Make sure you wont fall out of the food chain", her Mom warned. "Okay, okay, now that I'm here. Why not talk about our plan moving to Canada? Japan is not a bad place but why not take it to consideration of taking grandfather's offer?", Sai asked. Rei, her father and Kazuki,her Mom just gave a slight grin. "Why do you want to leave Japan?", Rei asked. "Okay, honestly I became a huge fan of this game. The Game Master offered me work at their place which is coincidentally Canada. The payment is pretty high", Sai said with glittering eyes. Kazuki sighed and just continued eating. "Let's think about it", Kazuki said after a while. Sai was about to head back into her room when Kazuki called out. "Sai, can we talk for a while?", Kazuki asked. Sai scratched the back of her head. "I have a quest today", Sai pouted. "Just for a few minutes", Kazuki said. Sai went back and sat in front of Kazuki. Rei already left.

"Sai, what do you want to be?", Kazuki asked. "I want to be a doctor", Sai answered. "What do you want to do now?", Kazuki asked again. "I want to go to Canada and take the offer of the Game Master and the Creator", Sai smiled. "Sai, sometimes we have to think really deep. You have a dream. Its not like we're pushing thibgs on you or expecting have a great capabilities. You're intelligent and amazing. Dont you have bigger dreams?", Kazuki looked at her daughter's eyes. "Mom, I'm sorry but... I have to think of it", Sai sadly exited the room.

Log Online

Shira landed at the center of the Home. "Yo!", Saruhiko raised his hands. "Saruhiko, sorry for being late", Shira apologized. Both went to the dungeon at level 55 and killed the boss. They were able to acquire a rare item which are two black coats with different designs. Saruhiko is a Half-Alv and has a weapon of bow and arrow. "Amazing Saurhiko, your arrows are getting bigger and powerful", Shira praised. They went out of the dungeon. "Ready for the next one?", Saruhiko asked. "Su-", Sai was cut off when she saw she was teleported in a place she never seen. The place was all ruined and the buildings are scattered into pieces.

"Announcement. Today begins the real game. Here is a world with no escape. The game wants to inform you.... That death in this game means death in real life", the voice was creepy and the laugh was evil. It wasnt the voice of the game master. "Why?", Sai asked. "Why? Because, it is payback time", the voicr answered. Sai was shocked how it heard her. She looked around and found no one else. A game where you can really die. Her whole body shivered and looked at the log out button. There was none. She knelt down and looked at the map. She cannot figure out the place she was teleported in.

Hi readers! There are lot of twist and turns for log horizon and sword art online. I'm borrowing the context and I dont own it.

Thank you for reading.

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