Wolfen Raven

By AnimeAlltheway

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Morgan is a regular high school student like in most romance novels. And just like in romances, a new kid com... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 part 1
Chapter 16 part 2
Chapter 17 part 1
Chapter 17 part 2
Chapter 17 part 3
Chapter 18 part 1
Chapter 18 part 2 (only a little bit of it)
Final Chapter

Chapter Six

88 4 1
By AnimeAlltheway

Near the end , you will see i TRIED ( <---- i tried not i did to make things clear) to make a prank but i'm obviously very unknown in that so i'm probably completely wrong on reactions and stuff but i did what i thought. Enjoy! 


For an hour I watched Wipeout until I heard the front door open and was slammed shut. I’m guessing my dad was home and that he was drunk since I smelt beer somewhere.

“Hey dad.” I mumble when he starts walking, err, stumbling out of the mudroom into the hallway and towards the living room. Then he came back and into my room.

I turn off my TV since it was almost time for me to go to bed. I sat up crossing my legs and waiting for my dad to speak since he looked like he was going to say something. I look him in the eyes waiting, then he slaps me across the face! Hard! I uncross my legs and back up with complete shock.

“What the hell was that for?!” I screamed at him moving my hand to my cheek.

He slaps me again on the other side, “Your too young to say Hell, Morgan! You are not supposed to challenge my authority, you little slut!” He yelled at me.

I gave him a questionable look. What the heck is he talking about? I touched the other cheek where the second hit was, it hurt like hell! My body was filled with anger, yet my dad never hit me before he always just gives me a firmer tone of voice when I need a scolding. I was terrified and shocked, but mainly confused.

“What the hell are you talking about?! And don‘t call me a slut when you were the one that cheated on my mother!” I yelled back I didn’t care if he yelled at me for swearing but he hit me and I wanted payback. I made a fist to bottle at least some of my anger that was building up like gasoline on a fire.

“Shut the hell up!” he roared.

It shook me. He was shivering with rage. I tightened my fist. My knuckles whitened and they began to ache. My arms are hurting, wanting to make contact with something soon and hit something VERY hard. I swung out at him and hit him in the jaw, so hard that I heard a quiet little crack sound. His eyes widened with shock at what I had done. But the shock on his face didn’t stay long, soon it was replaced with even more anger. I cringed when I saw his fist coming at me. He literally punched me in the face! I curled down on to the bed quickly covering my neck and head so he wouldn’t kill me.

“Get up!” he screamed.

I just stayed in the same position and spot.

Then he hit me with his beer bottle and it broke when it made contact with my body. I yelped as I felt the glass on my skin, it REALLY hurt! Shouldn’t those not be able to break so easily against skin? Whenever you see it happen, it’s usually in the movies.

“I said get up, bitch!” he yelled.

I shook but unwrapped myself from my little ball and sat up slowly, not looking into his eyes. Then he slapped me across the face again. I shrieked. He snorted with contentment and left. I was shaking heavily.

He beat me. My father just hit and punched me. He never even once hit me before, even if he wanted to maybe once or twice in my lifetime. I tried to look at my back to see the damage he did with his beer bottle, but it hurt too much to turn. I quietly and quickly moved to my bathroom right next to my room and locked the door. I turned the light on and started taking the glass out of my skin. It hurt a ton, but it felt much better after they were out. I took my clothes off so I could put the bandage wrap around my stomach area, chest, and back. I carefully put my shirt back on and then unlocked the bathroom door, checked if dad was around and ran to my room quick and locked my door. I probably didn’t get all of the glass out, but I got most of the bigger chunks out. I changed into some comfy sweatpants and a very loose, soft T-shirt after the bandage was on softly. It was tight enough to stay on my skin but not enough to where I’m hurting. I crawled into bed making sure not to move on my back and I soon decided to sleep on my side tonight.


I woke up the next morning feeling very hot pain on my back and I quickly pushed myself off the bed, and regretting it. Then I remembered last night and what happened. I started balling my eyes out. It hurt to cry but I did anyways. It shook my chest and back so it was harder to but easier to have a reason why. It went like this for about 15 minutes.

I finally stopped crying and grabbed some clothes for today at school. I grabbed the blackest shirt in my closet so if my wounds bled through the bandages would be hard to see. I grabbed my black skinny jeans with holes up a little higher then mid-thigh. Then I grabbed my black bra with skulls on it and neon yellow straps with matching undies and my white socks. I went in the bathroom, took off the bandages from last night, which had a lot of blood on them from my wounds, and took a shower. It felt nice but painful at the same time because my wounds started bleeding again and they stung when the water hit it. But it felt nice having my hair clean. When I shampooed it, my wounds hurt a lot worse but I ignored it the best I could. Then I conditioned it, rinsed it out and got out of the shower. I put on my clothes and looked at the damage of my cheeks from when my dad slapped me a few times. I had a bruise on each side so I had to use some make-up to cover it up, and some eye liner for my eye that looked a little bad. It’s worse then you might think. They’re black and purple so it’s going to be harder to cover this up. I finished with my make-up and it looks like nothing happened to me except my arms but they were covered up by my sleeves of my shirt.

I put a new bandage on before I put my shirt and bra on. I blow dried my hair while brushing it, and was careful to not mess up my make-up. I went out of the bathroom cautiously and made my way to the basement to let my dog and cat out. Dots (my Dalmatian dog) was glad to see me while the cat, Shane, ran up the stairs like usual. I went in the basement and fed the animals and went back upstairs with my dog following me. I let her outside to use the bathroom while I stayed inside and got some breakfast. I was glad there was pop-tarts, my favorite kind. Blueberry, I grabbed a package and went to the front door to let my dog back in. I quickly ate my breakfast and ran to my room and I remembered the glass that broke on my back and could be on my floor. I looked for glass on the ground and of course some had fallen on the carpet. I picked up all that I could find. I realized it was almost time for me to leave for school so I stood up, got my backpack, my phone, some bandages, my keys and got in my car and left.

If your wondering, what about my parents, well, my dad is sometimes already at work before I even wake up but there are few times he stays longer then usual. Beth, she leaves without saying good-bye or even talking to me and doesn’t worry about me. So I take care of myself pretty much. I hear my phone going off in my backpack. Since my car is a Cadillac it will be like a phone and ring instead of looking for it while driving. It doesn’t say a name so I pick it up anyways and push the button thing saying “pick up.”

“Hello?” I say.

“Hey its me.” Thresh said on the other line.

“Oh, hey what’s up?” I said since he doesn’t wake up early wondering why he decided to call me, but when I heard his voice, the stress of last night loosened and my lips slightly turned up.

“Nothing, just wanted to call my girl up to see how she’s doin‘.” I could tell he smiled while saying it.

“I’m fine.” I lied but I didn’t want him to worry.

Then I could tell he frowned against the phone. “Morgan, I can tell you just lied with two words. Tell me.” he said with concern in his voice.

Damn. I knew he could tell when I was lying even through the phone, well, I’ll tell him, just not now.

I sighed “Maybe later, They could have a thing to save conversations I have in the car. So can we choose a another subject?” I asked pleadingly.

Then he sighed too, “Ok…Hey my parents really wanna meet you. Would you mind coming over tonight? Because last night my mom could not stop talking about you saying how nice and cute you sounded and she kept demanding at me to say what you looked like so I did and she‘s like ‘Oh she sounds so adorable!” he said and the last part he tried to sound like his mom.

I laughed, and then thought about coming over and remember my father beating me and shivered, “Yes, it would be nice.” I smiled, glad that SOME people like me.

I finally arrived at school. I took a deep breath and tried to gain the courage to get out of my car and walk in school.

“Do you ride the bus or drive to school?” I asked wondering when I’ll meet him.

“Drive to school, duh!” he laughed.

I laughed also “I drive to school also-” I started.

“I know I can tell, I see you.” he said and then I saw him in front of the school, waving at me.

I smiled and waved back then hung up. I reached in the back for my backpack and then pain shot my back and I remembered to be careful with it. I finally grabbed it and got out then locked my car doors. I walked to him and saw girls surrounding him. I stopped right in front of the circle of girls around him and anger boiled in my body. They were not his, I was his and he is mine! I growled silently. I saw his head above the girls’. I wanted to rip every girl away from him and then be next to his side so he could protect me from any danger while I protect him from girls. Which I wouldn’t be up to for awhile, now. But I didn’t rip every girl away, he moved every girl away from him and moved towards me. I smirked when some of the girls noticed this and I stuck my tongue out at them. He finally reached me, put a arm around my shoulders and kissed my lips passionately. I smiled during the kiss and when we pulled away, he smirked at them.

I saw some of the jocks and there jaws hit the ground and their eyes were as wide as they could go. The girls were giving me glares and if looks could kill, I would be dust in the wind. I smiled at them and put my middle finger up to them, they gasped but I didn’t care, I leaned my head against his chest. We walked into the school with everyone looking at us but Thresh and I didn’t care. He leaned his head down and whispered in my ear, “You still need to tell me what happened, love.”

I pretended to laugh like he was telling me a joke, “Alright. Just follow me.” I lead him to the girl’s bathroom and looked to see if anybody was looking, nobody was, so I sneaked him in and then turned around starting to take my shirt off.

“Whoa, I thought we were waiting until we were older?” he said with a questionable look on his face.

Then he saw the bandages, he gasped.

“Who the heck hurt you this badly,” he lightly touched my back and I flinched, then he pulled his hands away, “Sorry but seriously what happened?” he asked with concern written all over his face.

I put my shirt back on and then tears stung my eyes, but I held them back. I hugged him tightly.

“My dad hit me a lot last night and the last thing he did was break a beer bottle on my back,” a single tear escaped, remembering the pain, “He never hurt me before.” I managed to say.

He tried to hug me but he couldn’t do much with my wounds. He used his finger again to pull my chin up and kiss my lips. I kissed back and relaxed into his lips. He pulled back.

“I will protect you, no matter what. So far my parents already love you like you’ve always been in the family. And if you need to move out, you can live with me and my parents, they would understand.” he smiled at me.

I smiled back. I looked in the mirror to check my make-up and it was still in place perfectly, surprisingly. I wiped the tear and it was just fine. I grabbed his hand and we walked out.

We first walked to my locker so I could get my books for class. Then all of a sudden, I smelt Brad. I grabbed Thresh’s arm gripping it tightly. He looked at my terrified face and nodded toward the right of me. I looked where he nodded and there I saw Brad walking through the crowd (Again!) he came up to me with angry eyes. I cringed away from him and whined like a weak little puppy, which I hate that I did, while Thresh stood close next to me. Seeing Thresh and Brad both there I noticed how weak Brad looks next to Thresh. Brad was still angry but looked at me weirdly.

“What’s wrong with YOU?” he hissed at me.

Thresh growled at him and Brad growled back. I snarled at Brad showing him not to mess with us and they both looked at me with surprise. Brad bent his knees though and threw himself at me but Thresh went in front of me and then he pushed him back growling with ferocity. Then teens in our high school surrounded the two guys fighting. I watched them punching and biting like wolves and I remembered when I first saw Thresh. I close my eyes and I see a tight rope/string leading towards Thresh, and then I open my eyes to see it disappeared. I close my eyes again and see Thresh at the end of the thick string. He was angry in it but I reached out to him and pulled his arms back and tried to pull but they barely budged. I think for a second and came up with an idea. I bite his neck and he reacts quickly and pulls back. I open my eyes and see him moved away from Brad feeling his neck, he stands up being the dominant one.

“This fight is over now get out of my sight you little pest.” he growls at him, that only I hear.

He looks at me and smiles and puts his arm around my waist, carefully so as not to touch my back too much, and we leave the hallway to our class. He didn’t have time to go to his locker and we sit next to each other so we didn’t have to worry. We sit in the way back and everyone watched us walk there though we didn‘t sit down. Girls still glared at me and instead of guys looking at me with disgust they look at me with curiosity and want. And still lots of girls looked at Thresh with want for him. I growled silently at them. He’s not theirs, he’s mine! Thresh looks down at me and sees me glaring at them with deadly stares. The teacher wasn’t here yet so maybe I could beat them before she comes. Then I feel Thresh’s warm and tasty lips on mine kissing me so I kiss back and close my eyes.

Thresh’s P.O.V.

I didn’t smell or hear the teacher coming at all yet or anything so I kissed Morgan to get her mind off of the other girls and guys. Then I heard a few guys whistle and holler.

“WOO, OH YEAH! SOME MAKING OUT ACTION!!” they said and laughed.

I pulled away from her slightly and smirked at them. They raised their eyebrows at me. I laugh and then do those old movie kisses by surprising her and bending down but being careful not to be too rough with her back. Which angers me to the point of a boiling rage. How DARE someone touch or hurt another who is so small and delicate even when they’re under the influence.

I kiss her with all I’ve got. The same guys whooped and hollered again at that with a few others adding to the mix. I bring Morgan back up and her eyes are lit up with happiness. I smiled and sat her down while I sat myself. I saw the girls glaring at her so I decided to do something about that. I see the teacher come in at the same time and already started talking nonsense. I send a note to Morgan saying what I’m gonna do.

Gonna play a prank on the girls don’t get mad if I say some things that aren’t true. Or do something that makes you jealous. But that’s how I’m gonna get at them.

She quickly reads it and hands one back.

K , good luck (don’t get in trouble!) J

I nodded at her and then leaned over to the girl in front of me, which is the most popular girl in school and top person to get news to spread. I check to see if anybody is looking at me. Nobody was so I did this quick where nobody saw what happened. I bite the girl’s ear hard enough to draw blood on her ear and hurt but not hard enough to get any on me.

She immediately stands up and looks at me while holding her ear lobe with shock written all over her face. Before she did, I relaxed back in my seat and made it look like I was looking at the teacher the whole time with boredom. I look at her with (fake) surprise like everybody else.

“What the fuck did you do with my ear!” she screams at me.

I look at her with a questionable face with innocence. I open my mouth to say I didn’t do a thing, when the teacher speaks up first.

“Megan, you know there’s no swearing in this classroom and you just interrupted our lecture.” she says with a disappointed look on her face.

Megan points at me with her right arm and screams at Ms. Bricheart, “But he hurt my ear somehow!”

Ms. Bricheart looks at her, “Why would he do that? He’s too new here to have a grudge on anyone here already, and he’s a wonderful student so far from what I’ve seen. And how would he hurt your ear?” she said.

“I don’t know! And he is so not! And he’s an idiot for dating an emo! An ugly bimbo is what she is!” she said looking like she wants to throw a fit.

Morgan was clenching her fists but just barely containing her anger. I stand up calmly but showing a little agitation.

“What did I do? All I did was defend her by telling you to back off from the comments.” I said innocently.

Megan was steaming but blushing from embarrassment, Morgan was smiling. Megan let out a huff and stormed out of the room and I would’ve bet money that she was blowing steam from her head.

Ms. Bricheart sighs and looks at Thresh, “I’m sorry about that Thresh why don’t you sit back down and we can get back to the lesson.” she continues what she was saying earlier.

I shrug and sit back down getting in the most comfortable way in these hard metal desks. I get a note from Morgan.

Wow, your good. Oh and also thanks but I have one question.

I write back something quick looking like I’m writing down notes of what she’s saying.

Go for it.

I send it over to her and she passes the next note after she reads it which she must have wrote earlier.

What do I need to wear over at your house?

Now that I think about I’m not sure, I say something that my parents probably wouldn’t mind what she wore.

Don’t matter just make sure it’s a little fancy but comfy also, my parents won’t mind what you wear but its nice to wear something fancy once in awhile.

I send it just in time before Ms. Bricheart saw me do it and lose my trust. Morgan reads it and nods at me then starts thinking.

My P.O.V.

I read his note, hmm, something fancy but comfy. Maybe I could wear my black and dark blue sweatshirt that’s striped on the sleeves but not on the body part of it. With an all black outside hood. And my necklace with an M on it, then my dark blue plain T-shirt and my Blood On The Dance Floor white tank top over it. My black skirt, and the black studded belt with it, the dark blue loose belt with chains on the sides of my hips. Then my striped dark blue and black socks that go so far up my legs they are about 1 inch away from my skirt. And finally my cool black combat boots that are fashionable. Well, to me and my friends at least. Yeah maybe I’ll use that outfit. Or maybe my short black dress with my necklace and black combat boots.

I decide my second option because if I’m going to date him I need to make a good impression. I then hear the bell go off and I get out of my seat, gather my books, and leave with Thresh at my side. We go to his locker first this time. He grabs his books and I drop mine in his before he closes it. He looks at me.

“What? It’s not worth going to my locker just to get the same books when we can use the same books.” I complained and shrugged.

We start laughing. He puts a hand on my shoulder.

“I can’t wait till you meet my parents, they’re gonna love ya. My parents are big fans of people with humor.” he said with laughter still in his voice.

I start laughing harder though it hurt a bit to. “Your parents are fans? Then doesn’t that make you a fan too?” I continue laughing and he starts laughing again too.

He ruffles my hair while laughing, “You’re such a dork.”

I chuckle but I finally stop laughing after a few seconds.

“Come on lets go to class before we’re late.” I say grabbing his sleeve and pulling him towards our next room.

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