Chapter 18 part 2 (only a little bit of it)

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Yeah, I get that I haven't updated but its been hard getting motivated to type and stuff. Plus, my computer went to crap and is now no more. Sooo, my dad gave me his computer since he hardly ever uses it anymore and now I got my story back so I can type again but its hard with school work lately and self-motivation sucks. Otherwise, I thought I'd give you guys a little bit of the rest of the chapter.



Thresh’s parents left shortly after that.

There hasn’t been many problems since my father’s death, just regular family or new motherly problems that I seem to have. Or it would be just me crying over my father, I wasn’t overly fond of my dad but he was still my father that raised me. During those times, Thresh would hold me and just let me cry, he’d whisper loving words to me the whole time but I would light up a little then, almost every time now, we end up making love to each other for the rest of that night. I loved him, which eased everything in my guilty heart.

In total, it has been a whole year after the incident. We’ve been living in the woods, letting our presence be forgotten so no one will hunt us down. But I’ve decided that we should go down to Illinois, to my cousin’s house. She is the only cousin of mine that’s close to my age and who I can relate to, and a bonus, she has a child of her own. I’ve even suggested to Thresh that we should and he thought it would be a good idea. Plus, we would still be off the charts in our state at least for a little while. I missed seeing my cousin anyways.

I am officially now 19 years old so I’m a free and full grown adult. And Jaren has grown a ton since he’s been born. He’s growing faster than I thought most kids did, and I’m not just saying that as a parent. At seven months he already was able to change into his wolf form on his own without having me change first. At eight months he was able to talk and the next month he was walking.

He’s taller than a one year old and looks like he’s three, which I’m still surprised about. Thresh often likes commenting that he gets it from his dad, he talks all big and arrogantly with his chest puffed up which I laugh at. He’s just an arrogant softie.

But, as of late, I feel like I’m getting the symptoms of being pregnant again, I’m not totally sure though. From the last time, I was actually pregnant even though the pregnancy test said I wasn’t so I’m not trusting to try that again.

As I walked around the forest I see Jaren running toward me, grinning wildly. I smile widely and bend down to catch him up into my arms.

“Mama!” he giggles as he launches himself into my embrace.

I laugh and put him onto my hip, “What are you doing, mister?” I cuddle him close.

He laughs again and points to where he came from, “Daddy!”

I look to where he came from and I didn’t see Thresh at all. I quirked an eyebrow at him with a questioning look.

“Where is daddy?” I asked him.

He points, still grinning, “There!” then giggles.

And as I turned to try and look again for Thresh, I get engulfed by Thresh’s arms, picking me up easily. I laugh and Jaren just laughs like there’s nothing wrong with the world.

“Darn it, little boy! You gave away my hiding spot!” Thresh jokes at Jaren.

Jaren giggles mischievously. Thresh puts us back down, and I let Jaren back on the ground to run around, which seems to be all he does now since he can walk. I look over at Thresh and he’s just grinning from ear to ear watching Jaren run like a lunatic.

He looks down at me and continues to smile like that, then pulls me close and kisses me deeply on the lips.

“I love you.” he whispers against my lips.

I smile sweetly, “I know.”

I rest my head on his chest and go back to watching Jaren running shakily on his legs. He’s still not fully use to the feeling of walking instead of crawling or being carried. Thresh wraps his arms around me and I feel the comforting warmth I usually feel. It’s sad though that Jaren has basically lived in the forest so long and has had no contact with other kids his own age. He needs to have other kids his age to play with otherwise he’ll probably end up kind of like me. Like a lot of mom’s I want my child to have lots of friends but of course some friends that he can trust whole-heartedly.

I step out of Thresh’s grasp and walk over to the stuff we had gathered over the year and looked for a new pair of clean clothes for Jaren. But I didn’t have my back turned for a whole minute before I heard crying behind me.

I immediately turned around and ran to Jaren, who was sitting on the ground and balling his eyes out. Thresh was next to him already when I got to him, and his posture was tense, which didn‘t seem promising. Jaren’s little fists were trying to wipe away the tears but they kept coming and soon enough he was hiccupping. I looked all over his body for an injury and I couldn’t find one that wasn’t there already.

“Hey buddy, what’s wrong?” Thresh whispered with concern lacing his every word.

He hiccupped and shook his head. My muscles tensed and I looked over at Thresh, he was looking back with worry.

“Thresh, look around and see if there’s anything dangerous around. This isn’t a good sign.” He nodded and changed to his wolf then checked the area while I picked Jaren up into my arms.

I grabbed what we needed and tried to calm Jaren down as I went around grabbing our stuff. Soon enough, he was just sniffling but he relaxed enough to lay his head on my shoulder and just watch everything that was going on. When I was set, I looked where Thresh was and nodded to him then started making my way to a rental car shop. If we stick around there won’t be anything good coming for us, so I needed to leave with Jaren fast and let Thresh deal with the possible problem. We settled this emergency procedure just in case if anything ever came after us again, and in this case, Jaren was crying for no reason then we needed to leave.

I didn’t like the idea when Thresh first explained it to me. I mean, he wanted me to LEAVE him when there could be something coming after us trying to kill every one of us for all we know. We did argue for awhile about that, I didn’t want to leave him, especially leaving our son and I alone, possibly getting killed. I didn’t tell him one of the reasons was because I might be pregnant again, though I suspected he was probably aware of another reason from me. We didn’t need another worry on our plate though, especially his. The plan was actually to have me leave for my cousin’s house, because nobody should know where she lives or at least not know my relationship with her since I don’t get to hang out with her hardly ever. Plus, I do miss her.

I heard a growl in the distance and I knew that Jaren’s crying wasn’t for nothing. I moved faster, with Jaren holding onto me tightly, making sure he wouldn’t fall off if I accidentally got him with something or someone.

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