Wolfen Raven

By AnimeAlltheway

2K 102 2

Morgan is a regular high school student like in most romance novels. And just like in romances, a new kid com... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 17 part 3
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2 (only a little bit of it)
Final Chapter

Chapter 17 part 1

42 2 0
By AnimeAlltheway

I felt so bad that i haven't updated in so long! Sooooo, here's a bit of the chapter i got done so far. Enjoy! :)


Thresh's POV

I was about to go downstairs to find out what’s wrong because my parents never slam the door, and I mean NEVER. I passed dad in the hallway but he ran too fast to say anything before he was gone. I wiped away the thought and continued to hurry my way down the stairs and ask mom instead. When I was finally in the kitchen, mom was running around the kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off. She was grabbing tons of food that didn’t need to be refrigerated or specially cooked. Stuffing them in a backpack like bag, she’d continue on grabbing more food.

“Mom, what is going on?” I asked and she jumped, dropping all the food she had in her arms.

But she gathered her wits back quickly and stayed calm and talked with authority in her voice, “Thresh, gather all important things to you, fast. We are leaving and going into hiding.” she commanded and started to collect all the dropped items hurriedly.

“Why?” I questioned.

She sighed, but continued what she was doing, “We are on code red. We need to leave, NOW.” she said.

“What is code red?”

She sighed again, “Thresh, now is not the ti-”

“Yes it is. If my family is in danger, I need to know.” I stated.

She rubbed her temples, “Fine. The humans are suspicious and know where we live, curious of how we are so ‘indestructible’ and are planning on using us as test subjects. Not the normal ones but the bat shit crazy ones. And supposedly, they gathered a few crazy werewolves as well.” she explained as she worked.

I was about to respond when I heard a crash and then Morgan screaming ear piercingly.

My eyes widened and became scared as I ran as quick as I could to her room. If they hurt her or our baby, there will be hell to pay.

Morgan’s P.O.V.

Jaren was wailing in my ear as I covered him, it hurt my ear a lot but I ignored it because I’ve suffered worse and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I let him get hurt. I heard another growl come into my room but it was closer. I cringed but I had a feeling I knew who it was. I peeked a look through my arms and saw Jake right in front of me, protecting us. He was growling viciously at the wolves in front of him.

Soon enough, Thresh was there. He was silent as he walked over to me, then he grabbed me into his arms and walked us out of the room. He put me on the kitchen table and went back upstairs to help his father deal with the problem, or at least that’s my guess.

After I watched Thresh go back up the stairs, I looked down at Jaren who had a sour look on his face but he wasn’t wailing as bad as he was in my room. I started to rock him and quiet him as best I could in such a hurried atmosphere. When Jaren was finally calm, Samantha stepped before me and looked at me seriously, not in a friendly manner.

“Morgan, we need to leave now. The boys will take care of the problem, but us three need to leave right this second, before they catch us.” she said.

I looked her over and saw she had my bag that I left when Thresh carried us away. I was hesitant to leave them, more importantly, Thresh. I looked over at the stairs worryingly. Samantha noticed my worried look and comforted me.

“They will be fine but we have to go. Please.” she gave me a scared look, looking between me and Jaren.

I took a second to think then nodded reluctantly. I looked back as we ran out the door. When we were in the brush of the trees near the house, covered and unseen, Samantha turned to look over at me.

“Morgan, it is time we shift. Although, most of the time we let newborns grow for about a month before we shift but we need to make good ground.” she told me.

I was still worried but nodded. I set Jaren down on the ground, as I did he looked up at me curiously. Samantha and I quickly took our clothes off before we shifted so we wouldn’t tire ourselves more by making the change more hurtful. Once we were done, we let our wolves take over.

I watched over Jaren as I did, trying most of the time not to let my eyes close so I wouldn’t let him out of my sight. As well as to watch him shift for his first time with me. I saw his eyes were not becoming a bright yellow but a dark forest green color instead. I was amazed but I was more astonished when his fur was a light grey, like ashes over his whole body. He was done before me but he was smaller and took less time, he was fumbling and crawling around for me but after my change was finished, I took my time gathering my thoughts. I shook out my fur and grabbed him up with my mouth.

I looked over at Samantha to see if she was ready, she had all of our bags together in her mouth all set to leave. When she saw I was ready to go, she took off but not too quickly, so I could follow after without bothering Jaren too much.

I could hear the fighting and growls that were surrounding the house. The home I ran to when my father’s house was unsafe. The home of the guy my mom approved of me dating, which is still a surprise.

But why does it seem like every time I move somewhere, it becomes unsafe after a certain amount of time?

We ran, and I strained to listen toward our home for as long as I could until it was basically impossible to hear anything so far away. Jaren would whimper every few minutes when I accidentally get too caught up in running or thinking about Thresh and my grip on him would unintentionally tighten. I’d loosen it every time but not too much so I would drop him. Samantha would often look back toward us to check if we were still caught up with her or when Jaren would whine.

As we were running, I suddenly heard running steps, but they weren’t familiar. It wasn’t Jake or Thresh. I began to scan the whole area and growl warningly at whoever it was. My maternal instincts were screaming at me to protect Jaren as well as my fight or flight instincts were kicking in, so my heart started to beat faster and my body tensed but ready for a fight and from the possible threat. Samantha looked back when I started to growl and she began to follow my example, looking all around us for a threat. As we were jogging and staying on alert, we heard a distant howl toward our home. It was pained and my ears pulled back as I whined in worry for my mate.

It was a mistake to do that because Samantha also looked and we were vulnerable in our worry. Jaren had whined loudly before they jumped. Samantha was taken down first, I heard her yelp as she was tackled to the ground by what seemed like a crazed werewolf. Out of reflex, and from seeing many movies, my body moved away from the spot I was just at, and I just barely missed another crazed wolf trying to tackle me as well. I growled, the wolf in me coming to the surface to protect our body and our pup. She was very worried for Thresh but she knew that we had to pay attention to protecting our child first. I agreed and allowed her to lead us.

She growled warningly toward them, but they only snarled back. My wolf didn’t take that well as she made a deep throated snarling sound that didn’t sound wolf-like at all. It sounded very ferocious and scary in my opinion. The crazed wolf that was facing us off, wasn’t fazed much but the one fighting against Samantha was smarter about it and flinched. The one in front of us, pawed the ground like a bull and growled at us, then charged toward us. If I hadn’t let my wolf lead, I would’ve been scared shitless of what to do, but she knew what she was doing and only wolfishly grinned. She put Jaren down quickly when he was getting closer and swatted her paw at him right after the moment he could’ve avoided it and he slid a yard away from his own momentum.

My wolf moved her legs closer to Jaren, in a protective stance, one of her legs close enough that she was touching him to comfort herself that he was still there and near. I understood the feeling, because I was feeling the same way. She lowered her head in a threatening way and lifted her lips away from her sharp teeth. The wolf got up and growled again at her before he started circling us, looking for an opening. She wasn’t going to give any, but we both agreed that something was off about this wolf other than that he was crazy. He would look down at Jaren consistently and it made us uncomfortable that he was looking at him. It made us more on edge. She was more ticked about it than I was because she wanted him to pay more attention to fighting us than watching our pup, but the way he was looking at Jaren also infuriated her. She’d growl each time he looked down at our son, which often brought his attention back to her. To get him to do something, she snapped her teeth toward him, making him jump back a half step but growl at us.

My wolf wanted this to end soon so we could get Jaren back into a safe environment. I wanted the same thing. To just crawl into bed with my mate and son then just fall into a blissful sleep. It wasn’t going to happen that easily though.

As he circled us, he would jump toward us in a mocking way, like a puppy wanting to play with another dog. She’d growl and not flinch, always keeping a sharp eye on both him and our pup. Well, I was watching over him while she had a stare down with the crazy wolf. When he jumped again, he got too close and, like a pissed off cat, she swiped her paw at him with her claws snagging at his fur. He yelped in pain as he leapt back, then snarled at her. His fur already had blood covering his one side in blood, matting it in the process. It sort of revolted me, so I just focused elsewhere.

I looked for Samantha and she was having trouble with the wolf she was fighting. She couldn’t get rid of the one we’re dealing with and we couldn’t help her with her own because we needed to watch over Jaren. I was worried about her, she was growing tired from the fighting. She probably wasn’t use to fighting anymore, just working around in the kitchen and working in the hospital, otherwise just lounging around all day. I tried not to have my wolf notice my worry toward her and lose her concentration then possibly being vulnerable against the crazed wolf.

But of course, she was a part of me and I to her, so she obviously took notice to my worry and looked over at Samantha. She whined in her throat, but tried to pay attention to the wolf in front of us. If Samantha failed, we would most likely have to face two wolves, and this one was already unpredictable enough. She had to take a chance. One to get her out of this situation with Jaren and Samantha in danger. Her protective instincts were in full effect and she wanted to do SOMETHING. But what could she do?

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