The Enforcer's Daughter

Autorstwa Skylinger

853K 20.3K 935

Tori likes her life. Being told by her father's Alpha she's being sent to represent their clan as a potential... Więcej

Tell me this is a Joke
No one is happy
Unwanted Dinner
Not Safe After All
Pool Party
She's Mine
Stipulations and Concern
Not the typical first date
Blood of the Enforcer
Training Begins
Breaking Point
Very Sore
Unexpected Visitor
Viscount Cain
Not knowing
Dinner with the Enemy
Intervention and a Decision
A gift for Tori
Journey to the King
Past Love
Frustration in the air
Enlightened by Ken
The Tribunal
A Courting we shall go
The Bridge
Repercussions and Restitution
Wedding Plans
Keeping Quiet
The Wedding

A Party to Remember

23.9K 605 27
Autorstwa Skylinger

Chapter 2o

(A Party to Remember)

Athena jumped around and played with Teresa and several other people but stayed close to Tori. It was as if the two had been together since Athena was born instead of only a few hours.

“I know it’s stupid but I’m feeling jealous of that dog,” Hunter commented watching his bride Casey playing with the white puppy. “Athena’s getting more attention than anyone!” He complained crossing his arms and pouting.

“I’m glad you recognize it’s stupid to be jealous of a puppy,” Lady Kendra commented. Hunter didn’t reply but continued to pout.

River however thoroughly enjoyed watching Athena and Tori together. It only affirmed that he’d chosen the right puppy for his bride. Tori’s green eyes were sparkling she was so happy; he loved seeing her so happy.

Watching his bride lean over and whisper something in his niece’s ear however made him slightly stiffen. ‘What is she up to?’ The blue eyed man wondered.

“Uncle River dive for me?” The little girl asked giving him a ‘please’ face.

River smirked knowing it was his brides’ doing. “Sure.” The light brown haired man got up and giving his bride a look of ‘I know you’re the reason she’s asking’ he started past the small group and the puppy.

Tori waited until he walked past before looking at Athena. She held out her hand to the puppy telling it to stay. With a wink at Teresa she got up and went after her fiancé. Before anyone could warn him she ran up behind him and knocked him into the water.

The blonde woman laughed as the man made a huge splash. “Ah ha you….Ahhh!” She screamed as she was suddenly tossed into the pool herself.

“Daddy!” She said coming back to the surface to see her father standing there looking proudly guilty.

“You’re a couple; you’re supposed to do things together.”

“I don’t remember you helping with the fudge,” Karen called out.

“That’s a good thing. We both know he’d have eaten it all,” Tori called to her mother. Everyone laughed; Warner shrugged, not bothering to deny it.

“Ruff!” Tori laughed as she looked over to see Athena by her father. The Malamute barked and then growled before promptly attacking her father’s right shoe; pulling at the shoe lace.

Warner looked down at the young female. “Protective of her already are you?” Warner reached down and picked her up by the scruff. He lifted her to look at him in the eye. It took effort not to outright laugh as the pup growled at him.

Tori climbed out of the water and walked over by her father. “Daddy don’t antagonize her. She will be living at the house until I get married you know.” Reaching over she took hold of the puppy, which Warner released without argument.

“How’s my girl?” Tori asked. Athena instantly licked her cheek causing the blonde woman to laugh. “You are too cute.” She snuggled the pup and then looked over at River as he climbed out of the water.

Still holding the bundle of fur she walked over and kissed the blue eyed man. “Thank you again.”

River smiled and pulled her back for another kiss. Feeling the pup wiggle he looked down and smirked at his gift. “My turn.” He gently took the pup from her hands and handed it off to Nancy for his niece to play with.

Tori knew what her fiancé was doing but let him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again.

“Get a room!” The two looked over and glared at Drew. The dark blonde man laughed at how alike they were in the response.

“Drew be nice!” Bridgette ordered. “They’ve been through a lot! They’re allowed some public display.”

“No they’re not,” Trevor said and promptly threw a bucket of water at the couple. “My daughter is impressionable.”

“Trevor!” Tori yelled at the lord’s eldest son. River on the other hand laughed. The blonde woman went to go after Teresa’s father but River took her hand and led her over toward the designated dancing area. Once there, they began to slow dance.

The couple smiled at each other everything was perfect.


“Hey Riv!” Tori called. He looked over just in time to get covered in silly string. The blonde woman laughed as she, Bridgette, and Monique covered the Lord’s son.

“It’s on!” River yelled and started racing towards his bride.

“Eek!” The three girls squealed and promptly ran three different directions. Unfortunately it didn’t help when Dustin and Drew decided to help their friend.

Lady Kendra laughed as their back yard suddenly took on the appearance of a colorful war zone. She laughed even harder when she heard the puppy bark and turned her eyes Athena’s direction. The white pup was completely covered in pink, purple, blue, and yellow; as she had been jumping in the middle of the color war.

“Maybe river should have gotten her a black one; it’s going to be a pain to get all that color out of white fur,” Karen commented. Athena seemed to have heard her and promptly barked disapprovingly at Tori’s mother.

Karen looked slightly embarrassed for a moment. “Sorry Athena.” The pup barked a happy bark before turning around and heading for Tori; tail wagging happily. Warner snickered and Karen gave him a glare with no maliciousness behind it. Even she was amused by the pup’s reaction.

Lord Gregory couldn’t help but laugh as he saw the string of colors fly through the air. The fact that several of them now had poor aim, do to their alcohol intake, made it even more amusing.


Tori looked over and giggled seeing her new pet covered in silly string. “Oh Athena!” She said and got down on her knees. The white malamute quickly ran up to her and jumped in her lap. The blonde woman laughed. “Oh I better get you cleaned up before your fur is accidentally dyed by the silly string.” Athena barked and Tori stood up holding the pup in her arms.

“I’ll be back,” She told River. “I need to get this color off her before she looks like this permanently.

River chuckled and nodded and watched as the woman he loved, and his gift to her, entered the house.


Tori had only been gone to clean the puppy up for a few minutes when the back doors opened and several men dressed in dark gray suits suddenly entered the back yard.

“Dad?” Trevor said. He didn’t know who the men were but they looked very official.

Lord Gregory had sensed a presence and seeing concern in his son Trevor’s eyes he looked back to see men he did recognize.

Instantly he rose to his feet. A gesture towards the Dj silenced the music.

“Lord Gregory,” Prince Renzo addressed. There were too many lords for a prince to remember many of them. Especially if they weren’t from the country they resided in.

“I am Lord Gregory.”

“We are here to collect Miss Tori Rhodes.”

“Why? Prince Adler solidified the contract between our son and Tori,” Lady Kendra said coming to the side of her husband.

“Yes well, he was unaware of a previous claim on the girl,” The prince with shoulder length, curly, medium brown hair.

“Who could possibly have a claim on my daughter?” Warner questioned. The last thing he wanted was for his daughter to be confiscated a second time.

“My brother, your High Prince, Lucas,” A man with shoulder length blonde hair and dark blue eyes informed the crowd of partiers.

River’s heart sank. He’d suspected there was a chance his bride’s ex might have immortal ties but…the High Prince never crossed his mind. While River stood shocked everyone else had one word going through their head, “Shit!” Except for Teresa, who was confused by the appearance of men.

“She hasn’t heard from him in a couple years!” Karen said angry something else was being thrown at her daughter and River.

“He’s been busy securing her future with him,” Logan informed the unhappy woman. “Where is…”

Tori was still drying Athena off with a towel when she walked out the side door re-entering the back yard. “Okay I think I got it…” Tori fell silent as she looked up from the towel to see everyone was standing still. She also realized the music was now off.

“What’s going on?” The green eyed woman asked holding the puppy close.

“Are you Miss Tori Rhodes?” Prince Renzo inquired.


Tori looked over to see her ex’s brother standing on the stairs near the door. “Logan? What are you doing here?” She inquired unaware of what had been said.

Logan gave a half smile and allowed his eyes to look the woman over; Tori was even more beautiful than he or his brother remembered. Lucas would be pleased.

“What’s going on?” She asked becoming uneasy as she felt the tension in the air.

“You do not deny you have had a relationship with Lucas Fitzgerald?” Prince Renzo asked in a very official sounding voice. Four of the men in gray suits immediately began approaching her from the side.

“I did but…”

“You still do,” Logan informed her.

“He broke up with me,” Tori reminded him. “I haven’t heard from him since.”

“No he put things on hold with you,” Logan corrected. “Lucas had to secure your ability to become queen since you are not a full wolf.” Looking at Lord Gregory he made the comment, “Even you voted to allow a half wolf to become queen.”

“Queen? What are you talking about?” The blonde woman said baffled.

“Lucas is staking claim to you,” Warner informed his daughter.

Tori’s eyes widened, clearly surprised. She felt the puppy wiggle and looked down at it. The pup tapped her hand with its paw as if to reassure her. The blonde woman gave her puppy a small smile and looked back up at Prince Renzo.

“I’m in a contract to marry Lord Gregory’s son, River,” She said calmly.

“The contract is currently frozen,” Prince Renzo informed the Enforcer’s daughter. “You will be accompanying us back to Moon Shadow where you will meet with King Landon. Depending on the outcome of the meeting he will decide whether or not to unfreeze the contract. For the moment you are being seized under Right of Courtship. You are permitted no further contact with River at this time.”

Tori’s heart sank. ‘Why?!’ she internally wailed. She looked at River sadly. There was no doubt River felt what she did; like their hearts were being ripped out of their chests.

“You’re not taking Tori without me,” Warner said firmly.

“You will be permitted to join your daughter,” The prince agreed.

“I’m taking Athena,” Tori said adamantly.

“I’m afraid no other visitors…”

“She’s my puppy,” The blonde woman interrupted.

“Very well,” Prince Renzo agreed. “Collect your things.”

“Can I at least say goodbye?” Tori asked hopeful.

“No,” Logan said without hesitation. “You may say it but he’s not allowed to touch you.” Logan looked at the Lords son with open warning. “Take her to get her things.”

Tori looked at River. “Bye.”

“It’s not over,” River told her. She nodded and he watched as his bride was taken away from him for a second time in less than a week.

Logan waited until Tori was out of view. “Tori belongs to Lucas. I suggest you start looking elsewhere.” Turning the High Prince left the backyard headed for the waiting Limo.

“This isn’t fair,” Bridgette said from where she stood next to Drew.

Renzo looked at Gregory. “I suggest you gather support if your son truly wants Miss Rhodes. Landon can dissolve the contract but a majority of votes among the Prince’s can overturn it. If he dissolves it you have the right to request a tribunal because the dispute involves his Majesty’s son.” Looking at River he said, “I must warn you that if he dissolves it and the dispute is given to us there is no guarantee the vote would be in your favor.”

“Tori wants to be with River,” Karen said.

“I regret to inform you that may not matter.” Looking at Warner he said, “Go home and pack for a couple weeks. A car will come for you.” Turning the Prince left the backyard; his men following him out.

“What just happened? How is….someone explain this to me!” Karen demanded.

“You know what an Alpha is, a Lord, and Viscount,” Kendra began. Tori’s mother nodded. “Prince’s are above the Viscount.”

“I get that,” Karen said. “How many brothers does Lucas have?”


“But he was a prince,” Karen said confused as she looked at Lord Gregory.

“Logan and Lucas are direct heirs to the throne. The other Prince’s are appointed. That is Why Logan and Lucas is a High Prince. If the royal family were to all be killed a vote would be held and the Prince with the most votes would ascend to the throne. A new royal blood line would then begin,” He explained.

Karen just looked at him for a moment. ‘How the hell does anyone keep any of this straight?’ The blonde woman wondered.

“We better go,” Warner sighed. Looking at River he walked over and put an encouraging hand on the blue eyed mans left shoulder. “I’ll call you and keep you posted as much as I can okay?”

River nodded. “Tell her I love her.”

“She knows, but I’ll tell her.” The enforcer held a hand out to his wife. Karen gave River an encouraging hug and then left with her husband.

“Guess the fights not over,” Harper commented.

“No, it may just be getting started,” Drew said and looked at the Lord’s son sympathetically. Things had never looked worse.

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