I'm The Bad Boy's Princesa

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Both Jacob and Serena have had bumps in life, some that have had a major influence on who they are as a person. Through certain circumstances, their lives intertwine. Jacob is a heartless bad boy who claims to have no romantic emotions. Serena is a girl who has been broken by those closest to her.

They each have baggage, but they develop the need to help each other through the pain. Neither are perfect but it's a perfect coincidence when they bump into the other. The journey is stressful but the destination is blissful.

Serena Peña
-17 years old
-dark wavy hair 
-blue-gray eyes
-shy & quiet, beautiful & kind

Jacob Rodriguez
-is 18 years old
-dark hair
-hazel eyes
-trouble maker & loud, attractive & arrogant

{This book is under editing}

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