I'm the Bad Boy's Princesa

By corrupted_innocence

2.5M 55.3K 14.4K

Both Jacob and Serena have had bumps in life, some that have had a major influence on who they are as a perso... More

I'm The Bad Boy's Princesa
Renewed Life
The Chance to Begin Again
New Girl
And The Day Continues
Lunch with Her
Spending Time with the Bad Boy
Spending the Day with Her
We Are Not Dating
Control My Feelings
One Big Sleepover
I Have A Question
I'm Screwed
I Think She Makes Me Happy
A Change In A Name
Worry About It Tomorrow
A Mess Up
My Best Friend's Date
Becca's Date
Two Sides of the Story
Wishful Thinking
The Pool
Figure It Out As I Go Along
I'm So Excited
The Big Date
My Date With My Princessa
He's Back
I'm Happy, Okay?
New Family & Perfection
Sean and Melissa
Nick's POV
Tagged... Again
A Mother's Worry
Stupid, Stupid
Back to Routine
Extra #1. New Beginning
Extra #2. Fairy Tale
Extra #3. Little One

The Carnival

67K 1.2K 359
By corrupted_innocence

"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment."
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬

🎀Serena's POV 🎀

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

Who keeps poking me? Don't they realize how important sleep is to me?

I groan and bury myself further into the warmth next to me, hoping that it would keep me safe from the dreaded poking.

"Serena." A deep voice whispers and I shiver. That was a nice sound. I want to hear it again.

Fingers soon brush against my thighs up to my waist making me squirm. The deep voice laughs again.

"Make her wake up, Jacob!" A feminine voice speaks. Are they talking about me? If so, don't wake me up.

"Princessa." His voice calls again, and he shakes me.

"No." I groan, wrapping my arms around him and bringing my body closer to hide the light that glares against my eyes.

The blanket is ripped from my body and I jerk up, hopelessly searching for its warmth. I look up angrily at Becca and she just laughs.

"Give me that back." I demand. Goosebumps arise on my arms and legs and I compress me body together tighter.

"No. You need to get up."

"But I don't want to." I groan and let my body fall back next to Jacob's. He's so warm.

"Why are you so lazy? What happened to all those sports?" Ugh.

"I used to do those, but since I haven't done them in a while I turned lazy." She rolls her eyes at my answer.

"Come on, get up." He coaxes me, gently.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

"Your mom made pancakes." Becca states.

"I'm up." I yell, lifting my upper body off the bed. They both laugh at me making me pout.

As Becca leaves my room, I get off my bed and head for the bathroom. Closing my eyes for one second, relishing in the last bits of sleep, I bump my nose into a wall.


Laughs followed by a thump are heard from behind me. Turning around, I see Jacob sprawled across the floor laughing his butt off.

"Don't laugh at me." I pout, sniffling falsely. Hopefully he'll fall for it.

He gradually stops laughing and frowns. "Oh I'm sorry. Are you okay?" His eyes are wide with concern as he comes up next to me and checks my face for any bruising.

I laugh at his face, "You fell for it."

He pouts exaggeratedly, "That's not nice."

"Well it wasn't nice for me either when you laughed at me."

"Good point. Now go to the bathroom and fix yourself so we can go eat." He gently pushes me into the bathroom.

"Pushy pushy." I mumble.

"Heard that." Oops.

"Oh well." I reply.

I do all of my morning routines and then exit the bathroom. And when I do, Jacob goes right in. Sheesh. Couldn't wait any longer could he?

Nonetheless, I head for my closet and grab my fuzzy socks along with my blue slippers. Ooh warm. I take a look at my bed and frown at its disarray. It's like a tornado went through my bed. Tidying the blankets a little, I turn to walk outside until my waist is grabbed.

Shrieking, I turn and see Jacob smirking, "You weren't gonna wait for me?" He asks.

"You took too long." I state.

"...Fine, let's go down now."

We both walk downstairs and the smell of pancakes, bacon, and sausage waft through my nose. I am so hungry all of a sudden. Walking into the kitchen, I see my mom and Becca at the stove cooking and Danny picking at the cooked food.

"Danny." I scold. He turns to me with wide eyes.

"I'm not doing anything." He says rocking back and forth on his heels with his hands behind his back.

"Mom!" I shout, "He's picking." My mom looks at him, then smacks him in the back of the head.

"Ow." He whines, glaring at me.

"Don't pick." I glare back at him.

"Okay.... let's control our eyes and eat our food. Breakfast is ready." My mom says, breaking Danny and I's little staring contest.

All of us grab pancakes, bacon, sausage, and juice. Eating with a few conversations here and there, we finish somewhat quickly.

"So what are you children going to do today, I'm running out of food." My mom says once all the dishes are put away.

There is a slight pause when all of us think of what we could do.

"I'm pretty sure there is a carnival about thirty minutes away from here." Becca said.

"Do you guys want to go to that?" My mom asks, looking between all of us.

We all look at each other and nod, silently agreeing to going to the carnival.

"Well, Serena and I are going to get ready. Come on." She grabs my wrist and practically drags me to my room.

"Is there really a carnival?" I ask once we've reached my room.


I smile, "I've never been to one. What's it like?"

"It has a bunch of rides, there's games to play to win prizes, and food."

"Seems fun." I look through my closet to look for something to wear. "What's the weather going to be like?" I ask.

"Let me check.... sunny."

"Okay." I'll wear shorts.

But do you want to? Is it a smart choice after... everything? You'll never pull it of, you'll just look like a fool trying to be pretty. You can't do it. You never will.

My chest constricts and it hurts to breathe. Resting a hand against the wall, I shut my eyes tightly and try to regain a normal breathing pattern. Will it ever go away? When can I finally wear something and feel confident in it?

"Serena?" Becca asks. I stand up straighter and act like I didn't just have breathing issues.

"Yes?" I smile, hoping to cover up my pained expression inside.

"Do you have shorts I could borrow?" She asks sheepishly, "I brought pants but the weather is gonna be in the nineties."

"Oh sure." I look through my dresser to find some shorts that would fit her. Finding some white shorts, I put them out to her and she gladly takes them from my hands.

Looking again for my own outfit, I find a pair of khaki shorts and black t-shirt. Then I look through my shoes to grab my black converse.

(minus the scarf)

I head for the bathroom as Becca puts a cardigan on.

Walking out once I've changed, I'm greeted with the sound of Becca swearing.

"You okay?" I ask.

"These shoes keep messing up my socks, but I'm okay, I've got this." After probably ten tries, she finally puts her shoe on without the sock getting messed up.

"Good job." I cheer, laughing at the glare she sends my way.

Once we're completely ready, we go downstairs. And the boys are laughing, totally entranced at whatever my mom is showing them. I get a closer look, and to my upmost horror, it's my baby pictures.

"How–where did you get that?" I ask frantically.

They look up at me–my mom gives me an innocent smile, and the guys are trying to hold in their laughs.

"Well, I was looking for them yesterday and I couldn't find them. So while you were all sleeping, I slipped into your bedroom—you and Jacob looked adorable together by the way," I blush and Jacob looks down, "I go through your closet and lo and behold, I find them." My eyes widen. I knew I should have hidden them better.

"I have to say, you were a very cute baby." Danny teases.

"Shut it." I grumble. "Can we not look at my baby pictures anymore?" I beg.

"But we're not done." Jacob says. The need to smack his face is so great, it takes all my strength not to do so.

"Well we can finish if you ever come back." My mom suggests.

"You mean they can come back here?" I ask. "Why?"

"Serena. Be nice." She scolds. I pout.

"Do you not want us coming over again princessa?" Jacob asks, all of my friends eyes are cast on me.

"I'm fine with Becca." She smiles, "But you two are a bit trying." Their face falls and I feel bad, "Fine, you guys can come back." Their eyes brighten.

"You kids may want to leave now or it'll be too late to go... and I need my peace and quiet."

We all silently agree and gather the things we need.

"Should we take one car or separate cars?" Danny asks, probably considering the fact that there are two cars parked outside.

"Two, just incase we stay late and so it'll be easier to get home." Jacob offers. We all agree to that.

"Okay guys before you go, I need to talk to Jacob." My mom says. I look at her weirdly but she simply chooses to ignore me.

All of us step outside.

"What's she going to talk about?" Danny asks.

"I don't know." I mutter.

🕶 Jacob's POV 🕶

Why does she need to talk to me? Is she going to smack me like my mom does when I do something stupid, which is often.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask awkwardly.

She just stares at me and sighs, "You called my daughter 'princessa'." F*ck.


"I'm not mad, in fact I'm a bit thrilled that she has someone like you to spend time with her." I let out a breath. "But, if you're not going to treat her nicely and respect her, you can forget calling her that and spending time with her. She has been through hell in the last few years, and to hear her laugh and see her smile is a blessing. So if you're going to just leave in the end and not take anything with her seriously... I will hit you with my chancla so hard, your ancestors will feel it." Her eyes are hardened to the point where I feel like she could burn right through my skull.

Gulping, I prepare to defend myself, "I know that you'd do anything to protect your daughter, but I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. I will try my hardest to keep her laughing. I won't ask about what happened to her because that is not my business to know, but I'll try my best to keep her happy. I promise." Did that come from my mouth? Where the f*ck did I learn to say that? Looking at Camila, I notice tears in her eyes. Crap that wasn't supposed to happen.

"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Now I'm freaking out.

"I'm crying because I'm happy. I can tell that you'll be a much better person for my daughter than that scum Sean ever was."

"Sean? Who the f*ck is he?" She smacks me in the back of the head.

"Language. Anyways, I'd rather Serena tell you when she is ready. But let me just say... he is the most thick-headed, insensitive, selfish piece of trash I've ever met. And that's putting it nicely." Her hands are in fists and I trying to figure out what this 'Sean' ever did to bring this amount of wrath inside her.

"Well I know that I'll never think of making her cry so don't worry."

"Thank you, Jacob. Now go outside with the others or they'll think I murdered you." My eyes widen.

"Well, bye Camila. I'll see you later."

"I would hope so." She laughs and walks to the kitchen.

I walk outside, shutting the door behind me and Serena walks up to me.

"Are you okay? Did she threaten you? Are you hurt?" Her voice frantic.

"I'm fine. She just asked me some questions." I reply.


"Nothing important. Don't worry." Please don't badger anymore.

She eyes me warily, "Okay. So we decided to have one car for Becca and Danny, and the other for you and I." Princessa and I. In one car.

"Okay." She smiles and heads for my car. Today is going to be interesting.

🔆Serena's POV🔆

With everyone in their designated cars, we head off. Yet, I can't keep myself from asking myself what they could've possibly been talking about. Could've been me but I don't like to think that their conversation included me. It sounds a bit narcissistic to me.

Jacob is silent as well which doesn't help my already confused state.

"Serena." He calls out.

"Huh?" I question back.

"Don't worry about the conversation with your mom and I. Yes it was about you, but more of your wellbeing." That doesn't really help.

"Okay." I say and look down, pushing my glasses up as they slide off some.

"You don't need to look down, princessa. I'm sorry. I would tell you but I don't think Camila would like that. Now no more being sad, show me that pretty smile of yours before we get there." I blush, smiling slightly.

"There is it." He says gently, "Now keep it there so I don't have to tickle it out of you."

I laugh.

Once we get there, I am stunned to silence in awe. Rides going as tall to the sky, shouts of joy are carried throughout the place, and the smell has me drooling.

All of us meet at the entrance as we had to park farther away from each other than we had hoped to.

"What should we do first?" I ask, still trying to take it all in.

"Rollercoaster." Becca and Jacob say at the same time. Danny and I glance at each other warily.

"Depends on the ride." I say.

"And not after we've eaten." Danny warns.

We decide on a ride that moves from side to side, simultaneously spinning in 360 degrees.

"If I puke... you guys are cleaning it up." I wiggle my finger between all of them. They just give me amused expressions.

"I'm serious." I warn.

"Oh, I thought that you were Serena." Becca teases.

"What?" It takes a second to understand the joke but when I do, all I can do is laugh.

"But I will puke on you guys."

"Then I'll just give you a big hug." Jacob replies. I cringe.

"Let's just go on the ride now." Danny says as a few shudders pass throughout his body.

We've been waiting for probably ten minutes when we finally get to get on the ride. And when we do, all the nervousness comes back, filling my entire body with dread.

What would happen if I actually vomit? I'd embarrass myself immensely. Would people be angry at me? Could I live that down? Adding another moment of humiliation to the list of things I've messed up on?

"Hey." Becca says gently. I look towards her. "It's okay. Don't think, just let go and have fun." Easier said than done.

"Okay." I say reluctantly, and also a bit hesitant, mainly hoping that she'll buy it and drop the subject of my discomfort.

The ride begins to move and my stomach clenches, a feeling of slight nausea cause me to squeeze my eyes shut tightly. As it begins to spin in circles, my stomach feels like it's moved into my throat. I begin to listen to Becca's advice and just let go.

As my mind shuts out all agitational doubts, I actually start to laugh as the speed increases.

"Fun isn't it?" Becca asks.

"Yes." I laugh in reply.

Approximately a few minutes goes by once the ride comes to a gradual stop. And when it does, everyone gets off with a smile on their face, everyone but Danny.

"Never again." He mutters, holding his stomach, "Never again."

Becca's face falls and guilt clouds her eyes, "I'm sorry."

Danny looks to her and smiles, though looks more of a grimace to me, "I'm fine, it'll go away in a bit. Which ride next?"

Becca eyes him warily but nonetheless points to another. This time it's a rollercoaster, not a spinning one.

We all head towards it, but one look at the line and we rethink it. The line is long and where it ends, the sign says–forty-five minute wait time from here.

"I think we should go somewhere else." I suggest.

"There's a hall of mirrors a little while back from here." Jacob says afterwards. We all agree.

We're all laughing before we've even spent a minute in here.

"We look so weird." Becca laughs, Danny moving up and down in front of the mirror next to her.

I walk up to one and it makes me look tall and thin, the next makes me look all squiggly. And the one after, makes me look short and fat.

Well that's not far from the truth. Might as well be a regular mirror. You'll never be nor look thin. Why try and fix it? Everyone sees you as ugly and fat. And that, will never change.

My eyes fill with unshed tears as I continue to look in the mirror, instantly agreeing with what the voices in my head are telling me. My shoulders are grabbed and I'm turned away from the mirror. 

"It's just a mirror, princessa. That's not the real you." Jacob tries to reassure me, gently.

My mouth opens but only incoherent sounds are released. My mind a blank at what I could say.

"Don't believe what that mirror shows you." He walks me away from the mirror, beginning to catch up with Becca and Danny who are further ahead.

"I-I... thank you." I say quietly. Not completely believing him but thankful for him stopping me from breaking down.

"You're welcome. Come on, let's catch up  to them." As we continue walking down the hall, I keep my head down, not wanting to see anymore reflections.

For the rest of the Hall of Mirrors, I act like I'm having fun and not affected by the mirrors at all. But Jacob keeps eyeing me, probably trying to see if I'll break again. I regret letting him see it the first time.

Once we've actually accomplished exiting the hall, there are stands of different types of food.

"I am now suddenly hungry." Danny says, "Anyone else?"

Everyone nods their heads, including me, and we all head for a stand that catches our interest. I pick one that has fried dough.

"Hi, how may I help you?" An energetic young girl says.

"Can I have one fries dough please. And a sprite, please."

"Okay." She gets my order and passes it to me.

"Six dollars and seventy-nine cents." She voices the charge.

I give her a ten dollar bill, "Keep the change."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too." Walking away from the stand with my food, I start to look for my friends.

I soon find Becca walking around with a slice of pizza and a coke. I walk to her and we find a bench to sit on.

"I wonder where the guys are."

"Maybe the food they wanted had a long line." 

"Maybe. Can I try a piece of that?" She pleads as she points to my food.

"Okay." I tear a piece of it off and pass it to her.

"Wow that is delicious." She mumbles as she finishes chewing.

"Mhm." I hum as I sip my soda.

The boys finally reach us, hot dogs in their hands.

"What took you guys so long?" I ask.

"The line was longer than expected and we didn't know where you girls were."

"Sorry." We giggle and push over. It's a tight fit as we all sit down but we manage.

"Can I have a piece of that?" Jacob asks.

"Me too?" Danny asks.

"Goodness gracious." I grumble but end up giving them some.

As we finish up, a man walks past us with a cart filled with a bunch of light-up swords and hats. I want one. I get up and walk over to him.

"Hello little lady. What would you like?" His friendly voice asks.

"Can I have a light-up sword please?" I ask.

"Certainly." He takes it out and gives it to me. "Four dollars."

I nod my head while looking through my wallet, that is until a tan and muscular hands the man a five dollar bill.

"Keep the change." He says. The man nods and begins his walk again.

"Why did you do that?" I ask him.

"To be nice." He answers vaguely.

"Okay?" My eyes search his, hoping to find out what his real reason for paying for my toy actually is.

I quickly get over it and start to move my sword around, giggling at the movements of the LED lights inside.

"You like your toy?" He asks, amused.

"Yep. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't."

"Okay smart ass." He replies. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Guys! Guys!" Becca exclaims while jogging over to us.

"What?" We question.

"I saw bumper cars."

I perk up, "Really?"

"Uh huh. I saw them when I went to throw my trash away. Come on let's go." She grabs my wrist and starts dragging me to wherever the bumper cars she saw are.

As Becca quickens her pace, I look back just to make sure that the guys are following us. And to my relief, they are.

Once we're in line, which would probably only take five minutes, I start to swing the sword around. And an evil-ish idea comes to mind. Trying to look as innocent as I can, I subtly glance at Jacob and see him facing away from me, talking to Danny. I grin and slowly bring the sword up and poke him with it. Payback time.

He yelps and turns towards me, "What the f*ck was that for?" His eyes are wide and he rubs his side.

"Payback for poking me this morning." I state simply.

"But I needed to wake you up."

"But I like my sleep." I whine.

"Becca told me to." He tells me hastily. I turn to Becca and her eyes widen as well.

I poke her twice and she shrieks. I then turn to Danny and he raises his hands as a surrender, taking a few steps back simultaneously.

"I didn't do anything." I poke him.

"For picking at breakfast." I state.

"But your mom already smacked me for it." He whines.

"True." I mutter. "But when I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it." I mumble and chuckle right after. Once Upon A Time reference.

"Okay." Jacob intervenes, looking at me weirdly, "I'll take that." He takes the sword out of my hands.

"Hey." I whine in protest. "Give that back."

"Nope. You won't get it back until you behave." He says, smirking as my frown deepens.

"I am behaving." I say, even though I know that I'm not.

"Not happening."

I huff and turn my back on him. Childish I know but I want my toy back.  

"Hey now." Jacob puts his hand on my waist and brings me to his side, "What did I tell you earlier? No being sad or I'm going to have to tickle you." I force a smile on my face.

"That's not your real smile." He states. "Am I going to need to tickle you?"

"No." I say slowly.

"Then smile. Come on smile." He commands as he brings his face down to my level and pinches my cheeks. I reluctantly give a smile and he gives one in return.

"Good. Now, after we've ridden on the bumper cars, I'll give you back your sword."

"Okay." I sigh. Our turn comes on.

I pick a blue car as Becca picks a purple one, Jacob picks a red one, and Danny picks a black one. The buzzer is rung, signaling us to begin, and we're off.

Jacob is in front of me and I pick up my speed. "I'm gonna get you!" I yell.

"No you're not." He retorts. I'll show him.

Just as we turn, I ram his bumper and his whole body jolts forward. I laugh in victory, but my excitement is cut short when my car is hit from behind. Turing my head, all I see is Becca laughing menacingly.

Wait, where's Danny? My question is answered when Jacob swears. Danny had somehow hit him on the side, undetected.

The cars soon come to a stop and I groan. That was too quick.

We all exit and grab our stuff from the bin next to the exit door.

"Can I have my sword back?" I ask immediately after we get out.

Jacob rolls his eyes but nonetheless gives it back to me, "But no more poking people. Or you'll never get it back."

"Okay." I nod and swing it around.

We spend about the next ten minutes looking around and just walking. As my eyes take everything in, my mood lightens further. Above a stand meant for a baseball throwing game, a bunch of large plush baymax toys hang on a hook.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" I chant. "I want one." Speed walking towards the booth, my smile widens.

I pay the worker the three dollars needed to play and take my three baseballs. Aiming at the stack of vintage milk bottles, I miss EVERY SINGLE TIME!

"Are you cereal? Why the flip can't I knock at least one down? Flipping frozen tundra! Mother of monkey milk, I'm so mad!" The worker looks at me amusedly and offers me another try, as long as I pay.

Looking into my wallet, I frown at its vacant space. "Poo."

"I'll play for her." Jacob says as he gives the worker three dollars.

He winds his arm up and knocks down all six in his first try. I'm completely positive that my face resembles a fish out-of-water. Jacob grabs the plush baymax from the worker and holds it out in front of me.

"Thank you." I mumble, pulling my baymax to my chest.

"You're welcome." He smiles. "You have really bad aim."

"I know! I know!" I say in a high-pitched voice. Up reference. Haha... now I'm beginning to question my sanity and maturity.

He looks at me oddly and shakes his head afterwards. We walk back to the others and see Danny with a sheepish expression, holding a plush minion, and Becca with a proud expression.

"What's happened?" I ask.

"I won Danny a minion." She states. Huh?

"What?" Jacob asks.

"He tried to win me something but failed. Then I played and won, giving him the minion he is now carrying."

"Pussy." Jacob coughs and I smack him roughly.

"Don't be rude." I scold, "I think it's cute."


"Cause usually guys get things for girls but she turned that around."

"So you want to win something for me?" He asks teasingly.

"I would... if I didn't have such bad aim..." My sentence carrying out as I see one of those strength games that use a hammer.

I go over to Becca and discreetly ask for three dollars. She follows my line of sight and automatically agrees.

I walk up to the worker and hand him the money. Jacob gives me an expression that clearly shows that he doesn't believe that I could accomplish it. Now I may not have the best aim, but I am somewhat strong.

Raising the hammer above my shoulder, I use all my strength and lower it on the target. I, surprisingly, actually get the weight to hit the bell. Turning back to Jacob, seeing his jaw wide open, I smirk and give him a wink. Facing the worker once again, I ask for the blown up superman bat.

I give it to Jacob with a cheeky smile on my face. He scowls at me, but I can tell he's desperately trying to hide a smile. And this time, I see Becca wearing a Mad Hatter hat and Danny puffing his chest out.

"I guess you were finally able to win her something." I joke.

"As a matter of fact, yes I have. Jealous?"

"Sure." I laugh. "Though it is cute." I tell Becca.

"I know." She blushes.

"So what now?" Jacob asks. I look around and see that the sun is starting to set.

"Oh my gosh! We should go on the ferris wheel." Becca suggests.

"Ferris wheel?" I question.

"Yeah. Since the sun is setting, it'd be so cool to see it from up there."

We all look at each other and shrug. I guess we're going to the ferris wheel.

Surprisingly, there isn't that much of a line to get on. Danny and Becca go first and her giddy smile is so contagious that I can't stop myself from smiling as well, and I guess Danny can't either. The machine is started and they are risen. Our turn comes and I put my toys into the bin by the entrance, sincerely hoping that they're not taken.

Once we're both seated, the wheel starts again and we end up in the middle. And the view is amazing. The sun is halfway blocked by the cloud but still able to shine through. The sky is filled with hues of red and orange, mixing in the way that simply takes your breath away.

"It's so beautiful." I sigh. I try to take in as much as I can. And I would take a picture, but pictures never look as good as it does to the eye. I'll just cherish this view even more than usual.

The ferris wheel moves again and this time, we're at the very top. Oh cheese and sprinkles. As we've reached a higher elevation, the night sky has decided to grace us with its beautiful stars. Though not completely night, there is a perfect blend of both. With the stars and dark blue hues that show what's to come, there is still the lingering shine of day giving us a brief moment to relish the day that's passed. 

"Wow." I whisper, totally entranced by God's grace.

I turn to Jacob and my face heats up at the fact that he is already looking at me. As if the air is suddenly sparked with who-knows-what, we begin to lean in to each other. My stomach is in knots at the thought of what might come.

'Warning! Warning!', A little bee with a flashing red bottom whispers into my ear. Do I really want to be kissed by him? ...Yes. Will I let him? I have no idea.

And by some weird coincidence, we begin to lower and I use it as an excuse to jump away from him and hide my face.

Looking through my hair, I can see that the only expressions on his face is confusion and irritation. Did I mess up?

We are lowered all the way to the bottom and asked to get off. I speedily take the safety bar away from me and walk away, clutching baymax to my chest once I've gotten it back as if it will calm my racing heart down.

We were about to kiss. He actually wanted to kiss me! How in the wide world of Willy Wonka did I manage to make him want to kiss me?

"Are you alright?" Becca asks after she's walked up to me, probably seeing my sorrow expression.

"Of course. Just got a little woozy from the height." My excuse sounds the least believable but nothing else came to mind. And judging by the look she gives me, I can tell she knows that that is not the real reason and she'd like for me to tell her the truth.

"Later." I mutter and she drops the subject.

Why must I complicate things? Why couldn't I just let things happen? Why don't you start by breaking your walls down first then? Oh yeah, that.

All of us decide to just head home since it's getting a little chilly and it's getting darker. When we're all in our designated cars, it is silent. Goodness, awkward moments make me itch. What should I say, 'hi, come here often?'. No! That's stupid.

I am suddenly punched in the arm, lightly.

"Punch buggy red, no punching back."

"That's no fair." I whine playfully, "I wasn't paying."

"And whose fault is that?" He asks.

"Mine." I grumble after a slight pause. Good... everything is back to normal-ish. "But you could've warned me."

"Where's the fun in that?" He smiles.

"What if I was really fragile?"

"You're not." Not physically, no.

"Fine. But what if I suddenly moved and you hit me in my chest or face?"

"I'd apologize, but that's why I punched you lightly."

"I'm not going to win this am I?" I groan.

"Nope." He winks.

"Meanie." I grumble.

"Hey now... am I really mean?" He pouts.

"No." I mumble quietly.

"What was that? I didn't hear what you said." He mockingly puts a hand up to his ear.

"No." I shout playfully. He falsely flinches and glares at me.

"Now who's being a meanie?"

"You started it!"

"How, pray tell, did I start it?"

"Punch buggy-ing me."

"How did me punch buggy-ing you start this?"


"Exactly! You weren't even paying attention so you started it."

"Fine." I pout. "I am sorry for falsely accusing you."

"As you should be!"

As we were bickering, I didn't realize how close we were to home, too close. He drives into the driveway and we both get out of the car.

"I had fun." I say as we step onto the porch, before I put the key in the lock.

"Me too." He replies.

Kiss him, my mind says. You know you want to. It's too soon. He smiles at me and I can't stop myself from getting on my tippy toes and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." I whisper while blushing. His eyes are wide, just as his mouth is. I shyly look down and unlock the door.

"Goodbye Jacob." I put one foot through the threshold.

"Goodbye princessa." He sighs and walks back to his car.

I watch him get in his car and he waves to me. I wave back and fully get inside.

"I saw that."

I scream. I look to the left of me to see my mother smirking, leaning against the wall right next to the window. Oh sugar honey iced tea.

"You two are totally dating." She laughs then looks at the toys I got and smiles wider. "He even got you a baymax? He is extremely infatuated with you, one might say whipped."

"Mami." I groan.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." She puts her hand up. "Good night sweetheart."

"Good night mami." I walk upstairs to my room and place my sword on my desk.

Placing baymax on my bed, I take off my clothes and change into my pj's. Bringing baymax to my chest, knowing that it's childish but I don't care, I begin to fall asleep. Even though I avoided the kiss earlier, I glad that I had the courage to give one on his cheek. I just hope he doesn't think differently of me.


I hope this chapter is long enough and satisfies all of you guys. I thought I would update sooner but... I guess not. So anyways, vacation week wooh!

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