My Boy (BWWM)

By briiiee

432K 15.9K 7.3K

Ezra Grant was able to get any girl he wanted with just a charming smile and a light twinkle of sky blue eyes... More

Chapter 1~Introduction
Chapter 2~Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 3~Tense Breakfast
Chapter 4~ Bipolar Much
Chapter 5~ (No) New Friends
Chapter 7~ Spring Break Part 2
Chapter 8~Home Sweet Home
Chapter 9~ Surprises
Chapter 10~Jealous?
Chapter 10~ Secrets
Chapter 11~Sister Love
Chapter 12~Meet the second set of twins
Chapter 13~Ezra's Regret
Chapter 14~ New You
Chapter 15~ The Worrier
Chapter 16~The Fixed Puzzle
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 17~Rekindling
Chapter 18~ Daddy's Home
The Kidnapper
Chapter 19~ Meet Robin
Chapter 20~ "Where is she?!"
Chapter 21~ To be Submissive
Chapter 22: Rescue
Chapter 23~ Pretzels
Chapter 24~ (Slowly) Back to Normal
Interlude~The Night We Met
Chapter 25~ Hold your breath
Chapter 26~ The Birthday Dinner
Chapter 27~ Angel
Chapter 28~Perfect Birthday

Chapter 6~ Spring Break

18.8K 752 122
By briiiee

Chapter 6

Spring Break


Loud music pumps through my veins while I snapchat Ezra, Jade, Vanessa, and I on our way to Miami, Florida. We all get weird looks from pedestrians but Vanessa just shoots the middle finger at them while Ezra honks the horn. Jade and I would just share a look and either laugh or roll our eyes amusingly.

We are actually on our way to Ezra's uncle's house, you'd be surprised when you see his dark tan skin and dark brown eyes, along with his long locs. He's this laid back guy who married Ezra's mom's sister before she died of cancer. They had 5 children. The Grant's loved their uncle and they practically dragged me to the car to go with them for spring break.

My original plan was to finish a project for my oceanography class, but I guess it could wait..

At least I'm gonna swim with dolphins! We finally get to south Florida after a ten hour drive and many pit stops later. Ezra, Vanessa, and Jade's Uncle Jimmy walk out with a huge warm smile and sun glasses. We all get out the car and the twins run over to their short uncle, who was about 5'7.

"Ah, my beautiful nieces!" He laughs when they almost make him lose his balance. He smiles as they both give him a kiss on the cheek with giggles. They break to let Ezra greet his favorite uncle with a manly hug. "Damn boy, you taken steroids?!" I laugh a bit at his uncles outburst, making him look at me. "And who is this beautiful young lady, your girlfriend?" He smirks at Ezra, who's eyes go wide, blush creeping up his ears and neck.

"No!" He laughs nervously scratching his head before sayings, "Uncle J, this is my Frankie- Uh- Friend! My best friend, Frankie." His uncle gives him a sideways glance before opening his arms and I give him a hug.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Miss Frankie!" He says, stretching his arms wide to show the light blue colored house that has a bit of trash in the front porch.

"Thanks for having me, sir." I say respectfully.

"Call me Uncle Jimmy! When you say sir it makes me feel old." He says.

"Uncle Jimmy, aren't you like...50?" Jade says, sipping her tea, her blonde hair whipping due to heavy wind. He lives close to Miami Beach.

"Don't test me, girl." He playfully glares at her making Van laugh her ass off.

We walk into the one story house that looked smaller from outside, but when we stepped in there were full tile floors and a small window that showed the kitchen. There was a big flat screen tv in the living room and a all around couch along with dark brown recliners to match. It was very homey.

"Oh, your cousins are here as well," he smiles and Ezra rolls his eyes before leaning down to whisper in my ear. "Kids!!"

"Beware of the fuck boys," his breath fanned behind my ear, making my breathing hitch a bit. Ever since that night 3 weeks ago, we never really discussed it and he acts like it never happened. I can't stop thinking about it.

I gave him a look before I looked back to see five pairs on us, three boys and two girls. They all had dark tanned skin and curly hair on top of their heads, except for one boy who had a long set of brown locs and hazel eyes. He had on kaki pants and a blue tank top covering his chiseled chest, along with a necklace with a shark tooth. His eyes caught mine before smiling at me charmingly, making my face heat up and look away.

"Kids, of course you know your cousins, and this is their friend, Frankie." Uncle Jimmy said, making the other four look at me. The boy who looked at me walked over and outstretched his large hand, smiling down at me...dimples and all.

"Devon, it's nice to meet you Frankie." He licks his lips as I take his hand in mine and shake it.

"And," a guy pushes his large brother out the way with a scowl before returning to me with another wide but handsome one. He was just a bit shorter, but still about 6'1. "I'm Jacques. The more handsome one out of the three." He says with a wink, making me giggle at his goofiness. He wasn't to bad; nicely cut curly hair, green eyes and pretty fit with his honey kissed skin and broad shoulders.

"Move ugly," the slim girl with short curly haired girl and hazel eyes bootie-bumped Jacques and gave me a smile. "I'm Florence," she says then turns to the curvy, short girl beside her who had the same short curly hair but brown eyes and freckles across her face. "And this my little sister, Sasha." The girl waves her hand and I smile at her.

"And last but not least, Brandon." Jacques says, they all turn around to see a guy with wavy dirty blonde hair in a bun. He looks up from his phone with wide brown eyes and I notice he has only swim shorts on, showing off his lean and toned abdomen and broad shoulders. His hair falls on his eyes, landing on me.

"Uh, hey." His voice is deep and he straightens to his full height at about 6'2. "I'm Brandon, and..." he seems a bit speechless. With him being looking the closest to white, you can tell he got embarrassed as his face got bright red. "I gotta go." He rushes out quickly.

They all turn back to us and the girls squeal, making me cover my ears. Before they attack the twins in a group hug. The twins giggle and they return the hug. I look back to catch Devon looking at me up and down. When he notices he looks away quickly, making me smile a bit. A giant dude like him looks so cute being shy.

"Aye, cuz." Jacques says to Ezra, who was quiet the whole time.

"Hey Ques, hey Devon." He said.

The guys talk as I just walk out to get my phone from the car. As I'm walking out the door, I run into Brandon. His curly hair is now down, framing his model like features as he texted on his phone.

"Hey," I find myself blurting out. I mentally face palm myself.

He looks up and the hammock he was laying on tips over causing him to fall on the grass. I gasp and rush over to help his groaning self up. I take his hand and help him up, he rubs the back of his neck before looking down at me embarrassingly. "You okay, I didn't mean to surprise you." I said, putting my hands behind my back.

"Oh, no your fine," he says then inhales quickly before closing his eyes tightly. "I didn't mean it like 'your fine' but...wait, you are not ugly! Your beautiful, um..."

His face is red now. I giggle, covering up my mouth a bit. "Thanks, but you don't have to be so nervous around me Brandon."

"I know," he breathes out, sitting back on the hammock and looks up. I hesitantly sit by him, hoping I won't break it. "It's just, your really cute and...yeah I'm, me?" He says unsurely.

"Your cute too," I say, causing him to sigh and the blush comes back, on both our faces.

"I know you might say no, but do you want to go to the beach with me and my friends. You can watch us surf."

My eyes light up and I grab his arm shaking him, "You surf! I always wanted to meet a real surfer dude, of course I want to go with you." He chuckles before grinning and offering his hand for me to take, pulling me up from the hammock and leading me to garage.

Well, we became friends quickly...

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