Was It a Bad Idea Coming Back?

By punny_45

65.8K 985 207

Dara Costello is a bullied insecure teen girl weighing 235 pounds, but that's not just all her problems. Her... More

Author's note
Coming Back Home
The First Day of School [EDITING]
Pictures Of The Old Me
Please Don't Go [EDITED]
Am I Able To Trust Them?
It Meant Nothing To Me
She's Back
You're Not Sorry At All, Are You?
The Birthday Boy
Do Not Break Her Heart
Special Thanksgiving Video
I Won't Be The One Regretting, It Will Be You
Brownies & Diarrhea
I Don't Look Bad With Short Hair
Interrupting Chances
Burned Dresses
So, What's The Plan?
The Kiss
The Task
A. L. Handkerchief
Dad Breaking The Bad News
He Was All I Had
An Enemy Becoming Friends

In The Hospital

7.7K 89 30
By punny_45

I am FINALLY done editing this! So, on to the next chapter! ^_^

PLEASE VOTE! COMMENT! It means a lot to me! <3 <3 <3



"Get your fat ass up!" My sister yells making me flinch. Slowly sitting up, I rub my eyes. "Mom, said get up! It's time to go to school!" She shouts slamming the door close.

First day of school as a sophomore and I can't believe I've survived with all the torment, but I don't care. I was bullied every single day. My sister hates me even my mom, but my dad is always sticking up for me. I always thought it was out of pity until my dad and I had a father to daughter talk when I was ten. I was a fat child growing up and I still am. I am a fifteen years old sophomore weighing 297 pounds, that's why I always wear sweats and a baggy shirt. I have tons of sweats in the color of black and grey.

"Ughhhh!" I groan getting up to the bathroom to take a shower. I chose my grey sweats and a black shirt with neon colors splattered on it. Grabbing my book bag I walk out to the car outside to wait for my mom as always.

My mom and my sister both came out the door glaring at me with disgust "Honey, why don't," she looks me up and down ". . . walk to school." she says.


"Honey, look at you," she laughs ". . . you need to lose weight and that walk will help you." She walks passes me towards the driver's door as my sister raise her eyebrow at me expressing she was better than me.

"Mom," I cannot believe she's telling me to walk to school. ". . . you can't do this!" I turn around to look at her as she fixes herself into the car.

"Hey, Fat Ass!" my sister shouts, "Can't you see? Mom doesn't want to take you to school because you're going to break the damn car, and I don't want to be seen with you on my first day of high school!" She slams the car door.

My eyes started to water hearing the car roar to life driving out of the drive way. I am not going to walk to school. I cannot believe this! Running up the stairs into my room, I slump in my bed pulling my pillow to my face. I felt the bed sink beside me as a hand start to pet my hair. I knew the pillow didn't do any help from preventing my dad to hear, but I need to just let it all out.

"Sweetie, I'll take you to school. Don't ever think you're not beautiful. Your mother can be cruel sometimes." I sat up with the pillow still pressed against my face. I laid the pillow down quickly hugging him tightly as I cry. He brought his hand up to my hair stroking it. I love my dad; he was always there for me.

"Now, why don't you go wash your face and I'll be waiting in the car?" He pats my back pulling away. I always wonder how my dad could deal with my mom and her cruelness.

"Thanks, Dad." I thank him in a broken voice.

"You're welcome, Honey." He smiles, hugging me.  I slowly got up taking a deep breath wiping my tears away.

People stared at me with disgust, but I spot my best friend, Gwen. She screams running with her arms open and hugs me. "OMG! I know, I know I saw you like yesterday, but I miss you!" She widen her eyes. She had her arms around me since I'm around 5ft4 and she is 5ft9. We've been friends since elementary school, and she's always been there for me. She is a tough girl.

Looking around, I am surprise how everyone is minding their own business this year since no one has bothered me, yet.

"Hey, are you hungry fat pig!" I hear a voice from behind shout as everyone laughs. I guess I thought too soon.

"What the hell, did you just say?!" Gwen shouts grabbing her by her shirt and slamming her against the lockers. Fear spread all over the girl's face "I...I..." she stutters.

"It's fine, Gwen." I walk over to Gwen placing my hand on her arm. She looks at me then to the girl and let go.

The girl stood there looking at me as if waiting for me to smack her, but I let it slide and turn walking away. Gwen caught up beside me, "You're just going to let her slide with what she said?!" She says in disbelief.

"Beating her up wasn't going to make people or her stop." I say stopping at my locker. Let's see what's my locker combination this year? "Fourteen, two, and thirty-six . . ." I mumble to myself turning the lock.

Gwen leans on the locker sighing deeply, "You have a point." She whispers in defeat, "But," she held her index finger in the air in front of her, ". . . we could still beat them up!" She suggests smiling wickedly.

I scoff giving her a look, "Fine! I won't do anything to her." She says throwing her hands up walking away, "I'll see you at lunch, Dara."

I don't know what to do because I never had a class without Gwen since we've met in elementary. She would always stick up for me, but I knew I couldn't always depend on her to save the day.

First, second and third period was horrible, they kept spitting at me and saying all this type of stuff. I had to go to the bathroom during each passing time just to wash my hair from people's spit.

No, this is not good. Lauren's clicke is in here putting make-up on. Just turn around, Dara! Why am I just standing here! Move!

A loud girly laughter broke my thoughts, "Ew, look who just walked in!" All the girls glances up at me and let out a fake laugh.

Way to go, Dara. You could've just turned around!

Everyone stops laughing as Lauren walks up to me, "Guess it's all starting all over again like last year, huh? I guess you haven't lost any weight, too." She grabs my fat knowing how I felt about her grabbing it and grabbing it is always way out of line. She fell on the wet floor squealing for someone to help her up.

Oh no! I shouldn't have done that...she'll just make my life even worse! 

"Oh my gosh! Lauren your eye is like bruising!" one girl spoke dumbfoundedly. I'm not the fighting kind of person but it felt good! No, I should feel guilty! No, I don't know what to feel.

Lauren got up standing face to face with me, well not really she was a few inches taller than me probably 5ft7. "You're going to pay for this." She says through her clench teeth then walking out the bathroom as every other girl follows.

I can't believe I just punched her and gave her a black eye!! I squeal. Walking over to the sink, I start to wash my hair in disgust. I am now filled with sadness, once again. Why can't I get the things they say to me out of my head? Ughh!

"I really need to quit crying!" I nearly shout, quickly wiping my tears away. "Maybe, I really need to leave this place." I mumble to myself.

Pulling my hair into a pony tail, I head for fourth hour even though I am late. Should I just skip? No, I can't imagine myself skipping.

I guess the teacher isn't here, yet. She's probably at a meeting. Whao! There's a really cute guy sitting in front of my desk in the back. I haven't seen him around, let's see... has black hair, cut short but slicked back in a stylish way and peicing icy blue eyes. Cute, must be italian but he's not going to be interested in me.

Taking my seat in the corner like always by the window, Ms. Shewman walks in slamming her books in her hand on her desk in front.

Phew! I came in perfect timing.

She starts writing mathematic problems on the board immediately, and I had a tip from Gwen about how this class would be. So, I was prepared and wrote the notes on the board in my notebook and tried solving them. The new kid isn't even bother writing it down. He's going to fail if he just sits there with his arms crossed like he's going to magically pass this class. Should I tell him to write this down? No, I shouldn't. He's probably friends with Lauren. Yes, I should! If I were him, I would want someone to do the same for me!

Leaning forward in my seat, I reach out tapping his shoulder. I can't believe I'm doing this! 

He turns to look at me, "You know you're suppose to write this down." I whisper.

He looked at me then down at his shoulder where I had tapped him then look back at me and brushed it off.

Oh my Goodness. I drop my jaw at what he just did and he turns back around. I cannot believe he just did that. I was just trying to help him. I want to slap him.

"Ms. Eden please come up here and solve this problem." Ms. Shewman asked a girl in front. She stood up nervously and she glares at the board clueless. "I...I don't know." she says giving her the chalk back. Ms. Shewman rolls her eyes "Ms. Costello!"

What?! No! I don't want, too! But, I stood up anyway. I hate myself. I grab the chalk from her hand hesitantly. I do not trust the class watching me from behind. Gulping deeply, I begin solving the problem.

"Oh look! Her fat ass doesn't always spend her time eating!" David remarks, he's the varisity team football captain also my sister's boyfriend. They had met at one of the football game last year when I went with Gwen.

I fight back the tears as everyone laughs. Ms. Shewman is not even bothering sticking up for me, but laughing along with them. How great is that.

Tightening my grip around the chalk, I can't take this anymore! I turn around grabbing the chalkboard easer, throwing it at David.

Yes, right in the eye.

He let out a painful groan, "You fat bitch!" He yells covering his right eye, "Now, I won't be able to play for football!" He stood from his seat as two of his team mates stood up cursing at me at how they need him for the game.

"What is wrong with you?" Ms. Shewman asks in disgust, "How are we going to win the national championship, now? Huh?" She pulls her brows together.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?!" I shout back, "Laughing while someone just made a rude comment on a student, you are supposed to tell them to shut up and that that was rude!" I point at David as the whole class went silent. I caught a glance of the new student, he didn't even laugh with them he just...watched.

"You wouldn't have liked if I had pointed out your big gap between your teeth!" Her face became hard and everyone burst into another fit of laughter, "And David," I look at him, ". . . I don't give a crap if you win or lose the stupid game! You want to know why?" I pause not waiting for his response, ". . . Because it wasn't my fault for opening that danm mouth of yours!" And with that I went to go sit at my desk, but I felt a pain of being smash against the wall by Michael, David's friend.  

"I'm in the hospital?" I groan in pain as I try to adjust my eye sight from waking up.

"Oh, Sweetie." My dad immediately came to my side. My heart shatters at the tone of his voice, he sounds so helpless, "I swear I will get every penny from that little boy for putting his hands on you!" He spoke with a threatening tone.

I start to cry as he quickly sits next to me "Darling, don't cry you'll make me cry!" I chuckle a bit.

He brushes my hair with his fingers, laying a kiss on my forehead. I don't know what to say or do to make him feel better.

 I look down at my hands, "Dad, I don't want to go back!" I broke into a cry for help.

He pulls me into a hug, "You don't have to." He whispers placing another kiss on my head, "Dara, I've been thinking about what you had asked me. I called Uncle Liam, and you'll be living with him for a while. Like you said, I won't tell anyone where you are, sounds good?" 

"Thanks, Dad." I say with a broken voice. 

I've been asking my dad if I could move away from Boston for a while and live with one of my aunts or uncles.  I'm glad he chose Uncle Liam because he's one of the most popular fitness trainers in the world right now. He could help me lose my weight.

My senior year, people better watch out for the new Dara Costello because they don't know what's heading their way.

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