Noctis X Reader Stories/One-s...

By YatothejengaGod

182K 4K 2.3K

So this is basically just gonna be full of things that pop into my head that either don't fit into the Noctis... More

Late Night Greetings
Life Lesson
Finest of everything
Don't blame yourself (pt 1)
Don't blame yourself (pt 2)
Don't blame yourself (final)
Remember Me
Awkward positions (lime)
Minor Disturbances
!!2K READS!! Pt 1
!!2K READS!! pt2
Messaging 2
Property of the Prince
!!?3K READS HOW?!!
Meeting the parents
Distracted touches
I haven't done my 3k special yet!
Oh dear
Meme contest winner
4k special - I'll make it go away (smut/lemon)
5K Q&A (and 6k)
Bed hair
What've I done


6.3K 171 47
By YatothejengaGod

Noctis was in a bad way and you feared that the progressing conversation was going to make the situation that you currently found yourselves in, and everyone's moods even worse.

"Cor (?) please st-"

"Prince" You were cut off. "How long will you remain the protected, when the King has left protecting the people to you?"

Noctis had his head down and his fists balled. "He left it to me? Then why didn't he tell me? He sent me off with a smile! I never!..."

His sudden outburst of rage made you flinch and jump slightly, you'd never heard him get so angry before. Yeah, you'd had couple quarrels and rather fierce arguments but this... This was different. You looked up at Ignis, who was standing to your left, and you both shared the same saddened look. You heard Prompto shift awkwardly just behind you and then Gladio grabbed his arm and shook his head.

"Sorry... I-I need some space right now..." Noctis spoke up and turned around walking quickly away.

"You should go after him (y/n)..." Gladio told you and you have him a bewildered look.

"What? If anyone of us even breathes wrong around him at the moment, he'll rip our throats out." Everyone silently agreed with you.

"But someone has to go after him and Noct will most likely be more accepting to your company than any of ours at the moment." You looked at Prompto, as he spoke his eyes shone sadly.

You placed your hand on his shoulder and sighed. "Okay. I'll make sure he comes back with me." You turned and walked past Cor and gave him a glare that could freeze hell over. Let's just say he wasn't in your list of favourite people at the moment.

You walked down the paths searching for your boyfriend who had quite successfully pulled off a vanishing act, until you came to the beach. You walked along the shoreline until you came to a wooden beach hut like structure just off the shore and a Noctis sitting on the planks of wood that made up the path. You took a deep breath in and out and walked up to him.

"N-Noct" You cursed at yourself inwardly for stuttering as you approached him and sat down beside him. He didn't react at all, just kept on watching the sea waves glowing in the light of the setting sun. Okay... This is going really well... You thought sarcastically. Just keep trying (y/n), he'll either snap and kill you, break down or just start talking to you at any moment now... You then tried to reassure yourself.

"I knew I'd find you in a place like this." You looked at him and smiled but didn't receive a reaction again. You'd had enough. You started to get a little scared at the fact that you're just about to, quite sternly, lecture your boyfriend, the Prince.

"Noctis." He turned his head at the mention of his full name and you could then see why he wasn't looking at you before. His blue eyes were glazed over with salty tears and a few of them dripped from his long, black eye lashes. He was in such a state. Just seeing him like this was enough to conjure up your own tears.

"(Y/n)... I don't know what I should do... P-Please... I..." His sentences were scattered as he lowered his head down again. Your instincts kicked in and you knelt up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and head. You buried your face into his spiky raven hair and held him in place as he sobbed into your embrace.

"Listen Noctis, the King - your dad, probably didn't tell you about any of this because he was trying to protect you from the information for as long as possible. He wanted you to just enjoy this road trip for as long as you could and not worry about him or what could be lurking around every corner."

You could feel him physically shaking as he tried to control his breathing. "Just let it out... Don't bottle it up, you'll feel a lot better if you just let it all out now." You mumbled soothingly into his hair. You had to try your hardest not to let yourself cry because it truly pained you to see him so hurt and confused but most of all, you'd never seen him look so vulnerable.

After about five minutes of solid crying from Noctis and gentle words from you he finally calmed down and started to regain his composure. You removed your arms from your protective position and he lifted his head up to reveal his puffy red eyes and sorrowful expression. You placed your hands on either side of his face and wiped away start tears with your thumbs before gently pressing your forehead to his and closing your eyes.

"From now on this is going to get tougher as we go but you're not the only person that has to deal with the emotional pain of this. All of us are here for you, especially me. If you have anything on your mind, and I mean anything, the first thing I want you to do is let me know, okay? Don't suffer in silence. You hurting hurts me too, y'know."

He nodded against your forehead, "okay, thank you (y/n). You don't know how much you mean to me and how much your actions help me carry on. Thank you."

You moved your head away from his and smiled while gazing into his beautiful blue hues with your (e/c) ones. "Right back at ya, Princess." You chuckled before closing your eyes and leaning into a loving kiss. Your hands travelled down his neck and rested on his shoulders while one of his hands was bought to the back of your head, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss. The other hand rested on the wooden path, holding him up.

You both parted lips and returned to your position of forehead resting. He always left you breathless no matter what you were doing, he just managed to do it. Just through certain things he said could literally take your breath away for some moments.

"I love you (nickname)."

"I love you too Noct." You kissed his forehead and then say down and joined your boyfriend in dangling your feet of off the edge of the wooden planks of the path. You leant into his side and rested your head on his shoulder, slinking your arm between his and his body and then intertwining your fingers with his.

You both continued to sit in silence and watch the sun set before heading back to where the others were waiting.

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