Adopted by Dan and Phil

By licylicie

87 9 2

I got bored with this and no one was reading it so yeaaa. More

Adption center
They dont want Jynn?
Chapter 3
Going home
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Where will i go?
Before America
Tylers house
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part 21
Back home
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapeter 13

1 0 0
By licylicie

I basically watched YouTube all day until 3:30. Everyone would be here in about 30 minutes. Was what I was wearing ok? I was wearing black wash jeans and a Dan and Phil jumper with cat whiskers on it. My hair was just down and natural. So puffy and kinda crimps. I could straighten my hair? I decided to do that. I finished ten minutes before and decided to walk downstairs. Tyler was in the kitchen putting pretzels in a bowl. "Look how good of a hostess I'm being. Setting out snacks for people." Aren't you just amazing. "Shut up!" He laughed then pushed me. He then put the bowl on the coffee table. I put my elbow on the island and put my head in my hand. With my other elbow I played with Tyler's bamboo plant. He came over and did the same thing as me. Just to copy me. He stood right next to me so our arms and bodies touched. He played with the plant too. Tyler? "Yes Paisley?" We both said our eyes not leaving the bamboo. Do you have anything sweet? " to eat?" Duh. " well sassy I have Popsicles." Cool I'll take uno. He got in the freezer than three a purple Popsicle at me. "Thanks man" I yelled back sounding really weird. I opened the wrapper and threw it in the trash." Then there was a knock. My heart stopped. "Oh someone's here!" I just smiled but in my head I really was hoping it was Louise. "Hello Tyler!" A British girl said in a very sweet voice and wrapped her arms around. "Well hello Zoe, glad your here!" Than a male came in with a pitchy scratchy voice and I knew exactly who they were then. "ALPHIE hey man!" "What's up!" They then hugged and I was kind of eating my Popsicle almost finished minding my own business in the kitchen on my phone when I hear my name. "YOUR PAISLEY!" Zoella said. I am, I looked up at my phone. "It's so great to meet you, goodness, I can't believe Dan and Phil adopted! Your so adorable!" Awe thanks.
She smiled at me. " oh I'm Zoe and this is Alphie." She said pointing at the man. Oh well it's nice to meet you. I smiled and honestly it was nice to meet them. I just wish someone would address me as other than Dan and Phil's child. Oh well I'm not famous so they only know my famous dads. People just kept pouring in. There were like 10 people! Tyler said just a few! Oh well is just stick around Louise and leave in about an hour. Louise finally came late. Louise! I screeched when she opened the door. I jumped up and ran to her as I was uncomfortable next to joe and Casper. I hugged her and she yelled PAISLEY. As I ran to her. We hugged for a moment then released " what all did I miss?!" She said looking around and smiling because she knew all these people.
Not much I guess I mean your only 30 minutes late! I said sarcastically mad. "Oh hush" she said waving her hand . She went and sat in the couch. I ended sitting between Tyler and Troye. Troye was really cool and probably one of my favorite you-tubers. I also loved his music. I was tempted to buy a blue neighborhood record. We were all just talking and I was talking too a little but everyone was so grown. I act grown for my age but I'm only 14. Connor was sitting next to Louise on the other couch so pretty much we were all in a circle and it went me Tyler to my left then Caspar Zoe and Alphie Louise Connor Troye then me. Connor speaks up a little. "Hey guys why don't we play the 7 second challenge since we have the creators daughter here with us. I looked toward Connor. He had a nice and sweet something about him. I liked him. Sure why not I said settling into my seat so I could sit forward a bit and get my iPhone out of my back pocket. Troye whispered over to me. " bet it sucks to be called 'Dan and Phil's child' instead of paisley." You can say that twice. I pulled up the app and we played for maybe an hour. I liked it it was fun. The one to speak in 5 different accents was mine and I knew dan and Phil made it for me. I easily said hello in British kinda Swedish New York/ American country/American and German. Well kinda german. Troye was the one holding the phone. "Well um yea I think I'll give it to you." Oh yea thanks! I said sarcastically and out of breath. We kept playing the whole group did and afterward people were starting to go to rooms to film and stuff. "Hey do you want to collab for my channel?" Troye turned and asked me. Um is that even a question? We can film in the room I'm staying in at Tyler's. I had already explained everything to everyone because they asked. "CONNOR!" Troye yelled Connor looked up immediately. "Yea?" He answered. " wanna come help film? " yea sure Connor answered again. He jumped up excitedly and we all went up the stairs. I'm glad I didn't dirty anything up but the desk. I started to stack papers neatly. "What's that?" Connor asked pointing at my doodles on the paper. Oh I draw when online school gets boring. " these are good!" All it was was a short haired girl wearing a rain coat. Oh thank you I drew a lot in the orphanage. "Well you should draw more!" Maybe I will I said sitting the papers down. Connor started fixing the camera and the stand and stuff. So what are we doing? I asked Troye. "I was thinking 2 truths and a lie?" Sounds good to me! "Wait before we start can I ask a question?" Troye asked getting all serious. "I know you like to be Paisley not Dan and Phil's child but I've gotta ask. Is Phan real?" Connor looked up. "Hey don't ask that, that's like when people ask if we date." Do you? I asked them both. The room got silent. "If we tell you if tronnor is real than you tell us if Phan is real?" Troye asked. Deal. " ok well rumors are true. Tronnor IS real." Troye said smiling. I had a big toothy smile in my face I knew it. Aweeee you too are cuuute! "Oh thanks I know I am" Connor said than flipped his hair. "Ok so Phan is real?" Troye asked I could tell he was interested. If I'm being honest I really don't know. I think so but they have never told me and they tell me a lot so no as of my knowledge they are just really great friends. With a child. And live together. "Well there went all my hopes and dreams"Connor mumbled. "Same Connor" Troye said sadly. Well I'm sorry my dads don't date! Geez. We all laughed and got in with the video. It was so cool getting to know Troye mare and I think he was surprised with some of my truths. I went first. Ok 1.) I have 1 brother 2.) this isn't my natural hair color 3.)I didn't get Dan or Phil's last name. "I think the truth is that you dyed your hair and you have no last name?" Ehhh. I screeched like a buzzer. "Wait so you have a brother.?"Mmhhhmmmm he died in the crash my parents died in. "Hmm" Troye said unaffected and I liked that. We kept playing and It was lots of fun and hey I know a bit of information others don't. Or do they. hey so who all knows about tronnor? "Uh no one so keep it to yourself. Ok?" Connor said almost as if he were my dad. Sir yes sir. Connor rolled his eyes and we all three laughed.

Wow 13 chapters.WHOOP! Anyways hope you like it so far and I have many ideas for this book so stick around❤️

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