1. His birthday (Part 1)

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A/N : might be smut in the second part

- nomuraaru

         ========= * ==========
****Mafumafu POV****

      "Ah, Ama-chan, this is bad!!" "What's wrong?" "It's Sora-chan's birthday!!!!" I practically screamed into the phone, making Amatsuki wince. "I thought it's tomorrow?" "Yes, it is, but I didn't get him a present!" I paced the living room.
      Soraru is out today, hanging out with Suzumu, Lon, and Last Note. Leaving me with my own thoughts, that's currently making me close to tear out my brain. "I'm scared, I don't know what to tell him!" I bit my lip.
      "It will be okay. Just....ah. Wait a while, Mafu..." I heard him shout at Kashitarou about something for a few minutes. After that, he picked the phone back up. "Don't worry much. Just tell him, 'I'm your present.'" I flushed. "Isn't that a bit too much?" "Nah, he will like it, even if he is a big tsundere. Besides, I didn't ask you to just tell him--call Lon and ask her about crossdressing. She can help me, I promise." "Right."

                     *    °    *

     "Lon-chan?" I asked and she turned around. Her lips broke into a big grin. "Mafumafu-san! Why did you call me here?" I took a sit opposite her. "Um...you see....tomorrow is...Soraru-san's birthday....I wanna give him a surprise but...I kinda forgotten to get him a present..." I trailed off and flushed.
     "Ah! Amatsuki-san sent you here didn't he? Do you want me to lend you some of my dresses? I know some of them will look great on you!!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out if the cafe and towards her house.

     "U-um.... Lon-chan?" I walked out in the dress that she gave me, feeling uncomfortable. She saw me and squealed. "Oh my gosh, it looked so pretty on you!" She clapped her hands together happily.
    And so I went home with two paper bags filled with girl clothing that make me want to curl up and die than wearing them.

Be confident! It will be quick...Besides, tomorrow is Soraru's birthday...

°°  *  °° Soraru POV °°  *  °°

    I crossed my legs in annoyance, glancing at the laptop. Nothing shows up. Ugh, Mafu, where are you? My phone buzzed and I pulled it out from underneath the sofa. It's a notification from Lon's Twitter.

"With Mafumafu-san just now!!!"

     She inserted a photo of two cups of coffee and added a love emoji. I closed my eyes, massaging my forehead. I called Mafu. "Yes?" "When are you coming home?" I blurted out and he stammered out a 'soon' before hanging up on me.
     I stared at the phone in surprise. It's the first time he did such a thing. Without realizing it, I tweeted something that sounded vaguely like, 'I'm so angry www I want to kill someone.'
      In a minute, Kashitarou asked, 'What's wrong?' 'Someone important forgot my birthday until just now.'
     "I'm back!!!" Mafu flung open the door with a wide grin. I spared him a glance before muttering something and walked into the bathroom. Mafu stood there, his smile frozen. "E-eh?"


                        *    ·    *

     "So?" I asked the next morning, to Mafu, who is standing. "Happy birthday Sora-chan!!" He grins at me and tucked a stray hair behind his ear. "Ah, so you do remember it," I remarked and he smiled. "Of course I do!" He kissed the top of my head and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I smiled.
   Ah, it isn't that bad to get pampered on my birthday right?

     "So where is my present?" I asked, propping my head on my palm, staring at Mafu. We have just finished our breakfast, and currently Mafu is sitting opposite me. "Uh...", he blushed and busied himself by washing the plates. He seemed to be taking a long time though. I stood up and hugged him from behind. "You forgot?" I asked, my tone light but my heart sink a bit in disappointment. "N-no!" "No?" I was surprised, really, because Mafu isn't those kind of people to remember to get someone a present.
     "Y-yeah! Just let me get it...", he hesitated, before running into the bedroom. I stared at him until his body disappear fully behind the closed doors. Only then I calmed down and relaxed on the sofa.

...To be continued....

° + * Soramafu Oneshots * + ° (PART 1) [COMPLETED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum