Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dan...

By Vicky16Glossy

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three Pt.1
Chapter Three Pt.2
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (Janet Chapter)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Seventeen

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By Vicky16Glossy

Video of Nicholas' and Victoria's choreography

(Vicky's POV)

The girl's and I ran out of the room to find Logan and Dakota in a bloody fist fight. We haven't even been gone for ten minutes and in the span of that time, they decide to kill each other.

Nadia walked over to the couch, grabbed a pillow and started hitting the two men until they finally stopped.

"Nadia, what's your problem?" Dakota said grabbing onto his neck.

"What's my problem?" she shouted. "Do you see that vase you just broke?"

The two guys looked down at the shattered glass that was on the floor.

"That was a housewarming gift from my aunt in Switzerland. There is only three like that in the world and it is worth ten thousand dollars!"

"So?" They both said.

"So you either find a way to pay me ten thousand dollars or I will have no problem ruining my manicure!"

Bianca walked over to Nadia and tried to calm her down, "Deep breaths baby girl, deep breaths"

"Janet this has gone too far," I said. "Will you just pick someone before Nadia goes to jail for murder."

"Okay okay," Janice walked over to Dakota. "Dakota I'm sorry, but I pick Logan. I just hope you can forgive me."

"There's nothing to forgive," he said and kissed her forehead. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put ice over my eye."

"Sorry about that dude," Logan apologized.

"Hey I busted your lip, we're even...just take care of her."

Logan nodded and wrapped his arm around Janice, "I will."

When Dakota left, Janice kissed Logan swollen lip.

"Ecgh!" Nadia and I said at the sight of our brother making out.

An hour later, I had just finished taking a shower. Nicholas would be here any second to pick me up for dress rehearsals. I was so nervous to see him. How would I be able to look him in the eyes without breaking out in tears? I had just had sex with Dominic and no matter how much I scrubbed my body, I could still smell him all over me.

And the worst part was it felt magnificent. Like a part of me that has been asleep for months has finally been awakened. Every kiss and touch made it feel like it was the first time again.

The doorbell rang. Breaking me out of my guilt party.

I ran towards the door with my stuff in hand and opened it to find the last person I wanted to see. 

"Dominic, what are you doing here?"

"We need to talk about today," he said.

"What we need to do is forget about today and get ready for our performances," I placed both hands on my hips. "I'll see you later"

"Do you need a ride there?" he asked.

"Nicholas, you know my boyfriend, is picking me up. By the way, where's your girlfriend?"

"She's waiting in my car downstairs"

"What?" I walked outside to see Becky inside of Dominic's blue Mustang. "You offered to give me a ride while your girlfriend is in the car, why is she with you?"

"She thinks I'm here to see Janet," he answered. "By the way is she here?"

"She and the girls went out to eat before they go to the performance," I pinched my nose and exhaled. "Look, what happened with us can never happen again. We are in relationships with two great people and I don't want to ruin that. So please leave."

I was about to close the door but Dominic stopped it with his hand and stepped inside. He closed the door and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What are you doing?" I said. 

But he stayed silent and looked at me fiercely with his bright blue eyes.

After thirty seconds of us silently staring at each other, I rolled my eyes and walked towards my room in frustration. I don't know what he expected to accomplish by standing there and staring at me but tonight's recital is too important for me to get distracted.

"You can't avoid this forever Vic," he said following.

"I can and I will!" I turned around and pointed my finger at his chest. "The day your lips touched Becky's is the day you lost the right to call me Vic. And don't you ever--"

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest, "How many times do I have to apologize until it sticks into your stubborn head?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not done," he said. "That kiss meant nothing. And you can't deny that burning feeling you have inside of you. What happened today was not sex, we made love."

I turned my face away from his, " Dominic I have to finish getting ready"

He let go of my wrist, "I'm not done with you"

He walked down the hall and out the door, leaving me with my thoughts.

Nicholas and I had made it to school thirty minutes later. The ride there was silent and awkward. He tried to strike up a conversation but my mind was somewhere else. I don't understand why Dominic's words are getting to me like this. I mean just two days ago, all I could think about was being a good girlfriend for Nick. To be the girl that he deserves.

When we got backstage, everyone that was performing was scrambling around trying to get ready for their call time.

"Are you ready?" Nicholas asked.

"More than I'll ever be," I answered. "I just hope I don't mess up my first recital."

He squeezed my hand, "You won't."

"Hey, Nicholas!" Said a girl's voice. We both looked up and saw Becky walking over to us along with Dominic.

"What's up?" Nick said. "You guys look great."

"Oh thanks, I picked them out myself."

I looked over at their outfits and thought they looked amazing (although I would never admit that out loud). Dominic had on a red letterman jacket, with a black shirt underneath, black jeans and red converses.

Becky had the same thing along with a red SnapBack.

"I'm going to get ready," I said towards Nicholas and walked away, trying to avoid Dominic's eyes. 

When I got to the dressing rooms, I began to undress so that I could put on my performing outfit. I had to dress fast because the couples portion of the recital was first, followed by the group portion and then the solo portion. 

Nicholas had begged me over and over to do a solo piece, but I just don't feel ready yet. Maybe next year.

When I was satisfied with my clothing and my makeup, I began to stretch and go through the routine in my head. 

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to the Berkley school of performing arts recital!" said Mrs. Analesa through a microphone. 

"The students have been practicing tirelessly for weeks on their routines, and they are very excited to show you what they have come up with. So without further ado, please welcome our first portion, the couples category."

The audience began to clap and cheer before Mrs. Analesa introduced the first couple. Nicholas and I would be the fourth to perform...right after Dominic and Becky. I stopped what I was doing right when Ms. Graham (The counselor) announced their names.

I walked to the side of the stage so I could get a good look at their routine. This will be the first time since that day that I've seen them perform for an audience.

Their moves were as if they were perfect and precise robots. Everything was the exact same, and they looked perfect together. It reminded me of when Dominic and I performed at the competition last year. When we did our hip-hop routine, it wasn't with this much...chemistry.

The song had ended, and the audience went wild. I couldn't blame them cheering so loud; they were absolutely amazing. Everything a good couple should be.

"Have you stretched?" I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned around and saw Nicholas in his costume. He had on a pair of khaki pant that went to his ankles and a black shirt that was unbuttoned to show his extremely built body. 

"Yeah I think I'm all good," I answered. "You look great."

"And you look breathtaking," he said looking me up and down. 

"Amazing weren't they?!" Mrs. Analesa announced into the mic. "Now for our next couple routine, we have two students performing a modern piece, please welcome Nicholas and Victoria"

The audience clapped and cheered as we walked hand in hand into our beginning pose.

"LET'S GO VICKY!!" I heard a group of people yelling my name. I searched through the crowd and saw Bianca, Nadia, Janet, Derek, THE RANGERS, and...

"My dad," I whispered with a tiny smile on my face. Seeing him after the four months I've been in college made my confidence go up a bit more.

The music had started and I switched to performance mode. I performed with everything I had in me. I don't mean to toot my own horn but I feel it was the best we've done this routine. 

When the music had ended and we finished our choreography, the moment of silence. More like thirty seconds of silence. I didn't know if it was because they hated it or if they REALLY hated it. But Nicholas and I kept still until something happened.

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" I turned my head to the audience and saw Janese clapping her hands and cheering. 

After a few seconds, the audience did the exact same. Nicholas and I took each other's hand and bowed. The crowd cheered louder and louder the more we bowed. They even started shouting for an encore.

Nicholas stepped backward and started clapping for me as well. I was confused until I realized that the cheering was for me. I didn't even think I did that great, I mean I was off on a whole bunch of things. But to be cheered for like this brought tears to my eyes.

"Beautiful," I heard Analesa say into her microphone as the audience finally died down. 

"Absolutely beautiful! Thank you my dears. Next up we have our group portion of the recital..."

I walked to the back of the stage with Nicholas holding me around the waist. All of the dancers in the back clapped for us as I settled down into a chair before I fainted. That standing ovation was more than I expected, and it was more than I could handle. When I get on stage and finish a performance, I usually expect an audience to clap and I get off of the stage immediately. But this was above and beyond what I thought.

"Are you okay?" Nicholas handed me a bottle of water. "That was pretty intense, how are you feeling?"

"I feel," I puffed out. "Awesome. I'm lucky to have an amazing boyfriend/ dance partner like you. Thank you"

He kissed my hand and sat on the floor next to me.

Thirty minutes later, Nicholas and I were about to get ready to meet our friends and family outside, until one of the stage managers made an announcement to all of us dancers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we've just got word that one of the female soloists will not be able to make it in time for her performance. Now since there is an empty slot, we would like to know if any female would like to volunteer to perform one more time as a soloist."

The entire room was silent. No one wanted to go out there unprepared in front of their peers.

"Vicky can do it!" said Nicholas pointing to me. I shook my head and tried to hide my face.

The last thing I wanted to do was go out there a second time. I am not about to embarrass myself with an unprepared routine.

"Wait wait wait, I'll do it!" I saw Becky sprint to the front with her hand raised. 

I raised an eyebrow as to why she all of a sudden wanted to volunteer. I mean, I knew the reason. I just wanted to see her make a fool of herself.

"Besides, she's a freshman," Becky said. "Freshman aren't allowed to perform solos"

"That's not a rule," I said. "And why do you all of a sudden want to perform so badly?"

"I'm a section leader Vicky, I'm setting a good example"

"You know what...I'll do it," I stood up. "If that's okay with everyone else." 

Everyone agreed and wished me luck while I tried to figure out what I was going to do.

"What are you going to do anyway?" Becky asked. "Do you even have another outfit?"

I searched inside of my bag and only found the clothes I came here with and the little black dress I was going to wear afterward. I pulled out the dress and gave it some consideration.

"I just need a few minutes to warm up," I said to the stage manager. He nodded and walked to the other side of the stage.

I walked into one of the dressing rooms, put on the black dress and reapplied my makeup. The only solo that I had in mind was a very personal one. I never even thought I was going to perform it in front of anyone in my entire life. But Becky just gets on my nerves and I was not going to just sit down and let her think she can talk to me any way she wanted to.

I walked out of the room all stretched out and ready to get this over with. I walked over to where Nicholas was and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're not mad that I volunteered you right?" he asked.

"We'll see how it goes," I smiled and grabbed my iPod from my bag.  I handed the woman at the sound booth my iPod and told her which song to play.

"I'm ready," I told the stage manager.

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