Unexpected Love || Harry Styl...

By clarity-

2M 47.1K 22.6K

Meredith's perfect life turned upside down after her parents death meaning she had to move in with her older... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four (END)
Extra | UN Fragment

Chapter One

113K 1.4K 2.8K
By clarity-

(Really quickly going to say that the first few chapters are not going to be the best. My writing has improved throughout the book so you will see changes in how I describe things. Plus, so there is going to be curses and detailed sexual parts so if that's not you're thing, then don't read or skip the parts but I don't give warnings before anything happens. Thank you for choosing to start this book. 

Check the trailer on the side...... and YEAH! SO enjoy!)

Meredith's P.O.V

I woke up to the shrieking sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand to the top of the thing to shut it up. I groaned loudly. 

Sometimes I have these moments when I don't want to live anymore. That I want to die. And this is one of those moments. 

I mean what is there to live for if both of your parents are dead and you have to move in your older brother and his family? 

Michael's head appeared through the door.

"Hey Champ, you awake?" He asked.

"Yeah...." I groaned while sitting up, rubbing my swollen eyes. Yes I have been crying. That's because I don't have a life anymore. AND parents.

"Good. Lindsey's downstairs making breakfast. I'm off to work. Have fun at school," He said and gave me a small smile. He was about to close the door when he opened it wide open. He came over and sat down on my edge of my new bed. 

He gave me a peck on the forehead like dad always gave me in the morning.

"You're strong Meredith. Please don't let their death ruin your life. You are only 16. You have a whole life to live. Please bare with me. You'll see them one day," He said softly while side hugging me.

"I know," My voice cracked making a tear slide down my cheek.

"Don't cry Mere," Michael whispered while wiping the tear away. I nodded and gave him a peck on the cheek. He gave me another hug before leaving my room, closing the door behind him.

I love Michael. He has been there for me all the times I needed him. He's my older brother and he's 24. He's married to a wonder girl or should I say woman. They are pretty young to be married but it's their choice so I can't argue. Plus his wife Lindsey is like a mum to me. She is beautiful and kind and she reminds me a lot of my mum. 

Michael works for this company while Lindsey works as a fashion designer. So we are pretty much rich. What am I saying? They are pretty much rich. 

I feel bad for intruding Michael's family and living here, but this is the only place I have. It's not like I have a Grandmother or an aunt or uncle I could go live with.

I got out of my bed and looked around the room. I moved to Holmes Chapel the other day and this is going to be my room and my house until I decide to move out. Considering Lindsey and Michael.

Lindsey helped me out a lot. This room looks a lot like my room back home in Manchester. But this room was a bit bigger. The walls were a peach color and the floor was carpeted maroon. There was a queen sized bed just like my old room. 

I went across the hall to the bathroom. I locked the door and stripped down from my pajamas. I stepped into the shower letting the warm water relax my muscles. 

The house was big for only two people. There were 3 guest rooms and I'm using one of them which wasn't really a guest room anymore. 

This bathroom, I had to myself since Lindsey and Michael have a en suite bathroom in there room. 

I washed my long light brown hair with some shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body with some Dove body wash and exited the shower. 

I wrapped a towel around me body and put one in my hair. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out of the bathroom after putting my dirty pajamas in the hamper.

I scurried into my room and locked the door. 

I went to my closet and found all of my clothes hung up nicely. I tend to shop a lot since I have my own job. I made covers on YouTube and I get paid. 

Today's the third of November. And I'm starting a new school. Yup, I'm going to be a loner. I mean who the fuck transfer to another school in the middle of November?

I looked out the window to see the leaves on the trees turning orange and some turning red already. Fall was one of my favorite seasons. I love the weather. 

I went back to my closet and picked out a navy blue dress which had pink flowers all over it that reached a few inches above my knees. I wasn't actually a dress and skirt person but today wouldn't hurt. 

Since it was a bit chilly outside I put a mustard colored button up cardigan over the dress leaving the buttons undone. I put a floral scarf and put it around my neck. I went with my dark brown rider boots. I put on my feather earrings just to finish the look. [Outfit on the side]

I sat down on the rug with my medium sized makeup bag. I'm not a big fan of makeup but I like doing natural looks. I skipped foundation since I don't need it. I put concealer under my eyes since I had bags under it. 

I put a thin line of eyeliner and put my favorite mascara making my eyelashes stand out. It probably looks like I put fake lashes but it's really not. I had blue eyes which I love. My eyes are probably my favorite part of my face. 

I'm not skinny but I'm not fat either. I have soft curves and a flat stomach. My breast are a bit too big but it's not noticeable since I like covering it up with a sweater or a scarf. I probably had a hand full of boobs? 

I put on a bit of lip butter from Revlon in the shade Peach Parfait. It mixed in with my normal lip color but it stood out a bit. 

Next my hair. My hair was very long. It reached about my waist. I dried my hair so it was in soft beach waves.

I put a bit of perfume and looked at myself in my long length mirror. Is this really me?

I haven't looked like this since the school dance last year in my old school.  I bit my lip. Maybe I overdone the look. Everyone will probably say I'm trying hard to get attention when I'm not. I should of just wore some jeans and a simple t-shirt but then I would look like a loser. Why couldn't the school have uniform?

I looked at my clock to see it was 7:20am. I have 40 minutes until school and the drive is probably 10 minutes. 

I grabbed my school bag which was a floral messenger bag with a black background. I went downstairs to see Lindsey washing something in the sink. 

Lindsey had blonde hair which stopped at about her mid back. She had hazel eyes which were to die for! She was beautiful unlike me.

"Morning Linds," I said.

"Morning Meredith," She turned around and her eyes widen. I knew this would happen.

"Did I over do it?" I asked.

"No no no. You look amazing!" She exclaimed. I giggled.

"Thank you. I tried my best," I said softly while munching on a toast.

"Every boy will fall head over heels for you in school!" She stated leaning on the counter.

"Yeah right. I just dressed up to make a good impression. I was planning on wearing jeans and a tee," I replied.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't. You look beautiful! I bet you 10 pounds every guy's eyes are going to be on you,"

"That's what I don't want. After breaking up with Collin, I don't want to see anyone anymore," I exclaimed.

"You really think he's the one?" She asked.

"Yes. We get along so well and we've been dating since year 9! We never had an argument about anything. It was the best and now...." I trailed off.

"Mere, I'm going to tell you something and promise me you won't get mad," She said grabbing my hand. I nodded.

"The relationship you had seems boring. It's not fun having a relationship where you don't fight. If you guys liked and enjoyed the same things then that doesn't seem right. You need to find someone who's a bit opposite of you. It would be interesting. Learning about them. You never know. This 'person' could be walking down the halls of your school today." She explained.

She was right. Collin was a bit boring sometimes. I mean whatever I say, he always agreed. 

"You're not mad?" Lindsey asked looking at my eyes for an answer. I shook my head no.

"Good, school will be starting soon. You should get going." She said. "Are you nervous?"

"More then anything," I replied.

"Don't be. You're beautiful and an amazing person. Anyone would kill to be your friend and to be with you generally." She said giving my hand a squeeze. See, that's the reason I love her so much!

"By the way, Michael's coming home late. And so am I. We'll be home before 8 so you'll be home alone. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine," I replied while heading out the kitchen.

"Have fun," She yelled while I headed out the door.

I brought my car along to Cheshire since this is my home now. I had a White Toyota Camry. I got it for my 16th birthday from my parents. 

I got inside and turned the engine on. I put on the radio as I backed out of the driveway and down the road.

Lindsey gave me a tour around the small town yesterday so I know where the school is. The school is pretty big and very nice.

"What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne came on and I turned up the volume. I could really relate to this song. I have been innocent all my life. And I was always the mummy's girl or the daddy's girl.

I got to the school parking lot, I parked in the far corner. I turned the car off and got out the car, grabbing my bag from the other seat. The fall wind blew my hair making the ones over my shoulder go back. 

Many students were looking at me. The one's in the parking lot. I tried to ignore but couldn't. I felt their eyes burning my body. I walked a bit faster while looking at my boots that I didn't even notice I walked right into a large hard chest. 


I looked up to see bright green eyes looking down at me. It was a guy obviously and he was pretty tall. He was probably 5 foot 10 or 11? My head reached right below his chin. I stepped back to see his face clearly. 

He had a hood on so I couldn't see his hair. But from the side of his face I could see dark curls sticking out. He had green eyes like I said. He had a lip ring on. He had on a heavy hoddie and dark wash skinny jeans which hugged his legs. They looked sexy. Wait! What the fuck?

He had on some brown boots. I looked back up to see him smirking showing his dimples. Shit! They looked so fucking hot. Okay I seriously got problems. 

His smirk got wider if that was possible and I realized the whole parking lot was staring at us. 

Great! Now he and everyone thinks I was checking him out. Which I kind of was. The guy was pretty hot, I'll give you that but he wasn't my type. I could see the tattoos on the side of his neck. 

After a full on staring contest, he shoved passed me to the school. 

Yup SHOVED. Like what the fuck?

He's clearly one of those bad boys every school has. My old school had some which I never interfere with. But here I am bumping right into one of them.

Everyone stopped staring and went their own ways. I started doing the same before I see a hand that was newly manicured with hot red nail polish on. The hand was blocking my way. I turned to my right to see who it belonged to and guess what? It belonged to Barbie. Yes a real life Barbie! 

She was giving me a glare. I looked at what she was wearing and as I guessed she was wearing a pink girly dress with some white pumps. Who the hell wears heels to school?

Two other girls joined her but they weren't exactly Barbies. One had dark brown hair and the other had black hair. But the faces were the same. Painted.

"Can I help you?" I asked as nicely as I could. No doubt that these were the populars. The prissy girls who thinks they are better then everyone else.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing?" The Barbie snapped. Sheesh, what's crawled up her pants. Or in this situation her dress.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Talking to Harry?" She asked.

Who the fuck is Harry?

"Sorry, but who's Harry?" I asked.

The Barbie laughed. Ugh, everything about her is making me sick. Her voice was high pitched and her laugh was like.... I don't even know how to explain it.

"The guy you bumped into, you idiot," The one with black hair laughed.

"Oh him? I wasn't talking to him,"  I told her.

"Why were you with him?" She asked. If this bitch doesn't shut up soon, I'm going to have a head ache. Oh never mind I already do...

"I bumped into him. It was an accident," I explained. And why am I explaining? I should just tell this bitch to leave me the fuck alone.

"Stay away from him. Okay?" She said. More like demanded.

"Why? Is he your boyfriend?" I asked.

"No, but he's mine," She said.

"Yours? How could he be yours when your not even dating him," I snorted.

"Bitch listen to me! You do whatever I say. Like everyone else here. You are new. I get it. But you should know I'm a big deal in this school," 

Did this chick call me a bitch?

"Sorry, but I don't have to listen to you. Maybe everyone else here is your slave but I'm not," I snapped. 

I head a big "ooooo's" then I realized everyone was listening. Even Harry who was leaning against a black AUDI with 3 other boys with tattoos and piercings. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to!" She shrieked. OH MY GOD! MY EARS!

"I am talking to the Barbie whose in front of me. Telling me to do whatever the bitch says. Are you stupid?" I said loudly. I smirked to myself. She was fuming mad since her colored face was red and I don't think she put on any red blush. If there was even a blush that was red. Is there?

I heard another group of 'oooooo's.'

I heard the bell ring from inside the school which made everyone go inside. 

"This isn't over," Barbie said through her teeth and walked away with her 2 dogs following her. I could hear her heels clacking against the cement. When the clacking wasn't heard I bursted out laughing. In the middle of the parking lot. But I wasn't the only one. So many more were laughing their ass!

I started walking up to the school when I heard someone.

"Hey! You!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see a tall girl with curly hair running up to me. She had a decent amount of makeup on and not like Barbie which was like a 4 year old painting with a huge paint brush.

"Hello," I said smiling. She smiled back. That's a good sign.

"I'm Danielle. Can I walk with you?" She asked. I grinned like an idiot.

"Sure. By the way I'm Meredith," I said shaking her hand and then walking with her.

"You are new right?" 

"Yeah. I just moved from Manchester," I answered.

"Really? Why'd you move?" She asked. She seemed like a really nice girl but I couldn't trust her easily.

"Family issues," I uttered.

"Oh. Anyways I love you for calling Molly off," She giggled. Molly?

"You know the girl who you called Barbie," She giggled again answering my thoughts.

"Oh," I giggled along.

"No one is able to stand up for themselves when it comes to her," She stated.

"Why's that?" I questioned.

"She humiliates people easily and gets revenge on them," She explained.

"Did she ever humiliate you before?" I asked.

"Yeah. A lot of times actually. I was best friends with her in year 10. But then I didn't act like the salve she wanted me to be so she called me off and then tried to fuck my boyfriend," I said.

"Really? Whose your boyfriend?" 

"He's not my boyfriend anymore. We are still friends. His name is Liam. Liam Payne," 

"Why'd you guys break up?" I questioned.

"The Molly situation...."

"You mean he actually fucked with her?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, but he was drunk. So I forgave him. I needed a break so we broke up," She explained.

"Wow," I only said. The bell rang for the second time.

"I have to get to homeroom. See you at lunch!" She exclaimed while leaving me in this crowded hallway.

After a few minutes of being shoved and pushed, everyone left me. So I was the only one in the hallway. Great! 

Now I'm going to be late for Homeroom.

 I had to get my time tables but I don't even know where the office is! This is why I didn't want to change school in the middle of the school year.

I walked down the empty hallways until I spotted the same guy in the parking lot that I bumped into. What's his name? Henry? Harvy? Harry? Yeah Harry.

He was leaning on a locker while talking quietly with a guy in a varsity jacket. I could see the guy's tattooed covered arms since he had his jacket pulled up to his elbows. He had black silky hair and it seems like he had it in a quiff. I couldn't tell since his back was to me. 

Harry still had his hood on and his mouth moved slowly when he talked. He looked hot from afar too. 

I shook my head. What has gotten into me? The guy could be a murderer but then again what would a murderer be at a school?

There wasn't anyone else in the hallway but them two. Isn't there supposed to be a teacher walking around seeing if students were in class?

Guess not.

I hesitantly walked up to them.

They both stopped talking and the one with the black hair looked up at me. He looked me up and down like he was checking me out? He then smirked. Harry had his head down so I couldn't see his face. Only his lips. His pink plump lips. Okay I should stop.

"What can I do for you babe," The black hair guy asked. His voice was deep and scary. I stepped back a bit and he just laughed.

"Don't be scared. I don't bite," He laughed. Harry still hasn't looked up yet.

"Um," I started but couldn't go on since this guy scares the fuck out of me.

"What's wrong?" He cooed.

"Shut the fuck up Zayn," Harry finally spoke up. His voice was deep and husky. And I should add sexy. No No No! 

The guy, who I assume was named Zayn shut his mouth.

"Do you know where the main office is?" I asked quietly. I don't even think they heard me.

"What was that?" Zayn asked pulling his head to me so he could hear.

"Wow, the bitch called out my girlfriend in the parking lot and now she can't even speak loud enough so we could hear and we're a fucking foot away," Harry groaned. What the fuck? Girlfriend? 

"She was your girlfriend?" I asked looking at him. He looked up and my eyes met his green ones. 

"Yes she was. Why the fuck do you care?" He snapped. Woah there buddy! 

These pricks didn't scare me anymore. Zayn was a bit odd for some reason and Harry was just a fucking jerk.

"You are right. Why do I care? Anyways Zayn," I looked at him and smiled. He gave me a friendly smile that I wasn't expecting.

"Can you please show me the main office? I'm already late for homeroom," I said. 

"Sure," Zayn replied.

I smiled. "Thanks. Obviously this bag of ass wouldn't do it," I said looking at Harry who was giving me a glare. If glares could kill.....

Zayn laughed. Harry looked at Zayn and he shut up quickly. Was he afraid of him?

"Let's go then. See ya Harry," Zayn said bye to Harry and started walking with me before Harry whispered something in Zayn's ear. I was very curious but I shrugged it off.

We started walking in the empty hallways and before we turned a corner, I looked at Harry who was looking our way. I stuck my tongue out at him. I swear I saw a smile playing on his lips but I guess I'm seeing things.

"So what's your name?" Zayn asked.

"If I told you, I would have to kill you," I played.

"Come on," He whined. I laughed. I don't know who the fuck he is but I liked him. A bit. Not like that though. He's pretty cool when he's not all perverted mode.

"Meredith," I answered after a few minutes of him pleading.

"Nice name," He smirked.


"So innocent," 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked putting my hands on my hips as we walk. He chuckled.

"Nothing. I liked what you did at the parking lot," He laughed.

"You saw?"

"Yeah, mostly everyone did. Molly deserved it," She said.

"Are you really talking about you mate's girlfriend behind their backs?" I questioned giggling.

"Molly's not Harry's girlfriend," He answered.


"He was lying," Zayn cut me off. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Why would he lie about such a thing?" I asked confused.

"I don't know." He responded.

"Can you tell me what he whispered to you back there?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"You really want to know?"  He chuckled.

"Yes!" I exclaimed maybe a bit too loud. He laughed.

"He told me not to touch you," He uttered.

"Touch me?" I questioned.

"Yeah you know----"

"I know, I know. You don't have to say it," I exclaimed cutting him off. He just laughed.

"Here we are," He said when we were in front of an open door that led to the main office.

"Thanks. I've got it from here," I giggled. He chuckled.

"You are pretty cool," He said.

"Thank. You are pretty cool too when you are not acting perverted," I laugh. He laughed along.

"See you around," He waved. I waved back and entered the office.

I already have two friends and it hasn't been an hour yet of school. But Zayn is not actually a friend. Oh what the heck. He is my friend!

But what's Harry's deal? Did Molly give him her disease? Whatever disease she has.... I sure as hell don't want it. And I hope Zayn doesn't get it too. 

 Author's Note: What do you think????? I tried my best! And it was a bit long..... I know...... I hope you like it. It gets better in the next few chapters!

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