The Enforcer's Daughter

By Skylinger

855K 20.4K 941

Tori likes her life. Being told by her father's Alpha she's being sent to represent their clan as a potential... More

Tell me this is a Joke
No one is happy
Unwanted Dinner
Not Safe After All
Pool Party
She's Mine
Stipulations and Concern
Not the typical first date
Blood of the Enforcer
Training Begins
Breaking Point
Very Sore
Unexpected Visitor
Viscount Cain
Not knowing
Intervention and a Decision
A gift for Tori
A Party to Remember
Journey to the King
Past Love
Frustration in the air
Enlightened by Ken
The Tribunal
A Courting we shall go
The Bridge
Repercussions and Restitution
Wedding Plans
Keeping Quiet
The Wedding

Dinner with the Enemy

25.7K 628 36
By Skylinger

Chapter 17

(Dinner with the Enemy)

River couldn’t help but feel happy as he dressed for dinner with the Viscount. He knew it would be tense but he didn’t care. Tori would be there and that’s all that mattered to him.

“Yeah?” He said hearing a knock on his door as he tied his Green, Blue, and silver tie. The blue eyed man had purposely gone and bought a tie with the color of Tori’s emerald green eyes in it. River wanted to make sure Tori knew she was on his mind. The fact the tie also had the same shade of blue eyes gave a silent ‘We belong together’ Message.

“You look very handsome,” Lady Kendra said proudly.

“Thanks mom. I hope Tori will notice the meaning behind my tie.”

“She will. That girl pays to close of attention not to,” Lady Kendra assured her son. Sensing his nervousness the red haired woman added, “Relax Riv…” Seeing her son frown she said, “River. I know you don’t like…”

“It’s okay mom. You just made me think about how much I miss hearing Tori call me Riv,” The blue eyed man admitted. “I never liked being called that until her. She’s nothing like I ever thought I’d want but…Tori’s everything I need and more. I love her mom; I really love her.”

Lady Kendra smiled at her youngest child. She’d always known when the right girl finally came a long he’d fall hard. “I know this isn’t easy son but you and Tori will get through this. The day is going to come that you’ll stand at the altar and that beautiful blonde haired green eyed girl is going to walk down that aisle and give herself to you for all time.”

River smiled. “Thanks mom. You’re right this might be a fight but, when all is said and done, I’m going to marry her.”

The red haired woman smiled. “Come on it’s time to go.” River nodded and offered his mother his left arm. Accepting, the two left his room and headed downstairs to a waiting Limo.


Tori stood before a full length mirror looking her appearance over. Viscount Cain had invited her mother to join them for dinner and she had come early and brought her daughter a blue dress.

“You look beautiful,” Karen said looking at the thin strapped, knee length, blue lace stretchy dress that would match River’s eyes.

“Thanks mom. And thanks for the dress,” Tori told her.

“I have to admit I was surprised when you were particular about the color,” The blonde woman commented. “River is the man you’re being forced to marry after all.”

Tori turned and looked at her mother. It was obvious the woman was still unhappy about everything. “I know this won’t make sense but…I want to marry River.” Seeing her mother start to argue she quickly said, “I’m falling for him mom. He loves me; really loves me.” Tori looked down and took both of her mother’s hands in hers. “I don’t want Cain to terminate the contract between River and me.” Slowly she looked up at her mother. “I never thought I’d have feelings for someone again. Not after Lucas but I do.”

“You’ve dated lots of boys,” Karen reminded her.

“Dated yes but… none of them have ever made me feel as special as Lucas did. River does mom. I know you don’t understand this and that you are against it but like it or not I will be married to a werewolf. Wouldn’t you like it to be with a wolf that loves me for me? A wolf, who isn’t trying to get even with someone through use of me?”

Karen sighed and looked at her daughter. She didn’t like what was happening in the least. The fact some higher wolf had chosen to seize her daughter was not making her feel more welcome to packs in the least. “You truly have feelings for River?” Tori smiled and nodded a confirmation at her mother.

“If this is truly what you want…I’ll support it.”

“Thanks mom,” Tori said and hugged the completely human woman. “I love you.”

“I love you too but I’m still mad at your dad,” Karen said firmly.

“Mom he didn’t want this anymore than you do. He knows I have feelings for River and admits he knows how much River cares about me,” Tori told her. “Don’t let this come between you and dad. I’m happy. I’m happy to be with Lord Gregory’s son. I’m getting a happy ever after; or at least I will once everyone stops trying to stop us,” She complained.

“Alright Honey as long as you’re sure,” Karen said.

“I am.” Hearing a knock both women looked at the door. “Come in,” Tori called. The door opened and they both watched as Warner walked in wearing a Navy Blue suit and a tie with green and navy on it against a white shirt.

“Wow dad you clean up pretty good,” Tori teased.

“Ha ha,” He said sarcastically; causing both women to giggle. “I just saw Salazar and Gregory’s Limo’s make their approach. You ready for this?”

“Hell no! But I guess we’ll make an appearance anyway.” Tori and Warner starred at Karen in shock. They glanced at each other and back at the woman with the same thought running through their heads ‘Did my mom/wife just curse?’

Karen noticed their shock and annoyed said, “Get over it; it’s a stressful time and I’m entitled a slip every now and then.” The woman walked past them before stopping at the door and looking back. “Coming?”

“As soon as we get over the shock,” Tori quipped. Karen scowled at her and she watched as her husband and daughter both gave her an identical smirk.

The blond woman rolled her eyes at them and crossed her arms openly annoyed. “I suggest we go before our Daughter’s fiancé and Future Father in law go to war here with Salazar.”

“Yeah, we should go,” Tori agreed. She had to admit her mother had a valid concern.


Viscount Cain stood in his bar room waiting patiently for his guests. Everyone was on edge and he was no exception. Hearing footsteps he knew it was time.

“Salazar,” The Viscount greeted warmly and shook his friends hand. “Marie,” He added greeting a tall woman in a red strapless dress that dipped between her breasts.

“Viscount Cain,” She replied dipping her head in respect at him. “Always a pleasure to see you.”

“And you,” Cain replied and kissed her cheek. Next he turned his attention to a tall man with jet black short hair and hazel eyes. “Armand.”

“Viscount,” Armand said and shook Cain’s hand. “It’s very kind of you to take the time to host a dinner that might introduce me to my future bride.”

Cain smiled but didn’t reply; instead he turned to face a very composed Lord Gregory and Lady Kendra. River on the other hand was clearly not pleased by Armand’s comment.

“Lord Gregory, Lady Kendra,” Cain said greeting them but not with the same warmth as Salazar’s family. “River.”

“Viscount,” They replied.

“Tori and her family will be joining us in a few moments,” Cain began. “Before she does I want to make a few things clear. Tori will not be leaving here tonight with either of you,” The dark haired man warned. “She is under my protection and will stay that way until a ruling is made.”

“Of course,” Marie said unconcerned. The look in her eyes however told Cain the woman saw this as being directed at River’s family more than anything.

“Also don’t expect to get too close to Tori. You are not allowed any physical contact at this time,” He added looking directly at River.

It took effort for the lord’s son not to outwardly growl. River knew it would be enforced far more where he was concerned.

Armand smirked knowing River wasn’t happy about the Viscounts words. Armand however was perfectly fine with it; he’d never even met the girl. He’d been told she was pretty but in truth he didn’t care. If it would hurt River he didn’t mind taking the girl away from him. The black haired man would take pleasure flaunting the girl in front of his enemy once he had her.

River stayed silent as glasses of Champaign were handed out; He politely declined and waited for Tori to arrive. Tori was all he cared about.


Warner walked calmly toward the parlor with his wife on his right arm and his daughter on his left. Just before they reached the entryway he gave both women a light squeeze of reassurance. Both women gave a smile of ‘We’re ready’ and they entered the room.

“Hello everyone,” Karen said politely.

They watched as everyone looked at the entryway and all eyes fell on Tori.

“Awe, for those of you that haven’t been introduced this is Michael’s enforcer Warner Rhodes, His wife Karen, and their lovely daughter Tori,” Viscount Cain announced.

It took effort for both River and Armand to keep their mouths shut at the sight of the stunning woman.

“Hello,” Tori replied. Looking at River her smile widened. “Nice tie.”

River smiled. “I thought you’d approve. Sandy helped me.”

The blonde woman laughed. “That’s almost cheating.”

“I feel as though I’ve missed something.” Tori turned to look at a tall handsome man with hazel eyes and dark hair.

“Sandy is a coworker of mine,” Tori informed the man.

“Tori this is Armand, Lord Salazar’s son, and his mother Lady Marie,” Cain introduced.

“You work?” Marie questioned.

“She works at Chadler’s; Tori run’s the women’s department,” Lord Salazar informed his wife.

“Ambitious?” Marie inquired.

“Perhaps a bit in retail,” The blonde woman admitted.

Karen raised an eyebrow at her. Tori caught it and smirked. “Dearest the only reason you aren’t higher up is because your father won’t let you move out before your married.” Looking at the others in the room she added, “Tori’s been offered buyer positions several times. But they’re in Portland and Warner won’t let her go.” Warner shrugged not denying anything.

Tori looked away and bit her lip to keep from laughing. It was true she had been offered positions. However Tori didn’t want to be so far from her family either.

“Tori doesn’t want to be that far from home anyway,” Warner said dismissively. “Right?” He added a moment later.

“Nah, who’d bail me out when my adventure goes wrong?” Tori quipped and leaned in to her father in an almost sideways hug. Warner smirked but nodded.

“Adventure?” Armand questioned.

“Tori enjoys the outdoors. River and she have a lot in common,” Lady Kendra remarked.

“Once you get past the blonde hair,” Tori teased and playfully flipped a piece of her hair.

River laughed. “I’m never going to live that down am I?”

“Not for a while!” Karen, Kendra, and Tori said in unison. The three women let out a giggle at their unanimous response.

Marie pursed her lips at seeing the three women got a long so well. Her son wouldn’t stand much of a chance if this continued.

Cain was almost relieved to see a servant appear at the entryway and nod at him dinner was ready. “It seems dinner is ready if you’ll follow Neil he’ll show you to the dining room. Cards are placed at your seat.”

The viscount watched as everyone began leading the way out with Tori’s father actually leading the way. He would have loved to have his own wife there but she was with their daughter and son in law for a week.

Cain internally sighed. Breaking the contract was not going to be easy. River and Tori clearly cared for each other; it was all over their faces and in the way they looked at one another. If it had been a simple acceptance breaking it would be easy but not this. The Viscount didn’t know what he was going to do now.


As dinner preceded Armand watched River and Tori interact. While Armand didn’t know River like a friend he could easily see the blue eyed man loved Tori. She was the perfect means to hurt him.

“Viscount Cain, since I haven’t had the pleasure of Tori’s company like River, would you mind if I spent a few moments with Tori?” Armand inquired.

The Viscount thought for a moment before finally agreeing. “No further than the pool area.” With a Nod at Danny the Viscount signaled the enforcer was to follow.

Pleased the man rose to his feet before walking over to her seat and helping the blonde woman with her chair like any gentleman would.

Tori didn’t want to go and looked at her father. Seeing her father give her a sideways nod, that was anything but enthusiastic, she reluctantly rose to her feet allowing the tall man dressed in a Navy blue suit and black shoes to help her up.

The blonde girl was even less pleased when he smoothly grabbed her hand and put it through his arm. Tori bit the inside of her lip and gave a look to her father of ‘Don’t leave me alone with him for long.’ Warner kept silent but internally smirked.

Reluctantly Tori allowed Armand to lead her out of the room and down a hallway before entering the back yard by the pool.

Armand entered the pool area with renewed confidence. River wouldn’t be here to distract the blonde beauty now.

“You really are beautiful,” Armand said stopping and turning to face her. “You belong on the arm of the most powerful family.”

“What family would that be? It’s certainly not yours,” Tori replied flatly. She watched amused as the mostly Hispanic man looked at her clearly not expecting her jab.

Armand was silent for a moment. Choosing his words carefully he said, “I understand Lord Gregory’s family has not spoken well of my family. However before you are so quick to judge us…”

“Your father ordered Teresa and Nancy Marks captured,” Tori reminded him. Seeing he was about to argue she added, “I should know I stopped them.” She glanced over at a nearby enforcer of the Salazar family and said, “Perhaps you’re enforcer didn’t mention I kicked his ass, when I saved the Marks women.”

Armand looked at his enforcer before he could stop himself. He was less than pleased to see the light haired enforcer glance down at the ground clearly embarrassed.

“If this little moment is to try and lure me from River, it’s not going to happen.” Tori watched as the tall hazel eyed man looked at her.

“I admit there is a lot of discord between our families,” Armand said forcing his voice to sound far calmer than he felt.

“Must be for your father to try and kidnap a four year old and her mother,” Tori said openly glaring at the man.

The dark haired man internally groaned. This was not going to be as easy as he thought. Warner’s daughter was not like most women, she was entirely unaffected by his good looks and charm. Tori was taking a far more offensive stance against him and his family than he was prepared for.

“Tori, our methods may appear someone aggressive to you but are you so sure the Marks family would not resort to the same means if necessary?” Armand challenged. Before the blonde woman realized it he had taken her hand and brought it to his lips. Gently he placed a, lingering, kiss on her knuckles.

“I’m sure there are many ladies that find you very attractive but…I belong to River,” Tori reminded him pulling her hand firmly out of his grasp. “I think we’re done.” The blonde woman turned to leave the garden only to have Armand suddenly grasp her arm.

“We’re far from done,” Lord Salazar’s son warned. “River may want you but Cain will make the final decision.”

Tori looked at the hand on her arm and looking at Armand with narrowed eyes she said, “Remove your hand from my arm or I’ll remove it for you!” She snapped.

Armand growled but not in warning. He found her strength exciting. Her reluctance to surrender was almost too enticing to the Hispanic male wolf. He was quickly becoming aroused by the blonde woman.

“Tori.” Armand and Tori both looked to see Viscount Cain standing outside the door they had come out from looking at them. “River is waiting for you in the parlor,” He told the green eyed woman.

“Thank you.” Pulling her arm away the enforcer’s daughter walked away from Armand and re-entered the Viscounts mansion.

Armand looked at his father’s friend less than pleased. “Why did you call her away?”

“Because you were about to make a move that might have rendered your father without a son,” Cain replied flatly. The younger wolf went to speak but the Viscount spoke first. “You’re lucky the girl didn’t already lay you out.”

“I want her.”

Cain smirked. “Of course you do. Tori, is the perfect way to hurt River.”

“She’ll make a strong mate.”

“Yes her blood is strong. After all she’s an enforcer’s daughter; and Warner’s at that.”

“Surely you can break the contract,” Armand said.

“Perhaps but you won’t be able to claim her,” Cain informed his friends son. “The altercation with your father’s men eliminates that. I can’t force her to marry into your family; Adler would be her in an instant.”

“What can you do?” Lord Salazar inquired suddenly making his appearance known from a side doorway.

“I can break the contract. I can force a mandatory waiting period before the girl can wed. I can even make it so she must spend time with wolves of different packs,” The Viscount informed them. “I cannot however force her to see Armand; she would have to go to him on her own.”

“But you can make it so River can’t have her,” Armand said not hiding his motive.

“Only Adler or the King could ensure that. I can delay it but not fully stop it. The most I can do is enact a six month no contact clause while she must see other wolves.”

“Then do that. Anything that prevents River from having her,” Armand announced. With any luck the forced separation would tear the couple apart.


Warner internally growled as he walked toward Lord Gregory’s Limo. The Lord and Lady Kendra were waiting outside for their son to join them. Salazar hadn’t been the only one to overhear the conversation between Armand and Cain. Unlike Salazar though he’d heard it through an open window; leaving the other wolves unaware the Enforcer knew anything.

“Warner...We will.”

“Yes good to see you again. Lady Kendra,” The Enforcer said, and kissed the woman’s cheek. Quietly he whispered. “Contact Adler. He’s going to force no contact.” Stepping away he said, “I’ll let Karen know about the bakery.” Lady Kendra gave a nod and a plastered smile that she understood. Silently she entered the limo.


Tori walked through the mansion and quickly entered the parlor where she had first seen her fiancé before dinner.

“Riv,” She said pleased. Without a second thought she practically sprinted up to the brunette man and threw her arms around him.

River held his fiancé close loving the feel of her arms around his neck. The scent of her perfume made him want to grab her and run, but he didn’t. It would give Cain more reason to end the contract.

“I missed you,” Tori told him.

River smiled pleased. “I missed you too,” He replied. The light haired brunette man let his fingers run slightly through her golden blonde hair before reaching over and kissing her gently on the lips. At first it was gentle. Tori, quickly took control, however, and deepened the kiss; surprising the wolf.

Tori smiled as she heard a low growl of approval from the man she would marry. Encouraged she removed her mouth and kissed the side of River’s neck. Hearing a louder growl she smirked and went to kiss lower on his neck.

River however sensed what she would do and grasped her hair firmly with his right hand; preventing her attempt at a second teasing kiss. Tori looked at him and could see his eyes were partially glazed. “The night we wed I will make you scream in pleasure until you can’t scream anymore.” Without allowing her any type of response time he crushed his lips down on hers as he showed a more aggressive side to his character.

For the first time in her life Tori found a man’s aggressive nature attractive. She’d always hated arrogant aggressive men but the blond women reveled in the possessive aggressive nature River was displaying over her; it excited her.


“I’m rather certain I said no physical contact.” The couple turned to see a very displeased Viscount Cain glaring at River.

“I didn’t hear that rule and I started it,” Tori informed the glaring Hispanic man. “If you wish to be angry you’ll have to be so with me.”

Cain looked at her only a moment before turning his attention back to the blue eyed man. “You’re parents are waiting for you at their Limo,” He growled.

River looked at his fiancé. Rubbing a hand over her right cheek he smiled at the blonde woman before removing his hands completely and walking past the angry Viscount and out the door.

“You didn’t really think Armand would get anywhere with me did you?” Tori inquired sounding somewhat annoyed.

“I haven’t ruled yet young lady,” The Viscount warned. “Malcolm, escort Miss Rhodes to her room. She will remain there until morning,” Cain ordered.

“You’re not going to tear River and me apart,” Tori said as she walked past the man that had essentially taken her prisoner. Pausing at the entryway to the parlor the blonde woman added “Eventually River and I will be together. No one is going to be able to stop it.”


Malcolm returned to the Parlor to find the Viscount drinking a glass of scotch. “What do you want me to do?” The black man inquired.

“Find out everything you can about Tori Rhodes! Every job she’s ever had; every man she’s ever dated! I want to know if there’s anything in her past we can use if need be.” Malcolm gave the man a respectful nod of the head and left the room.

Cain sighed, “How can one girl cause me so many problems?” He sighed. Glancing down at the side table he looked at a picture of Tori Rhodes. “Malcolm better find something in your past I can use. I have a feeling I’ll need it.” He swished the contents of his glass and took another sip of scotch.


River slipped into the Limo pleased with his short few minutes with Tori. He would have preferred to be taking her home, of course, but this would do for now.

A look at his parents however caused his smile to fade as he saw pure concern on his parents face. “What’s wrong?”

“Warner over heard something. Cain is going to order a mandatory separation,” Lord Gregory announced. “I’ll be contacting Prince Adler when we get home. We’re going to need his help.”

River let his head fall back against the back of the seat disappointed. He’d hoped Cain would drop everything once he saw him and his bride together; that was not going to be the case. The blued eyed man glanced out the window at the Viscounts mansion. ‘Stay safe Tori; I’ll fight for you,’ He vowed silently.

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