14. Nya~

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"Hey, what are you doing? Mafu?" The raven-haired male asked, crunching his brow. Mafu grinned happily. "Since we are at my house and not yours, I can't pet your cats!" An annoyed tic appeared on Soraru's face. "So?" "So, you're my cat today, since your hair is so silky!!"
Mafu make a soft 'nya' at Soraru adoringly and he blushed. "Stop..!" Soraru batted at him and took off the cat ears. "You should wear it!" He then set the ears on Mafu's head. "Hey-" *click* Soraru took a picture of him and smiled.
He posted it on Tweeter.

Ah, kinky~~ -Amatsuki
What do you mean, Amatsuki? - Soraru
I never knew you're into this kind, Soraru - Hashiyan
Eh? - Soraru
EH?! - Soraru
WHAT?!! - Soraru

He closed off the phone with a grunt and closed his eyes.

A bad move.

When he opened his eyes, it's already evening so he got up, rubbing his eyes. "Mafu, Why didn't you wake me up..?" He looked around. "..Mafu?" There isn't anyone so the raven-haired male padded towards the bedroom to see Mafu yawning, on the bed.
He is wearing a long sleeved shirt that looked baggy on him, with nothing but his boxers. And the cat ears are still on his head, but there is something new.

Soraru flipped inside ; Mafu had a tail. A fricking tail. "Are you kidding me?!" Soraru shouted and Mafu flinched, blinking at Soraru with big, innocent, red eyes. "W-what, Soraru-san?" He stuttered, blushing. "I controlled myself the whole day and you have to throw this on me?"
The albino smiled shyly. "You don't like? Nyao~" he mewled and fluttered his eyelashes. With a low groan, Soraru pinned him down roughly and kissed him hard. "Uhh, Soraru-san!!" He moaned into his mouth and the raven-haired male grinned against his. Sex with Mafu is always so great.

Soraru kissed down Mafu's collarbone and drew out a hiss from the male under him. "Hard, aren't you?" He teased and he blushed. "Don't tease!" He slurred, trying to cover his face.
Soraru bit down on his erection, making him moan, and lower his hands. "Don't cover your face," He muttered and sucked on his erection. He lowered his hands to tug at Soraru's hair and soon, he is cumming into his mouth. He wiped his cum off his lips and smiled wickedly.

"Time for round two!"

A/N : This is a really short chapter since I'm watching a movie while writing this, hehe... But I hope you enjoyed it!! I'm really sleepy today though.... although I have no Twitter, I still saw the photo Mafu posted and positively, I screamed inside. Seriously, Soramafu are killing me www Anyway, in the next story, I think I wanna make a angel AU.. what do you think?


° + * Soramafu Oneshots * + ° (PART 1) [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu