The unknown

By kellynmoo

6.6K 63 39

Megan and Katie andrews are orphans past around this is their story. As Megan at 35 has Lost her beloved sist... More

The unknown
Age 14
The meeting
The outing
Moving in
The horses
Totally unexpected
What was that
Resting thinking and playing.
Now we know
explaining to myself
Love changes things
Surprises and the trip
Ready and waiting
What Next
A rare insight
Next what happens peace be with you all.
Plans have been made things must be done
date was set for today
life sometimes sorts its self out

Things work out last chapter

227 2 1
By kellynmoo

This is the last chapter I really hope you enjoy it thankyou for reading xxxx


If you would like a new book in the kids perspective let me know Im sure I can think of something xx











Chapter 24

The last chapter

Sam's POV

I had to tell my son. I had to find him. I had left it about an hour. I knew he would be waiting at his home for his wife to arrive. It had been a while since she went shopping. I would say I saw them grab her. I have to look a little flustered. I should really look concerned. The acting must begin again. I really had to be nice to the pair of them. Maybe if I explained to Samantha changing would help her to get her mother back she would do it. I had to go through with her and explain who we were. Who I and her father were. I knew she would listen to me. She trusted me.

I went to the door, I splashed water on my face to make it look like I had been sweating. I shouted as I banged on the door. This had to look as traumatic as possible. I had seen it remember I had to get help. I loved my family. (Yeah right.)

Mike opened the door; he saw my face and looked at me in complete panic. I really had him god my plan was so good. I made it out like I was crying. He took it all in. he had his arm around me.

After I told him the whole made up version of my story also my granddaughter, she was there to listed the pair of them went mad. I said to my son it was time to explain things to her. She had lived a lie for sixteen years. I told her the only way she could get stronger. She said she had already mated, that was the best thing I was going to make her show me but to be honest I believed her. I knew she would not lie to me. She would prove it at the right time. She would be a lot stronger that me and her father. I truly thought that she had both parts in her. She had griffin and horse.

I knew she was strong for a reason but it had only just clicked. I would not tell her this. They would all see for themselves and be very afraid. Now was the time that they them creatures would meet their doom. I was so happy but I had to make sure that they did not see it I had too look sad. I knew that. My plan had to work I had waited too many years for the time to be just right. I was glad I waited. It was worth it.

Mike told me he would be the one to capture the two. I had watched them for the hour after I had captured Kerry. She was too easy. I followed them to a ranch. I don't know who owned it I assume they were to buy it. It was boring. It did not look like they were a couple they looked like friends. That was so much better I would destroy all of them. I heard they were going to be there all day. They did not have their children with them. It was just the two of them. I would be able to take them one by one or If not me my son. He was making me almost proud.

The three of us made our way to the ranch with my guidance. It had a swimming pool by the looks of it. We all looked around we spotted them. The girl one of the twins was in the pool. She looked like she was laughing. I would spoil her fun if it killed me. I wanted to hurt her. I looked for the boy. I thought it would be better to get him first.

He unlike her was on the phone. It must have been to his love well I would put a stop to that and make sure she heard. I with the help of my angry son grabbed him. Samantha tied up his mouth she looked him in the eye and said you are going down for what you did to my mother. Where is she we want her back. She burst into tears at that. That was a weak move I said disappointed in her. We took him to his van. He was shoved in. I told Samantha to keep her eye on him.

We went back for the girl. She was going to be a little harder. I hated water. I noticed the phone still on the floor switched on. I spoke into it. You girl have made me angry for years your precious sister and husband are mine now. You won't see them again. The girl wept on the phone shouting at me to stop.

We grabbed the girl. She screamed. She fought not to bad for a girl I thought but not good enough.


She shouted at the top of her lungs. She must have heard her sister on the phone. I shoved her in the van with the boy. I switched off the phone. So that she could not have done of said anything else.

"Megan, I know you can hear me ok I need you to get everybody together. We need our army we have to do this side by side. Together we are one that is why we have been separated. But even they don't know we can still work together through our minds. Kalin is here too we have a plan. Get everybody you can. I have my part of the army too. I know you haven't in a long time but you need to change. Change together at the exact same time like last time and we are one."

What army. I said to her. She did know that the two of them would not be able to do anything. I shouted at her that the two of them would be killed. I had to get with the drama. We jumped in the van. Mike said he knew where they could take them to do what they had to do. Samantha sat in the back she had an evil look on her face. I admired her. She was my granddaughter after all. Apart from her crying I thought she did pretty well. I would let her help kill one of them.

We arrived at an old farm. There was a shed at the back it was sort of falling apart but it would work. We each grabbed one and went in. I would not untie them just yet. I would torture them a little first.

We stepped inside. It felt weary, I did not like it. What drove me was the look in my son's face. He has such a look of determination I knew he would kill them now.

Inside I looked about. It was very dark. The girl was crying. I slapped her. Shut the hell up I said. My son grabbed my arm. "Let me do it " he said. I sat down and looked at him. I needed a rest all this running and fighting was taking it out of me. I had ages a lot this past fifteen years.

I felt lots of hands grab me. I had no chance of fighting back. I called for my son who was now untying the two prisoners. What are you doing I called to him. He turned to me and smiled. Something I should have done a long time ago.

It dawned on me. They all knew but how. I had never spoken about it. I was given the story. It my granddaughter and son had not betrayed me I would have thought what they did very clever. But no they were on those creatures side.

I screamed. I saw Kerry. How the hell did she get out? Oh god that was why it was so easy. I was a fool. I told them I would leave them all in peace. My son said he could not accept that he knew how my mind worked. I said Tia helped me. They were all clueless. I told them my inner most secret. I had never told about her before. She was my twin but she lived in my head.

I saw somebody sort of familiar. She spoke so much like Tia. "Sam, she said. The day you lost your mother and your twin. I also lost mine. I have never spoken about it either. I believe you, I have heard my twin since the day it died but you know what. I am on pills. I have a condition. If I do not take my pills I have a voice telling me to do things. Bad things. My mother noticed when I was a lot younger. I take these pills to stop the voice and to be myself. We have that problem when we loose twins. We feel a part missing. We hope and pry that the voice is our twin but really it is not."

I sort of believed her. My twin died. I knew that. Maybe a doctor could help. I have never been to one. I was chucked out by my father. The only one I was close too was my very own voice Tia. I knew things I had done were bad.

What are you going to do to me I asked. My son looked at me. "I should really kill you but then that would make me as bad as you. You killed my mother in front of me. You captured my wife/ you killed so many of these nice people. Maybe I should let them do it. You know get vengeance but I doubt they would. They are family for one. All of them are."

I looked at him and cried for the first time ever in my life. I had been a sad angry old man all my life. I wanted to change. I knew how stupid I had been. I did not see them as family.

Katie's POV

He did not look as bad as they made out. Yes he was evil, he had problems. If what my grandmother had said was true then he did need to see a doctor. He cried. I did not expect that. I had to be the one to say that I thought we should give him another chance. I knew he was truly sorry in his heart. He even bowed to the four of us. We would all make sure he went to he doctors. You know this has been a lot of years. I knew my sister would stop min. we were a team we all were. I was back with my beloved sister and my gorgeous Tommy. We had our three children and niece and nephews. I loved them all I would love to have another and not actually have to worry. Maybe thinking up a plan with Megan. I did no know is she wanted anymore but you know what. Where ever our children go who they end up with and who they turn out to be. I know that we will be happy. Sam decided there and then to book into a hospital. We were going to take him so he did not feel as bad.

For years he had had the illness and did not know.

1 year later.

It was time. We were seeing all the kids off. I was a little upset. I say all the kids but you know what. I have a new born well two actually. I have a Daughter and a Son. I named my beautiful girl after my Great Grandmothers sister Jess and my son I named Adain. You know it really made Sam's day. With the medication he was taking he was a different person. He had decided to help with what he could. Mike as it urns out was a doctor and his Daughter Samantha was following in his footsteps. She was a great girl. Since the visions were over with she and Jakeub drifter apart a little I think it was to be themselves.

The kids were off to college. They were all sharing a house near their college. I think Samantha was joining them. In all truths I did not know if she would. She wanted so much to be like her father. He had gotten her a job at his hospital part time where she could go to a closer college to study being a doctor.

Megan and Kalin have a daughter. I really did not know why I thought she would have twins too but she did not. Her daughter Jasmine was beautiful. She had her own power. She could scream for Britain. Tommy and I along with Megan and Kalin went back home. We were ready for a peaceful life. We earned it.

We were no longer orphans who did not know who we where were. We knew. We had a family that loved us. We were unicorns. We were friends with griffins. We were Queens.

What more could we really ask for.

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