Haven Harbor • a.i. •

By cliffordpunkrock

86.7K 3K 309

"Being in love with Carter was the most beautiful and horrible thing at the same time; because I knew if I to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 91

688 23 1
By cliffordpunkrock

"Happy Mother's Day!" Several voices shouted and I was drawn from my slumber to see Ashton, Ender, and Gracie standing next to my bed.

Ender was holding a tray in his hands with what looked to be breakfast on it, while Gracie had several present bags in her hands, Ashton videoing with his phone.

"Aw." I smiled, pulling back my hair as I sat up. "This is so sweet thank you."

Ender set the tray on the bed and then climbed up to sit next to me while Gracie set down the presents and climbed into my lap.

There was a noise downstairs that sounded like the front door opening.

"We're up here!" Ashton called and a few moments later Ann walked into the room holding a present bag of her own.

"Hi." I smiled at her.

"Hello. Happy Mothers Day." She grinned, taking in the scene before her.

"Happy Mothers Day to you too."

She hugged Ashton then came over to take a seat on the edge of the bed so she could say hello to Gracie and Ender.

"Okay, let's pass out the presents Gracie." Ashton said and told her who to give the presents to.

Ann and I both ended up with three presents each from the kids but I had the extra one from Ann as well.

"Grandma open your presents!" Gracie grinned, giggling away like the adorable child she was and Ann leaned in to kiss her nose before opening her first gift which was apparently from Ender because he was smiling widely.

"That ones from me." Ender said and Ann smiled at him before opening the bag and pulling out a box, opening it to find a silver bracelet, the design being of flowered leaves with little diamonds on the petals.

"Oh my, this is so pretty, thank you!" Ann pulled Ender into a hug.

"I picked it out and everything." He continued to grin.

"Well it is lovely, here why don't you help me put it on."

Ender helped Ann put on the bracelet and I sent a smile up to Ashton who was taking photos.

Next was Gracie's present to which Ann pulled out a drawing from the bag that Gracie had drawn of her.

"Oh this is so beautiful, thank you Gracie." Ann hugged Gracie who smiled up at her and then kissed her cheek. "I'm going to hang it up as soon as I get home."

After that she opened mine and Ashton's present which was a massage gift certificate.

"This is so nice, thank you." She hugged me.

"Of course."

"Okay Car it's time to open your gifts." Ashton said and I went to open my first one which was from Ann.

Reaching into the bag I pulled out a circular wooden sign that had 'Irwin House Established 2015' in scrolling font painted on it.

"Oh this is so cute! Ash look!" I turned around the sign so he could see.

"We can hang it up above the door." He smiled.

"I love it, thank you so much." I hugged Ann who hugged me back tightly and then moved on to the present bag from Gracie.

I smiled when I pulled out a picture frame, inside a photo of me and Gracie.

"Aw this is so pretty, thank you love." I hugged Gracie and kissed her cheek.

Ender nudged the bag for me from him and I opened the large bag to pull out a soft grey blanket.

"Since you're always cold." He smirked and I ruffled his curly locks.

"Thank you bro."

"Okay now open mine." Ashton said with a mischievous look.

"If something jumps out at me from this bag..." I warned him.

"Oh shush, just open it." He said and I narrowed my eyes playfully at him before reaching into the small bag and pulling out what looked like a ring box.

I glanced up at him questioningly, confused a bit, and then I opened it to reveal the most extravagant diamond ring I had ever seen.

"Ashton what-" I gasped looking up at him to see him smiling widely at me.

"Happy Mothers Day." He said.

"I don't understand, this is like.." I couldn't find the words, I was stunned.

"Well your gifts aren't over yet." He smirked before pulling four pieces of paper from his back pocket and handing them to me.

My eyes scanned over the sheets until they landed on the word cruise.

"It's a three day cruise around Australia, we leave tomorrow." He said and I looked up at him with my jaw dropped. "And before you get mad at me for spending a lot of money I've had this planned since before Gracie got here, I just went back to get her a ticket."

These were by far the most expensive gifts I had ever received.

"Ashton this is too much. I don't even know why, this is just- I mean they look so expensive I don't need-"

I was shushed by Ashton's hands softly cupping my cheeks.

"Don't think about the cost. I want you to have them okay?" He smiled at me.

"I can't accept this, this is just way too much." I shook my head.

"Hey," He whispered and then connected our lips, kissing me ever so sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too...but still, you didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to." He continued to smile at me, my face still in his hands.

"You are so strangely and weirdly amazing." I laughed lightly and he winked at me before kissing me once more.

He leaned back and took the ring from the box before taking my hand and sliding the ring onto my left pointer finger, the silver cool against my skin.

"Oh my goodness Ashton." Ann stared wide eyed at the new ring on my finger. "That's beautiful."

"Alright, now eat your breakfast before it gets cold." Ashton laughed, blushing like crazy, and Ann and I both began to eat the food on the tray.

Gracie reached over to steal a strawberry from my plate.

"What do you think you're doing silly girl." I tickled her tummy causing her to squeal.

"I can't believe we're going on a cruise Car! We've always wanted to go!" Ender said happily.

"Yeah. We'd always watch the cruise ships go by and talk about what it would be like to go on one." I shook my head, still not believing this was real.

After we had eaten, Ashton headed downstairs to put away the dishes while I changed into my clothes for today, stealing Ashton's blue jean button down to go over my shirt.

"Car, do you want to walk Bear with me?" Ender asked me and I happily obliged, walking his dog with him until we went back inside.

"So I saw Ashton's post about Gracie yesterday, that's sounds so sad." Ann said to me once we were back at the house.

"God it was heartbreaking. She was so upset, but I think she's going to be okay, I'm just trying to keep Abby as involved in her life as possible."

"That's good. She seems very happy, she even showed me the necklace that Abby the fairy gave her as a present." Ann gave me a sly smile.

"Ah yes." I laughed. "I want her to have something to remember Abby by, and after Gracie said she wanted Abby to be a fairy I thought she would like that."

"You're a wonderful mother Carter. She is very lucky to have you." Ann said to me sweetly.

"Thank you. That really means a lot to me." I gave her a hug.

"Okay, Irwin women come gather in the living room!" Ashton called us over.

"Oh no, he's taking more pictures. We still have time to run." Ann whispered and I unsuccessfully stifled my laughter as we walked into the living room.

He arranged us on the sofa so that Ann and I were next to each other while Gracie sat in the middle of us.

"And smile." Ashton took our picture.

Ann and I took a selfie and then I took one with Gracie and Ender; the entire family going on a posting spree.

Ashton posted his first.

'Happy Mothers Day to the three most beautiful and important women in my life! I love you all so much!'

Ann shared hers next, using the same picture as Ashton.

'Happy Mothers Day to my beautiful daughter in law and wonderful granddaughter. It's always a treat when I get to see you all. Carter, you are such an amazing mother and I'm so happy to have you as a daughter. Thank you for providing me with my first grandchildren (and for keeping Ashton in line). You've brought so much love, laughter, and happiness into the Irwin family and I can't wait for the many more memories we get to make and cherish with you. I love you very much Carter, Gracie, and Ender.'

My pictures were up next. The first one I shared was of me and Ann.

'Ann, for five years I haven't had a mother until I met you. Thank you for welcoming me, my brother, and Gracie into your family. I am so thankful for your presence in our lives and will forever be grateful for the love you have shown us. Thank you for raising such an amazing son who has become an incredible spouse to me and father to our little girl. I'm so glad I was able to spend this day with you. Happy Mothers Day Ann, I love you.'

After that I shared the last photo which was of me, Ender, and Gracie.

'To my little loves. Gracie, you are the most special, beautiful, smart, charismatic, curious, and loving little girl in the entire world. I am so proud to be your Mommy, and I love you so much. Ender, I know I'm not mom, but I want you to know just how much I love you. For five years it was just you and me and during that time I had the pleasure of raising you into the wonderful and amazing little boy you are, but we aren't alone anymore, and I hope you know just how happy and blessed Ashton and I are that we get to continue raising you together. I love you so much End, thanks for the being the best little brother a girl could ask for.'

"Okay well now that we've got all of the sappy stuff out of the way." Ann dabbed under her eyes after reading all of our posts.

"Aw." I hugged her, a bit teary eyed as well.

Gracie came over and climbed up in my lap, sitting down.

"I want to play." She said to everyone in the room.

"You want to play? What do you want to play?" I wrapped my arms around her.

"Dress up." She decided. I still couldn't get over how adorable she sounded when her r's were more like w's.

"Then let's play dress up." I kissed her cheek and she cheered before sliding off my lap and running up the stairs where I followed her.

She recruited everyone else in the family to play as well, Ender pouting as a sparkly tiara was placed on his head.

I dressed her in her Princess Aurora costume from Sleeping Beauty that Ashton had found in at the toy store and giggled as she put sparkly necklaces and a tiara on Ashton.

I lost it when he put on the glittery fairy wings and began to prance around the room with Gracie.

"Yup...that's my son." Ann sighed and I busted into even more laughter.

In my giggling state I managed to get a video of them and went to post it.

After playtime we had lunch, Ann wearing a crown while she cut lettuce for sandwiches which Gracie got a kick out of, and after that we began to pack for our cruise.

Ender and I were so excited it's all we could talk about while we packed. Since all of our suitcases were downstairs we used Ashton's duffel bags. He and I shared one while we had another for the kids to share as well.

Ann was going to spend the night and take us to the port in Sydney tomorrow so we could get on the ship.

Once we were packed and ready, we started on dinner and as Ashton was cooking chicken in a pan I pulled Ann aside so I could talk to her about something.

"What is it?" She asked with a smile as I closed my bedroom door behind us.

"Well, I've contacted the social worker for Gracie and I was able to get my name and Ashton's name put on her birth certificate along with change her last name to Irwin, and I wanted to surprise them when we got back from the cruise and I need your help."

"Oh my goodness that's so exciting! Ashton's going to love it!" She hugged me.

"Yes, but the certificate is supposed to get here the day we get back, and I was wondering if you could help get the guys and Ari here so they can be there when Ashton opens it."

"Of course!" She grinned. "He's going to be so happy."

"Thank you so much." I hugged her again and we headed downstairs to complete dinner.

Once dinner was complete I wanted to hang the sign Ann gave us and ended up sitting on Ashton's shoulders so I was tall enough to reach the wall above the front door.

I hammered a nail into the wall and hung the sign, realising that this house was now ours. This was the house we would raise our children in, make memories in, and spend the rest of our lives in...together.

After the sign was hung and I was set back on the ground, I curled up on the sofa to watch television and pulled up Twitter on my phone, coming across an article that made my heart beat quicker.


Now it is no surprise to everyone that Ashton Irwin and Carter Chase are the most in love couple in the world right now, but his Mother's Day gifts to his wife-to-be are over the top.

The couple celebrated by inviting Irwin's mother to their home to spend the day with them and their kids, Ashton posting photos of the gifts his future brother-in-law Ender, and four -year-old "adopted" daughter Gracie gave to his mom including a bracelet, hand drawn picture by Gracie, and a massage certificate.

But Irwin obviously spares no expense when it comes to the love of his life, sharing a video with fans of the moment Carter opened her gift to reveal the extravagant ring, and to say the look on her face was shocked would be an understatement.

Later he posted a photo of her wearing the new rock which fans discovered that the piece costed a hefty $10,000!

If this is what he gets her for Mother's Day we can't wait to see what he has in store for other holidays.

My jaw dropped.


On me?

I'd never seen $10,000. Never had I even had that much in my bank account (until I joined with Ashton) but still...

I wasn't mad I didn't think, I believe I was stunned.

Ashton was upstairs bathing Gracie so I set my phone down, knowing I would have to wait to talk to him about it later.

I headed into my room to change into pyjamas and just after I did, Gracie and Ashton came in so I could get Gracie dried off and dressed.

"Okay, let's get you in bed." I carried Gracie downstairs and tucked her into her sofa bed.

Ann came forward to give her a goodnight hug and kiss and I did the same before Ashton moved in, tickling her tummy causing her to giggle before giving her a kiss.

Next I moved over to Ender, thanking him for his present and then telling him I loved him.

After this we headed upstairs, saying goodnight to Ann who was sleeping in Ender's room, and then heading into our bedroom.

"You spent $10,000 on this ring?" I said once the door was closed.

"How did you know?" He turned around with wide eyes.

"Article on Twitter. Ashton why?"

"Because I like to spoil you." He shrugged.

"Okay but that's a lot of money. You don't have to buy me all of these fancy things to prove your love for me, I know you love me."

"You deserved it." He insisted.

"What did I do to deserve a $10,000 ring?"

He smirked at me before closing the distance between us, attaching his lips to mine.

"You can't just kiss me to evade the question." I was able to get out between his forceful kisses.

"Sure I can." He said back and I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with him so I just let him kiss me, enjoying how it always felt.

He pulled away panting and I shook my head at him which only caused him to smile before he changed into his pyjamas so we could go to bed.

"Come here and take a picture with me." I told him as he laid down and we adjusted ourselves so he was leaning over me, and I placed my left hand on his cheek, connecting my gaze to his while brushing our lips together.

He snapped the photo of us on my phone, the picture quite sexy (considering the fact he was shirtless and we were both looking at each other very sensually) and then handed me my phone while we got back into our normal positions.

He rested his head on my shoulder, watching me go to post the photo and think of a caption, finally typing 'Being with you is the best present I could ever receive. I love you.'

"You're sweet." He kissed my bare shoulder and I smiled as I set my phone down and went to curl into him, resting my head on his chest while one of his arms came around my shoulders and the other reached down to hold my hand, playing with my sparkling fingers.

"I know it was a bit much, but do you like it?" He asked me, fiddling with my hand.

"It's gorgeous, thank you." I sheepishly smiled into his chest.

"It looks pretty on you, but everything looks pretty on you."

"Oh yeah right." I laughed. "I look so glamorous."

"You do. Especially in the mornings, when your hair is all messed up and you have a few smudges of mascara under your eyes and you have that little spot on the corner of your mouth where you drooled in your sleep."

"Shut up, I do not!" I smacked his arm making him laugh.

"It's the prettiest thing I've ever seen." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a sap."

"I know." Ashton winked at me.

Smiling contentedly I snuggled into him, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight." I said into the now quiet of our bedroom.

"Sweet dreams Car." He replied, squeezing my body.

We fell asleep with our limbs tangled together, my head on his chest and his arms circling me, pulling me as close to him as possible.



Only a few more chapters until we start the second book!

I'm so excited to have the characters start a new chapter in their lives, plus give you guys a million times more of the drama and feels, I have many things planned *evil laughs*

As always, comment and vote if you'd like and I'll have the next part up soon!

Much love xx -M

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