Chapter One

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Hi, thanks for actually trying out my book if you are but i must warn you, i'm not too proud of this first chapter because i made this when i was mad at a friend of mine which explains the fight in the beginning. It gets better though from what i can tell (hopefully).


“I can’t believe you!” I said to one of my ‘best friends.’

My name is Morgan Parnell and my use to be best friend, I just got into a fight with, is Brad Asburn.

So I’m guessing you’re wondering why we’re in a fight? Well, he just flirted with my best friend. And her name is Amy Guaterez. I’ve known her almost since I’ve lived here.

“Well, I couldn’t help it!” he said.

Sigh. The same excuse almost every guy I know uses. I was very pissed off when my friend said he flirted with her. You’re probably thinking stuff like “what if she’s lying?” or “how could she tell he was?” and so on. Well, I know she wasn’t lying, because, like what I said earlier she’s my best friend, I believe her. With the other important question wondering how she knew he was flirting, well, Amy knows more about guys then I do, even though I should know more since I hang out with them more, but its not like I observe guys when they like girls or whatever.

“That’s the most idiotic thing to freaking say!”

“Well, at least I don’t sound like a nagging bitch!!”

Oh HELL no! Nobody calls me anything other then my given name. And that is completely the OPPOSITE of what I’m like. Sure, I’ll admit that I’m not the nicest person in the world but I don’t nag, I‘m not a dog, and I am not a mean bitch like the rest of the bitchy girls in my school.

I tackle him to the ground, trapping him so he can’t escape. I hold him down, smiling with pleasure from the call of violence. I really needed this. My step-mom scolded me this morning about stupid crap, which I bit my tongue to hold back my anger. I’m going to get yelled at from my dad tonight, probably, about my F that I got on my History test, and the dumb populars’ mouths couldn’t shut up for one second in Math so our teacher gave us all a long stupid assignment that’s all due on Monday! It was the straw I was waiting to be pulled so I could let out all my frustration.

I balled up my fist and my knuckles turned white then I threw all my anger I’ve been holding back all day and put it all into my fist and hit the bastard. I heard a slight crack in his jaw but it didn’t matter to me. Something in my stomach growled with satisfaction but I wasn’t finished with him yet. No, not even close. I threw another punch at Brad’s other side of his face and heard a gut wrenching crack that shook me with adrenaline. In the far back of my mind that was usually my common sense and the part of my head that gave me reason not to just scream at my family whenever I was scolded from my parents or given “talks” from my brother or step-father, wished I had a metal bat so the evidence of violence wasn‘t on my hands. I slightly agreed but there wasn’t a bat anywhere near and my hands were my only weapons at the moment.

When he didn’t fight back, my common sense came back to THEIR senses and told me to get off and leave. Though mainly was probably because I started to get tired of not having a challenge so I got up and left him laying there on the cold tile ground of the school.

Here, I’m known as the girl you just don‘t mess with, nobody really ever tries to get me mad because they are instinctively afraid of me is what I heard from my friends. They’ve never seen me pissed off enough where I speak back not start a fight and beat a kids ass.

My walk, as I was going to my car, had arrogance, victory, and a “I could beat you, but I choose not to use it” grace.

I went up to my smallish car and looked around to make sure no one was around then I shrieked happily. When I was done being all giddy about my first fight (and winning not to mention, ha-ha) I slide into my car to go home and I was just about to shut the door and go home, when I felt a pair of eyes watching me. My senses are extraordinarily higher then a regular human beings, so I can usually tell if someone is near or harm is coming towards me. I sniffed the air. Nothing. I looked around. Not a thing out of place. I strained to hear anything close by. Nothing but people talking about the horrific lunch at school today. Nothing was screaming out “I’M WATCHING YOU, COME AND GET ME!” so I was out of luck there. But somewhere in my gut knew that something I’m not going to like is going to happen.

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