The Gangleader's Obsession ✔️

By shanibhani

46.6K 1.9K 153

🥉🥉Third Place in 'New Adult' Platinum Award 2020🥉🥉 Book 1 in The Gangleader's Obsession duology. Blurb: ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The End
Poems for the Characters

Chapter 6

1.8K 79 4
By shanibhani

I went under the tub and was surprised to find myself in the vent. This was not the normal iron vents but wooden ones. They were located between the floors of the rooms upstairs and the ceiling of the rooms downstairs.

They were also within the walls in every part of the room. When we bought the house, the real estate agent said that it was to give the house proper ventilation and I believed him but I now see that it was all a lie.

It was an escape route.

Pushing the thought out of my mind, I crawled west trying to find a way out, first from the vent and then the house. The bathroom was at the eastern end of the house so trying to go east would be a dead end. I came to a crossway at the end of the vent; there was one going up to the roof and one going down underground.

So, it's now decision time. Should I go up or down?

If I go up I will end up on the roof and may be seen by one of Knight's friends.

I've been through this enough times to know you never come alone, there's always backup. Unless of course, you're John Wick, that man is phenomenal.

Okay, head in the game. If I go down I may getaway in the sewers.

Well then... The sewers it is. It's better than being killed or kidnapped.

I managed to put my head through the vent at the top, I then pulled my body upwards so that my right foot was on the edge of the vent and the other on the wall of the vent.

I did gymnastics for 4 years when I was a kid so this was a trip down memory lane for my body. Moreover, being with Brad it was necessary to be flexible at times.

All right, so I'm heading down but... the noise was my next problem.

I knew that if I allowed myself to fall it will make a sound and someone would notice me so I decided to stay still and listen for a sign to make my move.

Aka falling.

I heard the voice of the doctor talking to someone it was muffled but I made out a 'yes sir' and 'it will be done'. Then after he and Dedres –I mean Bromez talked and I heard a thud.

As if on instinct, I let go and I tumbled down the vent into a dark, congested place.

I picked myself off the dusty ground and stood up. I listened. I was anxious to know if someone had heard my harsh introduction to the floor. My heart drummed in my ear but I soon calmed down.

I heard no footsteps approach the area that I was at. That was close.

The area was not like the vent that was lightly illuminated, it was pitch black, and I was feeling uneasy in here. I suddenly remembered the phone Bromez gave me.

Who knew they still made these little Nokias. These are some ancient shit.

I took out the phone and turned on the light at the top of it. As I looked around, I saw dust particles dancing in the light and cobwebs all around.

With the light as my guide, I walked forward to see a tunnel in front of me. By the looks of it, it was here before we moved here. I walked further into the tunnel and as I looked around cobwebs, spiders and dust were what I saw, other than wooden frames that outlined the tunnel.

I walked for what seemed like hours but as I glanced at the phone, I saw that it was only 15 minutes. I was about to give up hope when I saw a ladder that led up to a small door overhead.

I ran and grabbed the ladder then pulled myself up to the door and open it. With a thud, it opened and my heart felt relieved. I was in the driveway— actually, the door was built in it.

Just as I was about to pull myself up and make a run for it. Screech. I turned my head around just in time to see a car heading for a direct collision with my face.

Whoever was behind the wheel hit the brakes as quickly as they could.

I almost died! I thought, my life flashing before my eyes.

I stood there my body in shock; the car bumper was an inch away from my face. A man ran out of the car towards me. His face was pale and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Brad. It was Brad.

He pulled me into his embrace and kissed my hair.

"I thought I lost you," he said.

Snapping out of my state of shock, I screamed and Brad whipped his head around to see a gun pointed towards us.

"Came back for your little bitch," the man holding the gun said. "Tsk, tsk wrong move—"

He didn't have time to finish as Brad grabbed his arm twisting it, causing the gun to fall and kicked out his legs. The man fell to his knees and yelped in pain. Brad then pulled the gun from his waist and he shot him in his back. He fell instantly.

My eyes widened. Who is this man? Just who did I marry?!

Shaking my head, I snapped myself out of my state of shock before climbing out of the tunnel and shakily rising to my feet. Brad reached out to touch me but I backed away from him.

Oh no, you sir have explaining to do.

"Brad, what's happening?" I demanded.

"I'll explain but, we need to move. This is not the plac–."

Just as he said that, a bullet shot through the air and hit him in the shoulder. I jumped in shock, releasing a scream and ducked behind the car as bullets came down like rain.

Brad fell to the ground and crawled towards me I was shaking slightly; it had been a while since I've been in a situation like this. I worked so hard so I never have to go through it again, yet here I was!

"Nia, open the car door and slip in now," he said as he compressed his wound.

I was hesitant. The memories of my past, spinning in my head. I was back at square one. I was–

"Now Nia!" he yelled and I snapped out of it.

Come on Shania, fight now and cry over your fucked up life later.

Nodding, I crawled from the back of the car up to the car door that was thankfully away from the range of fire. I opened it and began to crawl in when someone snuck up behind me.

He held my waist and attempted to pull me away from the car but I elbowed him in his gut then stepped on his foot. He pushed me out of his arms; quickly I spun around and kicked him in his face.

He fell unconscious.

Dad's lessons paid off... Filthy crap. I thought as I kicked the man again.

I was then surprised by the sound of a bullet cutting through the air and landing a foot away from me. Hurriedly, I dropped to the ground and crawled into the car.

I grabbed the steering wheel, starting the engine. As the engine revved, Brad ran from behind the car towards the road shooting at every man he saw. Putting the car in drive, I pressed gas heading towards the house. I made a well-executed U-turn, the tires screeching loudly and the car bumper hit a woman who was approaching the scene from the house. She was sent flying.

Not wishing to remain here any longer, I pressed gas and sped out the driveway. Opening the passenger door, I hit the brakes and stopped directly beside Brad.

"GET IN!" I shouted.

He dove in, and I took off, the door closing by itself as we sped down the street. Being pursuit by three black Audis.

BOOM! Brad looked behind to see our house go up into flames while I watched from the rear-view mirror.

Our home, my new life all gone...

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