Space Babe ♡ Vkook

By CripplingAnxiety

813K 39.3K 7.8K

"Are you from outer space? Bc your booty is out of this world ;)" In which a human boy named Jungkook keeps g... More

♡Space Babe♡
Merry Christmas
Holy Shit


7.2K 350 86
By CripplingAnxiety

Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed as he read the humans message.

"This human doesn't use properly spelled words...." Namjoon commented. “...nor grammar.”

"It's how humans message!" Taehyung informed. "They shorten words to be able to message faster."

Namjoon raised his eyebrow at the boy. "Where'd you learn that?"

Taehyung shrugged. "Interwebs."

Namjoon sighed, still sitting on top of Taehyung.

"We can trust him, captain." Taehyung reasurred. He gave Namjoon a serious look. "I know he can help us."

Namjoon blew out his cheeks, letting his mind swirl around the plan. The more he thought about it, the worse the plan sounded. He looked down at Taehyung who was giving him large puppy eyes and even pouting his lip.

"Ugh—fine!" He dropped the signal device on Taehyung's face making the boy groan in pain. He pushed himself off Tae's beaten body and stood over him.

"Do not fuck this up." He pointed a menacing finger at the younger.

Taehyung gave him an innocent smile. "C'mon captain, when have I ever fucked up?"

Namjoon was surely gonna kill him.

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