Art Project [BoyxBoy]

By FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... More

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Clash of Thunder
Late Night Swim
Venom Sucking
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Sneaking Out
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Held Hostage
Art Project

I Like You

20.6K 682 489
By FailingAmbition


Kris gasped as I pulled down his pants. For the past twenty minutes I've been trying to convince him to just get in my new hot tub Dad got granted with at work. But, Kris will not stop being stubborn, refusing to swim because he doesn't want to take off his pants.

We managed to fall down on a beach chair which made no sense to have in the room since it's a hot tub not a pool.

My dad's an odd ball.

I blushed, gazing at his lower half before looking back up into those pretty green eyes.

I know Kris is gay, he just never struck as one to like dressing in lace panties.

"I can explain," He said, looking away, "Um... th-this is f-f-for Gabriel's fashion sh-sho-show."

I scowled. He can't really think I would believe that with him stuttering like that.

Catching my irritated look, he spoke, "What? It's true, now get off me!"

I smirked, rolling my hips against his. "Oh, really?"

He gasped. "Ahh, yes! Now get off!"

My smirk stayed as I rubbed myself against him, my boxers against his lace panties. The thought had me in pure bliss.

What's wrong with me?

He arched his back helplessly, mewling.

Oh. My. God. This was getting hot.

My pants tightened as I rocked my hips against his, looking down at him, his eyes fluttering to meet mine.

"Ty... Tyler," His voice coming out in pants, "I'll tel-tell you."

I was rock hard now. With him moaning and withering beneath me as I held him, rubbing myself on him, forcing answers out of him.

What's with me?

I stopped but didn't move from my position on top of him.

He let out a breath, blushing still, now sweaty.

"My boyfriend, if you can call him that yet, got me these." He told me, looking away.

I immediately got annoyed. I didn't like this guy, I didn't like seeing him hang on Kris when I picked the little ball of joy either.

"I know you don't like talking about gay relationships though, so... I lied." He admitted, looking guilty.

I frowned. He still thinks I'm homophobic? I should really start being a friend.

"I don't have anything against gay people," I said, "So... if you have something to say, say it."

Pink filled his cheeks making him look cute somehow.

"Thanks, Tyler." He said small before trying to sit up again only to lay back down again.

I grinned. "Don't pretend you don't like it."

He shook his head telling me to shut up before looking back up at me, trying not to.

I sighed, getting up off of him but missing his warmth right away.

Geez, what is the matter with me?

I helped Kris up, pulling his skinny pants up as I did so, blushing when I roamed across his plump butt. God, I'm like a cat that's gone in heat since the first time in eight years.

"Tyler, what are we going to do our Art project about?" Kris asked thoughtfully, gazing up at me, "I know I said the whole princess idea but I'm not into that anymore!"

His face was a pretty red color again making me smirk.

"Oh, really?" I asked slyly. "Then what are you into?"

"Are you mocking me?!" He demanded, his lips forming into an adorable pout making them look kissable.

Oh, great. I'm a gay cat in heat? No, there's gotta be some mistake here. What did I eat this morning? Is this some weird side effect of whatever it was?

I shook the questions away and just smiled at Kris before leading us both upstairs, forgetting all about the hot tub.

"Are we working on the project up here?!" Kris asked, not really caring if he was loud or not.

"No, Kris, I came up here to give birth to vampires." I replied back sarcastically but all he did was pout.

Tempting as it was to lean over and kiss him, I held back.

Even though... I really, really wanted to.


I groaned, hugging the warmth to me before opening my eyes.


I felt him shift so I closed my eyes again, pretending to be asleep. He hummed softly turning around, now to face me. He wrapped a leg around mine and snuggled into my chest making something inside me jitter.

I stayed there for awhile, relaxing a little. I don't know why I kept still when another guy was on me like this but I didn't feel gross or disgusting. Actually, I felt weird but... in a good way though.

Kris and I finally decided that our art project was going to be a painting of change. Since that's all we ever do in this world, why not?

I felt a small smile curve at the corner of my lips when Kris played with my hair unconsciously.

He looks like a little kitten right now. His black hair was tousled, out of his face, his small body clung to mine while only wearing a baggy muscle shirt and boxer briefs I had lent him.

For some reason, Kris modeling my clothes at the moment, shot a sense of proud throughout my body.

After five minutes, I got up, heading to the bathroom. Locking the door and turning the knob, I began stripping down.

I caught my eye in the mirror and frowned at my messy dark strands of hair looking ratty at the moment. Probably since I hadn't taken a shower yesterday.

My blue eyes didn't have a any bags under them, thankfully. My tan, sun kissed skin was fading now, matching the chilly weather.

I stretched, stepping into the shower and awarded with hot water on my cold skin. Still not as good as Kris though.

I squirted the only shampoo we had left, which ended up being some girly strawberry smelling one and rubbed it throughout my hair.

Body wash covered my body as I rinsed the shampoo away from my head and into the drain along with the soap occupying my body.


What the heck?

"Kris?" I asked.

"I'm hungry!" His voice yelled back.

I chuckled, turning the water off and wrapping a towel around my waist before opening the bathroom door.

"And...?" I asked, watching Kris's face flame at my dripping wet torso.

He probably thought I was coming out in clothes. Oh well.

"Put some clothes on!" He yelled, heating up.

I grinned. "Maybe I don't want to?"

He shook his head furiously as if that embarrassed him. "It's not an option!" He shot back.

"Oh, so... you're making me dress?" I teased. "How do you plan on doing that?"

He was about to speak before I cut him off, "Are you going to dress me?"

He bit his lip, before yanking me into my bedroom and pushed me on the bed. He then grabbed a few stuff from my closet.

"What are you doing?" I heard my voice ask him.

He fumed, but unlike a girl; he looked cute.

"Dressing you!" He smiled wickedly.

He thinks he can beat me at my own game?

I smirked, laying back a little and propping myself up on my elbows.

He walked forward, his but coming down onto my lap which made my eyes widen. Under his thin boxer briefs and my towel, this was practically skin to skin.

He grinned from above me, getting out a slim black shirt before leaning back, his hands slipping onto mine.

The sunlight creeping from my window blinds, lighted up Kris's smiling face causing him to look angelic. I scolded myself for the nickname but couldn't help but agree. My heart thudded angrily inside my chest, beating against my ear drums.

He giggled, pulling the shirt over my head and plopped back down on my crotch making me bite my lip.

What's happening to me?

"Tyler, are you okay?" Kris asked, tilting his head.

I nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be with a little butt like yours on mine?"

He rolled his eyes, grabbing a dark green pair of boxers made of plaid. He crawled onto the floor, hooking my ankles into the wholes, lifting them up on me.

My heart skipped a beat, breathing hitched as he ran them up my thighs.

"There." He declared after getting my boxers all the way upon me, letting the towel fall off now.

I raised an eyebrow. "Only boxers and a shirt? No pants?"

Pursing his lips in distaste, he said, "I'm too educated for that."

"That makes no sense," I answered, "Whatsoever."

Kris jumped up, rubbing his head and ignored what I had said. He stood proudly, taking in pride that he managed to dress me. I shook my head letting a sigh escape my lips before standing up again.

Taking Kris home seemed weird today. It could be because he was dressed in my clothes on the trip or maybe how I liked seeing him like that. I didn't want to take him home was the problem, I wanted him to stay longer.

Watching Kris wave one last time at me sent a weird foreign feeling explode in my stomach where I decided I need to talk to somebody about this. I took out my T-Mobile, sending a the/t to Skylar telling him I'd be over in five.

The drive was built inti my thoughts, paying only enough attention to the rout to Skylar's and accidentally passing a red light on the way. His creamy white house came in view, a nice green lawn in front with a drive way and garage too.

I parked my car, slipping my keys in my pockets before getting out of the car and walking over to his house. I knock, glad to see his parents aren't home but his car remains there. I'm about to knock again when it opens revealing Skylar's step brother, Damian.

"Oh, it's you." He says, obviously disappointed in my appearance.

Coming up behind, Skylar uses Damian's head as a stool for his elbow. "Sorry, my brother actually thinks his little friend would risk seeing him."

Damian clenched his jaw, moving away from him. "He will, just you wait!"

Skylar rolled his eyes. "Not likely."

"And he's not just my friend and you know that!" Damian yelled, fuming.

I stood there awkwardly, watching them fight when it struck me, Damian's gay? Oh, great, another guy to keep Kris away from. Not to mention I'm sure that Gabriel is at least Bisexual if not gay.

got a tic in his jaw, oh crap. He actually looked mad. Skylar rarely gets ticked off by annoying crap like this, maybe Sky cares about Damian after all? But why now, he never has before. The thought cornered me.

"What kind of friend sells you out like a prostitute to the principal and doesn't even visit you?" Skylar sneered his way making Damian blink before fuming again and running up the stairs, up into his room.

Skylar turned over to face me, sending an apologetic look. "Sorry, we argue a lot."

A lot more than usual.

I wanted to say it but didn't feel like pushing any of his buttons. He's mad enough, I decided.

"Sky, I need to talk to you," I blurt out, then glanced away embarrassed, "I mean... you're probably the only one I can talk to... about this."

He nodded, still looking pissed but led me up the stairs as if everything with his brother never happened. His stairs creaked under my feet but eventually we walked on the upstairs wooden floor passing the bathroom and to his room, a Keep Out wrote crookedly on the front of his door from a nine year old Skylar.

Shoving his door open, we entered his bedroom. It was the average teenage boy bedroom, only more clean and tidy, organized in the right places too. Instead if a dirtied carpet floor full of dirty laundry and covers lying everywhere; his floor was wooden with nothing in his floor, completely spot less. His bed lied in the middle of his room, a flat screen and game console in front of it, an end table on the left with a lamp and a alarm clock on it. To the left side of the room was a computer desk maintaining his sketches and laptop along with a couple fancy pencils. The right side of the room had a book shelf and a closet door.

I sat on his desk chair, spinning around in it before stopping to look at him as he sat down on his bed, in his own world.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," I said, quietly before speaking up, "I get this weird possessive feeling over Kris, like no one should be near... close to him unless it's me."

Skylar shrugged. "Maybe he's like a brother, I dunno."

I frowned. Maybe Kris was like a brother? I am possessive over who he dates and kisses... not to mention I don't want anything to happen to him. But, wait, brothers don't want to hug each other and cuddle. I frowned, in a muddle.

"No... it's different, we're closer," I admitted, "Like... he isn't' aloud to hug people or kiss them."

"I know you are attached to him, maybe he's like a cute little brother to you? What do you think?" Skylar asked thoughtfully, gazing at me.

I hummed, nodding. "Maybe, I mean, that could be it." After all, Kris is pretty cute. ...

We sat in silence, it wasn't awkward but instead long and comfortable. After a few minutes of staring out the window, watching colorful leaves fall, I began talking again.

"Hey, what are you doing Halloween?" I asked but looked up at Skylar to realize that he wasn't paying attention and in his own thoughts.

I frowned, curious to what he was thinking. "Skylar?" I said rather loudly.

He jumped a little, surprisingly, and glared at me. "You like him! Tyler, you are practically obsessed with Kris! Okay, I was going to let you figure it out on your own but your too stupid to realize you have a crush! Open your eyes!"

I stiffened, speechless and began standing up. Skylar's angry expression turned into guilt as he saw me going for the door.

"I... I didn't mean that," Skylar got out, sitting up to look at me.

I slid out of the door but before I left I gave Skylar a reassuring smile. "It's fine, I'll see ya."

Shutting the door, I turned around, walking past a stunned Damian, down the stairs and out the house. His door thudded shut as I made my way to the car I own and unlocked it, getting in.

I laid my head on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath. Skylar's right. I do have a huge thing for Kris and though I won't call it love, it s a crush. I looked up, lifting my head and gazing at my eyes in the rear view mirror.

I won't hurt you anymore Kris, but I'll be damned if I let that new kid have you. Because...

I like you.


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Finally. Another chapter. Tyler likes Kris!

Some of you might wonder what about Skylar and his cute goodie-two-shoes brother but I've been thinking if I should pair them up in this book or give them there own.


Should I give Skylar and Damian there own book or pair them up in Art Project? ;)

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