The Enforcer's Daughter

By Skylinger

853K 20.3K 935

Tori likes her life. Being told by her father's Alpha she's being sent to represent their clan as a potential... More

Tell me this is a Joke
No one is happy
Unwanted Dinner
Not Safe After All
Pool Party
She's Mine
Stipulations and Concern
Not the typical first date
Blood of the Enforcer
Training Begins
Breaking Point
Very Sore
Unexpected Visitor
Viscount Cain
Not knowing
Dinner with the Enemy
Intervention and a Decision
A gift for Tori
A Party to Remember
Past Love
Frustration in the air
Enlightened by Ken
The Tribunal
A Courting we shall go
The Bridge
Repercussions and Restitution
Wedding Plans
Keeping Quiet
The Wedding

Journey to the King

23.9K 604 23
By Skylinger

Chapter 21

(Journey to the King)

Tori sat quietly as the Limo drove toward the airport. Prince Renzo and his men were the only ones with her. She didn't know where Logan was but she didn't really care though either.

River weighed heavily on her mind. This was the second time in less than a week she'd been taken away from him; but this time was different. She wasn't being taken because of a rival lord; this time she was being taken because of an ex-boyfriend.

Hearing a whimper Tori looked down at the puppy in her lap. Athena rubbed Tori's hand with her muzzle and then licked it. "I love you too Athena."

She smiled as the pup as it sat up and gave a playful bark. Tori laughed and scratched the white puppy's ears. "Good girl." Having Athena made her feel better. She might not be able to have River with her at least she had a gift from his heart; it meant the world to her.

"How old is your pup?" Prince Renzo inquired having been watching the kind display between the woman and her pet.

"9 weeks," Tori said pleased.

"She's very attached to you for such a young pup," A man with brown hair that ended a couple inches above his shoulders.

"Athena's smart," Tori replied. "Protective too. She attacked my dad's shoe when he threw me in the pool."

"Warner attacked by a puppy; that would've been a sight to see," A man with short red hair cut like the Campbell soup boy's remarked.

"It was, especially when she growled at him." Tori giggled remembering how funny it had been to see her father in a face-off with her puppy.

The blonde woman became quiet for a moment and then finally asked what she'd been reluctant to ask. "What exactly is going to happen?" Tori asked the question still looking at Athena but then raised her head to watch the prince answer.

"We are headed to the airport where we will board a private plane to Germany," Prince Renzo began. Tori nodded; she knew they were headed to an airport. "Once we arrive in Germany you will be taken to Moon Shadow; Wolf Castle. You will be allowed a short period of time to freshen up and then I'm sure King Landon will want to meet with you. After that I suppose it will depend on what King Landon decides."

"Ruff!" Athena barked and gave the woman a playful swat with her paw. The blonde woman giggled. "Anyone tell him I'm bringing a puppy?"

"If they have it would not be by any of us," Prince Renzo replied. "Whether or not Logan has I could not answer."

"Are my parents meeting us at the airport?"

"Tori, your parents are allowed to come to Moon Shadow but they may not be permitted to travel with you." Seeing the woman looked less than pleased he added, "I am not refusing them Miss Rhodes. I simply do not know if High Prince Logan plans to make other arrangements for them."

"I don't understand any of this," She replied and leaned back in her seat. "How can he even attempt to ....What was it? Claim me?"

"This is where it is unfortunate that you have been kept away from pack affairs," The curly brown haired prince replied. "There are rules and there are permissible lengths of time where some claims may be recognized. You fall into such a category."

"I haven't...."

"No, but you are within the time limit." The prince sighed. He knew this wasn't fair to her or River as he was well aware of what they'd just been through. "I know this is not easy for you and it will likely not get any better until a finalized decision is made. I regret there is little I can do to help you."

Tori looked at the man and gave him a half smile; he may have been sent to collect her but he clearly was not a hateful person. She knew he truly sympathized with her. "Thank you." The Prince nodded knowing she understood.


The back yard was now empty. Tori being taken had instantly ended the party.

River sat in the backyard looking at the very spot where he'd watched Tori and Athena play. In his hand he held a note that she had slipped to a servant to give him.

I know this isn't fair Riv. I don't want to go and be separated from you again. Since I am I'm taking Athena with me. Call it silly but I feel like having her with me keeps part of you with me. I love you Riv.


River was not a weak wolf by any means; still having Tori taken from him a second time was tearing him apart. A tear rolled down his cheek as everything sank in. He knew Tori didn't realize just how bad things were for them.

Lucas was the High Prince. Even if Tori begged to be returned to him, the blue eyed man was fully aware she could be forced into a marriage with Lucas. "I don't want to lose you Tori."

"It's not over River you just..." Lady Kendra's heart broke as she saw tears in her son's eyes. "Oh River!" The red haired woman instantly threw her arms around her youngest son. "We'll do what we have to and get her back. Your father is on the phone with Adler now, informing him if Lucas persists that we want a Tribunal brought in. We'll fight for her."

River nodded and for the first time in years cried in his mother's arms.


Logan road quietly in the Limo as it drove toward the airport. He'd considered forcing her parents to wait to accompany her but feared it might upset Tori. Reluctantly he'd had a third Limo sent to the Rhodes house.

He'd considered making them wait so he could spend some time with the woman his brother was claiming. Logan wasn't trying to lure the woman away from Lucas; he wanted to help guide her back to his brother. Logan wanted Tori married to Lucas. Lucas had worked hard to secure the ability to marry the woman he'd fallen for and Logan meant to see it happen; one way or another.


Tori sat in her seat on the private plane. The blonde woman had been surprised when they pulled up to a 747 instead of a small linear jet like she had expected. She'd also been surprised to find it was very roomy. There were even private rooms on board. The seats were large and sporadically placed in what appeared like small seating areas. Tori had to admit she liked it.

"How you holding up?" Warner asked his daughter as he sat down across from her. The enforcer would have sat next to Tori but Athena had already claimed that spot.

"I'm okay Daddy. I hate this but...I won't let them see it."

Warner gave a small frown before giving the blonde girl an accepting nod. He knew his daughter was torn up but she was refusing to cry. She wouldn't show weakness. "Try to get some rest." Tori nodded and putting a pillow against the window she closed her eyes to rest.


Logan was pleased and disappointed as the plane touched down in Germany. He'd hoped for a little time to speak with Tori during the flight but it hadn't happened. Warner had stayed at his daughter's side as had the girl's dog. The High Prince was currently not pleased about either being there. He was however pleased to have Tori in Germany.


Tori didn't normally feel nervous but as the castle came into view she felt very nervous. She was even a little nervous about seeing Lucas again. Lucas hadn't made her nervous before but now that she knew he was a prince, it was a little different.

'I don't want to know how many etiquette mistakes I must have made with him,' she thought to herself.

The Limo pulled up to a rounded driveway and came to rest before some stairs that would lead into the castle. A moment later the door opened and everyone slipped out of the Limo; Tori was last.

For a moment Tori looked at her surroundings. The castle had beautiful landscaping around its entrance. Varying green bushes and floral bushes decorated the area; making it look very regal. The stairs were not concrete steps they were made of grey, cream, and brown stones; leading up to two enormous dark grey doors.

"This way," Prince Renzo instructed. No one argued and followed the man up the stairs and through the now opened grey doors.

They entered the castle and were immediately greeted by two women, one with blonde hair so pale it was almost white and another with medium brown hair, both women had their hair pulled back in a bun.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes I am Aggie," The blonde woman said introducing herself. "I will show you to your room. Berma will show you Miss Rhodes," She said gesturing to the darker haired girl.

"You're usual suite has already been prepared for you, Highness," Berma said addressing the Prince. "My lady," Berma said and gestured the direction Tori was to go.

Tori looked at her father. Seeing him nod the blonde girl went with the dark haired maid.

Berma led the woman of dispute down several hallways and up two grand staircases before finally coming to a stop between two large light gray doors. The maid opened the doors and stepped aside allowing Tori to enter first. "This is your suite."

Slowly Tori entered the room and stared at the Mediterranean styled bedroom. The furniture was medium Pecan. The bed was an open top canopy bed. A bright Aquamarine comforter covered in gold medallions brought vibrant color to the room.

The room wasn't like a normal bedroom or even a nice guest room. It was very large and open. There was the bed of course but also a sitting area off to the white. Looking through the room she could see what appeared to be a balcony. Tori was almost overwhelmed by the need to explore the room and possible balcony.

"Ruff!" Athena barked pulling the woman's thoughts back to reality.

"The bathroom is in there. You have about ten minutes before someone will come to escort you to see his Majesty. Do you need anything?" Berma asked politely.

"No, but thank you." Berma nodded and returning to the doors she backed out of the room and shut the couple doors leaving Tori and her puppy alone.

The moment the doors closed the blonde woman looked at the highly intelligent dog. "No chewing anything." The dog let out what sounded like a disappointed grunt. "Yeah I saw you eyeing the comforter. You better behave. Riv won't like it if you tear things up at the King's castle." The pup seemed to give an annoyed growl but walked over and lay down in the center of the wood floor.

"Guess I should get ready," The green eyed girl said. "Offending the King won't help Riv and me." Remembering where Berma had said the bathroom was she grabbed her toiletry bag, her mother had packed, and headed in to freshen up.


Logan walked through the Castle and headed for his father's den where he knew he was waiting to speak with Tori. Reaching the door he knocked and waited. "Enter." Opening the door Logan entered the room.

"Awe Logan. I trust Tori has been seen to her room?" The King inquired.

"Yes Father. They will bring her to you in about ten minutes," The prince with shoulder length blonde hair replied.

"Excellent. How is her mood?" Landon asked and gestured for his son to take a seat in an empty cream colored chair.

"She seems more confused than anything; though I think we may be just in time," He warned.

"She's becoming attached to this River?"

"Yes but I think once she sees Lucas her feelings for him will surface even if she doesn't want them to," Logan told the King of Wolves.

"For your brother's sake they better," The King warned. "Either way it could become a fight. I have already been warned Lord Gregory is prepared to call for a tribunal if I find Lucas' claim on the girl valid."

"If she admits to any feelings for Lucas even the Tribunal won't be able to dispute the claim," Logan said confidently.

"Did she admit anything to you?" The King questioned.

"No but I'm very confident she'll feel something for my little brother even if only a little."

"We shall see. Have Lucas go to the private ballroom. I will have Tori brought to him there," Landon instructed. Logan nodded and with a bow left the room.


Tori walked through the halls led by an enforcer she didn't know. Her stomach was full of butterflies and the girl felt like throwing up; she was so nervous.

The enforcer knocked as the two came to a stop before the King's study.


The Enforcer opened the door and Stepped within the room. "Miss Tori Rhodes to see you Majesty," He said after giving a polite bow.

"Allow her in."

The enforcer gestured for the blonde woman to enter and Tori stepped into the room. "Thank you Sean. Leave us." The door closed and Tori was left alone with the king.

"Your Majesty," Tori said and gave a curtsy to the man.

Landon smiled pleased. The girl knew virtually nothing about Wolf Hierarchy but was clearly trying to be respectful; trying and succeeding.

"Come and join me," Landon told the girl in a calm gentle voice. Her uneasiness was radiating off of her and he wanted her to relax.

Tori did as the king said and took a seat across from him. She was glad she'd been able to shower and change into a dress on the plane. Showing up in a swimsuit probably wouldn't have gone over well.

"You know why you are here?" he questioned.

"Something about Lucas having a claim on me," The blonde woman replied openly honest.

"How do you feel about Lucas?" Landon inquired.

"I'm marrying River," Tori reminded him.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. I expect you to answer my questions and do so honestly," The King said in a firm voice. "I shall ask again. Do you hold any feelings for my son Lucas?"

Tori fell silent. 'Why is he asking me this?' The blonde woman silently groaned she did not want to think about Lucas.


"I haven't seen Lucas in a couple years. How could I possibly know?" The green eyed girl countered.

"Then perhaps it is time you came face to face with my son once more," Landon announced and rose to his feet. "Shall we?" Reluctantly the blonde woman stood up and accepting the kings offered arm they left his den.


Lucas was more than a little nervous. Tori might not understand what was about to happen but he did. After his father was warned that Lord Gregory planned to object if he moved to dissolve the contract between his son and Tori the King had called all the prince's in to witness the moment Lucas and Tori came face to face again.

The King's son knew if there were no feelings on her side they'd dismiss his claim completely. If she had even an ounce of feelings, however, than a tribunal might be called in. The short haired light blonde haired man prayed with every fiber of his being that Tori would feel something for him.

Scattered within the room out of view on the wrap around wide balcony that overlooked the ballroom were the lords; waiting to see Tori's reaction.


Landon led the beautiful blonde girl until they reached two dark wood and gold doors. "Go on in; Lucas is waiting."

Tori took a deep breath and entered the room.

Entering the private ball room the blonde woman immediately noticed Lucas standing in the center of the room; facing away from her.

Slowly the man in the Dark blue suit turned to face her. "Hello Tori."

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