Chapter 13

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Yeah, not the greatest birthday so far but that’s how it goes every birthday I have. My brother called me a little earlier saying happy birthday and that Kelly finally left the hospital and I’m aloud to come see her if I want. I wanted to agree because I wanted to see my little niece but I had school tomorrow and I still had homework to do. Nobody likes me when I’m crabby, especially since I’m having mood swings already so I needed sleep. I was in my room, laying on my back and thinking of what else I would do today while Thresh laid on the bed with me waiting impatiently for something. Suddenly the door to my bedroom opened.

“You got something in the mail,” they threw it onto my coffee table, “And in 20 minutes I want you downstairs in a nice outfit.” Samantha said smiling and then left.

I stood up and grabbed the letter, opened it then read it.

Dear Morgan,

If this means anything to you, I’m sorry for what happened to you. And please believe me. It wasn’t me that attacked those times. As you know and have experienced the transformations from human to wolf and back, I am one also. The wolf in me controlled my emotions. When I smelt something new, different about you, I was scared for you, worried, every emotion most fathers think when they smell or rather, see a BOY around their little girl. But “he” didn’t want fear inside our body, “he” wanted to replace the fear with anger. “He” took over my body. I could only watch what happened to my poor daughter that was hurt so much already. As you should know our family has the werewolf trait but not your mother. She never knew about it. Don’t tell her about us though. It’d be a disaster. Also I was thinking. What are you protecting? If you write back, thank you for understanding. But if you don’t, well, I’ve lost my only daughter. If you’ve told your brother, which he is a wolf too, make him understand. And Happy Birthday, sweetheart.

Thanks for reading.


Your father (Alex)

I was shocked. He told me everything. I wanted to forgive him and jump into his lap and be his little girl again, but I’m not a kid anymore, I’m an adult now. I’m going to be mature and call him. One, is because its our birthday. Two, to set up a meeting with him. Three, after we meet I need to tell him about the pregnancy. Thresh left my room after I started reading the letter from my father. I grabbed my phone real quick. I was running out of time, I needed to find an outfit that was nice and could fit me. 10 minutes until I had to be downstairs, all ready to go. I dialed in my dad’s cell phone number.

*Hello?” dad said fast like always.

“Happy birthday dad.” tears were flowing out of my eyes, I may be still mad at him, but I still loved him with all my heart.

He didn’t say anything.

“I just read the letter you wrote, and we’ll talk about this in a few hours. That ok?”

Silence was still there for a couple more heart beats.

*I’m sorry, but yes, that’s ok. We’ll talk at my house. Bring whoever. I don’t even trust what’s in me. I have to go now though, I’m still at work.*

“Ok. Bye dad.”

*Bye.* I hang up.

It took all my strength to not say “love you”. It doesn’t feel right anymore. I wiped the tears away and looked for my biggest dress. I haven’t worn a dress in so long. Sad thing was that my dress that had the most room in my closet was my short black dress, that used to be big on me. But it wouldn’t fit with me looking like I’m about 6 months pregnant. My stomach was pretty big. I looked in Samantha’s closet to find a nice dress that’s big enough to wear.

Wolfen RavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora