mr. bieber → jariana


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in which a teacher gets a student pregnant {i recommend not reading this story because it was my first one... Еще

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Ariana |9 Months Of Pregnancy|

I had just graduated from school about two weeks ago. Nothing has happened. I had one last appointment and Blake told me everything was getting better. There's now a 50% Brynn may survive. It's better that 25%.

"Justin-." He cut me off.

"Ariana, are you peeing on me?" He asked.

"Am I-." I looked down. "Justin my water broke!"

"Oh shit!"

"Good upstairs and get my bag please. I need my shoes." He ran up quickly and gave me my shoes I put them on.

"Ariana! Aren't you suppose to be like, breathing heavy!" He panicked. "Is something wrong?"

"Of course, I'm in pain. I'm just calm." I said holding my stomach. I reached my arm out as he helped me up. Helping me get into the car and to the hospital quickly.


"Nurse! My wife's water broke!" The receptionist remained like she was and got a pen and paper.

"Sign in." She said getting up and going to the back. I did and she brought out a wheelchair which Ariana sat in. The receptionist/nurse wheeled her into a room. Helping her into bed.

"How far are your contractions?" She asked her.

"About ten minutes." Ariana said breathing heavily.

"Okay, I'll be back."

"These people don't know how to do their job." I sighed while closing the door.

"This is what's suppose to happen. I have to wait until my contractions are a certain part away. Then I need my shot. Then I have my baby." She said laying back. I hummed.

(A/N I know about this much 👌🏽on child birth. just from what I saw when my mom gave birth. I'm going off that.)

Just then Ariana's mom and brother walked in. Joan was in tears. Frankie was smiling widely.

"Oh my god. I am getting old." Joan said holding Ariana's hand.

"In a matter of time, I'm going to be an uncle!" Frankie exclaimed.

"I'm going to be a dad." I said silently smiling to myself.

The nurse came back with a gown and told everyone to clear the room so Ariana could bathe then change. As we waited a few doctors came in and left within five minutes.

"We have her the shot. Her contraction are really really close. By the time I get the Mid-Wife she should be ready for birth." She smiled. We all got up and walked in. Ariana had pulled her hair up in a bun. The blanket covering her lower part.

"How you feeling, baby?" I asked kissing her forehead.

"Better since I got the shots." She groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"Contractions." She said wiping sweat from her forehead.

"It's gonna be alright. The mid-wife-." I was interrupted by her groaning and moaning. She was in a lot of pain. But thankfully doctors came in telling everyone but two to clear the room. Frankie volunteered to leave.

"Alright, Ariana. This is simple all you need to do is push." She nodded.

I can't believe I'm about have my own little babygirl.

"One three. One......two......push." Ariana pushed groaning. "Again." I could hear the strain in her voice. "I see a head! Push again!" She pushed for her life, what seemed like. "One more."

I then heard the beautiful cry of my little girl. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" He asked.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. I cut it like it was a next step in my life. It was. Brynn was taken to be cleaned up. I went over to comfort her.

"I present to you Brynn Elizabeth Bieber." Joan said giving her to me.

"Thank you, Mrs. Grande." I smiled at her.

"Please. I'm about to become your mother-in-law." She smiled. I took this moment too look at my beautiful baby girl. She had my honey-comb eyes, but they were big like Ariana's. Brynn had Ariana's nose, but everything else was me. We made a beautiful baby.

"Can I hold her?" Ariana asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Of course, baby." I gave Brynn to her and stroked her hair. Ariana was in tears.

"I'm in love. I can't take my eyes off of her." She said.

"My god. My life is perfect." I said.

Just then, Brynn started coughing hysterically. She was crying and gasping.

"Wait! What's happening?!" Ariana sat up trying to comfort her. Doctors ran into the room surrounding Brynn and taking her from Ariana.

"Code blue! Code blue!" They yelled rushing around.

"What the hell is happening?" I grabbed one of the doctors.

"I can't say right now." He said getting away from me. Ariana was sobbing madly.

"What's wrong with my baby?!" She yelled. Joan tried to calm her, but Ariana sobbed louder. I was trying my best to stay calm like Ariana once was.

What's going to happen?



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