Ask Loki, The God of Mischief

By TomHiddlesLoki

147K 3.3K 1.6K

Greetings Mortals. As part of my punishment in Asgard for attempting to do something useful with your race, m... More

Ask The God of Mischief
First question
second question.
third question
fourth question
fifth question
sixth question
seventh question
eighth, ninth and tenth question
eleventh, twelfths and thirteenth question
fourteenth question
fifteenth question
16th question
Small note to readers. Please read!!!!
seventeenth question
eighteenth and nineteenth question
20th and 21st question
22nd question
23rd and 24th questions
25th 26th chapter
27th and 28th question
29th question
30th and 31st and 32nd question
33rd and 34th question
35th 36th 37th 38th 30th 40th questions
41st and 42nd question
43rd 45th 46th question
47th and 48th question
49th 50th 51st 52nd 53rd, 54th questions
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62nd-66th question
67th 68th questions
69th 70th 71st question
72nd- 74th Question
76-80th questions
81-84th question
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99th question
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106th-111th questions
Chapter 112-117th questions
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145th- 149th questions
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255th question- 259th questions
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297th-303rd questions!!
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340th-347th questions
348th-373rd Questions (WOW!)
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188th -193rd questions
Under House Arrest
294th-301st questions
302-307th questions
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343rd-350th questions
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365th 375th
376th-340th questions
387th- 394th
418th-425th questions
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443rd-453rd questions
462th- 472nd
491st-503rd questions
Happy Ragnorök Mortals.
568th-589th questions
I lost count of the number....ehehe
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232nd-242nd questions

923 15 4
By TomHiddlesLoki

thebrat95203: ok i guess i can do that, I Katrina the most psychotic of the psycho pixies pledge my undying loyalty to you King Loki, who by all rights should be ruler of Misgard and Asgard 

Otay then *sends a bowl of home-made pudding and cookies*

And i've know about the site for a while now, i was speaking about the question thing, and cant help it if i annoy you, its in my nature.

If you had to choice between ruling Misgard or Asgard which would you choice?

Oh and tell Thor i said hi! And he needs a fashion counselor!


I would rule Asgard if I had a choice. It is my home. But Thor is next in line for the throne so chances of me being king here are close to zero percent. But I will come up with something. However, Midgard will also be under my rule someday.

(Thor- how dare thee tell the Son of Odin that he needs a fasion councelor!)

 Boo_bear24: Yes! I have a new family! Thank you Lord Loki, and I don't know how to pledge I've never pledged to anything before. And have you heard of the boy band one direction. I don't really like them I just wanna know!


Just repeat these words:

I (insert name here) pledge loyalty to Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief and rightful ruler of Asgard and Midgard. I shall obey his every command and become a part of his most loyal army of Midgardians.

I have heard of this band. I'm rather indiffernt to their music.

(Thor- are you serious brother? This mortla bamd is amazing!) 

 Tym_Lady_of_Galifrey:   Eh i forgot my question from before but I have a slight problem...i'm on asgard with the master but i don't know where or when.and we're kinda stuck here because the TARDIS is having a short power outage..all i know is that just a few seconds ago a little you ran past me with a little PINK haired thor chasing him....and an angry mama chasing you both...(Master- I told you we should've checked the time petrometer) shut up....(Master- no...I dont think i will) SHUT UP!! can you help lokiki?? oh and WHY IS THOR's HAIR PINK??


Ahh, I believe your time device brought you to my childhood eons ago. 

Let's see if I remember, Thor's hair is pink because I was practicing magic on him. He never did catch me. Mother did though.... 

To get back just set the time petrometer in your TARDIS to modern time in Asgard and you should arrive here.


*hidden* Okay so I dealt with the Hulk by jumping out the fifteenth-floor window of Stark Tower and climbed down the building, it really wasn't that hard....and the Hulk pretty much destroyed Stark Tower. XD Now Natasha's next on my hit list....lets see what I can do to her hair and catsuit....*unhidden* Yes, I am sending you poptarts and vanilla pudding. Thor can eat the poptarts, I don't care.... ~James


I asked for chocolate pudding mortal.  >:( 


i just made you king by killing farbauti (our mother) but i am ruling it for now. Thor tell odin that we can make a truce and i might keep it but only if he lets Loki out will i make that truce. good-bye for now brother and Thor.


I see..... 

(Thor- I have informed Odin of your request)

(Odin- If those are the terms of the truce than Im afraid I will have to decline. Loki must pay for what he has done. I have no quarrel with you, do not give me reason to declare war on Jotunheim. It will not end in your favor)


My friend sent me my white lion to pick me u and take me back to her house so that's where I'm headed. So this is a random question but do you like cartoons and/or animated movies?


I have not watched any. There are no TV's in Asgard. 


Ebony could get pregers now really, she is old enough. To bad I can't come visit you! :( anyways, Ebony and Havoc could start a kitty family now, but of course she needs to conceive first. Has Ebony been acting strange lately? ~Cleo


Now that you mention it, she has been acting strangly. And Havoc has been very protective of her..... I think she's expecting kitties....They grow up so fast *snif snif

 InfinitiMe:   Woah this is weird and odd but hey what's an eternity of living if you can't live!! HI!!


I know, right? 

I have an eternity to live and I have to live it locked up. 


thank you for the dedication!!


you're welcome. 

~Loki of Asgard

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