eighth, ninth and tenth question

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Loki, what would you do if you were stripped of your powers and made human and turned into a 16 year old boy?

What type of person would u be in high school? (Example: nerd, jock, popular...etc)

If u were mortal, what kind of job would u wang as an adult?


If I were stripped of my powers, turned into a mortal and made into a young boy, I would come up with a master plan to take over the world now that I am disguised as a midgardian. haha!All you mere mortals would kneel before me!!!! though 16 is quite young even for a mortal...... I may wait untill I am older to conquer Midgard.... I do not understand why you mortals attend this "high school" In Asgard, we learn at our dwellings. Our own parents teach us what we need to know (unless you're wealthy or royalty like myslelf, then you get a personal tutor) I believe that going to a location to study in large groups is utterly retarded. Though If I did attend this "high school" I believe I would be the smartest student to attend this school and very liked through out the school. I would destroy anyone who challenges my leadership in school and EVERYONE SHALL BOW DOWN TO ME!! *cough you didnt need to hear that *cough If I were mortal I would be the world's ruler. (Thor-thats not possible because Midgard is divided into nations) Fine then I'll be the most powerful nation's king. (Thor- Im quite sure this mortal means that if you were a normal mortal what job would you have? ) I guess I would be a politician. I really dont know.

Breanna Pierson:

loki i was wondering is there a way for a 1/2 demon to weakin her powers so she could learn to control them properly ? i am asking this because i am unable to control my ablities and they are getting very unstable and it is starting to be dangerous for me to be around people so any type of help you could give would be great !!my powers are weak at most times during those times i am able to kind of control them but it depends on my feelings, negitive feelings make my powers stronger though still in control. the only times they are uncontrolable is during an eclipse,on my birthday,and during a new moon . at those times i end up sedating myself until it is over. i do have 1 day a month that my powers are not active at all on a full moon i turn completely human .


Hmm.... son (or daughter) of Pier, thats an intresting question...

From what I know about your kind, I believe that being in a frigid enviroment tends to weaken you or some kind of holy symbol.

I recommend you sedate yourself during new moons, eclipses, and birthdays until you can control your abilities properly.

Also, if you know any demons [like your father (im assuming your father is a demon because its most common)] ask for their help to master your abilities.

If you have trouble with your emotions, maybe consentrate on the one that cotrols your abilities most (happiness, love?) if something angers you shrug it off.

I hope I managed to help a bit.

(Thor- Im surprised you helped her atall)

Im only cruel to those who deserve it brother. This half-demon merely asked for assistance wth something she cannot control. She is only trying to help herself master her abilities. Now shut your mouth brother and do not bore me with your comments Thor.


Ok, in mythology, didnt Odin make one of your children a wolf and banish him to Midgard, and make one a horse? and I work for Nick Fury (undercover)(really works for you) so I give you your septer back anytime.


I dont know were you heard that from but my son Fenrir took the wolf form (willingly) and was never banished to Midgard. And I gave birth to the horse personally (yes it hurt like hell). Odin never cursed any of my children.

If you have any information on Fury that I should know please inform me. Also, I used some of the magic I have left (because Odin weakened it so I cannot escape) and your question and this answer is blocked from Odin and Thor's sight so that they wont know you are spying on Fury and SHIELD. Youre welcome mortal. Next time, be careful what you write her, for our enemies can see this.

~Loki out

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(A/N Car1030, if you're confused about Loki's children, go to this website. http://www.vikingage.com/vac/lokis-kids.html It should telly ou about his children.)

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