In Love In A Flash

By DeniseGustin

164K 5K 539

Hi my name is Madison Foster and I grow up in Central City, but I had to leave for other reasons. Now I'm bac... More

Back Home
Iris & Eddie?
A Hero
Run Barry Run!
Using Powers For Good
Walk It Off
Danton Black
Bad Memories
The Mist
Everything Changes When Secrets Come Out
Little Sis
We All Do...
Captain Cold
She's The Bomb
I Know The Feeling
Bad News
Little Chat
Man Of Steel
Visit From Tony
Don't Kill My Boyfriend
The Flash
Happy B-Day
Farooq Gibran
Getting To Close To The Truth
First Mission
Team Up
A/N:Very Important!
We Meet Again
Spill The Beans
A/N Alphabet Chaallenge
Time Will Tell
Wake Up!
Don't Stop
Gain To Lose
Grey Hair
A Pity Party?
Grandma's Esther's Famous Eggnog
The Man In Yellow
Gone Wrong
Cold's Back
Trust Is A Powerful Thing
Liquid Courage
New Reporter
Father Knows Best
The Girl
Casual Flirt
There's Nothing Wrong With A Little Help

I Have These Thoughts

2.2K 73 14
By DeniseGustin

         I let out a long sigh of frustration as I stop typing on my laptop. I looked out the window of the train and watched as a Starling City sign came into view. Once I've made it back home I gotten dress and packed a light suit case of things I might need. Oliver might be mad that Team Flash are going to Starling City in attempt to help them out, but I don't really mind. What I do mind is that I can't focus on my dumb report about The Oscars that I have to write for the newspaper. My mind is far gone and in a very dark place. I see myself as an optimistic person, but some pessimistic thoughts have raised to the surface. Inside my mine:

I REALLY shouldn't have told Iris about what happened. Iris is a pretty good lair and can be secretly hating me inside.

I shouldn't have kissed The Flash as Spark.

I'm in so much pain after that fight and very weak, probably from the neon sign. You never know.

I really want to smack Barry but I can't because he can't know I'm Spark or it might mess up are relationship... forever. Can't be sure tho.

I'm not going to finish this paper by today.

I slammed my laptop shut and basically gave up on writing the stupid thing. I pulled out my phone and headphones. I went to my playlist and pressed shuffle. The first song was Stress Out by Twenty One Pilots, how ironic. I sat back in my seat and let the song take over my thoughts as best as it could.

I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard,

I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,

I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,

I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang

"Mind if I sit here?" I looked up to see a women with silver hair and ocean blue eyes point towards the seat next to me, which contained my backpack. I take my bag off the seat and let her sit down. I didn't pay the women much mind as I stared out the window, but I did feel her looking at me. I took a glance at her and she was, indeed, staring at me and didn't care that I knew. I looked back out the window and tried to ignore her, but that wasn't working. 

"Are you alright, Miss?" I ask her.

"You poor thing." she sighs.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"A smart girl like you. Not knowing the truth." she says, leaning back in her seat.

"Miss, I don't know what your own about." I tell her. This lady was completely freaking me out.

"My point exactly." The women sighed. "Your family is full of secrets." I'm taken back by her last comment.

"Who are you?" I ask. The women took my hand and I pulled it back. "Your to weak, maybe next time."

"Wait, what?" I ask. This lady in bonkers. "Are you sick or something?" I ask.

"No, but you are." The women sighed again. This time her sigh was lace with disappointment. She waved a hand across my face and everything went black.

"Um.. excuse me Miss, but this is the last stop." I strange voice said. I opened my eyes and I'm greeted by a shine of light. I shield my eyes and look up to see a worker from the train station looking at me funny, holding up a flash light at my face. It's already night.

"Oh, um... sorry." I grabbed my bag and walked off the train. No one else was the train and I slept through the rest of the ride. I wasn't sleepy unless meeting the women was a dream... yeah I've gone crazy. What did that neon sign do to me? I walked to where cabs came to pick you up and saw Caitlin and Cisco waiting for me. Cisco held up a sign with my name written on it in blue sharpie. I walked up to them and smiled. "Don't I feel special."

"Off to the Arrow cave." Cisco whispered.

"Cool. Where's Barry?" I asked.

"Oh, he went ahead." says Caitlin.

"So were here to help Oliver?" I ask as I follow Caitlin and Cisco towards the a line of people waiting to get a cab.

"Well we do have to get the sample of DNA from Sara's death." I chill went down my spine.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that." Sarah or better know as Black Canary. Killed and no one knows by who. "Anyway," I cleared my throat. "Death pushed aside, you do know things wouldn't end very well."

"What you mean?" ask Cisco.

"Do they know were coming over?" I ask. Both Cisco and Caitlin exchange a look. "See, Oliver isn't going to be happy. I actually can't wait to see what he'll do about us being at his cave so let's go." I say as I walk over to a taxi cab that's waiting for us. Cisco and Caitlin follow and we hop inside.

"Where to?" The cab driver ask, looking over his shoulder.

"Palmer Technologies, please." I tell him.

Palmer Tech, now let me tell you is very very big. It's big on the outside, but even bigger from the inside. My Doctor Who reference didn't even come out right because the building is that huge. After asking the front desk, where Felicity's office is, we walk through a glass door and and are welcome by Felicity's huge office.

"Almost done here, Jerry." says Felicity not looking up from her computer. "You should have gone home hours ago."

"Who's Jerry?" ask Caitlin.

"Also out of all the people in the building, why assume it's a guy name, Jerry?" I ask. Felicity looked up at us, shocked at are arrival.

"This place is bigger than my apartment." Cisco cooed, as he looked around.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity ask.

"You asked us to analyze DNA off the arrow that killed Sara." explained Caitlin.

"I was just going to mail you the sample." says Felicity.

"We all had some vacation days coming-"

"We want to see the arrow cave." Cisco butted in. 

"We don't call it that." says Felicity. She walks over to her purse and picks it up. "Ever."

"We want to see the toys!" Cisco wines. "I need to see the toys." Felicity glances at each of us.

"Do you guys have an arrow mobile?" I joked.


Cisco reaches over to touch an arrow head. "Don't touch that." says Oliver. Felicity took us to the arrow cave which so happened to be under a night club Oliver's sister manages called, Verdant. I watch as Oliver watches Cisco to make sure he doesn't touch anything. It's pretty amusing and funny to watch. "Or that." says Oliver as Cisco reaches to touch an arrow which is on display. "It's a jettisoning arrow. Uses compressed co2-"

"Compressed co2 to jettison high tensile strength polymer cables." Cisco finishes.

"Yep." says Oliver, clearly annoyed by our company.  

"Since when did we start selling admission to the arrow cave?" says Roy Harper, aka Arsenal.

"It's- do you see what you've done?" Oliver points at Felicity. I snicker at Oliver's annoyance.

"Don't lie. You enjoy the company." I tease, punching his shoulder. One glare from Oliver and I stopped smiling.

"Incredible." says Cisco as he looks at Oliver's Green Arrow costume. "I have so many ideas for improvements. And this." Cisco walks over to Roy's Arsenal costume. "Oh, oh, man! And I mean, red is so much cooler than green, am I right?" Cisco ask, Roy. 

"Hmm. I am really starting to like this guy." smiles Roy.

"Hey, what's that for?" Caitlin ask, pointing to a pull up bar contraption. 

"Distracting me from work." Felicity sighed.

"Think I need one in S.T.A.R Labs?" I whispered to Felicity.

"One hundred percent." says Felicity. 

"So where's Mr. Diggle?" Caitlin ask no one in percentile.

"He's running down a lead." says Roy. I glanced over at Cisco to see him hurt himself from touching the tip of an arrow. I take a seat next to Felicity and take out my laptop.

"In the meantime, this report isn't going to write it's-self." I sigh remembering the old lady. Perhaps it was just a dream? How weird of a dream, huh? It didn't even makes sense which does make sense, but... yeah I might just be over thinking it. If anything I did wake up on the train so I must have fallen asleep. Right?

"Babe, are you alright?" I looked up to see Barry in his Flash custom with is masked pulled down. I looked around to see Caitlin and Felicity by the computers and Cisco walking around the cave. 

"When did you get here?" I ask.

"Just a few minutes ago." he replies. I looked a the time on my laptop to see forty five minutes went by without me noticing. I've also haven't completed my report. Great.

"Sorry. Guess I was just lost in thoughts." I apologize.

"It's fine." smiles Barry, his famous smile. "I haven't seen you a lot this pass week."

"Yeah, guess you can say I've been able to slip by the fastest man alive." I smile.

"You make it sound like it's impossible." Barry laughs.

"Just doesn't seem likely." I point out.

"I don't need to know where you are cause I trust you." Barry lends down to kiss my lips that I've been craving to taste as Madison and not Spark. Man, do I feel guilty, but so should he, right?

"So, um... what have you down this passed week?" I ask. Moment of truths. Barry looked around not meeting my eyes.

"Nothing really special... what's that?" Barry ask, nodding towards the pull up bars.

"Felicity's distraction." I tell him. Inside I'm really bum and want to strangle him for not telling me about Spark, but I have to keep my cool. Barry walked over to it and grabbed onto the bar. He brought the bar up to the next holders and the next after that. As he continued he picked up the pace. Soon he was nothing, but a blur. The four of us watched as Barry went up and down on the contraption. 

"How often does Oliver do this?" I ask.

"At least every Wednesday." says Felicity. "There's a lot of sweating." We watch as Barry makes it to the bottom again and get's off bringing the bar with him.

"I don't see what's so hard about that." says Barry as he hands to bar to Cisco. He walks over to the three of us and leans over the desk.

"I'm not sure she should have called you." Felicity say as she places her hand on Caitlin's shoulder. "Oliver doesn't play well with others."

"Speaking of Oliver, where did he and Roy go?" I ask.

"You were really busy with your report. They had to go help Diggle. Barry was there to help and came running back once he was done." I looked over at the display cases to see them empty. How did I not notice. I then look over at Barry who wore a smug look.

"Oliver might however be slightly grateful and mostly piss." I tell him.

"Yeah, but worth it." says Barry.

"Ah, come on." says Cisco as he pulls himself up on the bar. "Barry and Oliver kicked ass last week." 

"Yeah!" Barry agrees with a big smile.

"They were in, like a league of their own." says Cisco already struggling to get to the next holder.

"Yeah, that was, like, a one time thing." Felicity shrugged.

"The dude was tossing around exploding boomerangs. They needed some back-up." says Barry. "I need some dinner. That salmon ladder made me hungry for sushi." That's what the things called! A salmon ladder! Man I need to work out in gyms more. Barry looked over at me. "Want me to pick up some sushi for you too?"

"Yes, please. I'm famish." I tell Barry before he dashed off. Paper around the desk feel on the floor from the wind.

"And I need to get some paperweights down here!" says Felicity as she catches some of the papers in the air.

"We should have warned you about that." Caitlin apologized.

"Yeah." Felicity sigh. Right then Arrow, Arsenal, Diggle and his ex-wife, Lyla, walk into the arrow cave.
"Are you okay?" Felicity ask as everyone get's up to greet the group. 

"Can't work for A.R.G.U.S. without making a few enemies." Lyla sighed. "I'm sorry to involve all of you in this." Diggle then pours out a evidence bag of tiny pieces of metal shards onto the table. I'm guessing is the broken boomerangs that attacked them. "Is that A.R.G.U.S property?" Lyla ask.

"It's evidence." says Diggle. Just then a gush of wind comes into the room. A couple of arms pick me up and the next thing I know I'm sitting on Barry's lap with sushi on my lap. Barry picks one of the sushi rolls up.

"Hey!" hissed Caitlin. "Secret identity?" Knowing this won't help, I fail to pull Barry's mask on his face. It just falls back giving me an apologetic Barry.

"They're married." Barry said pointing to them. I looked over at Lyla to she her overwhelmed face.

"We're not married." both Diggle and Lyla say at the same time. I take a piece of sushi unsure of how to help the situation. 

"Or together. Whatever. He told her about me." says Barry. Diggle slowly shakes his head. "You didn't?"

"I keep secrets for a living, man." says Diggle.

"Ah... my bad." says Barry.

"You're- you're-"

"The Flash." Barry finishes for Lyla. "Sushi?" Barry offers Lyla a piece of sushi. Lyla looks Barry up and down and shakes her head no. I however happily took the sushi.

"We need a location on the man who's after Lyla." says Diggle, getting straight to work.

"His name is Digger Harkness." adds Oliver. Barry taps my shoulder and signals me to get up. I do, and take the sushi with me towards Caitlin.

"The first step is to work the evidence-"

"Barry, can I speak to you for a moment, please?" Oliver ask, cutting Barry off. Both Barry and Oliver walk over to the salmon ladder and whisper to one another. I know Oliver isn't gong to like Barry and the rest of Team Flash but into their work, but the more help the merrier. I watch as Cisco slips out his phone and goes to take a picture. Both me and Caitlin go the stop him from taking the picture.

"Dude, your a nerd." I giggle.

"Yeah, so are you." Cisco replies. "Don't lie. This is like a nerd dream to see the two together. I need a pic." 

"You need to not blow their cover. So no pictures." I sigh. "Trust me. Having a picture of the two in costume would be awesome, but not safe."

"Okay, what's our first move?" I heard Barry say cheerfully. I guess Barry got through to Oliver.

"We need to reassemble the evidence. It will take some time, but it'll-" Oliver wasn't able to finish his sentence because Barry ran over to the broken boomerangs and used his speed to put it back together. "But it'll be worth it." Oliver finishes.

"Rad! There are a bit more tech out than the one you guys brought to Central City." Cisco admires, picking up one of the boomerangs. "3D printed polymer with a circuitry weave."

"Some of Harkness' boomerangs exploded." Roy informed.

"Oh, yeah, there are grooves in here that could definitely pack a C4 charge." says Cisco.

"So if we were to figure out where Harkness got his supplies-"

"Then we can use that to track him." Caitlin says, finishing my sentence. 

"These weren't made by Ka-boom- boomerang." says Cisco as he turns the boomerang around in his hand.

"Ka-boom-boomerang?" Roy ask, scrunching up his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you know, he has exploding boomerangs?" Cisco explains.

"That's not your best." Both Barry and I tell him.

"Jinx." I mumble. Barry gives me a smug smile as he takes another bit of the last sushi roll.

"Really?" Cisco ask. "It makes perfect sense-"

"Cisco." Oliver interrupted. "If Harkness didn't make them, we need to find out who did."

"And who made the buy off of." adds Diggle.

"Marcos." says Cisco. We all look over at Cisco. "You see this collapsible node design?" Cisco points at it on the boomerang. "Dead giveaway. That's his signature."

"We need a location on this-" Oliver points at Cisco.

"Klaus Marcos." says Cisco." Felicity goes over to her computers and does her Felicity magic.

"No know home address or place of employment for Marcos, but he was arrested last year by an officer Quentin Lance." Felicity reads from the computer. I feel a team up about to happen again!
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a really, really, really long time. Super sorry!!!!!!!!!!!

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