Look Closer | Mavi | Dreaming...

By LittleCarokind

55.3K 1.9K 613

Love is hard to find. That is true, especially if you're singing in a sucessful, Grammy-winning acapella gro... More

1. Wake Me Up
2. Surprise Visit
3. I Feel You
4. Coffee Date
5. A Kind Gesture
6. Making Plans
7. I Have To Tell Him
8. Movie Night
9. A Staircase
10. Afraid of Heights
11. The Dream Before Tour
12. Bunk Neighbours
13. Big Firsts
14. Rerun
15. Doubts
16. Don't Be Afraid
17. Exploring Beauty, With Beauty
18. Dinner Plans
19. Happy Accident
20. Climbing
21. The most important meal of the day
22. A Shower
23. Clarification
24. Brunch
25. Lazy & Crazy
26. Dinner, Fans and a Talk
27. Liquid Confidence
29. Routinely
30. Press Day And A Night On The Bus
31. Surprise Plans and Fans
32. Shopping Date
33. Happy Birthday, Daddy
34. Birthday Presents
35. A Journey
36. Parents
37. Freaking Out
38. Solution
39. Fast Forward
40. Paris
41. Look Closer

28. The Morning After

1.3K 50 15
By LittleCarokind

Avi's P.O.V.

Waking up is slow and sweet. I open my eyes to see Mitch cuddled up against my body. I can't help but watch him in his sleep. He's just so beautiful and I still can't understand how he's mine. Not even after tonight.

I close my eyes and think back to the evening before. How it all went from 'we'll wait until we're back home' to having sex within a matter of minutes. Honestly I hadn't planned on going all the way. I just wanted to be close to him, wanted to do something with him. The idea that it could be the right moment to make love to him came all of a sudden. I just felt like it was the right moment to do so. And it was worth it. Every second of it.

I smile when I feel Mitch stirring beside me. "Morning, princess." I only whisper those words to kind of test the waters.

"Mmhm... Avi" I hear him mumble just mere seconds before he opens his eyes. He looks up at me with tired yet bright eyes and cuddles up even closer.

I put my arms around him and hold him tight. Words are not needed right now. We're both still in the process of waking up and I personally just want to be near him.

"You feel so good, Avi, I don't want to get up at all" Mitch says after a while.

I chuckle softly. "Why's everything so perfect with you? Even waking up almost feels like we're in a romantic movie."

"Yeah, almost" Mitch returns giggling a little bit. "Because if this was a movie, we would be fresh and clean, not sticky with chocolate, saliva and other fluids."

"You're so right" I return as I assess the mess that we made. "We should leave the poor cleaning staff a generous tip."

"We will, Daddy" Mitch returns. "But it was totally worth it, wasn't it?" He looks at me expectantly.

"It was, Mitchie" I answer. "Really." I peck his lips to put more emphasis on my words.

Mitch smiles, he seems a little bit relieved. "That's good to know. You know how I was worried about this one step. As everything else we did before it seemed like another make or break moment to me."

"I understand, Mitch. But..." I smirk and carefully turn the two of us around so that he ends up on his back with me hovering above him. "I loved making love to you. And I can't wait to do it again and again." I softly kiss his lips and then look at him, take in his pure beauty. He looks well rested, his complexion is almost glowing. I look further and caress the angry purple mark I left on his neck along with a few fainter ones.

"I bruise easily" he whispers. "Never mind leaving marks. There are enough ways to cover them up." He smiles up at me and raises a hand to run it through my unkempt, wild mane.

"How did you like last night? We always talk about me and what I feel but what about you?" I ask after a moment of simply enjoying his soft touch.

"Is that even a question, Avi?" Mitch beams up at me. "I loved it. You were slow and smooth and just what I needed. You're perfect and I... I love you. I feel so close to you right now, Avi. It was a huge step for both of us and it was the right moment to take it."

"I love you, too" I return and simply kiss his lips. We make out slowly for a while until the shrill sound of his alarm pulls us apart.

"Why did you set your alarm that early?" I ask him as soon as he muted it.

"My parents are coming to town. We're going out for a late brunch and I need to get ready" Mitch returns and sits up after I've moved off of him.

I stay on the bed and look at his nude form as he grabs a towel and everything he needs to get ready with a smile on my face.

"I'll be quick" he announces as he opens the door to the bathroom. Before he closes the door, however, he turns around once more. "Better idea. Come on, the shower is big enough for the two of us."

I smirk at him and get up. "I won't say no to such a sweet offer."


After showering for a ridiculously long time and getting dressed quickly, we leave our room. But while Mitch orders himself an uber, I go to the hotel's restaurant to catch some breakfast, hoping that someone would be there to keep company.

On my way to the buffet, I spot Scott in the far corner of the room and smile to myself. I quickly prepare myself a plate of a good breakfast together with a cup of tea and go over to my band member.

"Excuse me, Sir, is this seat taken?" I ask from behind and chuckle when he literally jumps in his chair.

"Damn, Avi don't scare me early in the morning" he says as I sit down next to him. "Where is your other half anyway?"

"His parents are visiting, they're having brunch together" I return. "They'll meet us at the venue in time for soundcheck." I start eating my bacon and eggs slowly.

Scott is already finished with breakfast, but decides to keep my company. There's not much to do before leaving for the venue anyway.

"So... did anything change since we've talked for the last time?" he wants to know as soon as I'm finished, too.

"Well..." I start, not entirely sure what to say.

"Yeah?" Scott smirks. "You're hiding something. I can read you like a book. Almost as good as I can read Mitch."

"Well, since you're the one who helped me sort everything out, I think you deserve to know that we climbed another step last night" I say, not wanting to utter the words in the crowded restaurant.

Scott's eyes widen. "The step?"

I nod. "Yes, Scott, that step."

"That's great" Scott says cheery. "How do you feel about it?"

"Honestly? I can't put it into words. I just know that it's good, really good. I might not be ready to like, come out to the public, but I'm sure about us. About Mitch and me" I say. "And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me through this at times when I wasn't sure about anything. You took all my crazy thoughts, all those little pieces and them together, like a puzzle."

"You are more than welcome, Avi. I'm glad that I was able to help you" Scott answers fondly. "And happy for the two of you. You deserve each other."

I finish my tea and nod, smiling brightly.


I see Mitch again at the venue. Originally I didn't plan on spending time together with him today as his parents are visiting and I want him to seize every moment with them. But when he enters Kevin's and my dressing room, my eyes light up instantly.

"Babe!" I instantly exclaim and open my arms for him.

Mitch giggles and hugs me. "Missed me, Daddy?" He wants to know.

"Always" I peck his lips and then look at him. "Why aren't you with your parents?"

"Because I wanted to get you. Spend some time with us" he proposes with a bright smile on his face.

I gulp. He's asking me to meet his parents? That means he wants to tell them. "I... I don't know if I'm ready." Don't get me wrong, of course I know the Grassis, they're lovely. But I'm not sure if I want to tell anyone right now. It seems to be too soon.

"Why not? You already know them, it won't make a difference now that we're dating" Mitch returns. "They actually asked for you."

"Wait." I let go of him completely and just look at him with wide eyes. "You told them?"

Mitch smiles at me, but I can sense that he's not too sure about it. "Yeah, of course I told them."

"But we wanted to keep it to ourselves for now, Mitch. Why would you go and tell everyone about us when we decided not to!" I scoff and shake my head in disbelief.

"They're not everyone, they're my parents for fucks sake!" Mitch hisses, squinting his eyes at me. "I get that you're anxious, but it's not like they'll post it on twitter. I just wanted to share my happiness with them."

"You should've talked to me about it" I argue.

Mitch sighs. "Maybe you're right, Avi. But I just wanted to tell someone. I don't want to fight with you. Just come with me please. They won't judge you. Damn, why would they judge the boyfriend of their gay son?"

I have to actually laugh at the thought of that. "Okay, Mitch, I'm coming."

Mitch smiles at me. "Can I get a make-up kiss first?"

I take him into my arms again and kiss him. "I'm sorry that I flipped. I was just overwhelmed for a moment."

"It's okay, I should've respected your feelings" Mitch returns. "Now come, don't let us keep them waiting."

We quickly go over to the lounge where Mike and Nel Grassi are sitting and chatting with Kirstie.

"Mum, Dad, I've found him" Mitch announces and pulls me over towards them. They all look up and smile. Kirstie excuses herself and leaves.

"Avi Kaplan" Mike says while he gets up. I want to offer him my hand to shake it, but he pulls me into a hug.

"Hello, Mr Grassi" I say politely.

"It's Mike" he returns immediately and smiles at me kindly.

I quickly greet Nel, as well and sit down with Mitch, who takes my hand immediately.

"So... the two of you found each other" Nel states. "Mitch told us some excerpts from your rather unique story."

I chuckle. "Yeah, our story really is something else" I agree. "And it was totally unexpected. I would've never thought that I could fall in love with him. He made me question a lot of things, first of all my sexuality, which wasn't easy, it still isn't, because the thought of telling everyone about it is kind of scaring me for no reason" I explain honestly.

Mike smiles at me. "Well there is a reason for your anxiety, Avi. Mitch and I had a few problems. Well I wasn't that supportive of him when he came out to me. I know now that I reacted in the wrong way but I just didn't know better. And it's going to be like that with some people, unfortunately. But you've got your love to hold on to and that's all you need."

"Wow, Dad, didn't know you could be so deep" Mitch says softly.

"Thank you for those kind words, Mike" I add. "I love your son, no matter what. I'm not ready to go out and be official right now, but I'll work on it for sure!"

"We will work on it, Avi" Mitch corrects me.

"Yes, we" I agree and squeeze his hand. He lets go of my hand and leans against me, his body melting into my side.

"Love you, Babe" he whispers and leans up to kiss my lips.

I don't know how to deal with him showing that much affection while his parents are around, so I don't allow the kiss to deepen.

But Nel only chuckles. "Young love..." she says to her husband who just smiles at her before they share a quick, yet tender kiss.

All the time I've been wondering how Mitch is such a wonderful, sweet human being, but growing up with such loving parents it is no wonder.


A/N: Their first little fight... How did you like the tiny bit of drama and the overall fluff and sweetness?

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