The Singer(Undertale SANS X R...

By SweetFoxyPig

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You...are just some teenager who wants something exciting to happen in their life. You have the talent to sin... More

Its 2018 (Now 2019)
Running late
Lunch Talk
The Boy and Job
Something fishy...
Aurthors Note
The Pizza Teen and Anime
The Contest
The News
Hanging Out
Meeting him
The Apperance
Im Sorry
Authors Note
School Apperance
Quick Authors Note
Lunch Date
Why do I love you?
So So Sorry!
The Need to Forget
Almost Happy Ending
The Singer
Hey everyone!

The Party

844 25 21
By SweetFoxyPig

Whoo Woo! I love dancing and disco lighting so much!! Ya' know the drill.

"Tell me all you know about Sans." I asked frisk. They looked at me in shock and confusion. "Why do you...." they giggled. "Where did this come from?" They asked, with their expression changing. I shrugged.

"I don't really know. I...just feel like I should know him." I confessed. We stood silent. I looked at the crowd of people leaving the statium. Some left the whole place all together, and others went to a side door.

I think that's where we can meet sans and papyrus. "Hey frisk. Looks like we can go see them now...let's go." I walked past them and headed towards the huge line.

When I looked behind me, I saw that frisk was behind me, but a bit farther away. They never did this before. I feel bad now. Once I stopped in front of a girl with shoulder length black hair, I turned to frisk.

They looked a little sorry. But, they didn't do anything wrong. It was me. I sighed. I pleased my hand on their shoulder and they looked up. "Sorry, frisk. I didn't mean to be rude to ya'. I...just experienced a really weird thing." They looked at me in curiosity.

"What happened?" They asked. I sighed. "Well...I made a mistake asumming things." "Oh. Ok, then." I smiled at them. "After this, let's get a T-shirt and....maybe some ice cream from G's?" I said and they jumped around. "Really?! I want to go!" They said grabbing my arm and shaking it.

This made me laugh a little. "After this, ok?" They nodded happily. "Oh. Frisk. Im going to need my VIP pass." They nodded and gave me mine. I thanked them. When I looked up, I realized that I was next.

And there stood a sorta tall person blocking the door way. They had their arms crossed and...appears to be wearing armor for some reason?

I approached them slowly, but frisk ran towards them, with a hug.

The person looked surprised, but soon softened to give frisk a hug back. Frisk was nusseled in their side and the person nuggied their head. This was making me feel slightly uncomfortable."Um. Can you please not do that to my sibling?" I calmingly asked. They both looked at me.

Then the armored person walked towards me, letting go of frisk, and stopped right in front of me.

The person then took off their helmet and I stood there in shock. Because there stood Undyne with a big toothy grin. "U-Undyne?!" I sort of yelled out.

She smiled. "Tha'one and only." "Y-ya' never told me you know sans and papyrus." She slightly punched my shoulder. "You never asked." We heard the door open behind Undyne, and the same girl I was behind came out, covering her face. She ran past me and I heard slight sniffling. she crying? "Well, looks like it's your turn, (Y/N). Show me the pass." I squirmed in my purse/pockets and pulled it out for undyne to see. She nodded in approval and scooted over so I can go through the door.

This made me even more nervous. I looked at frisk. "Wish me luck." And with that, I walked to the door with my hand hovoring over the doornob.

I can hear my heart beat out of my chest.

"Oh. Um. Big sis/bro?" Frisk said. I looked behind me with a sad look. "What's up, frisk?" "Well...I...I'm sorry. I don't need my VIP. I... don't really want to see them. I mean, not yet." They looked down, to their feet. I sighed. "Its totally fine frisk. Just find a person who could really need one. But sell it." They looked at me in shock. "W-Why sell-" "So you won't be bothering me to buy you stuff." I cut frisk off.

"But don't be cheap or expensive about it." With that, I walked through the door. I slid my back against the door, with my heart beating a little faster, and looked around the room- er hallway. I see humans and monsters scrambling about for tommorows show. Soon, I fell upon someone with pink heels. I immediately knew who was looking down at me.

I looked up and a familiar robot smiled and waved at me. "Metta! How? I mean. I didn't know." I lost words. "Nice to see you, darling~ but may I ask, how did you get a VIP pass?" I got up and fixed my clothes. "My boss and...monsters at my job pitched in and gave me enough money for a pass." Mettaton nodded in approval. "Its so very wonderful to see you, darling~ now, let me show you where you can find the two."

Mettaton then walked off and I followed closely behind him. It was silence between us, and it was really weird. We stopped at what looked like a waiting room with snacks, drinks, and a tv. "Wait here, darling~ I'll tell them that you are ready." Mettaton then left, leaving me in the room.

I walked over to a orangey-blue couch and sat on it. The softness made me a little sleepy. I rested my head on my hand. I eyed the food table. I wondered what they have and my eye caught a (chocolate, strawberry or Carmel) fountain.

I got up and walked over to the delicious looking fountain. I want to try some...I looked around the fountain and saw some marshmallows, small pretzels, strawberries and peanuts.

I took a ( marshmallow, small pretzel, strawberry or peanut) and dipped it in the ( chocolate, strawberry or Carmel) fountain. I plopped it in my mouth and was soon amazed by the taste. So good~

I did this for a few more times. The fountain is really good. "Heh. You really like that, dont'cha?" I stopped in mid-eating. I looked behind me to see a short skeleton with hands in the pockets of the jacket. And wears a smug grin on his face.

Oh God why?

I began to feel my face turn a slight pink. Great. My first encounter with him, and I have syrup on my face. I looked around the table to find a napkin to whip my face, but couldn't find one. "Need this?" I turned to see sans hand me a light blue napkin.

I thanked him and covered my face, because my face is really hot. I can't believe this is happening... "So...what's your name?" He asked. " Um, (Y-Y/N)" man! I'm so nervous!!

"Heh. Nice name. You already know mine, I guess." I nodded. I walked to the couch and stared at my feet. I felt the other side move, but payed no attention to it. I just...spaced out. I soon saw a hand wave in front of me, to get my attention. I blinked and looked up at sans. "Heh. You ok there? You look chilled to the bone."

I chuckled. OMG his puns. "Sorry. I just...heh. Im just really nervous right now. Weird right?" I confessed. Sans rested his head on his hands and shrugged. "i have been told. So, here's the deal. You can ask me a question, any question, and i'll answer it with honesty."

"Honesty can be a dangerous thing." I  said, and it's true. If I tell people and monsters my secret, then...I will have no where to go. "....sometimes it is. Well, do you have a question?" "Yeah, um, do what you are doing?" I asked, looking at him. He looked surprised at me, like he didn't expect that, then he went back smiling at me. "Wow. I didn't expect that question."

"Well, I'm not your normal girl/guy." "I guess not." He sighed. "Your question...the answer is a yes and a no. i do this because my bro loves all of this popularity. i like seeing my bro happy. No, because seeing all those people and monsters looking at you as an...'idol' is very weird. i don't like all of this attention." He closed his eyes. I frowned. "Well...if you didn't do what you do, then I never would have start sing-"

I was cut off by a robot waving at me and sans. "Sorry to, um, cut you off, darlings~ but we have more fans to meet." I feel a little disappointed. I wanted to talk some more. I got up from the couch and started to follow Mettaton out. When I reached the end of the waiting room, I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked behind me to saw sans smiling at me. "I wouldn't mind to ya' soon. Here's my number." I eyed him for a while.

He can't be serious.

He gave me a small slip of paper with a combination of numbers.

He is serious!

I felt my face heat up. He winked at me and left. I stood there in shock, trying to process what just happened. I heard a cough behind me and saw it was Mettaton. "I believe alphys would say, 'Becoming on of my favorite ships of all times', darling~" he smirked at me. I felt heat rize once more. "Mettaton!!"

Time skip to next day's job

When I parked my car, I saw disco lights begin to form inside the bar. This is giving me an idea why this is happening. I opened the door, I saw some humans and monsters dancing on a dance floor in the middle of the bar. The seats and tables gone, to make some room for people to dance, but G still has his drink table.

I smiled at the lighting, but this time, it was different. Somehow frisk and monster kid is here.

I speed-walked over to them, sitting in front of G, playing with each other. I stopped in front of the two and they looked at me with a smile. I placed my hands on my hips/ crossed my arms. "Frisk!? Monster Kid?! Why and how are you guys here?" "A friend picked us up, big sis/bro!" Frisk smiled.

"Who-" "Hello, darling~" I stopped and turned behind me. I was shocked to see Mettaton here. "M-Mettaton?! Why are you here?" I asked. "Because of the dancing and singing, darling~"

I nodded then something hit me. " s-sans here to?" I whispered to mettaton. He looked at me wide-eyed then smirked at me. "No, he's not here, darling~ but, you can call him~" I blushed at the thought. I looked behind me to see frisk wiggling their eyebrows and monster kid was confused.

Mettaton inched closer. "I know sans wouldn't mind if it was you, darling~" I shook my hands in defence. "N-N-No! I c-c-c-can't!" I started strutted. Mettaton laughed at me. "You stutter more than alphys, darling~ maybe you do want to." "He is probably busy. Plus, I don't want to keep his fans waiting..." "They can wait." I heard frisk say. I sighed. "I guess I can..." I said, feeling my face warm up.

Sans Pov finally right?

im sitting on the couch, listening to some panic! at the disco, till pap showed up in my room. "BROTHER!" i took off my ear phones and eyed pap. "Yeah, bro?" "YOU SHOULD START GETTING READY!" i sighed. "Ok bro. Give me a sec'." And with that, he closed the door.

i hate this...

As soon as i put my phone down, it buzzed. I groaned. i don't have time for prank calls...but, um, hey. Might help a little. i picked up my phone and saw an annomuous caller. i picked it up.

S: hello?


That can't be....

S: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): y-yeah. I'm just wondering, I mean, if you are not busy, that, um, if you can come to my job. Tonight.

S: why?

(Y/N): We have a, um, party, if you can say, with dancing and, um, singing? And I was wondering if you can come.

i sighed.

S: i don't sing or dance in front of people or monsters I don't know.

She/He went silent for a moment.

(Y/N): I...I would be singing with you. And my job is, um, at Grillby's...

i was in shock. She/He would be singing with me? Plus, it's at Grillb's place? Are...are they that person that...that...-

(Y/N): Um...Sans?

i snapped out of it my thoughts.

S: Y-yeah. Sure, i'll come.

(Y/N): R-Really? Um, great! I'll see you here, I guess.

S: One more thing before you go.

(Y/N): yeah?

S: you like to say 'um' a lot, right? Or is that just nervousness?

i smirked.

(Y/N): I-I don't say that-

S: do to. i counted 6 'um's so you must be nervous.

(Y/N): uhh, j-just come p-please? Um,Bye!

They hunged up. i chucked at this. i set her/his id as '(Y/N)' and turned off my phone. i smiled and put my phone in my pocket. i walked out of my room and knocked on pap's door. He answered with concern. "SANS? HOW COME YOU ARE NOT DRESSED?" "sorry, pap. But im going out for a while." "WHAT ABOUT THE FANS?!" He asked. i shrugged. "They can wait, can they? Maybe do something cool with them."

Papyrus thought for a moment. Even though he's a skullfabrain. Heh. "OK, BROTHER! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL ENTERTAIN THEM!" "that's good. See ya' later, pap." Then i disappeared.

It was mere seconds when i reached the front door of Grillby's and it seemed different. There are blinding lights and dancing shadows inside. This made me feel more uncomfortable. i took a deep breath and opened the door.

Everybody was so busy dancing that they didn't notice me. This is the first time of many..."Sans, darling!~"

There stood mettaton, with his hands clapped together. i placed my hands in my jacket pockets. "Hey, mettaton. Didn't know you where here." "I as just about to leave when I see you. Now, I'm going to hang out with papy. Bye~" and with that, mettaton left the building.

i wanted to leave right now to, since i hate those two alone together, but then i saw (Y/N) running towards me. "Glad you can make it!" She/He hugged me. I would be lying, if i say this didn't rattle my bones. i just stood there, taking it in. They realized what they are doing and released me. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean to do that." They had pink on there face. i shrugged. "its no big deal, really."

Your pov

I can't believe I did that..."We should start that duet together. G had already had it set up." I smiled and walked off to the area with two microphones are at. I felt that sans is behind me and smiled even more can't believe this is happening!! I have been dreaming of this moment!

We stopped at the area where the jukebox used to be. I stopped to the one on the right and sans on my left, holding the microphone. I took a breather ant tapped on mine. G soon turned off the music and everyone stared at me and sans. Most females shouted with excitement, because of sans, but soon quieted down.

"H-Hey, everyone." I spoke in the mic. "Me and, um, blue sans had came up with a song that I hope you all enjoy! S-So, please, dance with your hearts contents!" I finished and everyone cheered.

I looked over at G and gave him a nod and the music began to play. I gave a deep breath, to calm my heart, and began singing. If you see Y, then that's your part, S for sans part, and Y&S for the duet

Play song.

Y- I found myself dreaming, in silver and gold. Like a scene from a movie, that every broken heart knows.

I opened my eyes, and I say stares. I smiled, but my heart continued to pound.

We were walking on moonlight. And you pulled me close. Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone. Wake up in tears with you by my side, breath of relief and I realized. No, we're not promised tommorow.

I started walking to the crowd and they made room and started to dance. I faced sans and winked.

So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna hold you. Like I'm saying goodbye~ Where ever we're standing, I won't take you for granted. 'Cause we'll never know when. When we'll run out of time~

By this moment, I held out my hand to sans, and he blushed a light blue. I giggled at this.

So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you.

Sans coughed and sang the next part.

S- In a link of an eye. Just a whisper of smoke. You could lose everything. The truth is you never know.

I motioned sans to come with me on the dance floor, but he shook his head. I gave a playful sigh and walked over there and took his hand to the dance floor. He didn't refuse.

So i'll kiss you longer baby. Any chance that i get. And i'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets.

I looked at him and he had a noticable blush. I blushed to, but with a smile and spun us around for a little bit.

Let's take our time, say what we want, use what we got, before it's all gone.

He smiled and started dancing with me. The lights soon flashing colors and everyone laughing and dancing with us.

'Cause No, we're not promised tomorrow.

Y&S- So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna hold you. Like I'm saying goodbye~ Where ever we're standing, I won't take you for granted. 'Cause we'll never know when. When we'll run out of time~

I started to walk back to the start, but sans stopped me. He stuck out his blue tougue at me and I stook mine out at him.

Y- So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you.

I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. I'm gonna hold you. Like I'm saying goodbye~ Where ever we're standing, I won't take you for granted. 'Cause we'll never know when. When we'll run out of time.

He dipped me, and we stared at each other. Me staring into his white pupils, and sans staring into my (eye color). My heart beating, but continued to sing.

So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you. So I'm gonna love you. Like I'm gonna lose you~

Stop song

We both breathed in heveyly as everyone cheered and clapped. The song played out, and G changed it back to the song list. As everyone started to dance again, sans took my hand and outside of the bar.

"S-Sans? What's going on?" He said nothing, but take me to the side of the bar, where no one can see us. He released me and my back hit the brick wall, not so hard and he placed his hands on the wall, next to my neck.

He was an inch taller than me, so I kind-of had to look up. My face feeling hot, because of the position we are in. And to make it more weird, is that he kept staring at me.

"S-Sans?" "What...what high you go to?" He asked in a low voice. I kind-of find it sudusing. "M-Mercy High. Why?" He leaned in so close, I can feel his breath on mine. He placesd his thumb and index finger on my chin. I felt mine and his heart beat, but mine was faster. He leaned in my ear and said something that made my legs and arms weak.

"You are the one."

Well, another chapter done.

Made this one longer for you guys, so you can be no longer upset at me for the long wait.

And OMG! Two things I did and felt in this chapter:

1) I imagined sans' voice from a comic while writing his speech

2) My heart raced when I wrote the singing and ally scene.

P.s: I have a instagram and a kik if you guys want to talk to me.

Insta: Anime_and_Undertale.360

Kik: SansIsMyLife

Thats all for now, and Love You~

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