Welcome To Highschool

By DeathToLurkers

90K 4.3K 3.9K

Max and Ross as high schoolers. More

Welcome to highschool
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Poll for an up-coming chapter
Poll Ended!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Man im sorry
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Update and info
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28::The Final Chapter

Chapter 10

2.9K 136 101
By DeathToLurkers

Jess' POV

Oh my god oh my god!

I bounce excitedly as Max and Ross leave the hallway where we last viewed them kissing.
This. Is. Great! Oh I can't wait to write a fan fic about them! Eeeeeeeee!

"I'm going to go congratulate them on... Expressing their love? Yeah." Adam says, slowly walking off.

I sprint in front of him, my hands out stretched to block him from leaving the room.

"No! That's not how it works! They probably want to keep it a secret for now! And we can't let them know we know!" I shout.

"Why can't we let them know we know?" Adam asks in confusion eyebrow raised, with his hands on his hips.

"Because they will tell us when they are ready! Right Red and Barney?" I say, lifting an eyebrow up and winking.

The two blush before nodding calmly, Adam ,who has not yet found out about Barney and Reds relationship still looks puzzled.

My feet bounce up and down excitedly while I twiddle my hands in front my smiling face.

"W-we need to invite them over for a sleepover! Yeah that's it! Get them closer! Sleeping under the same roof, oh it will be sooo cute!" I chortle delightfully.

With that I spin in a circle and point at the other boys.

"Right! Who's house will it be?" I ask.

Adam shakes his head like always, "Can't.. " he mumbles, I don't ever need an explanation.

I move my finger towards Red, I know he has a dorm.

"Well, Barney and I live in the same dorm and all...but we have neighbours remember? "Red says sighing.

I let out a huff through my nose in annoyance "I'm hosting this one again am I?" I grumble, they all nod. Then I brighten up and spin around.

"Okward! How about Okward?" I say jumping up and down once again. I really miss Okward, he hasn't been at school for so long, I really hope he's back this weekend-

"Okwards has to go home for a term for family business... he doesn't come back on weekends anymore", Barney sighs.

Okward, a friend we met online, used to visit on certain weekends, and sometimes would have to be schooled with us. Sadly after some family business he had to leave. I still don't know when he is coming back...

"Right... I forgot. Well my place it is!" I smile brightly, then Ross and Max walk through the door. I try to control my twirling in time to shine a grin in their direction.

"YAY!" I yell.

"Umm... Sorry we're uhh late.. D-Detention." Ross lies, Max smirks down at him. I fan girl on the inside but keep my cool.

"That's fine! So..we were just planning a sleepover! At my place! You coming? You better... I'm not giving you a choice here." I say, tapping my foot impatiently.

"Uhh, I think I can if it's this weekend.." Ross says, smiling slightly, he tries so hard to play it cool.

Max nods, shooting me an odd look. What's that about? The bell rings and everyone starts rushing to class. I stay back to grab my stuff, Max stays back too, leaning against the doorway.

I start to head out, passing him he exhales a breath and stares into my eyes.

"Jess. I know you saw", he mouths, with that he gets up and heads to class, black bag swung over his back, every student clearing the path, afraid of what he had done to Ross. But I'm more afraid what he's gonna do to me...

.... OTP!

Sorry for the delay! To think I was going to start scheduling these.. I hope you all had a great Easter!


Today's Editors Notes:

WHERE DO THESE FULL STOPS GO!!!! And a little more detail if you want

What's he's wearing? Looks likes at that time...hot for example cause damn gingers? Etc.

Why is this so badly done!?! Oh wait it's Barney that's fine...

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