Welcome To Highschool

By DeathToLurkers

90K 4.3K 3.9K

Max and Ross as high schoolers. More

Welcome to highschool
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Poll for an up-coming chapter
Poll Ended!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Man im sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Update and info
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28::The Final Chapter

Chapter 20

2.3K 143 234
By DeathToLurkers

I'm sorry okay! I had a school camp, I also have a life! I'm sorry! This chapter was meant to be longer, so the part that Pixie writes will be in the next chapter instead. I hate leaving you guys hanging but please understand I have a life outside of wattpad! I didn't want to post this chapter because it's jumpy and unrealistic compared to the others I have wrote. It frustrated me, this is the sixth try at writing this chapter so I've given up making it any better. Enjoy it.

Ross' POV

Max didn't answer any of my texts or calls on Sunday... And he isn't at school today. He really is making me worried...
I wait by the gate looking both ways, double checking if Max is coming to school today. He may act like a cool badass rebel but he actually gets pretty good grades. He does care about school. But where is he?

Jin rounds a corner and gives me a nervous wave, odd for him. I ignore him and keep looking for Max.

"Hey.. Umm have you heard anything from Max?" He says, scratching his neck and stopping next to me.

"No, he doesn't answer my texts either." I state, I don't want Jin to see my emotions.

"Oh.. Look Ross I'm sorry." Jin says, refusing to look me in the eye, I stay silent and let him continue.

"I-I've been a real jerk to you and Max... I hate blaming my mistakes on someone else but I've been brought up differently from my Dad... He was a.. Bad guy. I'm trying to get better but the way I act is the only thing I know." Jin explains, shuffling his shoes against the pathway.

"I understand you won't forgive me. But can I at least help you find out what's wrong with Max?" He asks.

"Playing the victim role eh? No Jin." I say. I run into the school before he can say anything more, I'm going to be late anyway. 

~~Time Skip:After school~~

Having nothing else I can do and being worried sick I rush over to Max's apartment. I run to the door I remember and knock on it, surprisingly it opens. I peak in callings his name into the quiet air. My eyes are drawn to a letter on his kitchen table. My name is on it. I pick it up and start to read.


I'm sorry, but I can't do this. I don't love you. I don't really see who could. You are hard to manage and needy, I want to live my own life without you tying me down. I'm leaving to somewhere fresh, don't try and find me. You will only regret it.

Yours Sincerely - Max

I put the sheet down, no. That can't be true, please make it not true. I slowly walk out of his apartment, I'm not even mad really. Just, disappointed. Sad, confused. A mixture of all these emotions.

I drive home without any thought, I unlock my home where safety and happy memories rest. And got to bed.

"Ross, are you okay?" Shelby asks, I lay my head in my pillow.

"Fine" I whisper.

"Ross, does this have to do with Max?" Shelby asks, sitting next to me.

"Yes." I answers bluntly.

Shelby sits next to me frowning at me in doubt. "What happened Ross?" She asks.

I tell her everything, not caring about anything anymore, does it really matter?

She pulls me close and hugs me, I shake and finally let my tears out. Why? Why?

~~Time Skip: Next Day~~

Jin walks over to me as I enter the gates, funny show I don't get bullied anymore. They could easily do so, I really deserve it for being an idiot.

"Hey, Ross... You okay?" Jin asks, concern over his face.

"Why would you care Jin?!? Not like you were ever there for me!" I lash out. Jin jumps back slightly and sighs.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for how I treated you. My mindset was very immature and I regret every choice I made." Jin says looking at his shoes.

"Then look me in the eyes and show me you mean it!" I yell. He looks into my eyes, he looks sad. But that's impossible after all, it's Jin.

"I'm sorry Ross. I'm sorry I hurt you." Jin says keeping eye contact.

I have no were to turn anymore, no one to talk to. So who cares, he can't break me more than he already has. Besides not like I believe him or anything, I'm not that dumb.

"Fine. We can be friends." I say, I walk into the school grounds he runs to my side and joins me.

"Thank you," Jin says smiling "I have changed I promise."

~~Time Skip~~

"HELL NO!" Adam yells at me, I cringe at his sudden irritated additive.

"Are you serious Ross!?! He is a lair cant you see that!?!" Jess yells, pointing at Jin in anger.

"Please..? He said he changed and we can at least give him a chance to prove it.." I say, I admit what I'm doing is stupid. Letting Jin into this gang? Bad idea, but I don't even care anymore.

"No, he has tormented our group and you and Max enough!" Adam says glaring at him.

"Max left. He abandoned me. I found this note in his home." I whisper, I pass the note to Adam. He reads it and rolls his eyes.

"This is fake Ross! Max wouldn't do this!" Adam shouts.

"How would you know!?! Do you know where he is huh!?! Is he answering your calls!? I didn't think so!" I yell, I storm out of the computer lab, dragging Jin behind me.

Once we round the corner I sink down to my knees. I don't care anymore. I can't afford to care anymore. Jin sits next to me, not saying a word. I remember when I first met Jin, he was perfect. So nice and comforting in his own way, but it was all a facade. But... Maybe he has changed?

"Max told me." Jin whispered, I turn to him in confusion.

"He told me he didn't love you. I kept trying to win you over so he couldn't do this. Because I made this mistake before. I shouldn't told you, but you wouldn't have believed me." Jin says, a bit louder.

"I believe you." I whisper back.

"Why?" Jin asks.

"There is no one else to believe in" I choke out. I hope Jin isn't telling the truth.

Jin's POV

This is turning out better than I expected! I am the most talented actor in the world! I mean he believed me twice! How stupid can that sloth get. Even if I eventually do let Max out, not like he will be able to prove anything!
Oh I am a genius! Or a Jin-uis ha!

"Let's.. Let's go to the courtyard. It's sunny there." Ross says, getting up.

"Couldn't agree more.."I whisper shyly. I just have to keep this good-guy act long enough for him to trust me completely. Then I win.

Following Ross to the courtyard I decide to go through ways to make Ross love me instead of being 'friend zoned' we sit down and stare at the clouds. Ross used to love pointing out shapes In clouds, he isn't doing that now though. Huh. Must not be in the mood.

I spot Jess waving Ross over from behind a brick wall. She can't change his thoughts now.

"Be right back Jin, looks like Jess wants to talk..." Ross sighs.

"Sure thing." I say staring at the clouds.

Ross gets up and disappears behind the building. What will I do after I conquer Ross... Hmm. I'll have nothing to do, no one to play with...

I wait for a few minutes... Man they are taking their time. I wait a little longer. Okay this is ridiculous! I sit up and glare in the direction Ross went, then my attention is drawn to a figure watching me from behind a tree.

They, have... Ginger. Hair.


Ross' POV

"What is it Jess?" I ask when we round the corner.

"You really, honestly trust Jin?" She asks.

"What? No! I don't trust him, I just really need someone right now and he will do..."

"You have us Ross! Don't fall back on him as a plan B!"

"I know, I know... I'm just confused right now Jess. Bit more than that but..."

"You wanna sit down and talk about feelings?"


We both sit down and start talking . For awhile, I'm basically telling her my life story. I need someone to vent to and Jess is a really nice person.

"And now I don't know what to do, I feel like this has hurt me more." I say finished venting.

"Well I for one don't think Max would do that, or tell Jin mind you. Think about it he could have just left you instead of trying to be your friend. It's dumb to think he did all this just do hurt you... I mean I'm just saying and all" Jess says.

"Yeah... But Jin's statement makes sense! That's what I hate, and he isn't coming to school, or answering my texts."

"I dunno Ross. But just, I don't trust Jin. You should hang out with us, we will protect you!" Jess says getting up, I stand up and we both walk around the corner.


Is that...


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