
By xxxWriterGirlxxx

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I had to keep running, I didnt want to but I had to. The Queen demanded me!...The Queen was my mother...And i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three (Part Two)
Chapter Four
Chapter Five (Part One)
Chapter Five (Part Two)
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (Part One)
Chapter Eight (Part Two)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Three (Part One)

1.2K 30 4
By xxxWriterGirlxxx

Copyright © Rebecca Beatty

All Rights Reserved


I clutched the soft pillow in my hand and pressed it hard into the side of my face. Was it five am already? I looked over at the vibrating alarm clock on my bedside table. Yup, it was five already. I kicked the sheets and covers off my body, and within seconds the cold, blistering air swarmed my body.

Looking down at the end of my bed, those warm sheets laid there, tempting me. But on the inside, my wolf was begging to be loose. I groaned and got up in my sweats and t-shirt and opened my window. Only one thing to do now. Go for a morning run.

I slipped outside and did a slow jog to the edge of the forest on my Uncle’s property. The scent of pine and fresh stream water started to follow along side of the wind, coming straight into my senses. I took a deep breathe and then released it as I started looking around. I didn’t see anyone and I didn’t smell anyone. I stripped down and hid my clothes in a hollowed out tree, and then, I let the transformation begin.

At the top of the tree tops, the singing birds stopped their veiled language. They could hear my bones shifting loudly and cracking like broken glass. I arched my back as my spine started to become longer, my hands began to sprout slate colored fur. I dropped down to my knees and felt my hind legs extend further out as my neck stretched out as well. I closed my eyes tight and not even two seconds later, I opened my brown eyes and quickly took off at full sprint.

The forest floor is coated with many things. From the stream’s moss, to the tree’s leaves, there was even small pine needles that were nestled closely in the soil. Growing up from the pit of the forest was massive trees. There was a mixture of oak, maple, chestnut, and walnut, that all had different wood coating. Some had large, coarse bark that was deeply grooved. While others, were smooth, and a light brown color or even a dark brown.

The sun was starting to rise a little and was playing peek-a-boo with the gaps in the tree leaves. As the sun and trees play together, the animals started up their morning chatter. Speeding past the vegetation, the smell of the small stream started to become more clear. I slowed my pace as I walked up to the gently burbling of the stream. Rather large stones were stuck in the shallow stream, yet the stream was a beautiful sky blue color. Tiny fish swam away as I leant down and took a few licks. I leaned back up and paced around the spot, taking in the amazing view.


I spun my head around towards the noise and automatically sent a threatening growl to those who were near. Without taking my eyes off any of the dark spaces, I smelt a female wolf and three males. I felt the sensations of paws smack against the forest floor as the four wolves came into view.

On the far right was the female. Her scent was clear, her amber eyes held anger, and her coat was a light red mixing in with a black patch of fur that lined along side her spine. The male wolf beside her was solid gray with a few patches of white on his belly and a few of his paws. His sky blue eyes were full of anger as well, but I could see how he had concern for the female beside him. Mates possibly?

The solid gray wolf with a large black marking on his back and stomach had nothing but rage flaring in his eyes. His upper lip snarled back as he snapped a bit. If I was human I would cock an eyebrow at him. I sat on my hunches and stopped growling as I looked into a pair of manly amber eyes.

My body felt like a magnet that was going through overtime. He was larger then them all, which made me conclude that he had to be an Alpha, and his markings. I looked quickly back at the female and then back at the Alpha. Siblings is what I concluded from the both. But I could care less about that. All I could think about was one thing. And that was…I found my mate.

I mentally shook my head and growled causing the ‘Alpha’ to stop. Once he stopped the others stopped, but their growling didn’t stop. I opened my mind link and heard all of their conversation. I rolled my eyes a bit. Like an Alpha, I had a bit more expansion of my mind linking. An Alpha can only link with members of his pack or of higher ranking. Now for me, because I’m A Royal, I can basically communicate with anyone, but also, I can do a few more things that are more powerful then reading a few minds.

What do you and your members want Alpha?

I held my posture.

Act like a Queen, I thought -personally- to myself.

He looked at me for a minute before he shook himself and walked towards me releasing a small growl. I’m the one that will be asking the questions here rogue…you’re on MY territory.

Mm…nice velvet voice, I thought. Then I looked at him again and smirked as a laugh escaped my lips -which sounded like a hyena with a billow thorn stuck in it’s throat- which must have offended the others for the growling was low, had return to a louder buzz.

Oh Alpha it’s funny that you think I’m a rogue…

If you’re not a rogue then you’re still trespassing…maim, he said trying to be polite.

I leaned up and walked towards him barely touching my nose to his. I’m more on the lines of your worst nightmare…Alpha.

The others got up and started to stalk towards me but the Alpha looked back at them and they swiftly stood still. His chuckle brought my eyes back to his.

For a nightmare, you sure are a sweet dream come true.

I smiled sweetly. Tell me if this is sweet alpha.

I sharply turned my gaze on to the wolf on his left and a loud breaking noise filled the air. All the wolves turned their attention on to the transforming wolf. I smirked and kicked the foliage beneath my feet. I sent a goodbye to the Alpha, stopped the transforming on the wolf, and quickly dashed through the woods. I grabbed my clothes and could feel the pack members pounding against the ground. I quicken the pace and ran to the open window. Once a few feet away, I jumped threw the window and transformed back into my human self.

A loud, angry howl pierced the air as I shut the window and shades. I leaned against the wall breathing heavily. I laid my hand against the tattoo that laid against the right side of my rib cage. I closed my eyes and traced the permanent lines against my skin.

I traced the outskirts of lines that formed into a crown. Then my fingertips traced over six small paws. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceilings. The top lines that formed a large paw was meant for my father, I knew the color was a dark gray -almost black- for the fur of my father’s wolf’s color. The one below was slightly smaller that was a cream color…that paw was for my mom. Then the four circling paws around my mother’s and father’s was my brothers and mine. All colors representing our matching coats. Every Royal has this tattoo, it’s something that can never be removed. And to me, it’s something that constantly reminds me of my family.

I looked at the clock and ran to the bathroom holding my schools clothes to my chest. I only had thirty minutes to get ready. Gee…what a great way to start off my first day of school.


“Come on traffic…MOVE!” I yelled to myself and the other people who clearly couldn’t hear me.

Only thing was, I wasn’t the only one yelling. Looking outside the passenger side of my Aunt’s BMW X3, I noticed a blonde shaggy hair boy punching the crosswalk button. His hazel brown eyes filled with despair. I looked at the stoplight and noticed them slowly changing from green to yellow.


The mopped head kid looked at me.

“You going to Elizabeth High?”

He nodded slowly.

“Then you might wanna hop in…any day now!”

He ran over and hopped in just as the light changed to green.

“I’ve never seen you around at school.” He said planting his backpack between his feet. “You new?”

I nodded and looked over at him for a brief second and extended my hand. “Becky Hayden.”

“Austin Keys,” he said accepting the friendly gesture.

“So Austin? How old are you? No offense but you look like you shouldn’t be in high school.”

“Old enough to date a pretty thang like you,” he laughed while extending the “ing” part in the ‘thing’.

The soda I was drinking happen to spew out of my mouth as I laughed at his joke. What a little player! I thought.

“And I’m old enough to kick you out of this SUV.”

He laughed and held his hands up in a mock surrender. “Alright, alright. I’m sixteen. A sophomore at Elizabeth High, number one camera man on the set and at the action.” He smiled proudly.

I smiled back and the next five minutes wasn’t that bad actually. Austin was a smart, funny kid. And once we got out of the car, that same electrifying, fire cracking feeling creeped up my spine and spread throughout my body. I turned around and felt my bag slam into my side, just as three massive trucks rolled in, followed by a pink, petite Volkswagen Beetle.

“And there Becky,” Austin said pointing to the four parking vehicles. “They are the populars.”

A bright silver Dodge Ram exposed a boy with a lean muscular body, dirty blonde hair with parts blinding his sky blue gaze. Skipping out of the passenger side was a shorter girl with raven black hair and dancing amber eyes. I felt my heart stop as the recognition of the eyes stopped my breathe.

I know both those set of eyes, I thought.

“Meet pretty boy number three…Christian Harrison.”

The gamma from this morning…the one closest to the female…who is probably the happy-go-lucky girl who rode in with him.

“And that pretty little thing,” Austin said continuing. “Is Rachel Jones, the sibling of William Jones aka pretty boy number one, but she is a friendly girl who hates it when people call her a popular.”

I nodded my head slowly as he pointed shyly next to the muddy red Chevy Silverado, where another muscular boy appeared but with a short military buzz cut hairstyle and striking gray eyes. The girl that slid out of his truck had flowing bleach blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that looked to have green specks hiding in the depths of her eyes.

“Now that’s John Thomas, pretty boy number two.” Austin said sliding the backpack onto his shoulders.

The beta…the one I hurt, I thought as I watch him rub his sides.

“And that delicious treat is Jennifer Walker.” Austin smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Are you purvey towards all girls?” I asked looking at him out of the corner of my eyes as I focused more on the black Ford 150.

“Only to gorgeous girls, but you, you’re b-e-a-utiful.” He winked at me and continued again. “Now she’s got the looks of a ‘popular’ but she’s like a me. Nothing but a nerd. Only reason people say she’s a ‘popular’ is cause she’s best friends with Rachel.”

I nodded and I could smell French whore perfume all the way from the other side of the parking lot. I saw a girly girl -who stripped more then a few good meals- with shoulder length brown hair and denim blue eyes hiding behind the fake Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses.

Austin rolled his eyes. “That’s Nicole Frances.”

I waited for him to explain about her but my eyes were interlocked with a pair of fiery amber eyes. Standing in front of the black truck was a man with black fuzz claiming the top of his head and down the sides of his masculine jaws. He had a much better physique that was cover by a plaid button up shirt. The shirt’s tails hung low against his distressed jeans, topped of with hardworking cowboy boots.

Mate, I thought.

His gaze slammed against mine. It felt like a cheesy part in a romance movie. Time stopped, people froze, and the same ole saying. ‘We couldn’t take our eyes from each other.’

It didn’t feel like that. I mean people were still moving, but I didn’t hear anyone. Our eyes were intertwined and I felt the heat and lust pouring into my body, but at the same time, I didn’t want him! I have enough on my plate. I don’t need a damn mate!

The trashy girl walked up to him and kissed his cheek. I could feel the disconnection as he looked away and down at her, while Austin was pulling at me for the first bell had rung. I glanced back at them just as he looked up and our eyes meet again.

Maybe having a mate wouldn’t be so bad.

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