° + * Soramafu Oneshots * + °...

By lovejjong

101K 2.4K 757

As the title said, it's all soramafu oneshots. Some of them, however will be melost and/or Kashitsuki /.\ I... More

1. His birthday (Part 1)
His present (Part 2)
2. The butterflies
3. Jealous?
4. Torn
5. Hello
Yuki is back??(Part 2)
7. Sadist
8. Love Confession?
9. Soulmates
This Love
11. Kuro Crest Story
12. Into The Rain
13. A misunderstanding
14. Nya~
15. My Guardian Angel
16. Life
17. After the Concert~
After the Concert (Part 2)
18. Seven Days
Another Author Note
19. Are You Mine?
20. Love Hurts.
21. The Spirit and The Boy
22. No Matter What
I Want You
24. Why?
28. Mafusora
25. I Am Yours
26. Guitar Love?!
27. How Did This Happen?! (MafuSora)
28. Your Smile
29. I can't love you
30. Sweets
31. Neko Love
32. Model's Jealousy (MafuSora)
33. Model's Jealousy (Part2)
34. My Tainted Love for You
35. Death Won't Do Us Part
36. The Words Left Unspoken
37.It's Getting Hot in Here
38. The Love We Share
39. A Fallen Angel. (1)
40. You Are Not Here Anymore
41. How Much You Meant To Me
42. No Wait-
43. How We Fit Together
44. Stalker
45. Love No One But Me
Colours (Intro) -1-
Colours - Chapter 1
46. Cry Baby
47. Different Worlds(1)
Different Worlds(2)
Different Worlds (3)

6. Yuki is back??!

1.5K 35 11
By lovejjong

***Okay this have references to the previous books I have written so yeah and this might have multiple chapters***

**Mafumafu POV**

    "My hips hurt, Sora-chan!!" I whined as Soraru hugged me. "Uhhh.....wait a while...", he mumbled and hugged me tighter. I sighed, it's not like I want to wake him, it's just that the way he hugs me....it jostled my hips, making it hurt. A lot.
       My phone buzzed and I reached for it. Flipping it open, it was a message from an unknown number. 'I'm back. I'll get Soraru this time, I swear. So back off'. I felt a sense of dread walk down my spine. I'm scared. I pushed Soraru's arms away gently and hobbled to the bathroom to get a bath.

     "..Mafu?" When I got dressed and back into the bedroom, I saw Soraru, my phone dangling from his hands. I was so shocked, my mouth fell open. He braced his hand on his hip, tilting his head to the side. "Are you planning to tell me about this?" He inquired flatly. I stared at his bare chest before flitting up to meet his eyes.
      "...soon..," I mumbled soft enough for him to hear. He frowned and I flinched. "What do you mean, soon? This is Yuki, right?" He held up the phone, showing me the message. "I think so..," I replied.
      "Come here." I made my way towards him and smiled. "Next time don't hide stuff like this from me, okay?" I nodded and he smiled a little, resting his head on the top of my head. "Good."

      When we reached school, Soraru left me, saying that he and Suzumu needs to help a teacher. I looked around, and decided to wait for Amatsuki and Hashiyan. Suddenly a hand clamped over my mouth and dragged me into the bushes.

     "...Mfmm!" I pulled the hand away and glared at the person. It was... "Yuki?" I asked,  momentarily thrown off. She crouched in front of me, wearing a pink miniskirt and a white sleeveless top, and she is glaring at me.
       "I thought you're engaged?" "Engaged doesn't mean I have to stay there forever," she hissed at me. I just stared at her blankly and she cursed. "I so do not get why he chose you."
       I was about to retort back when I hear a familiar voice asking, "Where is Mafu, Amatsuki? I thought he says he wants to wait for you?" "Hmm, I don't know, Soraru-san! But..usually he will be here..." Yuki cursed softly and pushed me down, a hand over my mouth.
     "Mafumafu, you listen here. You better be more grateful for the time you and Soraru-kun have left, because if I can't have him, no one will get him." She smirked, and walked away.

°°°°Soraru POV°°°°

       I am worried. Where is Mafu? Different scenarios, each worse than the other, started to run through my head. To be precise, I'm scared for Mafu. Suddenly we heard a rustle in the bushes and we looked at that direction. Mafu came out, his hair disheveled and his clothes kinda looked messy.
      "Gomen, Sora-chan!" He said to me with a soft laugh. I ruffled his hair with a smile, although my heart still felt unsettled. When Mafu went to class with Amatsuki and Hashiyan - my phone buzzed. 'Meet me at the cafe after school. Do not bring Mafumafu'. I frowned. 'Why not?' 'Unless you want him to be in danger.' My heart stopped for a minute before I replied, with trembling fingers. 'Fine'.
      After homeroom, I caught Kashitarou, and since we are going to our next class together, I took this chance. "Kashitarou." "Mmm?" "Yuki sent me a message." "What?" "And asked me to meet her in the cafe after school." "Don't go!" "I can't. She says if I don't...Mafu will be in danger." "What? No!" "And in the morning she sent Mafu a threat message."
      Kashitarou looked at me worriedly. "That's bad, Soraru." I hummed, nodding. "I know." "But Mafu doesn't want you to get hurt, don't he?" "I have to do this..I started the problem. And I have to end it."
      Kashitarou just shook his head. "I don't know. It seemed like a bad omen, I don't know why. I have a bad feeling." "I know. Me too." He sighed. "I'll help you distract Amatsuki and Mafumafu. Hashiyan..is Going to the studio later so I'll bring them to somewhere far. Send me a message if...if you finish, okay?" I nodded, my thoughts going back to Mafumafu.

     "One more thing." "Yeah?" "If I didn't message you for two hours, bring Mafu back..and tell him I love him." He glanced at me. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Probably not," I admitted. "But, whatever." "Deal."


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