Red Vengeance Vampire Knight...

By SkyAngel_

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Peace? What a joke... If there were such a thing like peace then there wouldn't be all these damn wars. Sure... More

Red Vengeance (Vampire Knight Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
!~Tag Challenge~!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Epilogue
Author's Note
Hello again!

Chapter 27

159 16 8
By SkyAngel_

Wow guys, this story is about to finally wrap up soon.  It seems crazy to me that I'm about to finish writing another book.  It probably won't end for roughly about five or more chapters, but I'd still like to thank you all now for your love and support.  Thank you:).

I hope you enjoy this chapter!  Oh, and also this chapter will be in 3rd point of view, centered around Kaien.



Kaien's P.O.V.

Sadness washes over Kaien like a tsunami as he watches Hitomi disappear through the darkness.  He's seen that same determined, hateful gaze before on himself when he was a younger, more inexperienced vampire hunter. 

So, one thing he knows about it is that there is no way chasing after her will do anyone any good.  The only way to keep Hitomi alive and save Eri is if Kaien takes things into his own hands.

And that means enlisting the assistance of some of his oldest friends. Juri and Haruka Kuran.

He just hopes that they will be able to help him.  Without their help, Kaien isn't so sure things will turn for the best.  Without them, he isn't so sure he, Hitomi, and Eri will survive the night.

Kaien takes a deep breath and grabs his things, before disappearing into the darkness himself.


The violent fall wind whips at Kaien's light blond hair, causing his ponytail to fall loose and the escaped strands to fly all about.  However, Kaien hardly even notices.  He is too focused on his objective.  Getting through the dense woods to Juri and Haruka Kuran's mansion.

Dead leaves crunch under Kaien's boots as he steps over a large fallen branch.  He winces at the noise.  He cannot help but be cautious.  The night is dark with there being only a sliver of light from the silver moon, it is the perfect night for level e's to be on the prowl. 

Kaien continues on his way, heightened senses looking and listening, but not seeing or hearing anything.


Kaien swiftly turns towards where the noise came from, sword already poised and ready for a fight.

Instead of a level e, young Kaname Kuran steps from the darkness, longish brown hair falling into his angelic face.

Kaien visibly relaxes at the sight of his friends' son's appearance.

"Hello, Mr. Cross." The vampire boy greets with a polite smile. "My parents told me to come and escort you to our estate."

Kaien grins. "Yes, thank you very much!"

At that the blond follows the younger boy through the woods towards the Kuran estate.

"You have grown since the last time I saw you, Kaname. How has your family been?" Kaien inquires.

Kaname shrugs nonchalantly. "They have been doing well. Mother and father have been busy with work and Yuki has been learning more about being a vampire.  As for myself, I have been studying as well."

"That's good!" Kaien smiles widely at the mention of Yuki, she is one of the cutest little girls he had ever seen. Tied with Eri of course.

At the remembrance of the stolen little girl, Kaien feels a sadness poke at his heart. In the short time he's known her, he's grown to love Eri like a daughter.  And despite Hitomi's
un-lovableness, he has grown to deeply care for her as well.

"We are here." Kaname announces as the Kuran's elegant mansion comes into view.

With the mansion's sweeping curves and intricately formed stones, Kaien can't help but feel in awe at the house. No matter how many times he sees it, he doesn't think he will ever get used to the beautiful and powerful structure.

Kaien follows closely behind Kaname as he leads him up the marble stairs and into the mansion. Once inside Kaname brings him upstairs to where his parent's office is.

Inside Juri and Haruka wait with little Yuki scooped up in Juri's arms.

"Kaien." Juri greets with a stunning smile as she sets her dark haired daughter on the ground. "It is great to see you."

"Kaien!" Yuki calls sweetly, nearly a twin of her mother.

As soon as she steps on to the floor Yuki scurries over to the hunter and wraps her slender arms around his legs in an embrace.

"Yuki, you are too cute!" Kaien coos, hugging the child back.

"What brings us the pleasure of your visit?" Haruka chuckles, eyes shining kindly.

Kaien takes a breath. "I think that it is best we discuss why I am here in private."

Haruka nods and then turns to Kaname. "Go and play with your sister, Kaname. The adults need to talk."

"Yes, father." Kaname says, taking Yuki's hand and leading her from the room.

Juri shuts the door behind them once they leave. "What is it, Kaien? You don't seem like yourself, has something terrible happened?" Juri asks, delicate brows crumpled in concern.

"Yes, and I need your help." At that the vampire hunter launches into a detailed description about all that has happened since he met with Hitomi up until that moment.

"I see."  Haruka says after Kaien had finished explaining. "It seems like a lot has happened since we have last visited with you."

Juri brushes back a piece of her long, brown hair. "Yes, it seems it has."  She agrees with her husband.  "But do not worry any longer, Kaien. We will help you in any way we can to save the child and her mother. Against two Purebloods and two Hunter's, Vasile Brandeis does not stand a chance no matter how many lackeys he has."

"Not to mention," Haruka adds, "though Hitomi may have a head start on you she still has to locate the Brandeis estate, while Juri and I already know the estate's location. We can still beat her to the estate if we hurry."

"Thank you both." Kaien says, though his eyes are on Juri. "I am in your debt."

Juri shakes her head, dark hair flying. "No, Kaien.  You owe us nothing." She says adamantly.

Haruka places a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Juri is right, you don't owe us at all. We are only doing what you would do if we came to you in need of your aid."

"That's true." Kaien relents. "And if you ever do need assistance, do not even hesitate to come to me. I'd walk to the ends of this Earth and back for you both."

Juri smiles. "Thank you, Kaien. You are a true friend."

Kaien returns the smile. "You are too."  Then adds, "Both of you."

Haruka smiles and then calls for Kaname. The young boy shows up moments later with his younger sister in tow. "Kaname, can you handle looking after the estate and your sister for a little while? Your mother and I have business to attend to."

"Of course. How long will you be gone?"

Haruka ponders this. "A couple hours at best, but be prepared that it may take longer."

Kaname nods. "Alright, I will."

Then, the three adults take leave. Thus leaving Kaname to watch over the estate and his younger sister.

However, Kaien is not worried for them. He knows that Kaname is a responsible child and will look after the estate well.  Not to mention, Kaien knows Kaname would resort to anything to protect his younger sister.

Just like Hitomi would for her own daughter and Kaien for his friends.

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