Welcome To Highschool

By DeathToLurkers

90K 4.3K 3.9K

Max and Ross as high schoolers. More

Welcome to highschool
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Poll for an up-coming chapter
Poll Ended!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Man im sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update and info
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28::The Final Chapter

Chapter 18

2.5K 131 129
By DeathToLurkers

Ross' POV

I feel the warm light shine against my eyes, I didn't leave my curtains open... Oh that's right. I recollect my memories of last night and roll over to be greeted with Max, he is lying on his back facing the ceiling, eyes closed breathing gently.
I rest my head on his cheat and listen to his heart beat as I snuggle deeper into his warmth.

This is all so new to me...but it just feels right.

I suddenly slip off his chest as he gets up and yawns while stretching, he heaves his legs over the edge of the bed and holds his head groaning. I shuffle under the blankets slightly, alerting him of my presence. He spins around and looks at me wide eyed in shock. With a slight chuckle, he shakes his head.

"What the heck happened last night?" Max asks to no one in particular.

"Y-you got drunk..." I murmur, hiding under the warm blanket once more.

With that he grabs an alarm clock and groans "Looks like I'm not going to work today..." He mumbles.

He gets up stretching once more and smiles down at me, "Care to fill me in over breakfast?" He asks kindly.

~Time skip~

I bite into the delicious pancakes as Max talks on his phone to what must be his boss.

"Yeah, not feeling good... Don't worry I'll make up for it on Monday. Thanks, bye"

I stare at his bed hair, it looks so fluffy... I want to touch it, but he is too tall to reach.

"So Ross, how did I end up back here?" Max asks, sitting down next to me.

"You teleported. Nah, I drove you here." I said, attempting to make a joke, I mentally face-palm myself.

"Heh. Cool... Umm, what did I do, when I was drunk?" Max asks nervously.

"Well...uhh Jess and I discovered that, uhh your parents..uhh yeah" I say, hoping he understands.

Max clenches his fists under the table, silently cursing to himself.

"W-why didn't you want us to know that Max?" I utter quietly.

Max envelopes me in a deep hug, I hug him back confused by his actions. Imagine a life without parents... Has Max been alone like this for a long time? I tighten my grip on him, he keeps wanting to help me but now I want to make him happy more than ever. Max releases me and stares out a window, that shows a plain brick wall.

"I just don't like people knowing much about me, I hate people worrying about me when I'm absolutely fine." Max says sternly, forcing me to believe it as well as himself.

"That's not what it looked like last night..." I mumble under my breath.

Thankfully Max doesn't hear it and we continue to enjoy breakfast. I check the time and my heart beats faster, Shelby is going to kill me! It's way too late into the day! I have to go!

"Sorry Max," I start, grabbing my things and pulling on my jacket "I have got to go! Shelby will be suspicious if I stay longer!"

"Okay...be safe when driving Ross" Max calls after me.

I rush out the door closing it behind me, I hope Max will remember to re-lock it. I sprint to my car, start the engine and drive off.

~~Time skip~~

"Ross you took forever to get back! You didn't drink I hope..." Shelby says referring to the party.

"I told you I stayed at Adams, and no I don't drink and you know that" I state heading up to my room.

"Funny I texted Adam and that wasn't the case" Shelby speaks coldly. I stop in my tracks and turn slowly.

"It's not like you to tell a little lie Ross, Where did you stay?" Shelby asks.

Just say a hotel, she'll believe a hotel! Everyone trusts hotels! But if that was the case I'd just go home...Ugh.

"Max got drunk and I took him to his home, I fell asleep there" I answer truthfully.

Shelby shakes her head and walks away. I hope she understands.

Max's POV

Why does it feel so cold and alone here? It doesn't normally feel this way. I sit by myself twirling my syrup covered fork in the air. I hope I wasn't stupid last night. Definitely possible though. My eyes move quickly towards the door as I here a creak, there is someone here.

"Who's there" I call into the lonely air.


No answer huh? Maybe it's no one, the door is locked anyway. I think. I head off to my bedroom, I need sleep anyway. I look at my cosy bed, the blankets still all muddled up due to Ross cuddling in them. Cute. I stretch and yawn, ready to sleep when I hear a creak behind me. I wiz around surprised to be greeted to a large heavy object.


"Huh that was easy." A familiar voice purrs.

Oh no.

I have noticed that we have a lot of new comers to this book! Welcome new guys! So, this book is ending in a few chapters. I wonder what I should do next? Any ideas? Anyway, I would like to say that these new comments that are litterally just
"update update update! Update please!"
"We don't want this we want chapters! Update!"

Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. It's annoying and stressful, it can be very stressful when I want to relax and I'm being pressured by people, I know it means you love my book and I'm grateful about that. But it can be annoying, updates come when I can.

Thanks though, love you guys so much.

Citizen of the butt kingdom out!


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