Different Worlds(2)

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The next day, while he was busying himself getting the flower pots out, a person passed by him. He glanced up, to see a male, quite tall, with black and blue hair, and almost tripped over himself.
It's him!!
He gazed at the male who is wearing tattered clothes, but still walked like he owned them. "Who are you looking at, Mafu-chan?" He heard Neru's voice and gasped out loud, falling down. Very subtle, Mafu. He groaned at the sound of his master laughing. "What's wrong with you today? You seemed a bit off." "Who is that guy?" Mafu asked, pointing towards the path where the male had went. "A slave, lost probably. Haven't seen that guy before." Neru stared at him. "Do you need a day off?" Mafu beamed. "I can?" His master just waved in consent, and the albino is on his way.

First thing he does, he went to see his friends. He stopped by Amatsuki's place, where the brunette works, and waited for him to finish his shift. "Mafu, you off today?" He asked, grinning. The albino responded with his own, and said, "I want to go somewhere, Amachan, can you follow?" "Sure~"

So they ended up in the construction site, Mafu trying to catch a glimpse of the black-and-blue-haired male, while Amatsuki moaned at the back, about why he went with Mafu.
"Can you please keep quiet, Amachan?!" "But we are forbidden here! Everyone else is forbidden to come here!!" The albino ignored him, once he saw the male. "Amatsuki?" Both of them turned, hearing a familiar voice, and came face to face with Hashiyan.
"Hashi!" Amatsuki threw his arms around him. Mafu stood awkwardly off the side, staring at how his friend embraced the slave. "Um.....Amachan?" The brunette smiled sheepishly at him. "Mafu, this is Hashiyan. He...., uh," "-I'm a slave! Nice to meet you, Mafu!" The raven-haired winked at him. "I'm off at the moment, so why are you guys here?"
Mafu explained about why he was here, all the while blushing, and Hashiyan laughed. "That's Soraru." He grinned. "Someone is interested in our Soraru, huh?" Mafu blushed harder, and Amatsuki pushed him away. "Don't tease the kid!" "Sorry! But if you just wanna see him, I'll give a passage which is much easier, than here, yeah?"
Mafu beamed and nodded excitedly.

- * -

Soraru was getting ready to sleep when he heard rustling sounds behind him. He decided to ignore it, positioning his hand slightly so he could get better access to grab the nearby stick. "Hey, Soraru!" He relaxed and turned. "What's wrong?" Hashiyan just grinned and sat down opposite him. "A person likes you!" He instantly thought of a guy, with snow white hair, and bloodred eyes. He is very pretty. Maybe that's why he is a bit curious about him.
"Who is it?" Hashiyan shrugged and grinned that Cheshire cat smile. "Try and guess~" Which kind of people tells someone like me, but ask me to guess the stranger's name?!! Soraru scowled, and continued getting ready, ignoring the raven-haired male.
The next morning, he woke up to Hashiyan poking his cheek. It was kind of painful. And annoying. He pushed his hand away, grumbling slightly. "I suppose it's time to wake up?" "Yep!" He groaned before waking up completely, and making his way out.

While he was working, he saw a glimpse of white hair and almost dropped his bundle. Why the hell is he doing here?!! Isn't he.... His mind worked furiously to find out what the boy is working as...A florist?? He seemed to be watching him work, and has a pretty red face. Maybe my guess is correct. Maybe he does like me. He sighed. That somehow felt like he was delusioning.

It went on like that for a few weeks, until Soraru decided to confront that guy. He staked out where the albino used to sneak in, and stayed there until he heard soft sounds. I've got you. "Why are you following me?" He decided not to say stalking, since he doesn't want this guy, who seemed so fragile, to break.
The albino dropped his things, and stared at Soraru, gulping. "I-" his voice broke off, making him blush. "Sorry..." He turned away, but Soraru grabbed his hand. "I asked you a question, you know." His next words are a whisper, and he had to strain to hear it. When he did, he almost couldn't believe what he said.
"I love you, that's why."

"What?" He asked, shocked. The albino looked up at him with tears in his eyes. "I said, I love you!" Soraru let go of the male, stumbling back from where he came from. "We can't- It's not allowed- I'm sorry-" unwanted tears welled up in his eyes- he loved this little angel too- he shook his head. "I'm sorry- this love is not allowed."
Then he turned and sprinted off.

Later that day, he was whipped, as someone told on him meeting that little albino.

A/N : The next will be the end of this story, and the end of this book! That part will probably be quite short, I wanna stuff it in here but I can't continue it... Sorry /·\ Please look forward to the last in this book!


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