The Mistake Or Miracle? *Comp...

By TWD789123

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***Completed *** WARNING. EXTREMELY CRINGY. This was my first book so yeah. It's pretty bad. I pray for your... More

Chapter 1 - A Mistake
Chapter 2 - Officer Smart Ass
Chapter 3 - Wtf Merle
Chapter 4 - Jess
Chapter 5 - Clean up
Chapter 6 - The CDC
Chapter 7 - Holy Shit
Chapter 8 - Shane
Chapter 9 - TS-19
Chapter 10 - Dam it
Chapter 11 - She's hanging by a thread
Chapter 12 - She's Up
Chapter 13 - Time goes by Fast
Chapter 14 - Randall
Chapter 15 - Daryl I have to tell you something
Chapter 17 - The New Girl
Chapter 18 - Somehow
Chapter 19 - A New Place
Chapater 20 - The Prison
Chapter 21 - Birthday Gone Bad
Chapter 22 - Carl
Chapter 23 - Prisoners?
Chapter 24 - Rescue Misson
Chapter 25 - Lori
Chapter 26 - Healing Slowly
Chapter 27 - Not One Good Day
Chapter 28 - Seperated
Chapter 29 - Lost
Chapter 30 - Never A Dull Moment
Chapter 31 - Termiuns
Chapter 32 - Your Sick
Chapter 33 - Together Again
Chapter 34 - Where Did They Go?
Chapter 35 - I Already Made You A Promise
Chapter 36 - Lost
Chapter 37 - Who Is This?
Chapter 38 - Alexandria?
Chapter 39 - Jobs
Chapter 40 - The Party
Chapter 41 - You Did What?
Chapter 42 - Promise Me.
Chapter 43 - Relax
Chapter 44 - Your What?
Chapter 45 - Now?
Chapter 46 - Lets Talk
Chapter 47 - Leaving?
Chapter 48 - Date?
Chapter 49 - Its Time.
Authors Note
Chapter 50 - Who The Fuck Is This?
Chapter 51 - Are You Fucking Crazy?
Chapter 52 - You Know Who.
Chapter 53 - W's?
Chapter 54 - We Need You.
Chapter 55 - Lets Go
Chapter 56 - I Have Leverage
Chapter 57 - Dream
Chapter 58 - Im Back
Chapter 59 - An Evolution
Chapter 60 - Tonight
Chapter 61 - Take Over
Chapter 62 - You Ok?
Chapter 63 - Judith?
Chapter 64 - Photo Shoot
Chapter 65 - Dress Shopping
Chapter 66 - The Wedding
Chapter 67 - Honey Moon?
Chapter 68 - Neegan
Chapter 69 - Who Are You?
Chapter 70 - Practice
Chapter 71 - I'll Be Ok
Chapter 72 - Dinner Party
Chapter 73 - Surprise...
Chapter 74 - Pray For Me.
Chapter 75 - The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 16 - A Run

85 6 0
By TWD789123

Third Person P.O.V -2 days later-
Jessica and Carl stayed in his tent all day. Carol brought them food but other than that they didn't talk to anyone. Daryl went off to kill walkers before he killed someone. He was filled with rage for what Shane did to Jessica and was pissed at himself for not being their for her. Their dad used to beat her mostly and he couldn't do anything. He regrets not doing anything but Jess always told him not to even though she was hurt inside and out. Rick was trying to figure out what the hell to do about leaving and Lori still hasn't told him she's pregnant. Yup, it's for sure. But the worst part is she doesn't know who's it is. She told Glenn and he told her that he would get her anything if she needed it. Dale has been bugging Glenn about getting him to talk to Lori but she doesn't want to say anything to Rick yet. When Jessica and Carl do come out they only talk to each other. She was shielding herself from the others, even Daryl. Carl has tried to get her to talk to others but she refuses. But she is opening up a little bit more to the group, still keeping in her real thoughts to herself.

Jessica's P.O.V
It's been two days and the only person I talk to is Carl. I don't want to talk to anyone else. Daryl has been gone but I'm not worried. He knows how to take care of himself. I just didn't want to talk to anyone, but honestly I was getting bored. This farm has nothing to do so today I'm gonna ask Rick if Carl and I could go on a run with Glenn and Maggie. He's been wanting to go as well. I didn't want to tell Daryl because I knew he wouldn't let me go.
"Rick!" I called to him as I saw him talking to Hershel.
"Could Carl and I go on that run with Glenn and Maggie this afternoon?"
"Jess, I don't mind but what about Daryl?"
"He don't gotta know."
"Jess." He said crossing his arms
"Rick, I know Daryl cares about me but I need to get back out their please."
"Ok, but if Daryl comes at me I'm gonna blame you." He said and I smiled a little bit
"I can take him." I said sarcastically running to get Carl to tell him.
Glenn and Maggie rode a horse together as did me and Carl. I noticed he seemed a little nervous as we got on.
"What's wrong?" I asked putting on the saddle.
"I've never ridden a horse." He said
"It's ok, I have and I know how to work them. I'll drive." I said sarcastically and he smiled
"Ok." Glenn and Maggie got on their horse and me and Carl got on ours. I could feel his hands shaking as I helped him on.
"Chill out Carl it's not like we're gonna die." Maggie went in front of us since I didn't know where to go. I sped up my horse and we jumped with him. Carl was holding onto me for dear life which I though was hilarious.
"Can we slow down a little bit?" He asked
"Sure." I said picking up the pace and he grabbed tighter. After a while we made it into town and we both slowed down the horses.
"We'll check the pharmacy, you guys check the gun store and that building next to it." Maggie said and I nodded. They stopped at the pharmacy but me and Carl went a little bit more ways to the shop. We could still see them though. As we got off the horse I notice Carl look weird.
"What's wrong?"
"You really think we'll find anything in their?" He asked
"Honestly no, but it's worth it to check." I said and we went inside. I had my crossbow ready and Carl opened the door.
"It's clear." I said looking around and he came in behind me with his gun.
"Here." He said tossing me a backpack and I put it on holding my crossbow. We looked around until I heard a noise come from the back. I did a small whistle to signal Carl and he got the hint. The door was giggling and he went on the other side.
"Ready?" He whispered and I nodded with my crossbow loaded as he opened the door their was two walkers and I shot one with my bow and Carl got the other with his gun.
"I'll check it out you keep looking." I walked into this room, their was papers all over he floor and a desk with a TV. This must be an office. I searched through the drawers and just my luck a full box of bullets and a pistol.
"Score." I said to myself
"Whacha find?" I heard Carl come in.
"Check it out." I said tossing him the box of bullets.
"Nice!" He said and I showed him the pistol.
"Find anything?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Come on let's go to that store across the way." I said and we left the gun store. I couldn't tell what type of store it was because their was shit everywhere.
"It's a cluster fuck in here." I said and Carl laughed as we looked around until I heard a noise coming from a shelf thing. I readied my crossbow and pushed the shelf. Before I could shoot their was a click coming from behind me.
"Put your weapons down." It was a female voice and then I heard another click.
"Why don't you put down yours?" It was Carl. She was hesitant but realizing she as out numbered did what he said and I turn around seeing this girl with brown hair and glasses putting her gun on the floor.
"Thanks." I said to Carl picking up the gun off the ground.
"Who are you?" I asked putting the gun on safety and into my side.
"Tell this kid to get that gun outta my face then I'll talk." She said and I signaled Carl to put it down.
"What's your name?"
"Kirsten." She replied
"I don't want to bother anyone I just came in here cause in that pharmacy down the way theirs two people having a good old time and I didn't wanna ruin their fun." She said and I immediately look at Carl.
"Glenn and Maggie!" Me and Carl say together
"You know those people?" She asked
"Yeah, dam it Glenn." I said under my breath and Carl was just smiling
"I can't believe their fucking behind our backs!" I said and it made Carl and Kirsten laugh a little.
"What do you want?" She asked me and I didn't move for a minute. I pulled out her gun from my side and handed it to her. She looked surprised as did Carl.
"Your giving me my gun?" She asked
"Because, I can tell you have no other weapons and nowhere to go."
"Because I'm good at reading people." I said back and Carl looked pissed at me.
"Jess, what the hell are you doing?" Carl asked and I pulled him away.
"Try anything you get an arrow in the ass." I said walking away from her as she put her gun back in her side.
"We gotta take her back." I said to Carl
"Jess you've gone mad."
"Carl, I'm serious."
"Me too!" He said back
"Ok, well we need to talk to Glenn and Maggie about it."
"But their busy." He said back and I laughed
"Well then we're gonna have to rain on their parade." I said and he looked nervous
"Great." He said sarcastically and we walked back over to the girl.
"We have a camp, we will take you back but I have to ask you three questions first." I said and she nodded
"What?" Carl was confused
"Shut up." I said back and he did.
"How many walkers have you killed?"
"Bitch does it look like I keep count?" She said and Carl almost blew up
"Don't call her that." He said pointing the gun in her face.
"I don't know like four hundred?"
"How many people have you killed?"
"Because they tried to kill me." She said and I nodded
"Come on." I said to them and we walked outside and I saw Glenn and Maggie waiting for us. Maggie looked pissed but I didn't really give a shit right now.
"Who the hell is that?" Glenn asked pointing his gun at her.
"Chill out Glenn." I said back.
"This is Kirsten. She's coming back with us."
"Ricks gonna be pissed ya know that right?"
"Rick can kiss my ass. Sorry Carl." I said and he just laughed
"Whatever." He said back
"Come on." I said to Carl and Kirsten and I helped him on the horse.
"You comin?" I asked he and she nodded getting on the horse behind Carl. We were really squished together but I didn't mind too much.
"Watch out Carl." I said to him because I didn't want my arrows to gab him in the eye.
"I'm fine now let's go." He said and we headed back to the farm.

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