44. Stalker

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I glared at the girl flirting with Soraru. My Soraru. I got to know that her name is Lon, and how they are childhood friends. I understand it. But it doesn't mean I have to like it.
        I am so pathetic. The raven-haired male probably didn't know my existence, and here I am, trying to claim him as mine.

"Mafu?" I glanced to the source of the voice. Of course, it's Amatsuki. Who else will talk to me? He glanced at who I was staring at, and sighed. "Stalking him again?" I blushed. "Its not stalking, Amachan-" "Yeah yeah, I'm just calling it like how I see it." He grinned at me before leaning in to pat me.
            "Hey, Mafu-kun," another voice. "Hashiyan-kun, Kashitaro-san," I greeted with a smile. "Did I see Amachan kissing you just now?" Hashiyan asked cheekily, and I grinned. I know that Amatsuki had gone pale, so I decided to play along. "Oh yes, a very passionate one~" I laughed. Kashitaro glared at the brunette before saying, "Amachan, how naughty huh? You'll get your punishment." He smirked and both of them walked away. "What have you done, Mafu?!!" Amatsuki wailed and I laughed again. It felt good to laugh. "It will be fine!"

I didn't realize that Soraru was staring at me.



          I lowered down my camera after taking yet another picture of the raven-haired. He was down on the field, wasn't even playing, just talking with another brown-haired male I think is named Suzumu-

God, I'm such a stalker!

        I gaped at my camera in horror. Is this what they called stalking?!! I'm so embarrassed right now.

"What's this?"

        I turned to see a familiar blonde. Thank the gods I already turned my camera off. If not-

       She smirked. "Don't tell me you're spying on the guys on the field!" She said loudly. It's starting to draw in attention. I could hear the students crowding, and words passed around. 'Is he gay?' 'God, I wouldn't want my boyfriend to hang around him!' 'Think he is dating that Amatsuki?' 'Ohmygod, that's so-"

        I start to panic. It's scary, surrounded by them. Suddenly, a guy took my hand. Who is this? "Soraru-san?" Lon asked, and I blushed slightly. "Leave him." I felt him taking my camera and my heart seized up. What if he sees it?!!
         He glanced down at me and frowned. "Let's get you to the infirmary," he mumbled softly and lead me away.

         "I thought you are down at the field?" I asked as he tested my temperature. He glanced at me, and sighed. "I came up." He frowned. "Wait, how do you know?" I blushed profusely. "I-I saw."
           He held up my camera, smirking now. I almost died from it. "Now who did you take pictures of? Can I see?" He pressed the button.

And his jaw dropped.

          "Stop!!!!" I screamed, but it was too late.

"Is this me?" He showed me one of the million pictures I took of him. I turned away, blushing hard enough. "I- no-" Soraru stood up. "Are you stalking me?!"
            I shook my head. "I'm sorr-sorry, really!!" He frowned. "What do you mean?" "I love you, that's why!" I blurted out, before covering my mouth with my fingers. "Uh-"

Suddenly, he smirked. "I'm sorry? Speechless? Finally, you said it." He smiled and kissed me.

"What?!" I asked, completely embarrassed. "I love you too," he said against my neck, and smiled.

A\N : Meh. I hope it's okay! I'm bored and I have a whole week. Holiday. I hope I have inspiration to write stories coz I really want to!!!

° + * Soramafu Oneshots * + ° (PART 1) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz