Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning with a bad feeling in my stomach. I slowly sat up. I always knew when I was sick because I shake heavily and I can’t sleep no matter what side I lay on and its very annoying since it takes a long time for me to throw it all up. I sat up in my bed. I sat still, I was in my bed? Though last night me and Thresh did it again and I fell asleep against his chest feeling warm, comfy, and safe. But I’m in my bed, maybe it was just a dream, or Thresh had to move me to my bed because he heard something. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter because I started to have the feeling like I was about to heave.

I ran to the bathroom, and fell on the floor in front of the toilet. I began to heave but nothing came. I hated it when that happened. Since I wasn’t going to vomit yet, I closed the door and just sat in front of the toilet. Then I smelt breakfast, though I knew I wasn’t eating this morning because I wasn’t feeling well. I carefully and slowly got up to go check the time. It was 6:00 in the morning. I groaned. I usually woke up later then this, and I was extremely tired, I walked to the kitchen and saw Samantha cooking like a pro.

“Hey Sweetie, what are you doing awake already? I was going to wake you up instead.” she said not even glancing back at me.

“I don’t feel well, my stomach hurts and I almost heaved but nothing came yet.” I said with ‘In pain’ written all over my face.

I was slumped against the doorway, having my hand over my stomach, somehow, magically my stomach ache went away. Samantha stopped cooking and walked over to me with concern. She put the back of her hand against my forehead.

I flinched when I thought she was going to back hand me but she didn’t. She continued to hold her hand against my forehead for a couple seconds, not even noticing my flinch from her.

“Well your staying here another day or two. Your forehead is on fire.” she said washing her hands quick and going back to her cooking.

“When I was younger, I usually didn’t get sick but if I did, they were fevers. I never got anything else.” I complained not wanting to skip another school day.

“Sorry, but your staying here your not going to go and infect other kids. I’ll call for a day off work so I can take care of you.” She said still cooking.

“Fine. I’m going to go lay in bed and try to go back to sleep.” I said walking back upstairs.

She said “ok” and continued to cook. I crawled into bed and slept for awhile when I heard a knock on the door next to mine, which was Thresh’s.

“Thresh, wake up. Its time for school.” she said quietly.

Probably not to disturb my sleep even though it already was.

“10 more minutes, mom.” he grumbled from sleep.

“Don’t make me come in there and pull you off that bed, Resthres.” she threatened.

I grinned at the threat. I love this family, I can so get used to living like this.

“Ugh, fine. I’m getting up.” I heard the sound of blankets shuffling and feet touching the floor.

I listened to the sound of him dressing and smelt waffles and bacon. They seemed so good but I couldn’t, I was stuck in bed. I got out of my bed and quietly, snuck out of my room and listened down the hall of their conversation.

“Hey mom, where’s Morgan? Didn’t you wake her up this morning?” Thresh asked.

“No, she woke up way before you guys did, she told me she wasn’t feeling good, so I felt her forehead and she has a fever. She’s staying home and I’m going to call work to tell them I can’t come. You should leave her alone, she needs some sleep.” she suggested to him.

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