Be the Hero...

By TheWinterWidow77

7.7K 443 153

After years as being seen as a villain, Regina; the Evil Queen, has a chance to be a hero after a magical tri... More

Chapter I | Son of the Right Hand
Chapter II | Broomhill
Chapter III | Lets Just Be Friends
Chapter IV | Little Ben
Chapter V | Naiad
Chapter VI | Paying a Visit
Chapter VII | Winter
Chapter VIII | King Pharaoh
Chapter IX | Unexpected Visitors
Chapter X | Envy
New Benjamin
Chapter XII | Closer
Chapter XIII | The Mills Family
Chapter XIV | Memories
Chapter XV | A Mother's Love
Chapter XVI | A Cold Heart Melts
Chapter XVII | Painful Denial
Chapter XVIII | She Knows
Chapter XIX | Love in a War Zone
Chapter XX | He Got the Girl
Chapter XXI | Smitten
Chapter XXII | Jeopardy
Chapter XXIII | Fulfill the Prophecy
Chapter XXIV | Captain Benjamin Ainsworth
Chapter XXV | There She Goes
Averages & Characters

Chapter XI | Wicked

249 17 5
By TheWinterWidow77

   Regina paced nervously around the foyer of her house. Ben had been "getting some air" for an hour. She was worried he might of done something stupid. Her heart was pounding in her chest, ready to jump out. She would be so relieved of Ben walked right through the front door, safe and sound. A wave of uneasiness washed over her.

She couldn't handle it anymore. She was far too worried about him. Taking action into her own hands, she grabbed her car keys and rushed out of her house.


The Loft

Regina banged on the door with her shaking hands. She had never been this nervous since Henry went to Boston on his own. Her mind was racing with thoughts of what could've happened. She had gotten Ben a simple cell phone, but he wasn't too fond of it.

Regina kept banging on the door and stopped when Emma opened. "God Regina! What's wrong?"

She rushed into the loft and Emma gave her a weird look. "Ben he's been gone for over an hour. I'm worried something's happened to him," she explained.

"Mom?  What's going you look really upset," Henry said and went and hugged her, bringing her some comfort.

   "Ben, he's missing.  He's been gone for over an hour."

   David could hear the conversation and he heard Ben's name.  "Regina just go home.  If he wants to come back he will.  But he's been gone an hour so I guess he doesn't want to come back then," he said and it really hurt Regina.

   Her face contorted as she tried to hold in tears.  She didn't know if they were caused by David or that Ben was missing.  She sat herself on the couch, trying to calm herself only to fail.  Henry was really concerned, but he also had an answer.  If she's this worried about Ben she must be in love with him.

Henry didn't like seeing his mom so distressed. She was on the bridge of tears and you could see that her breathing was irregular. Emma could see Regina too, and she felt bad for her. "Dad we have to do something. Do you even see her over there? She practically shaking with fear. It's our duty as heroes and her family that we help her," Emma said to David.

He sighed and glanced at the former queen. You could see that she had a tight grip on the cushions of the couch. He supposed that was her way of calming herself. "C'mon what Prince Charming do? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let a family friend get hurt right?" Henry asked.

"Snow," David called. "Snow, Ben's missing Regina, Emma, and I are going to find him. So can you watch Henry?" He asked.

"Yes of course. Oh my God," Snow whispered. She gave David a quick kiss before rushing over to Regina.

She got a look at her stepmother's face and it broke Snow's heart. Even though she tried not to show you could see the bloodshot eyes and the swollen red-rimmed lining of her eyes. "Oh Regina. You'll find him I promise," she assured.

"Thank you," Regina said, straightening herself up.

Snow know that look anywhere. It was walls going up again. She was locking her emotions away just like Emma did when she came to town. I saw the looks she gave Ben when he first came to Storybrooke. They were looks of annoyance and frustration. But now I can see in this situation, her eyes are filled with fear. How did I not see this before?! She loves him! And why not because Ben's kinda hot--no offense David--but I'm pretty sure Ben loves her too. That must be why he punched David. They love each other! That's it. This is my mission: Operation True Love.

The door slamming snapped Snow out of her thoughts and Henry tapped her arm. "Yes Henry?"

"Can we talk about something?" He asked.

"Of course. We can talk about anything," she said.

"Well I was talking to my mom; the Regina one...and I was talking to her about Ben. I said I thought she liked Ben in a romantic way-"

   "I think so too," Snow said with a smile.

   "Yeah, but then she said--and she made it clear--that she isn't in love with him," he said sadly.

    "There she goes again.  Lying about her true feelings.  Hopefully she'll come to her senses soon.  I just want to see her happy," she claimed.

   "Me too."


Unknown Location

   Ben was sitting in some room.  It smelled musty and of old wood.  There was practically no light in there except for the tiny slivers of light peaking through the heavy curtains over the windows.  Then he heard footsteps and he instantly tensed up at the noise. 

   It was Zelena of course.  She used her magic lit several candles in the dark room.  "Hello Ben," she said with a wide smile.

She walked over to him seductively and grabbed his face. "Mm you're very handsome," she whispered and kissed him hard. He groaned, but couldn't push her off.

"You see Benjamin," she began and she walked around him and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her head. "I have this little dream catcher. I what to know about you. I want to know every little dirty secret you have," she whispers in his ear, sending a chill down his spine.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked. "Why do you want me?"

"Well of course I'm gonna take something of my sister's. Especially you. I mean what woman could resist you? Your smile--well I haven't seen that--your muscles. You're very attractive Ben," she said, nearing his face again.

"I first need some answers to my many burning questions--well rather one burning question," she said with a chuckle.

Ben glared at her. "Ask away," he growled.

"Do you love my baby sister Regina? Do you wish you could just kiss her and sweep her off her feet? Do you wish you could just hold her in your big strong arms at night--do wish for that Benjamin?"

Do I say yes? But what if I do? Will she hurt Regina because of it? I can't risk that! "No I do not love her. I do not wish to kiss her and sweep her off her feet. And I do not wish to hold her in my arms at night," he lied.

"Lies. LIES!! You're a LIAR!" She screamed. "Since you won't answer truthfully.  I shall punish you.  Because liars shall be punished," she said and took hold of the dreamcatcher.

   She held it in front of him as it sucked horrible memories from his head.  "That's it Benny, keep thinking of your worst fears.  Regina dying.  Regina's dying and you can't save her.  You just watched your father die.  Your family is all gone," she taunted as she saw memories flashing on the net of the catcher. 

   "Stop!  Please," he yelled in a distressed voice. 

   "Ben help!" Regina shouted as King Pharaoh held a sword pressed against her stomach.

"Regina!" I screamed. I couldn't reach her. It's like my feet were nailed to the ground. "Regina!"


"I love you!" I screamed.

An eerie smile appeared on the king's face as he brought the sword forward and sunk it into Regina's gut. Tears streamed down my face as I saw her fall to ground and blood leaked out of her.

"NOOO!!!" Ben shouted aloud.

"That's your biggest fear isn't it Benny?" Zelena taunted. "Your biggest fear is to watch your fairest Regina fall to ground and die without being able to do a thing isn't it?"

"Shut. Up!" He growled and the veins in his neck popped out.

His face was red and tense, covered with tears. He tried his hardest to free himself of the restraints but it was no use. Then Zelena heard some faint yelling. She immediately stopped the memories and blew out the candles.

"Make a sound and I will kill you," she threatened.


   Regina was constantly shouting Ben's name throughout the forest.  She figured that he'd be in the same area they met.  But then again she thought of the worst scenario: he was kidnapped or even worse killed.  She didn't know what she would do if she found out he was dead.  He was her best friend and a truly great person. 

   "Hey what's that house over there?" Emma pointed out and David then focused his gun towards the abandoned house. 

   "Please Ben," Regina whispered in a barely audible voice. 

   "Hey," Emma called.  "You alright Regina?"

   "Yeah I'm fine," she lied.


   "Who are you twits?" Zelena asked, referring to David and Emma.

   "My family," Regina and looked over to a smiling David and Emma. 

   David shot a round at the witch who disappeared in a green dust cloud.  "Must have other wicked plans to work out," David said.

   They entered the house and it was poorly lit.  "Ben!  Ben!"

   Ben's eyes widened and he was so relieved.  His Regina was here.  He could see her again.  "Regina!"

   She heard his voice and freaked out, running to source and tripping over a lifted board.  "Regina are you okay?" He asked.  She got up immediately and rushed to him.

   "Ben!" She shouted.  "Oh I'm so glad you're okay!" She said and wrapped her arms around him also while undoing his ties.  Once he was free he hugged her back tightly.

   "I'm happy that you're here-"

   "Are you guys okay?" Emma asked.

   "Yes we're fine," Regina said with a smile.  "Let's go home."

~3 Weeks After the Kidnapping~

   Ben was getting very concerned about Regina.  Nearly every night she would have an intense nightmare.  She refused to talk about what happened during them.  It was either Benjamin or Henry dying and it was by her former self: The Evil Queen.  He didn't want her to hold in these feelings any longer. 

   He talked to Henry and he said that he used to see Archibald Hopper: the town shrink.  "Regina c'mon eat up," he said to her as he rubbed he back.  "My toast isn't that bad."

   "Yeah it kinda is," she teased slightly.

   "Well at least I can see that wonderful smile," he mumbled.


Archie's Office

   "Do you want me to stay or," he asked.

   "No I can do this," she said in a small voice. 

   He smiled and gave a her a quick chaste kiss on her cheek, making her blush.  She knocked on the door of the office and watched Ben walk down the hallway. 

   The door opened.  "Regina," Archie acknowledged.

   "Hello Dr. Hopper."

To be continued...

Teaser for Chapter 12: Regina is diagnosed with what?

  Poor Ben.  His worst fear is loosing Regina.

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