Chapter Three

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I woke up in a car with Thresh driving. I sat up.

“Thresh, what the HELL happened a little while ago?” I asked holding my hand up to my forehead.

“Nothing you need to worry about.” he said keeping his eyes on the road.

“Great, Now I HAVE to worry cause in aallll the movies and books if somebody says that then something scary happens.” I pouted, crossed my arms, and leaned down in my seat.

He laughed at my pouting and complaints “Don’t worry you don’t need to I got this under control.” he winked at me and went back to paying attention to the road.

I wish you would pay that much attention to me. I thought somewhere in my head. And then a completely different opinion came up. You don’t deserve him! He’s hot and much better looking than you. Why would a loser like you date a popular, cool, awesome guy like him? He deserves better…. but nobody can handle a werewolf like him. Who could handle the truth of his nature? You can… but you can’t have him! He’s mine! Nobody else’s! NO! He’s whoever he wants to be. Why are you even talking about this to yourself about him, you know he’s not in your league! GET IT TOGETHER MORGAN!

“Morgan?” Thresh said shaking me out of my head argument.

“Oh, sorry I blanked out, but what?” I said.

“Which way to your house?” he asked.

“Um, keep going straight.” I hesitated.

He nodded and kept going. He opened his mouth to say something but then thought about it and closed it. All of a sudden, he started driving on streets without my direction.

“Thresh, where are we going?” I asked getting a little scared.

“To my new favorite place around here. It won‘t take long, you‘ll be home in time.” he winked at me again.

I let out my held in breath. I was so relieved to hear that I’m going to this place he likes. I wonder if it’s my favorite one too? My favorite one is this park that has a very old rusty slide and swing set and there’s these plants that me and my brother would eat the pedals off of sometimes when we found them. But the best part of the park is that at night when I’m really mad at my step-mom or frustrated with my dad I go by the water near the park and look at all the stars. Imagining what it would be like if my life was better with me being a prep or just a normal kid and having to see your parents everyday after school. Or not have to deal with all this stress.

“Morgan we’re here.” he said with a grin on his face.

He went around the car and opened my car door for me and grabbed my hand and helped me out. I blushed when he grabbed my hand. He led me to the park I loved most as he still held my hand. I blushed even more probably looking like a lobster. He finally let go of my hand and handed me his phone.

“Here, call whoever and say we’re going to be a little late, ok?” he said smiling at me.

“Ok.” I blushed the brightest red I’ve ever blushed before, and I‘m not much of a blusher.

I called Beth and said I’d be late coming home. She agreed which I thanked that she didn’t ask why I’m already late.

“All done. Now what are we going to do?” I asked blushing less hopefully.

“Watch the sky for a few minutes then go play on the playground? That work?” he suggested.

“Sure, ya know this is actually my favorite place to be too. I go here during hard times.” I smiled at him.

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