The Plane

By Skirtskirttt

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In the Second book of the cruise trilogy Sandy and her friends speak at Cole and Bella's Funeral when the ter... More

Chapter 1: The Funeral
Chapter 2: The Cages
Chapter 3: The First Drop
Chapter 4: Falling From The Sky
Chapter 5: Lost In Translation
Chapter 6: Europe
Chapter 7: The Trucks Were Rude Af
Chapter 8: Henry's An Idiot
Chapter 9: It's Time
Chapter 10: The Truth
Chapter: 11 The Outback
Chapter 12: China's Finest
Chapter 13: Pork Fried Rice
Chapter: 14 Terrorism Sucks
Chapter 15: Gas Station
Chapter 16: I Want To Live
Chapter 18: Finding Amanda
Chapter 19: Going Back
Chapter 20: The Airport
Chapter 21: Porto Velho
Chapter 22: The Lineup
Chapter 23: Seperate Ways

Chapter 17: Driving On My Own

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By Skirtskirttt

Amanda's POV

After a little bit of just sitting there and crying, I realized the terrorists might come back, and find me alive. They'd kill me just like they killed Justin.

I got up and opened the bullet whole filled car door, and put Justin's body into the back. I was going to bring the man from the gas station, but he lived here. His family would want him to be buried here.

I found the keys in the mans pocket, I hated doing this. I hated it I hated it I hated it. I'm 14 I shouldn't be searching dead people's bodies!

I turned the car on and got in the drivers seat. I'm almost positive I'm breaking like 50 laws. I'm transporting a dead body. Underage driving. Stealing a vehicle. Fleeing a crime scene. Moving a dead body from its original position. Way to start your criminal record Amanda.

"Ok Amanda. Ok. You got this." I whispered to myself as I was taking deep breaths.

So like, the keys are in the little hole thing so that's a good. I'm not checking the mirrors, I can't. They got shot off. The stick thing is in drive that's supposed to happen right. I have no clue which is which between brakes and like the go one. I slammed on both, but realized that would do nothing.

"Wait, I need to like backup because in front of me is the house with the dead children. Yeah." I said to myself as I moved the stick thing.

I hit the gas and flew forwards instead of back, I hit a few pieces of wood and flew up over the small, 5 foot left wall of the house. I screamed in fear as all of this was happening, and when I landed I just so happened to crush a cactus beneath me and keep going until I hit the brakes and stopped.

"Holy shit flavored tater tots!" I yelled as I tried to calm down.

After a few more attempts, I was able to drive like a 3/10, but it was good enough to drive down the road.

I passed a few cars who honked because I was swerving a little bit.

Justin's body rolled off the seat and onto the floor.

"Bad dead Justin. You need to stay up on the seat. See, your arm gets it. Your arm stayed up, but then again it was cut off you in the explosion so like. Step it up." I said to Justin's dead body. Have I become so insane to the point where I'm talking to a dead body?

"Arizona.... Little Tree Arizona? That's what you said right? That's where you're from." I said to his body. Ok I seriously need to stop.

I would go to Little Tree and wait for the others to get there, I'd call my parents... And Holly's. Just to tell them what happened.

Finally, when I got to the airport I got out of the car and ran into the airport. People were giving me dirty looks, I couldn't tell why.

When I passed by a mirror, I realized why. My hair was all over the place, I had dirt smeared all over my face and arms, and I had a cut on my elbow and blood dripping down my arm to my hand.

It didn't matter. I waited in line until it was my turn. The woman had a heavy Australian accent.

"Hello, how may I help you today? Oh... Are you... Are you injured?" She asked me concerned.

"No, no I'm fine I just fell down while playing with my younger brother tony in the backyard the other day. We were in a rush to leave the house, (did I have a brother named tony? No. I've never met anyone named tony in my life) and I got a little scraped up. I got separated from my family earlier today, and I missed my flight. Is there any way I could get on the next plane?" I asked her.

"Yes, of course. I only need a few things. The money for a ticket, your full name, and where you're going." She told me.

"Well, there's a story to it too. I also need to transport a coffin, I think my father made a reservation for it. My cousin, Justin was visiting from Little Tree, Arizona and he was tragically hit by a car and flung into a wooden spike. I was the one who had to drag him by myself, and I lost my parents. I put him back in the car so I could come try to get all of this sorted out. His coffin was destroyed in the process so I threw it in the garbage. My name is Nadia Troy, and I have some money from my job over the past two months as a quad rental worker. Here you go." I said handing her the $200 I stole from the gas station man. Add that to my criminal record. But damn, I had no idea I could create a fake person like that.

"Nadia, there is no town called Little Tree." The woman said looking at her computer. "Oh! I think you got the name mixed up. There's a Little Leaf Arizona, is that what you meant?" The lady asked me.

"Yeah, sorry I'm just a little jumbled up right now." I told her.

"It's ok. Your flight will leave in one hour, I'll have them put Justin on the plane, I hope you find your family ok." She said as I thanked her and walked over to the stores. The ticket only cost $169 so I had a few more dollars to spend.

I looked over at a neon sign on the wall. It showed a bunch of info on the day and stuff. It was a news channel.

It was September 16th, already? That means it was two weeks since I was taken, and three since the others boarded the cruise. It was Tuesday, and it was currently 4:00 pm.

Suddenly the news switched over to a live video. The news reporters voice caught the attention of a few others.

"Here is one of our reporters who is witnessing some kind of an attack on a hotel in China- oh my god! Did those three kids just jump out the- brilliant! They landed in the pool! Wait just a second, is that Donald Trump?! Our sources are trying to ID the three teenagers that seem to be avoiding something in the hotel." The news reporter said. Weird. I'd hate to be those kids.

"This just in, a goat has jumped out of the helicopter the others have escaped in. We have also identified the three American teenagers." The woman said as three faces popped up on the screen. When I saw them, my jaw dropped.

"The three teenagers have been identified as Sandy Elliot, Kelly Zaklo, and Jared Mertup." The news reporter said as there was an announcement that my plane was boarding.

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